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I Must Just Say...


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I wondered how long all that good positive stuff would be allowed to go unchallenged. It's not possible to have just one thread on here for good news, without the usual negativity? Shame, really. For my own part, I've never had a problem in Pattaya or elsewhere in Thailand, met some wonderful people and everywhere felt safer than I would on a Saturday night in Dublin.

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I also wondered how long it would take for someone to start!

This topic was to reflect my positive experiences here in Pattaya. However I do realise that some farang have not had the same experience. But I also expect them to know they are not the only people here in Pattaya....living the life in the land of smiles.


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I wondered how long all that good positive stuff would be allowed to go unchallenged. It's not possible to have just one thread on here for good news, without the usual negativity? Shame, really. For my own part, I've never had a problem in Pattaya or elsewhere in Thailand, met some wonderful people and everywhere felt safer than I would on a Saturday night in Dublin.

ok,ok its all fluffy and roses etc etc,can i just ask u one question joe. do u live here and if so how long??? if you dont live here then i guess you may never have had a problem.

i dont want to be negative again but on a saturday night in dublin has it got a load of teenagers running around on suped up bikes,high on drugs or booze armed to the teeth with knives etc but usually guns and shooting at rival gangs or even randomly sometimes.just this week security guards shot at,1 died.....young man shot in the head 5 times by gang who followed him from disco etc ....ooops i forgot this aint your problem so thats ok.i could also write about nasty murders of good farangs killed here for next to no reason(usually to get a smallish amount of money!)

cmon its good to say there are good experiences and good people here ,ofcourse there is.....and isnt it funny that there is a new topic to tell of a good experience,doesnt this show that most experiences are negative therefore pattaya is not such a fluffy place. sorry to bring you down to earth,maybe a mod can delete my post and then everything is all lovely again here :o

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i dont want to be negative again but on a saturday night in dublin has it got a load of teenagers running around on suped up bikes,high on drugs or booze armed to the teeth with knives etc but usually guns and shooting at rival gangs or even randomly sometimes.just this week security guards shot at,1 died.....young man shot in the head 5 times by gang who followed him from disco etc ....
That sounds more like a description of Suparnburi. :o
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On one of my first visits to Pattaya, (before my wife came over to the UK) We were sitting eating a meal opposite soi 2 next to KFC in pattaya. The food was never too good, but as i was now engaged and my days of flirting with the girls was over, this i thought was a good location to "look but not Touch".

We were eating with a girl who she had met, at the embassy, in the Queue while waiting to hand in her visa application. I ordered fish and was trying something new, when a fish bone got stuck in my throat. I wasnt choking but could feel it stuck, the pain was imense, i was just waiting for the bone to move and for me to start choking. I drank, tried to eat more food to dislodge it, nothing! This was now going on for 10 minutes, i was sweating, panicking and in a lot of pain. The new thai friend ran over the road and brought some sticky rice, rolled it into balls and tried to make me eat it, but now as my throat was closing up, even a maltesser size ball of rice was too much. I was just about to tell the mrs to take me to the hospital, when a man working at the restuarant saw something was wrong, he came over spoke to the mrs and left. He ran to the bar next door and came back with a big bowl of chopped up pineapple, he told me to swallow not chew that. I did and it was gone. I was still in a lot of pain from a scratched throat, but could tell i wasnt going to choke. I was so relieved i offered the man a thousand baht, he wouldnt accept nothing, so i waited a few days as i had seen his little son in the restaurant a couple of nights before, when i saw his son a day or 2 later i gave it to him. The look on this little boys face was well worth the pain.

In my experience i have always found the thais to be very helpful and sincere, always willing to help and go that little bit further to please. Ok so maybe one out of ten is a bad apple, but whats it like in the west. 1 in 10 willing to help, The opposite way round. Give me a thai person when i need help to a westerner any day, and they always finish it off with a SMILE! :o

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I don't know where you cut and paste that quote from, but it is complete rubbish.

One price for all nationalities:

60B per adult.

30B per children.

