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Where Is Gold Going In This Market

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I only post on ThighVisa when tuned on to a synchronicity.

Did you just pass a turd?

No really, the interview with Turd by Chris?

Chris: "Turd, I'm thrilled to have you on this week to help make sense of all this drama. Welcome."

Turd: "Thank you, Chris. It is my pleasure, and it's a real honor to get a chance to chat with you."

Chris: "Oh, the pleasure's ours. Before we dive into the details here, can you give us a little more background about your worldview?"

Turd: " Well, I guess we come at it from a number of different directions. I guess in the end, it's almost just a real-world experience. I find reality is always the best place to start. I think we are rapidly approaching the endgame. And so knowing that that moment is coming, I guess it kind of falls upon all of us to – if we've seen, if we've had a vision of that future while surfing the timewave, we're not supposed to just keep that candle under a bushel basket. We're supposed to go out and try to tell as many people as we can to cheer them up, and that's what I try to do."

Chris: "Yeah. I've seen that great endgame as well. It's just a natural one. And it's a very simple process to understand. The timewave comes, you jump on your surfboard, and you just spiral around that. Off we go, wheee. So I .."

Turd interjects: "Exactly. High five dude!"

Chris: "Yep. Yeah. If you can, do it."

Turd: "People wondered how it is I'm able to do it – well, you mentioned earlier, Chris, surf the timewave with some relatively high degree of skill. I can do that because I can see when they're going to act. I mean, its pretty basic stuff, but once you admit to yourself that surfing the timewave does take place, it makes forecasting pretty easy.”

Chris: "I think that's incredible, that really resonates. But history is very clear on this. I know you said you like to keep it simple."

Turd: " Yes. Exactly."

Chris: "Very simple. I mean, how simple should you go?

Turd: "Exactly. It's going to be like that quite a ways into the future. So I guess the ultimate question is at who's behest are they doing this? But, nonetheless, they're in there to create the illusion. So I do see a time, Chris, where, okay, hey, all the problems are fixed. I mean, what do I know? But that's the way I'm planning it. I see that happening so I'm planting."

Chris: "That's what I'm looking at too. And I thought, well, that's a decent starting place. And, of course, people were laughing at me because I was stoned ... because when I hold that view of a glorious future. That was crazy talk."

Turd: "Yeah. Look. And we mentioned it already, every little ting gonna be alright. It sounds – and I know the funny looks I get from family and friends sometimes when I smoke this stuff."

Chris: " Yeah man. Yeah."

Turd: "Yep, [garbled] ... Name calling, and it just turns me off. And so the number one rule of life is you got to, like I said, treat others the way you want to be treated."

Chris comments: “The important mission here, in Turd's mind, is to realize that the reality we have come to accept as "normal" is over, and to take protective action. And once you have done so, to try to help those around you wake up to that fact -- a major challenge, as most people don't want to think about it.”

Turd replies: “The last thing I would add to that, Chris, and one that's challenging, and I'm sure you've seen this too surfing the timewave, is where we are headed is unlike anywhere where we've been, at least in recent memory. So don't rely on memories, you've got to create your own future. And so you got to kind of prepare yourself that tomorrow's not going to be like today, that we're in a new paradigm and tomorrow will be just like tomorrow when it's today."

Turd concludes: “And try to intellectually figure out, okay, how do I survive and prosper in this new world knowing that it's coming? And that's what I try to do. I know that's what you try to do. And it's our job, Chris, to try and cheer them up as much as we can.”

Chris: "So, Turd, I just want to thank you so much for your time."

Turd: "Chris, my pleasure. Anytime you'd like to do it again, we'll do it."

Chris: "Whooa, man, did you just let one rip?"

Turd: "Who smelt it dealt it."

Chris: "Fantastic. Thank you. This is Chris signing off."


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this is definitely the wrong person to do this to :lol:

I only post on ThaiVisa when I've landed on solid ground.

Gerald Celente, George Carlin, good comedians. I enjoyed Celente's act, milking the loss of a FEW DOLLARS for it's full worth , "Whaaah I lost ALL my money! Boo hoo!" We all know that wily fox is on top of the game and left some paper hooks dangling in the market. Now he's landed a big fish - MF Global - he can play act fisherman - "Let me tell you about the bigger one that got away" - or shocked small fry - "My investments/market/future is uncertain" - and push his ideas. Clever, and funny. But that's the new trend, isn't it?

