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Europe’s debtors must pawn their gold for Eurobond Redemption

Southern Europe’s debtor states must pledge their gold reserves and national treasure as collateral under a €2.3 trillion stabilisation plan gaining momentum in Germany.

If it has not been leased already wink.png

Some night time reading ...

Charlatan Exposed: Negative Gold Lease Rates



anglo journàsslistic diction "must pawn... under a plan gaining momentum..."

Mrs Naam must fear the worst under a plan gaining momentum... Naam acquiring a mia noi laugh.png


anglo journàsslistic diction "must pawn... under a plan gaining momentum..."

Mrs Naam must fear the worst under a plan gaining momentum... Naam acquiring a mia noi laugh.png

"A law gaining momentum says you MUST stop before your TURN."

Not sure why you poke at every story that you don't understand the grammar for.

They are discussing a new plan that is gaining momentum that would require the debtors to pawn their gold. No where does it say that it's a done deal. It is made very clear by using the phase "plan gaining momentum" that is has yet to happen.

Ohh it just occurred to me maybe you have issue with the word "plan". That would be quite understandable seeing as you have been here so long and not much planning goes into anything here.



A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.


Decide on and arrange in advance.


naïve people like you who have no idea of economic and political facts but rely on some shitty journalist's diction, who is paid by the word, should not point at my understanding of english grammar tongue.png

-the German Council of Economic Experts has drafted since more than a year several dozens of plans,

-none of them have "gained momentum", all of them were (according to the German constitution and a ruling of the Constitutional Court) not feasible,

-the council is a private think tank and has no direct connection with the German government even though there are claims that the council is "advising the government",

conclusion: "Southern Europe’s debtor states must pledge their gold reserves" = journàsslistic rubbish!"


now go back to your dark corner and count your gold coins which again have lost value since yesterday vs. "worthless fiat currency".


As normal, the great one is right and all other reports all BS.

Surprising but true: Germany’s opposition parties have gotten Chancellor Angela Merkel to reconsider an idea floated last winter that involves joint European liability for nations’ sovereign debt.


I haven't talked with Merkel about this personally yet but I'm sure since your such an expert she calls you for advice on a regular basis.

Get over yourself.


The Asian Telegraph

Breaking News - Bangkok 30-05-2012

Thailand's inhabitants must dispose of their worthless fiat currency Thai Baht

and use Gold as currency under a plan gaining momentum.

The plan is drafted by resident macroeconomic Experts and inspired as well

as supported by the World Gold Council, Mineweb, Null-and-Void Hedge and

similar brain-washing institutions.

For additional information stay in touch with



Gold has created a death cross one of the few tech indicators that actually work most of the time. The trend is down for the short term and flat for the long term ..... it's better than losing it with risky bubble stocks or losing it to inflation , but as a long term investment anything that does better then inflation will out perform it. Inflation protected gov bonds for example. Any decent money manager will outperform gold over a 20 year time frame. Warren Buffet didn't get rich buying gold.


After the small dead-cat bounce last week, gold has slumped back firmly into bear market territory and the ropes dragging it down with the Euro are still there.

In the immediate term if the Euro crisis deepens the trend for gold will be down and the trend for the $US will be up. Time for some religious incantations.


After the small dead-cat bounce last week, gold has slumped back firmly into bear market territory and the ropes dragging it down with the Euro are still there.

In the immediate term if the Euro crisis deepens the trend for gold will be down and the trend for the $US will be up. Time for some religious incantations.

gold and silver sold off today...just like last Tuesday, and the Tuesday before that, and the Tuesday before that, and the Tuesday before that...........coffee1.gif


After the small dead-cat bounce last week, gold has slumped back firmly into bear market territory and the ropes dragging it down with the Euro are still there.

In the immediate term if the Euro crisis deepens the trend for gold will be down and the trend for the $US will be up. Time for some religious incantations.

gold and silver sold off today...just like last Tuesday, and the Tuesday before that, and the Tuesday before that, and the Tuesday before that...........coffee1.gif

So I guess you are selling every Monday late afternoon and buying back on Tuesday late afternoons? thumbsup.gif


After the small dead-cat bounce last week, gold has slumped back firmly into bear market territory and the ropes dragging it down with the Euro are still there.

In the immediate term if the Euro crisis deepens the trend for gold will be down and the trend for the $US will be up. Time for some religious incantations.