50B per car.

For us 1 Car, 3 adults & 1 child - 260B.

Cheers! :o

Has something changed there mate? last time I went with the kids the big sign on the left proudly displayed the dual prices.

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I don't know where you cut and paste that quote from, but it is complete rubbish.

One price for all nationalities:

60B per adult.

30B per children.

50B per car.

For us 1 Car, 3 adults & 1 child - 260B.

Cheers! :o

Has something changed there mate? last time I went with the kids the big sign on the left proudly displayed the dual prices.

Can confirm that.Was at the zoo 2 weeks ago.

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On one of my first visits to Pattaya, (before my wife came over to the UK) We were sitting eating a meal opposite soi 2 next to KFC in pattaya. The food was never too good, but as i was now engaged and my days of flirting with the girls was over, this i thought was a good location to "look but not Touch".

We were eating with a girl who she had met, at the embassy, in the Queue while waiting to hand in her visa application. I ordered fish and was trying something new, when a fish bone got stuck in my throat. I wasnt choking but could feel it stuck, the pain was imense, i was just waiting for the bone to move and for me to start choking. I drank, tried to eat more food to dislodge it, nothing! This was now going on for 10 minutes, i was sweating, panicking and in a lot of pain. The new thai friend ran over the road and brought some sticky rice, rolled it into balls and tried to make me eat it, but now as my throat was closing up, even a maltesser size ball of rice was too much. I was just about to tell the mrs to take me to the hospital, when a man working at the restuarant saw something was wrong, he came over spoke to the mrs and left. He ran to the bar next door and came back with a big bowl of chopped up pineapple, he told me to swallow not chew that. I did and it was gone. I was still in a lot of pain from a scratched throat, but could tell i wasnt going to choke. I was so relieved i offered the man a thousand baht, he wouldnt accept nothing, so i waited a few days as i had seen his little son in the restaurant a couple of nights before, when i saw his son a day or 2 later i gave it to him. The look on this little boys face was well worth the pain.

In my experience i have always found the thais to be very helpful and sincere, always willing to help and go that little bit further to please. Ok so maybe one out of ten is a bad apple, but whats it like in the west. 1 in 10 willing to help, The opposite way round. Give me a thai person when i need help to a westerner any day, and they always finish it off with a SMILE! :o

WOW, i take it all back...that thais are amazing.

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Give me a thai person when i need help to a westerner any day, and they always finish it off with a SMILE! :o

It is many years ago that I have seen a thai IN PATTAYA smiling other then to recieve a reward.

Edited by basjke
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I don't know where you cut and paste that quote from, but it is complete rubbish.

One price for all nationalities:

60B per adult.

30B per children.

50B per car.

For us 1 Car, 3 adults & 1 child - 260B.

Cheers! :o

Has something changed there mate? last time I went with the kids the big sign on the left proudly displayed the dual prices.

Can confirm that.Was at the zoo 2 weeks ago.

Can't remember seeing a sign. To tell the truth wasn't really looking.

Arrive at gate, guy comes out to car and inspects whose inside and gives you the price. Only one price for adults mentioned, so natural to assume no dual price policy.

Didn't even think to check it out otherwise.

Cheers. :D

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I wondered how long all that good positive stuff would be allowed to go unchallenged. It's not possible to have just one thread on here for good news, without the usual negativity? Shame, really. For my own part, I've never had a problem in Pattaya or elsewhere in Thailand, met some wonderful people and everywhere felt safer than I would on a Saturday night in Dublin.

I hope you don't want to insinuate that this whole story was made up to turn the topic in another direction.

To tell the truth I'm no tourist but live here almost 15 years and this was my third experience of this kind.First time a telephone,second a near miss and now my gold.And I know dozens of people personally who had a similar experience,one who even died in the act,and then I leave out the ones I only read about.

Don't forget I've been living in my home country for 35 years and still go there on a regular base but am not aware of any such cases.

Well today I purchased a honkball bat,which will be in the car at all time,and however I've even no idea what the sport is about I'm sure it will be used in the near future with a Thai partner.