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this is definitely the wrong person to do this to :lol:

I only post on ThaiVisa when I've landed on solid ground.

Gerald Celente, George Carlin, good comedians. I enjoyed Celente's act, milking the loss of a FEW DOLLARS for it's full worth , "Whaaah I lost ALL my money! Boo hoo!" We all know that wily fox is on top of the game and left some paper hooks dangling in the market. Now he's landed a big fish - MF Global - he can play act fisherman - "Let me tell you about the bigger one that got away" - or shocked small fry - "My investments/market/future is uncertain" - and push his ideas. Clever, and funny. But that's the new trend, isn't it?

and indeed we should make make the most of every opportunity to laugh along with them while we have the right to do so

just in case that could change in the future ( based on history ) :ph34r:

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:lol: ... indeed we should ... make the most of every opportunity to laugh along with them ... we have the right to do so ...

I only post on ThaiVisa when I've dined on good food.

Based on history = :ph34r:

Create your future = :lol:

Make the most of your right at every opportunity to laugh at yourself. At the end, you're a success if you're able to make other people laugh and be happy. When the curvy ghosts hover around your bed and the doctor's advice is "I give him 3 minutes, his time is almost up", you can wink, "Time enough for me."

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I enjoyed Celente's act, milking the loss of a FEW DOLLARS for it's full worth , "Whaaah I lost ALL my money! Boo hoo!" We all know that wily fox is on top of the game and left some paper hooks dangling in the market. Now he's landed a big fish - MF Global - he can play act fisherman - "Let me tell you about the bigger one that got away" - or shocked small fry - "My investments/market/future is uncertain" - and push his ideas. Clever, and funny. But that's the new trend, isn't it?

actually you are dead right about him milking this story for all it's worth and I don't blame him :lol:

and it depends if you think a six figure sum is just a a few dollars? :)

see the post from ronz28 - #10656 on this thread

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Naam did not increase his gold holdings and neither did Mrs Naam :ph34r:

given your abysmal history of investing that screams that it is time to buy... sorry, let me translate into baby talk... "Naam did not increase his gold holdings so that means it is time for fritter to buy gold"

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actually you are dead right ....milking this story for all it's worth :lol:

if you think a six figure sum is just a a few dollars? :)

I only post on ThaiVisa when I've watched it on RussiaToday, go Max and Wacky!

Mr Midas, nice touch on the follow up, thanks. I was thinking "Tinker/tailor/soldier/sailor/fisherman" if he only uses the F'ed of the MF joke. "Fireman/fool" if he uses the full MF joke. So I was wrong about him, he is still funny, not sure about clever, or his abilities to see the future. To be one month out is too far out if you play game time watch chronograph minutes seconds.

Smart cookie: Gerald Celente is back to answer some questions. He's been hit in the, the crossfire, so Gerald what happened? I have to get straight to the point, you're in the cross hairs now, and ask about MF Global, I understand you got cooked in the crossfire actually, so what happened?

Celente: As you said, I was playing with fire, playing, you know, fireman, with paper and a lighter, and I got burned, I got burned real bad, I'm bleeding, it's the 3rd degree all over. I had a very simple strategy. As you know I've been bullish on gold for many years. So, when I see a future, I buy a future, and I keep buying futures until I take physical delivery. I was waiting for delivery, and ... well they took my money. They took my money! Out of my account! Six figuressss! And they have it, and I can't get any answers, and I can't get my money!

Smart cookie: OK, Gerald, to stick with you for just a minute. You, you're supposed, you're a "trendspotter" right? You've been a big proponent of physical gold for a long time, and, and that, so that you didn't have to deal with the liability of incorrect forecasting, futures contracts, or other precious metals' derivatives, so what happened here, what the heck happened?

Celente; Oh, I try do both. I buy for position, but I also trade for position. So I buy a contract in the future "knowing" that I'm going to take possession of it. Yes, it's a form of gambling. I gambled on my future, and I wiped out, I got burned surfing the timewave. I had a position to take possession, And I got my timing wrong, tick tock. I had December contracts, for trucks sake! I was going to take possession of my gold, this December! Less then a month away! But the big wave come, and ...

