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Set M Form's

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Hi all just being on to home office about set m form's regarding a question and that was ok, Then the lady told have i got the correct form's i said yes form 18 august 2008, she said thats ok but be aware that there is a new form coming out next month 14/15 november . and new forms maybe questions will have changed or you have to provide more things etc.

So make sure you have correct form or they will refuse it and keep your money.


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Hello all just a update on the set me form's

If you are making your application before 27 November 2008, you must use version 06/2008 of the form. If you are making your application on or after 27 November 2008, you must use the new version (version 11/2008).

this is from uk border agency

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Hello, I've just downloaded the new form and it appears you now only need to submit 6 documents in joint names over the last two years, this seems a big drop as I'm sure it was 20 before, has anyone used this form yet I just want to confirm I am reading it correctly.

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Hello, I've just downloaded the new form and it appears you now only need to submit 6 documents in joint names over the last two years, this seems a big drop as I'm sure it was 20 before, has anyone used this form yet I just want to confirm I am reading it correctly.

Yes that is right you now only need to submit 6 documents in joint names over the last two years

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