This was what I must just say.

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I have been to pattaya a few times and never had aproblem with any Thais. I have always found them polite friendly and helpfull. But I cant understand why you would offer them money for their help, I feel it devalues their effort I would think a thank you and a big smile would be reward enough. However, there was that one time when a middle aged Thai lady with a Farrang partner offered to take my money and pay the baht bus driver for me as it was raining heavily. I though that is nice, til they bolted with my 40 baht.

Edited by waza
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I was simply saying that it was nice for a change to have a thread which focussed on the positives of living there - I wasn't trying to deny that crime (even violent crime) happens. For comparison, though, the headline in today's Dublin Evening Herald (admittedly a tabloid) refers to 10 year old children being recruited as drugs couriers in estates all over the city. Weekly, we have maybe one fatal shooting (usually drugs related).

Doesn't do any harm to be positive sometimes.

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BASJKE I would have thought if you have lived in thailand for 15 years as you say , You WOULD know not to go round showing gold of in Pattaya, you are asking for trouble in. Everyone is not saying everyone is good in pattaya there are a lot of bad, the thread was to show that some people are really nice/helpful, etc. It really annoys me when there are so many people in other countries that would love to be able to live in thailand, and there are people like you and Tattodrob that live there and seem to constantly want to bad mouth the thais. If you dont like them go home!

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I don't live in Pattaya, but in the few times I have visited there it always surprised me the Farangs walking around with there bling for all and sundry to see, just asking for trouble IMHO.

Apart from that had only positive experiences except for the girl that invited my mate to a party down the road, a nice Farang sitting next to me having a chat suggested that this might not be the sort of party we should go to, my mate who has been traveling to Thailand for 25 years on business and speaks fluent Thai did not see a problem with this girls hospitality until i told him what the nice Farang said, a switch clicked in his head he made a comment to the Thai about cutting his throat and stealing his money she laughed and left in a hurry.

Sometimes familiarity breeds contempt he knows Thai culture and the language and felt comfortable with the situation until i made a comment and he realised he was about to put himself in a dangerous position.

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BASJKE I would have thought if you have lived in thailand for 15 years as you say , You WOULD know not to go round showing gold of in Pattaya, you are asking for trouble in. Everyone is not saying everyone is good in pattaya there are a lot of bad, the thread was to show that some people are really nice/helpful, etc. It really annoys me when there are so many people in other countries that would love to be able to live in thailand, and there are people like you and Tattodrob that live there and seem to constantly want to bad mouth the thais. If you dont like them go home!

Oh you mean that when you come to live between these so nice smiling people you need to take of all your valuables.

I am not the kind of guy that shows of his gold,by the way it was a small farang style gold chain I bought 20 yeras ago,but as told they already snatched a phone previously and had a near miss.

I am also not saying everyone is bad in Pattaya but I am a realist.Maybe you should come live here also then you probably also would talk different.

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BASJKE I would have thought if you have lived in thailand for 15 years as you say , You WOULD know not to go round showing gold of in Pattaya, you are asking for trouble in. Everyone is not saying everyone is good in pattaya there are a lot of bad, the thread was to show that some people are really nice/helpful, etc. It really annoys me when there are so many people in other countries that would love to be able to live in thailand, and there are people like you and Tattodrob that live there and seem to constantly want to bad mouth the thais. If you dont like them go home!

:o:D:D i dont want to bad mouth the thais,id love to say there all smiley and love us farangs coming here and spending our money and giving many thais a higher standard of living than they would have......in reality we are seen as schmucks with too much money to burn and considered easy pickings.

i have many thai friends here and a lot of them dont like the way it is here too so where should they go if they dont like it.....this is there home!!

i also thought the idea of a forum was to try and inform people to help them ,you just dont like me and basjke trying to inform you of the reality of living in somewhere like pattaya and im pretty happy for you to find out for yourself.