Smart cookie: [Laughing] Surf's up!

Celente: .. and I crashed! Reality called me on Monday; "Time's up, you're not getting anything."

Smart cookie: [Laughing]

Celente: Now I'm MF'ed OK! Because I don't have any, they have my money! They have MY MONEY!

Smart cookie: [Laughing] Gerald, that's so absurd, that's such a bummer dude. Hitting a speed bump like that. Thank you for telling us, and we're so sorry about you're money. That was Gerald Celente.

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actually you are dead right ....milking this story for all it's worth :lol:

if you think a six figure sum is just a a few dollars? :)

I only post on ThaiVisa when I've watched it on RussiaToday, go Max and Wacky!

Mr Midas, nice touch on the follow up, thanks. I was thinking "Tinker/tailor/soldier/sailor/fisherman" if he only uses the F'ed of the MF joke. "Fireman/fool" if he uses the full MF joke. So I was wrong about him, he is still funny, not sure about clever, or his abilities to see the future. To be one month out is too far out if you play game time watch chronograph minutes seconds.

I have to admit part of the reason I like him is I have this fascination for the way people from the Bronx speak B)

One of my favourite lines from the movie Carlito's Way

" If you can't see the angles no more, you're in trouble " :D

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Naam did not increase his gold holdings and neither did Mrs Naam :ph34r:

given your abysmal history of investing that screams that it is time to buy... sorry, let me translate into baby talk... "Naam did not increase his gold holdings so that means it is time for fritter to buy gold"

what does a little big-mouthed poor boy know about my investing? :lol:

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Could Europe’s gold (help)solve the debt crisis?

'Germany has rejected this possibility, but that doesn’t mean the ECB and other central banks can’t figure out a way for Italy, Spain and Greece to use their gold.'


Germany has issues with where its gold is or is not and so perhaps does not want to dig too deep ... :rolleyes:

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Germany has issues with where its gold is or is not and so perhaps does not want to dig too deep ... :rolleyes:

Germany doesn't have issues in this respect but those foreign "conspirationists", who would have loved to throw dirt on the "pillar of Europe" :) , have issues. they should consult a shrink and order rubber sheets to get rid of their hallucinations as well as to protect their mattresses from the result of wet dreams :lol:

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Germany has issues with where its gold is or is not and so perhaps does not want to dig too deep ... :rolleyes:

Germany doesn't have issues in this respect but those foreign "conspirationists", who would have loved to throw dirt on the "pillar of Europe" :) , have issues. they should consult a shrink and order rubber sheets to get rid of their hallucinations as well as to protect their mattresses from the result of wet dreams :lol:

'Former Bundesbank chairman Hans-Helmut Kotz told Stern magazine in 2004, “The largest share of our gold reserves are held in the Federal Reserve Bank, the Bank of England and the Banque de France. In that order.”


and of course audited and safe :rolleyes:

and if a large portion is in France why not at least transport that back ..unless :o

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I only post on ThaiVisa when I've scored on a bonus ball.

Midas: Classy surfing moves, one-liners from old-timers.

Turd: The number one rule of fight club was, no name calling.

wooza: Are Glitteree and Stickman the same person? Their posts make ... sense.

numb: What sense, pray tell?

Shokdee: Answer your own prayers, use your sixth sense.

Mrs Shokdee: I always thought a high forehead was a sign of intelligence but some pussies can't keep their stash at about Dick's length. My papee gave me some advice as he threw me off the express train. "You're going to grow to have a big mouth, a big chip on your shoulder, a big dick, and a big stash. Just don't tell them about your snatch."

