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Flying Out


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I'm looking to try and fly out for a visit with family back in good old Aust.

Want to take my 7yo daughter with me just for 2 weeks.

just made up my mind couple of hours ago, I'm going nuts and need to escape for a couple of weeks.

So I'm looking for advice from some of you seasoned travellers.

I realise this is the holiday season coming up so I don't know if I can get seats at this late day.

Want to leave on the 15th and come back about the 29th.Or later.

Looking for cheap tickets, where can I find these and can I safely order on the internet.

Going to Sydney.

I know I have to get a reentry visa.

My daughter has both a Thai passport and an Aussie one neither have been used before. How does one go through with this arrangement.

Is it true that there is A train that goes from Sydney airport to Central Rail.

Can anyone think of a question I need to ask but haven't.

And no I won't take home any brown paper packages for anyone :o

Regards Joe

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I'm looking to try and fly out for a visit with family back in good old Aust.

Want to take my 7yo daughter with me just for 2 weeks.

just made up my mind couple of hours ago, I'm going nuts and need to escape for a couple of weeks.

So I'm looking for advice from some of you seasoned travellers.

I realise this is the holiday season coming up so I don't know if I can get seats at this late day.

Want to leave on the 15th and come back about the 29th.Or later.

Looking for cheap tickets, where can I find these and can I safely order on the internet.

Going to Sydney.

I know I have to get a reentry visa.

My daughter has both a Thai passport and an Aussie one neither have been used before. How does one go through with this arrangement.

Is it true that there is A train that goes from Sydney airport to Central Rail.

Can anyone think of a question I need to ask but haven't.

And no I won't take home any brown paper packages for anyone  :o

Regards Joe

Yeah, must be a bit chilly in Austria this time of year :D

I think you'll really struggle with the flights...probably the worst time in the whole year as long stayers etc, like to go home for Christmas and come back soon after. Regards your daughter and the passports...get the Thai one stamped on the way out and the Aussie one stamped when entering Oz and vice versa. Not sure about the train.

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Is it true that there is A train that goes from Sydney airport to Central Rail.

That train does exist but it is (was) not a special airport train. No extra room for luggage, just plain train as any other.

The tickets were I think 12A$ for adults, probably 8A$ for children, one way.

Pretty much what a taxi would cost you anyway. No wonder they are struggling to be profitable on that line.

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If you are flying out by yourself with your daughter you will need permision to travel.

See Hague Convention Letter

You might be asked for this on either leg of your journey

The link's unreadable. Who asks where and under what cicumstances? No-one said anything to us about this when my wife and daughter flew out to Thailand from the UK without me earlier this month, or when they flew out and back without me last year.

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For air tickets , do a search for "Amber" based at the end of soi 11, Sukh, check with them for SQ. flts. It was 21800b 60 day rtn in Sept. via Changi.

Mut got it right about the train, where are you heading from the airport?

Do you smoke? :o


Here you go Joe.....

Amber Air Travels

33/27 Soi 11, Sukhumvit Road

Klongteoy, Wattana, Bangkok


T.A.T License No.11/030

Tel: +662-254-0809 (AUTO)

Fax: +662-254-1755

Edited by udon
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Is it true that there is A train that goes from Sydney airport to Central Rail.

That train does exist but it is (was) not a special airport train. No extra room for luggage, just plain train as any other.

The tickets were I think 12A$ for adults, probably 8A$ for children, one way.

Pretty much what a taxi would cost you anyway. No wonder they are struggling to be profitable on that line.

I have only used that train a couple of times during my visits to Sydney and i must admit it made me think of the worst aspects of the old British Rail - not a great introduction to Australia for anyone arriving for the first time.

The trains looked as if they ahd been around in the age of steam and were covered from top to bottom in grafitti.

I can only hope that this is not a typical example of the railway network in Australia

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If you are flying out by yourself with your daughter you will need permision to travel.

See Hague Convention Letter

You might be asked for this on either leg of your journey

Would you mind reposting the link.

Couldn't find any info at all, or where that letter came from on the website pointed to by the link. But looking at the letter it appears to me that it would only be needed if the kid is not travelling with a legal guardian or parent.

But I am not always right :o

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Hey Erasmus,

relax mate your not going crazy you just don't understand the language of us international jetsetters. :o

hey Fellow jetsetters

Many thanks for the info.

already been on to the Amber Air folks and am booked on to Cathey Pacific on the 14th. Got to go to bangkok next week to pick up the tickets.