for me to say about the good experiences doesnt really help you does it,nobody would come here for holidays or to live if there wasnt any good experiences but if we have to start a thread about a minor good experience then it shows that its not as nice as you holiday boys think it is.

infact it gets on my nerves when you tourists say "ive never had a problem blah blah and i come here for a holiday every year etc",you wont have a problem if you spending money like an idiot and dont have to deal with bureacracy and real day to day living.

the reality is that pattaya is a dense city with many criminals and corruption and its not till you live here or spend a lot of time here that you realise whats going on around you,its nowhere nr as big as dublin but has a lot lot more drug users,murders,fatal accidents ,suicides etc than any city in uk that i know of and im just helping you be aware of that rather than saying "today someone smiled at me".

by the way yes thais are happier/smilier than you miserable lot back in the uk ......but remember this ,there smiling even when they know there ripping you off,lying to your face or even when they know there boyfriend is gonna shoot you in the head so they can get there hands on a few thousand pounds in your thai account :D . if you think im being negative then you should keep up with the local news and i know for a fact that doesnt inform you of everything bad going on around here,just the tip.

as to going home then why should i(i might move from pattaya though),its not perfect here and i know it and have no problem with that............your the one who will have the problem if you ever live here as you think its all fluffy,smiley and rosey.....youre the one that will learn the hard way......me ,il just be laughing with the thais and expats at another stupid farang. :D

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The point of the thread was to say what a nice experiences can be had in pattaya, but as usual in every thread you get some, who want to say the opposite and in this case slag off. Im not saying pattaya is perfect i know i've been in the line of fire when two pattaya youth were having a shoot out. But as the topic was about how nice thais in pattaya can still be, thats what i stuck too. If You cant keep to the main topic of the the thread start another "The Thais Ripped me Off!, "The Thais Stole my gold" etc , Weve all heard of Farang getting ripped off in Thailand both by gold snatches and other scams, Thais also get ripped off, by other thais, gold snatches, muggings etc. And equally no doubt some farang rip of thais in one way or another. I understand Thais dont like pattaya and to be honest what is Pattaya good for apart from the Girls if you are a single man. Now im not slagging it off because i love the atmosphere, but really, what else does anyone go there for? Be honest! compared to the rest of Thailand.

Ok You want to wear gold, wear it! But dont moan when you get robbed in pattaya, How many times have you heard people getting gold robbed of them, on the news , papers etc. Dont you learn.

I have family in thailand and i speak Thai, so generally i do know whats going on, i admit i dont live there, but wouldnt live in pattaya anyway. I've never said it was smiley and rosey and never said ive never had a problem,i was talking about the 98 percent of thais who i have met, who are genuine friendly and smilers. I never said pattaya was perfect, i know its far from it.(I was sticking to the thread. Saying positive things for a change.)

Ive been a member on this forum for a long time now and it annoys me when people are saying something positive, someone has to go and moan and put a dampner on the topic.

Edited by BIG SPUDS
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I agree with you, i just googled this:

Each year some 200 Americans report their passports stolen or lost in Pattaya. Many are the victims of pickpockets operating in areas frequented by tourists, particularly museums or crowded bus and train stations.

Oh sorry, my bad, this was the US embassy warning for Dublin, not pattaya.


guess I will pass on my dublin holiday, too dangerous

BASJKE I would have thought if you have lived in thailand for 15 years as you say , You WOULD know not to go round showing gold of in Pattaya, you are asking for trouble in. Everyone is not saying everyone is good in pattaya there are a lot of bad, the thread was to show that some people are really nice/helpful, etc. It really annoys me when there are so many people in other countries that would love to be able to live in thailand, and there are people like you and Tattodrob that live there and seem to constantly want to bad mouth the thais. If you dont like them go home!