I cant imagine the us dollar being a 'safe haven' as the country has huge trillions of debt and is going down the toilet


After the small dead-cat bounce last week, gold has slumped back firmly into bear market territory and the ropes dragging it down with the Euro are still there.

In the immediate term if the Euro crisis deepens the trend for gold will be down and the trend for the $US will be up. Time for some religious incantations.

I cant imagine the us dollar being a 'safe haven' as the country has huge trillions of debt and is going down the toilet

It certainly is at the moment. Nothing to stop you being a tart and flitting about later. Its a toilet with gold-plated taps right now.


I cant imagine the us dollar being a 'safe haven' as the country has huge trillions of debt and is going down the toilet

Well, you need to read a bit more, for example


Financial Institutions are struggling to find investment grade vehicles to place their assets.

Gold and silver are not suitable, much to the chagrin of some of those around here.

Deposit accounts are not suitable. They need liquid assets in vast quantities, and UST's are the biggest source.

The US could probably issue a massive tranche of 10 year debt at 0.002% and still find buyers for the lot.


Gold has created a death cross one of the few tech indicators that actually work most of the time. The trend is down for the short term and flat for the long term ..... it's better than losing it with risky bubble stocks or losing it to inflation , but as a long term investment anything that does better then inflation will out perform it. Inflation protected gov bonds for example. Any decent money manager will outperform gold over a 20 year time frame. Warren Buffet didn't get rich buying gold.

Which government's "inflation protected bonds" are the recommended ones?



Gold has created a death cross one of the few tech indicators that actually work most of the time. The trend is down for the short term and flat for the long term ..... it's better than losing it with risky bubble stocks or losing it to inflation , but as a long term investment anything that does better then inflation will out perform it. Inflation protected gov bonds for example. Any decent money manager will outperform gold over a 20 year time frame. Warren Buffet didn't get rich buying gold.

Which government's "inflation protected bonds" are the recommended ones?


" Inflation protected gov bonds for example "giggle.gif

How about " guarantee of getting your capital back protected bonds " ??

I mean the GM bondholders did really well didnt they ?rolleyes.gif

I wonder if the Luciano or Gambino families offer bonds

because after all we have been through and the lies and cover up’s that have occurred by governments since

2008 I would have greater faith investing in the mob.

At least they are more honourable.



Europe’s debtors must pawn their gold for Eurobond Redemption

Southern Europe’s debtor states must pledge their gold reserves and national treasure as collateral under a €2.3 trillion stabilisation plan gaining momentum in Germany.

Mario Monti has been proposing this for some time , & some time ago he mentioned Gold Bonds ...and it slowly seems to be gaining traction .

Merkel Considers Debt-Sharing Plan as Monti Sees Euro Bonds

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2012/05/25/bloomberg_articlesM4KKEJ1A74E901-M4KTX.DTL#ixzz1wKnuv6Vp

along with this increasing speculation that gold be upgraded to a Tier 1 asset



After the small dead-cat bounce last week, gold has slumped back firmly into bear market territory and the ropes dragging it down with the Euro are still there.

In the immediate term if the Euro crisis deepens the trend for gold will be down and the trend for the $US will be up. Time for some religious incantations.

I cant imagine the us dollar being a 'safe haven' as the country has huge trillions of debt and is going down the toilet

imagination does not count. fact is that USD appreciates since "Greasy Greece" vs. most currencies except JP¥.


Gold just dropped below 1550.

and what? it was 600 just awhile ago - it's easy for any posters to come on here after it drops a 100 or so and say 'all is doomed for PMs' fact is nobody knows and it's a gamble and hedge - if Israel attacks Iran it will go 2000 and what? easy to say after the event.

The TRICK is to predict BEFORE it happens and to make millions - a gift, I'll warrant you, that I do not have (probably in common with most on here).


Gold just dropped below 1550.

and what? it was 600 just awhile ago - it's easy for any posters to come on here after it drops a 100 or so and say 'all is doomed for PMs' fact is nobody knows and it's a gamble and hedge - if Israel attacks Iran it will go 2000 and what? easy to say after the event.

The TRICK is to predict BEFORE it happens and to make millions - a gift, I'll warrant you, that I do not have (probably in common with most on here).

Trick or treat? It was over 1900 only 8 months ago and maybe you thought it was a good idea to buy even then.


