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Meanings Of Maa-baa


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หมาใน [N] hyena


หมาใน hyena, jackal

It would be interesting to know what "ใน" represents in these examples.

I use the RID and they group the jackal with fox. หมาใน No English equivelent is given as in fox and Jackal but it is described as small ขนสั้นเกรีอน I looked up สั้นเกรีอน and think it means almost hairless. This is all good clean fun but when I find a word in a definition which I can't work out I usually look it up in my So Sethaphutra, What is Lexitron?

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I see that the online RID defines "หมาใน" as Cuon alpinus, the Dhole (which can be found in Thailand), also known as the Asiatic Wild Dog, Indian Wild Dog or Red Dog, is a member of the Jackal family. RID makes no mention of the Hyena, which is a different family to the Jackal.


If you register with Lexitron you will be able to download the dictionary and save it on your hard drive.

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most people from one area wont know the real names for certain animals because they just dont have those animals in their own areas therefor no name.

feral dogs, wolves, foxes, dingoes, coyotes they are all maapbaa.

we are surrounded by jackals, foxes and feral dogs here on the kibbutz: to my husband they are all maabpaa-- although as far as i know, in central thai jinjok is actually fox. i guess there is no word for jackal since there arent jackals in thailand. as far as feral dogs, guess no specific word for that either though i dont know why as there are tons of those in the thai villages and sois... just like in some languages there is no word for male donkey and female horse as opposed to male horse and female donkey (one is a mule one is a hinny)...

and suunak is the polite - read central thai not issan 'lowly' dialect- word for dog, mostly house dogs as far as i understand from korat husband. which is all rather funny if u think about it as the word for 'what?' in hebrew is 'maa'...making thai men irritated and good for puns which they do understand , regardless of other posts implying that thais dont have a sublte sense of humour...

and we have wolves living in the desert; lighter in colour, smaller, but still lupus however u look at it. guess they dont read books to know that they need cold weather.



Fox is สุนัขจิ้งจอก suunak jing jog

wolf as above is หมาป่า maa pa

got it from my นิทานอีสป Esops fables.

Esops fables are available everywhere at every level of language and most thais are familiar with them.

Edited by grandpops
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