:o:D:D i dont want to bad mouth the thais,id love to say there all smiley and love us farangs coming here and spending our money and giving many thais a higher standard of living than they would have......in reality we are seen as schmucks with too much money to burn and considered easy pickings.

i have many thai friends here and a lot of them dont like the way it is here too so where should they go if they dont like it.....this is there home!!

i also thought the idea of a forum was to try and inform people to help them ,you just dont like me and basjke trying to inform you of the reality of living in somewhere like pattaya and im pretty happy for you to find out for yourself.

for me to say about the good experiences doesnt really help you does it,nobody would come here for holidays or to live if there wasnt any good experiences but if we have to start a thread about a minor good experience then it shows that its not as nice as you holiday boys think it is.

infact it gets on my nerves when you tourists say "ive never had a problem blah blah and i come here for a holiday every year etc",you wont have a problem if you spending money like an idiot and dont have to deal with bureacracy and real day to day living.

the reality is that pattaya is a dense city with many criminals and corruption and its not till you live here or spend a lot of time here that you realise whats going on around you,its nowhere nr as big as dublin but has a lot lot more drug users,murders,fatal accidents ,suicides etc than any city in uk that i know of and im just helping you be aware of that rather than saying "today someone smiled at me".

by the way yes thais are happier/smilier than you miserable lot back in the uk ......but remember this ,there smiling even when they know there ripping you off,lying to your face or even when they know there boyfriend is gonna shoot you in the head so they can get there hands on a few thousand pounds in your thai account :D . if you think im being negative then you should keep up with the local news and i know for a fact that doesnt inform you of everything bad going on around here,just the tip.

as to going home then why should i(i might move from pattaya though),its not perfect here and i know it and have no problem with that............your the one who will have the problem if you ever live here as you think its all fluffy,smiley and rosey.....youre the one that will learn the hard way......me ,il just be laughing with the thais and expats at another stupid farang. :D

Each year some 200 Americans report their passports stolen or lost in Dublin. Many are the victims of pickpockets operating in areas frequented by tourists, particularly museums or crowded bus and train stations.

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The point of the thread was to say what a nice experiences can be had in pattaya, but as usual in every thread you get some, who want to say the opposite and in this case slag off. Im not saying pattaya is perfect i know i've been in the line of fire when two pattaya youth were having a shoot out. But as the topic was about how nice thais in pattaya can still be, thats what i stuck too. If You cant keep to the main topic of the the thread start another "The Thais Ripped me Off!, "The Thais Stole my gold" etc , Weve all heard of Farang getting ripped off in Thailand both by gold snatches and other scams, Thais also get ripped off, by other thais, gold snatches, muggings etc. And equally no doubt some farang rip of thais in one way or another. I understand Thais dont like pattaya and to be honest what is Pattaya good for apart from the Girls if you are a single man. Now im not slagging it off because i love the atmosphere, but really, what else does anyone go there for? Be honest! compared to the rest of Thailand.

Ok You want to wear gold, wear it! But dont moan when you get robbed in pattaya, How many times have you heard people getting gold robbed of them, on the news , papers etc. Dont you learn.

I have family in thailand and i speak Thai, so generally i do know whats going on, i admit i dont live there, but wouldnt live in pattaya anyway. I've never said it was smiley and rosey and never said ive never had a problem,i was talking about the 98 percent of thais who i have met, who are genuine friendly and smilers. I never said pattaya was perfect, i know its far from it.(I was sticking to the thread. Saying positive things for a change.)

Ive been a member on this forum for a long time now and it annoys me when people are saying something positive, someone has to go and moan and put a dampner on the topic.

ok ok ......calm down :D ,but your nice experience was only someone helping you when you got a bone stuck in your throat.....you think in your home town that they would let you choke to death or not get you water /bread or such like to help.that says more about your hometown than thai people...i would hope wherever i was then someone would help and not want money.

by you giving him a 1000 bt for getting a bit of fruit is one of the reasons why they think we are rich idiots...you gave that kid the equivalent to about value to what aprox 50 quid has in uk......ofcourse he was smiley and shocked.....i would be too if you gave me 50 quid just to get 10bt of pineapple!!!!

also i only joined in the thread to give some balance as thread was running quite a few posts before i decided to balance it out...i didnt want newbies to read and not get the whole truth.....as i said before why would/should someone post a topic about being helped in a normal way.its hardly a big deal unless its very unusual which in pattaya maybe it is so.

i have been helped by thais in many normal situations where any decent human being would......but dont think it worthy or helpful to put on the pattaya section of TV.