Gold just dropped below 1550.

and what? it was 600 just awhile ago - it's easy for any posters to come on here after it drops a 100 or so and say 'all is doomed for PMs' fact is nobody knows and it's a gamble and hedge - if Israel attacks Iran it will go 2000 and what? easy to say after the event.

The TRICK is to predict BEFORE it happens and to make millions - a gift, I'll warrant you, that I do not have (probably in common with most on here).

Trick or treat? It was over 1900 only 8 months ago and maybe you thought it was a good idea to buy even then.

no i didnt dude - i bet your annoyed because you missed it - right?


After the small dead-cat bounce last week, gold has slumped back firmly into bear market territory and the ropes dragging it down with the Euro are still there.

In the immediate term if the Euro crisis deepens the trend for gold will be down and the trend for the $US will be up. Time for some religious incantations.

Or just short the EUR and GBP against the USD. Works for me. thumbsup.gif


I am not reccomending any bonds and the list you posted is obviously western centric , indoneisa has gov bonds over 6 pct for example. If you can't find bonds that pay more than 6 pct corporate or gov you are not looking hard enough. I am also not even touting or recomending bonds it was just an example of one of the many things that can ourperform gold in the long term with "reletively" low risk.

Buying bonds in a low rate enviornment would not be a very good investment for anyone trying to build wealth but it's just fine to protect it if you are already wealthy


naïve people like you who have no idea of economic and political facts but rely on some shitty journalist's diction, who is paid by the word, should not point at my understanding of english grammar tongue.png

-the German Council of Economic Experts has drafted since more than a year several dozens of plans,

-none of them have "gained momentum", all of them were (according to the German constitution and a ruling of the Constitutional Court) not feasible,

-the council is a private think tank and has no direct connection with the German government even though there are claims that the council is "advising the government",

conclusion: "Southern Europe’s debtor states must pledge their gold reserves" = journàsslistic rubbish!"


now go back to your dark corner and count your gold coins which again have lost value since yesterday vs. "worthless fiat currency".

naïve people like you who have no idea of economic and political facts but rely on some shitty journalist's diction, who is paid by the word, should not point at my understanding of english grammar tongue.png

-the German Council of Economic Experts has drafted since more than a year several dozens of plans,

-none of them have "gained momentum", all of them were (according to the German constitution and a ruling of the Constitutional Court) not feasible,

-the council is a private think tank and has no direct connection with the German government even though there are claims that the council is "advising the government",

conclusion: "Southern Europe’s debtor states must pledge their gold reserves" = journàsslistic rubbish!"


now go back to your dark corner and count your gold coins which again have lost value since yesterday vs. "worthless fiat currency".

now who is that addressed to mighty one and if its me my gold coins have gone up what 60-100 % in fiat rubbish since 2008 and done much better than our property or stocks so if its me put that in your pipe and smoke it you might start talking sense then

And while I enjoy a bit of banter apart from real idiots I usually keep my insults to hopefully low level

Now if it is me you referred to a bit of arabic I learnt while working with Palestinians

kusat muhcud inti maniac arse but sorry I did not learn arabic for it just how to say it and I dont have an arabic keyboard translated id be banned from site for years

If your not referring to me then a simple inti maniac in aribic will suffice and not at all offensive unless your referring to me


Gold just dropped below 1550.

and so ???? its now gone back to 1670 so whats your point ???

My point is that it is volatile and not a place of safety.


Both stocks and gold have proved volatile recently. My recommendation re certain stocks was to concentrate if deciding where to make investments now on dividend flow and with a 5-6% dividend flow based on current prices certain blue chips look interesting. Gold pays no dividend. I am not committed to property as an asset class per se. I am interested in certain prime locations which can generate a regular income. In the UK that would mean London zone 1 within the radius of St Paul's (the City) and in Hong Kong Mid-Levels. If I was interested in US property it would be downtown Manhattan.


Euro collapse could halve luxury London home prices

May 31 (Reuters) - Prices of the best central London homes could halve if the euro zone breaks up, as the safe-haven appeal of sterling disappears and weaker European currencies give rise to bargains elsewhere, research showed.


Gold just dropped below 1550.

and so ???? its now gone back to 1670 so whats your point ???

My point is that it is volatile and not a place of safety.

that can be said for the whole world! where IS safe then? and don't say the Dollar as the US is trillions in debt that can never be repaid - I read somewhere that it was 500,000 for every man, woman and child?


Gold just dropped below 1550.

and so ???? its now gone back to 1670 so whats your point ???

1670 ?shock1.gif?

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