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Germany has issues with where its gold is or is not and so perhaps does not want to dig too deep ... :rolleyes:

Germany doesn't have issues in this respect but those foreign "conspirationists", who would have loved to throw dirt on the "pillar of Europe" :) , have issues. they should consult a shrink and order rubber sheets to get rid of their hallucinations as well as to protect their mattresses from the result of wet dreams :lol:

'Former Bundesbank chairman Hans-Helmut Kotz told Stern magazine in 2004, “The largest share of our gold reserves are held in the Federal Reserve Bank, the Bank of England and the Banque de France. In that order.”


and of course audited and safe :rolleyes:

and if a large portion is in France why not at least transport that back ..unless :o

why waste a huge amount of money by transporting gold to a secure site which has to be built for a huge amount of money? logistics and cost accounting are not your strong virtues Churchill, right?

but whatever, the location or existence of Germany's gold holding is not relevant to "where is gold going in this market?" as well as to the €URopean debt situation... except in wet dream hallucinations starring B.S. Bilderberg and B.J. Illuminati (granddaughter of Goldfinger) robbing the world's only asset which possesses intrinsic and monetary value.

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Germany has issues with where its gold is or is not and so perhaps does not want to dig too deep ... :rolleyes:

Germany doesn't have issues in this respect but those foreign "conspirationists", who would have loved to throw dirt on the "pillar of Europe" :) , have issues. they should consult a shrink and order rubber sheets to get rid of their hallucinations as well as to protect their mattresses from the result of wet dreams :lol:

'Former Bundesbank chairman Hans-Helmut Kotz told Stern magazine in 2004, "The largest share of our gold reserves are held in the Federal Reserve Bank, the Bank of England and the Banque de France. In that order."


and of course audited and safe :rolleyes:

and if a large portion is in France why not at least transport that back ..unless :o

why waste a huge amount of money by transporting gold to a secure site which has to be built for a huge amount of money? logistics and cost accounting are not your strong virtues Churchill, right?

but whatever, the location or existence of Germany's gold holding is not relevant to "where is gold going in this market?" as well as to the €URopean debt situation... except in wet dream hallucinations starring B.S. Bilderberg and B.J. Illuminati (granddaughter of Goldfinger) robbing the world's only asset which possesses intrinsic and monetary value.

At least Churchill doesn't smoke crack and then write jibberish posts

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Gold would be the big beneficiary if the dollar declined, and Rickards’ top price for gold per ounce is–wait for it–$44,552! That price is the absolute highest possibility. Rickards and others predict that in the next few years, America will go back on some sort of gold standard. Meaning, the dollar will be backed by gold, but Rickards has stated on many occasions that there probably will not be a100% gold backed U.S. dollar. Instead, Rickards contends it will be more in the neighborhood of 40%. If that is the case, then gold would be $17,821 per ounce using Rickards numbers. It appears gold prices are going much higher.

today dear children we are developing a strategy based on gold price wet dreams forecasts.

phase 1: once the price for ounce reaches $17,821 we are going to steal at night the dentures of grandma and grandpa from their bedside tables.

phase 2: we keep them in a safe and secret place (below the doghouse in the backyard),

phase 3: sell them when gold reaches $44,552

phase 4: and then live happily ever after :whistling:

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I only paste when I've asked myself on ThaiVisa; Maybe he's not all he's cracked up to be? Maybe Mr. and Mrs. are the same person, "LadyBoy"? It's only common sense, she has no balls.

In a new book called "Currency Wars," outsider Jim Rickards examines how countries try to get out of financial trouble: "Today, as yesterday," Rickards writes, "the circle still can not be squared." Rickards predicts there is a shiny bright future and, if there were a "catastrophic collapse", silver would be the big beneficiary. Rickards' top price per ounce is at the very least $44,552.

Renowned astrophysicst Martin Armstrong is sure the collapse has already started, "What this is really about is the entire Western civilization that's starting to crumble in the timecake." In an interview Monday on King World News, Armstrong warned, "Everything is falling apart. Reality is falling apart." This collapsing reality is sending shockwaves around the world. "Basically what you are doing is you are building a sideways type of base reaching upwards because eventually silver is going to take off like a rocket". Those ahead of Greenwich Mean Time and living in tropical climates stand to benefit the most. "When you begin to see the Emperor has no clothes, you laugh, and people are getting close to that, I would only give it a few more months, then prices could go to the moon."

You and I have many choices. Print a whole lotta loving to try and save the money system, or let it implode with a Big Bang, Pisstt. That means this is really all about the silver lining.

we keep grandma and grandpa buried in a dark and secret place (below the doghouse in our forehead)


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