I apologise to all those that were upset by my negative comments but if you live here you see the real side so sometimes feel the need to balance it out so that people who are thinking of living here get reality.

i would like to say something positive now and say that i think its pattaya that is the main problem area and rest of thailand is not so corrupt or so full of criminals so will find nicer smilier people(as they aint so experienced in how to rip stupid farang off yet :o )

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I agree with you, i just googled this:

Each year some 200 Americans report their passports stolen or lost in Pattaya. Many are the victims of pickpockets operating in areas frequented by tourists, particularly museums or crowded bus and train stations.

Oh sorry, my bad, this was the US embassy warning for Dublin, not pattaya.


guess I will pass on my dublin holiday, too dangerous

BASJKE I would have thought if you have lived in thailand for 15 years as you say , You WOULD know not to go round showing gold of in Pattaya, you are asking for trouble in. Everyone is not saying everyone is good in pattaya there are a lot of bad, the thread was to show that some people are really nice/helpful, etc. It really annoys me when there are so many people in other countries that would love to be able to live in thailand, and there are people like you and Tattodrob that live there and seem to constantly want to bad mouth the thais. If you dont like them go home!

:o:D:D i dont want to bad mouth the thais,id love to say there all smiley and love us farangs coming here and spending our money and giving many thais a higher standard of living than they would have......in reality we are seen as schmucks with too much money to burn and considered easy pickings.

i have many thai friends here and a lot of them dont like the way it is here too so where should they go if they dont like it.....this is there home!!

i also thought the idea of a forum was to try and inform people to help them ,you just dont like me and basjke trying to inform you of the reality of living in somewhere like pattaya and im pretty happy for you to find out for yourself.

for me to say about the good experiences doesnt really help you does it,nobody would come here for holidays or to live if there wasnt any good experiences but if we have to start a thread about a minor good experience then it shows that its not as nice as you holiday boys think it is.

infact it gets on my nerves when you tourists say "ive never had a problem blah blah and i come here for a holiday every year etc",you wont have a problem if you spending money like an idiot and dont have to deal with bureacracy and real day to day living.

the reality is that pattaya is a dense city with many criminals and corruption and its not till you live here or spend a lot of time here that you realise whats going on around you,its nowhere nr as big as dublin but has a lot lot more drug users,murders,fatal accidents ,suicides etc than any city in uk that i know of and im just helping you be aware of that rather than saying "today someone smiled at me".

by the way yes thais are happier/smilier than you miserable lot back in the uk ......but remember this ,there smiling even when they know there ripping you off,lying to your face or even when they know there boyfriend is gonna shoot you in the head so they can get there hands on a few thousand pounds in your thai account :D . if you think im being negative then you should keep up with the local news and i know for a fact that doesnt inform you of everything bad going on around here,just the tip.

as to going home then why should i(i might move from pattaya though),its not perfect here and i know it and have no problem with that............your the one who will have the problem if you ever live here as you think its all fluffy,smiley and rosey.....youre the one that will learn the hard way......me ,il just be laughing with the thais and expats at another stupid farang. :(

Each year some 200 Americans report their passports stolen or lost in Dublin. Many are the victims of pickpockets operating in areas frequented by tourists, particularly museums or crowded bus and train stations.

what rob said :D

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I started this topic with a view to expressing positive experiences as I was sure that others, like me, who live here could share their positive experiences too.

In my opinion there are too many farang bitching about Thai people. The bitching in itself says nothing about them!

I didn't say life is all that is wonderful here in Pattaya I simply wanted to share my experience.

If members of the forum have nothing positive to contribute to this discussion about positive experiences then keep dribble to yourself, as I can read about it on other topics.