When I get to Sydney I'll be heading to Maitland visit with my sister.

As far as the Haque letter is concerned I'll be carrying my daughters birth cert. so I'm not expecting any problems. That was one of the questions I hadn't asked, thanks for that. I will see the embassy next week and ask them about that. I did think that as I'm 69 it might seem a bit unusual to some folks back there. I imagine thoughs such as ''dirty old man with pretty young girl''.

Don't smoke why do you ask (my daughter won't let me)

The airport - central train sounds a bit nightmaresh. I seem to recall there was a city bus. As I haven't yet picked up my tickets I don't know what time I'm getting in, as I want to connect with the fast train it will depend on whether I need to stay over night in Sydney.

Many thanks All Joe

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The link is to an Adobe File so you'll need an adobe Acrobat Reader to see it, essentially it is a letter of concent to tavel with a child.

The Hague Convention Provides for the protection of children against trafficking and kidnap.

The requirement is (but not always enforced) that an adult travelling with children under the age of 16 years old must have the permission of both parents to travel.

A single parent must have the permission of the other parent to travel.

It is a common misconception that being the legal guardian allows you to travel without the other parent's permission - It does not.

The reason is simple - The other parent may have visiting rights that are being withheald during the journey or that the journey is aimed at with holding those rights.

English law looks at it in a different light, it is not the right of the parents to see the child but the right of the child to see both its parents.

There is also the case that a none travelling parent may be placed at finacial disadvantage, assuming say that the parent travelling with the child has not taken out insurance and the worst happens - who would not spend their life's savings to help their children if they needed medical care abroad?

The immage is usaually of a father taking his child from the mother but the fact is the reverse is more often the case. I personally know of one family where the mother took off with the child and went travelling using the father's maintenance payments to fund the journy. The father took legal advice and having tracked her down to Thailand requested that the Thai authorities follow the convention and ask to see travel authority. She was detained in BKK and convinced that it was in her best interest to return to the UK.

A victory for the convention.

However, it is a fact that women are far less likely to get stopped and questioned than men. I frequently travel with my children and have frequently been asked for the letter of conscent. Their mother has only ever been asked once.

But remember, every time you present the letter it reinforces this convention. Which has to be a good thing.

My bet is that the OP is far more likely to be stopped returning to Thailand from Oz than on hte way out.

I'll see if I can't post a more easily accessible version or perhaps a link the the free reader software.

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I seem to recall there was a city bus. As I haven't yet picked up my tickets I don't know what time I'm getting in, as I want to connect with the fast train it will depend on whether I need to stay over night in Sydney.

Many thanks All Joe

The bus is still there. Every 15 mins and it will take you to Central.

A taxi to there would be 22-25A$.

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i wouldn't say it's "chilly" in austria right now...

it's f*****ng cooooold!!!!

But snow has got its own kinda Xmas touch too (not so bad at all I can assure u).

Will miss that while stayin here in Los (faaar more close to AustraLIA than Austria)


have a nice holiday break .. and show your doughter as much as possible.

and merry Xmas as well.

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Here you go, you can download Acrobat Reader Here

Then you should be able to read the page that comes from the link Permission to Travel

That was the first problem I'd had using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0! I wonder if the PDF version stamp (1.5) accorded with the content. Anyway, 6.02 solved the reading problem.

I'm puzzled as to what a 'positive ID document' is, especially as it is supposed to be attached to the letter of consent. The only options I as a UK citizen and resident can think of are:

  • Passport. This is obviously unsuitable if both parents will be abroad, e.g. if the non-travelling parent is an ex-patriate. However, this seems not to qualify as it does not contain one's address!
  • Photocard driving licence. This might do for short trips, but one may be required to produce it on 14 (or 21 - I forget which) days notice. Furthermore, I'm not sure how the plastic photocard should be attached to a letter.

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Sorry, I'l revise the sheet up, it should of course read 'A Copy of a Possitive ID Document"

In the UK that would be your passport of driving licence.

The important thing is the parant who is travelling must demonstrate the have permission, the information the non travelling parent provides is confirmation that they have given permission and contact details so that permission can be checked.

Copies of possitive ID is to demonstate it was infact you that gave permission.

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