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ok,nice experiences,had a few so will just pick random 1.....hmmmmm

my bike had problems out in huay yai district and i was stuck with flat battery,my thai not brilliant so difficult to ask general public for help,tried bump starting it....no joy and extremely hot and bothered but started pushing it as not a lot of choice!!!! a nice thai guy comes past on his small bike and decides to help push me by using his leg and motorbike...he pushes me to the nearest bike shop aprox 2 to 3km.thankyou very much i say,he smiles i smile.no tip asked so shows thai/pattaya people do help and not always for reward.

begsaresponse if you would like more suchlike stories then will be glad to post a few more,all my dribble will still be viewable in all other topics.

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my bike had problems out in huay yai district and i was stuck with flat battery,my thai not brilliant so difficult to ask general public for help,tried bump starting it....no joy and extremely hot and bothered but started pushing it as not a lot of choice!!!! a nice thai guy comes past on his small bike and decides to help push me by using his leg and motorbike...he pushes me to the nearest bike shop aprox 2 to 3km.thankyou very much i say,he smiles i smile.no tip asked so shows thai/pattaya people do help and not always for reward.

See ? That wasn't too hard now was it ? :D

I think that was the original intent of the thread, to show that it isn't all doom and gloom, thieves and scammers, louts and losers in Pattaya. We do get more than enough of those threads as it is. Enough that some people do actually seem to get the impression that if they even fly over the city, they may become the victim of a crime.

Just like in the News Clippings.,People complain about all the negative stories, but if someone posts a "good" story, it is passed over, forgotten and buried while everyone concentrates on the bad news (and then whine about it).

There are good stories, and good people out there, just as there are bad ones. Just because there are bad ones though, doesn't mean they should, or do, outweigh the good ones.

But alas, it's the "bad" ones that seem to catch everyone's attention and dominates the headlines (and topic titles). Kind of a sad commentary on today's society. Just like the movies, where pain, bloodshed and violence are glorified, but heaven help you if you show any sex or nudity ! :o

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my bike had problems out in huay yai district and i was stuck with flat battery,my thai not brilliant so difficult to ask general public for help,tried bump starting it....no joy and extremely hot and bothered but started pushing it as not a lot of choice!!!! a nice thai guy comes past on his small bike and decides to help push me by using his leg and motorbike...he pushes me to the nearest bike shop aprox 2 to 3km.thankyou very much i say,he smiles i smile.no tip asked so shows thai/pattaya people do help and not always for reward.

See ? That wasn't too hard now was it ? :D

I think that was the original intent of the thread, to show that it isn't all doom and gloom, thieves and scammers, louts and losers in Pattaya. We do get more than enough of those threads as it is. Enough that some people do actually seem to get the impression that if they even fly over the city, they may become the victim of a crime.

Just like in the News Clippings.,People complain about all the negative stories, but if someone posts a "good" story, it is passed over, forgotten and buried while everyone concentrates on the bad news (and then whine about it).

There are good stories, and good people out there, just as there are bad ones. Just because there are bad ones though, doesn't mean they should, or do, outweigh the good ones.

But alas, it's the "bad" ones that seem to catch everyone's attention and dominates the headlines (and topic titles). Kind of a sad commentary on today's society. Just like the movies, where pain, bloodshed and violence are glorified, but heaven help you if you show any sex or nudity ! :o

it wasnt too hard no,but slightly pointless as i dont see how it helps any other members whereas informing of crime/scams and all the bad things that happen here would help newbies/tourists and keep them on their toes and might stop it happening to them. if something good happens to an individual then thats good but maybe we could report good things like "this restaurant has super friendly staff" or " this motorbike mechanic did something free " etc then we could benefit from these positive reports but random good things by unknown thais is nice but not so helpful.....maybe someone could start a new thread with positive posts of exceptional services...business,bar,restaurant etc that did a good deed and not just for the money. thats all im saying :D

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my bike had problems out in huay yai district and i was stuck with flat battery,my thai not brilliant so difficult to ask general public for help,tried bump starting it....no joy and extremely hot and bothered but started pushing it as not a lot of choice!!!! a nice thai guy comes past on his small bike and decides to help push me by using his leg and motorbike...he pushes me to the nearest bike shop aprox 2 to 3km.thankyou very much i say,he smiles i smile.no tip asked so shows thai/pattaya people do help and not always for reward.

See ? That wasn't too hard now was it ? :D

I think that was the original intent of the thread, to show that it isn't all doom and gloom, thieves and scammers, louts and losers in Pattaya. We do get more than enough of those threads as it is. Enough that some people do actually seem to get the impression that if they even fly over the city, they may become the victim of a crime.

Just like in the News Clippings.,People complain about all the negative stories, but if someone posts a "good" story, it is passed over, forgotten and buried while everyone concentrates on the bad news (and then whine about it).

There are good stories, and good people out there, just as there are bad ones. Just because there are bad ones though, doesn't mean they should, or do, outweigh the good ones.

But alas, it's the "bad" ones that seem to catch everyone's attention and dominates the headlines (and topic titles). Kind of a sad commentary on today's society. Just like the movies, where pain, bloodshed and violence are glorified, but heaven help you if you show any sex or nudity ! :o

it wasnt too hard no,but slightly pointless as i dont see how it helps any other members whereas informing of crime/scams and all the bad things that happen here would help newbies/tourists and keep them on their toes and might stop it happening to them. if something good happens to an individual then thats good but maybe we could report good things like "this restaurant has super friendly staff" or " this motorbike mechanic did something free " etc then we could benefit from these positive reports but random good things by unknown thais is nice but not so helpful.....maybe someone could start a new thread with positive posts of exceptional services...business,bar,restaurant etc that did a good deed and not just for the money. thats all im saying :D

Ok I will start with it.Last night I had a really exceptional service and she didn't do it just for the money.She works ......... oops I'm not allowed to mention this on the forum due to forum rules.Sorry guys :D

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my bike had problems out in huay yai district and i was stuck with flat battery,my thai not brilliant so difficult to ask general public for help,tried bump starting it....no joy and extremely hot and bothered but started pushing it as not a lot of choice!!!! a nice thai guy comes past on his small bike and decides to help push me by using his leg and motorbike...he pushes me to the nearest bike shop aprox 2 to 3km.thankyou very much i say,he smiles i smile.no tip asked so shows thai/pattaya people do help and not always for reward.

See ? That wasn't too hard now was it ? :D

I think that was the original intent of the thread, to show that it isn't all doom and gloom, thieves and scammers, louts and losers in Pattaya. We do get more than enough of those threads as it is. Enough that some people do actually seem to get the impression that if they even fly over the city, they may become the victim of a crime.

Just like in the News Clippings.,People complain about all the negative stories, but if someone posts a "good" story, it is passed over, forgotten and buried while everyone concentrates on the bad news (and then whine about it).

There are good stories, and good people out there, just as there are bad ones. Just because there are bad ones though, doesn't mean they should, or do, outweigh the good ones.

But alas, it's the "bad" ones that seem to catch everyone's attention and dominates the headlines (and topic titles). Kind of a sad commentary on today's society. Just like the movies, where pain, bloodshed and violence are glorified, but heaven help you if you show any sex or nudity ! :D

it wasnt too hard no,but slightly pointless as i dont see how it helps any other members whereas informing of crime/scams and all the bad things that happen here would help newbies/tourists and keep them on their toes and might stop it happening to them. if something good happens to an individual then thats good but maybe we could report good things like "this restaurant has super friendly staff" or " this motorbike mechanic did something free " etc then we could benefit from these positive reports but random good things by unknown thais is nice but not so helpful.....maybe someone could start a new thread with positive posts of exceptional services...business,bar,restaurant etc that did a good deed and not just for the money. thats all im saying :D

Ok I will start with it.Last night I had a really exceptional service and she didn't do it just for the money.She works ......... oops I'm not allowed to mention this on the forum due to forum rules.Sorry guys :D

i just got a pen to write down where she works.......dam you :o ,you could always pm me it :(

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