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Bringing A Handgun Into Thailand From Usa


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if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school


Oh boy, you really seem to enjoy humiliating yourself. I have to admit you're doing a pretty good job

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if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school


Oh boy, you really seem to enjoy humiliating yourself. I have to admit you're doing a pretty good job

What an entertaining fool he is though, lets hope that he keeps it up.

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if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school


Oh boy, you really seem to enjoy humiliating yourself. I have to admit you're doing a pretty good job

What an entertaining fool he is though, lets hope that he keeps it up.

Why do you clowns say that? Haven't you ever handled a gun before? I was hunting and had my own shotgun at the age of 10. I learned how to dismantle a gun as well as thoroughly clean it at a very young age. I learned respect of firearms.

As Lifeisrandom has said guns won our freedom over you Brits, as I have stated before in the past on a previous thread, the Brits just stood in file and rank obliging the royal Queen why we shot behind cover and were much better marksmen with the weapons we had at hand.

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As Lifeisrandom has said guns won our freedom over you Brits, as I have stated before in the past on a previous thread, the Brits just stood in file and rank obliging the royal Queen why we shot behind cover and were much better marksmen with the weapons we had at hand.

Actually, much of that is a myth. Except for a few such as Francis Marion (who did not have enough forces to stand toe-to-toe with the British) most engagements were in the continental style of formed ranks firing upon each other. And usually, the British kicked the Colonials butt. In fact, Washinton's forces got thrown out of New York largely because the British forces infiltrated through the night and caught the Colonials off-guard at the area what is now known as Flatbush. So in that case, at least, it was the British who abandoned the formed ranks.

However, the Colonial forces won at the end when when Cornwallis was not re-enforced in time by Howe and sentiment of the British people had turned away from the war.

One last point--the British troops were fighting for King and country, not the Queen.

Edited by bonobo
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if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school

Whats that smell ? :o
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if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school


Oh boy, you really seem to enjoy humiliating yourself. I have to admit you're doing a pretty good job

What an entertaining fool he is though, lets hope that he keeps it up.

Why do you clowns say that? Haven't you ever handled a gun before? I was hunting and had my own shotgun at the age of 10. I learned how to dismantle a gun as well as thoroughly clean it at a very young age. I learned respect of firearms.

As Lifeisrandom has said guns won our freedom over you Brits, as I have stated before in the past on a previous thread, the Brits just stood in file and rank obliging the royal Queen why we shot behind cover and were much better marksmen with the weapons we had at hand.

LOL what utter crap!

If you hadn't had the help of the coward riddnen French, you would have lost! There were more French on Ameriacan soil against the British than Americans! When the British surrendered, it was due to the overwhelming French armed forces not the American anti clonialists. NO IDEA OF HISTORY! The French outnumbered the "Loyal" Americans by more than 2-1, go look in a REAL History book, not the kind of <deleted> history books you get in the good old US of A!

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if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school

This is getting amusing. Self-made millionaire. Expert marksman. Shotgun sawer.

Just who deisgnated "expert." I was designated a Distinguished Shooter by the Marines, but that was as a result of certain competitive paramaters being reached. So who designates a 7-year-old as an "expert marksman?"

And who, pray tell, who professes to care for guns, would saw off the barrells of a shotgun, which is not only illegal but pretty stupid. (And what gun user ever uses the phrase "shotty?")

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if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school

This is getting amusing. Self-made millionaire. Expert marksman. Shotgun sawer.

Just who deisgnated "expert." I was designated a Distinguished Shooter by the Marines, but that was as a result of certain competitive paramaters being reached. So who designates a 7-year-old as an "expert marksman?"

And who, pray tell, who professes to care for guns, would saw off the barrells of a shotgun, which is not only illegal but pretty stupid. (And what gun user ever uses the phrase "shotty?")

Says it all really dosent it, or perhaps he held up a bank with the sawn off and got his million that way :o
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if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school

This is getting amusing. Self-made millionaire. Expert marksman. Shotgun sawer.

Just who deisgnated "expert." I was designated a Distinguished Shooter by the Marines, but that was as a result of certain competitive paramaters being reached. So who designates a 7-year-old as an "expert marksman?"

And who, pray tell, who professes to care for guns, would saw off the barrells of a shotgun, which is not only illegal but pretty stupid. (And what gun user ever uses the phrase "shotty?")

Propbably cut em off to make me more "accurate" so the 7 year old could hit his target!

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if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school

This is getting amusing. Self-made millionaire. Expert marksman. Shotgun sawer.

Just who deisgnated "expert." I was designated a Distinguished Shooter by the Marines, but that was as a result of certain competitive paramaters being reached. So who designates a 7-year-old as an "expert marksman?"

And who, pray tell, who professes to care for guns, would saw off the barrells of a shotgun, which is not only illegal but pretty stupid. (And what gun user ever uses the phrase "shotty?")

Propbably cut em off to make me more "accurate" so the 7 year old could hit his target!

It will be one of them that fired a cork on a peice of string ! :o
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if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school

This is getting amusing. Self-made millionaire. Expert marksman. Shotgun sawer.

Just who deisgnated "expert." I was designated a Distinguished Shooter by the Marines, but that was as a result of certain competitive paramaters being reached. So who designates a 7-year-old as an "expert marksman?"

And who, pray tell, who professes to care for guns, would saw off the barrells of a shotgun, which is not only illegal but pretty stupid. (And what gun user ever uses the phrase "shotty?")

Says it all really dosent it, or perhaps he held up a bank with the sawn off and got his million that way :o

We have a winner. :D

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if you are smart you teach your kids how to be comfortable around guns and how to respect and love a gun otherwise your shelter kids stumble upon it looking for cum magazines they end up blowing their brains out like a two bit moron

i was expert marksman by my 7th birthday and sawed off my own double barrel shotty by high school

This is getting amusing. Self-made millionaire. Expert marksman. Shotgun sawer.

Just who deisgnated "expert." I was designated a Distinguished Shooter by the Marines, but that was as a result of certain competitive paramaters being reached. So who designates a 7-year-old as an "expert marksman?"

And who, pray tell, who professes to care for guns, would saw off the barrells of a shotgun, which is not only illegal but pretty stupid. (And what gun user ever uses the phrase "shotty?")

Says it all really dosent it, or perhaps he held up a bank with the sawn off and got his million that way :o

We have a winner. :D

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there is an alternative, (I didn't say this) You can get Thai to buy a Chinese made handgun for about 3000 baht, take your risks pulling the trigger..maybe you will lose your fingers.. maybe not! The gun will have no registration, and, should you unfortunately have to shoot someone with it, you only need to tell the police, that you FOUND IT!, the licensing problem disappears,..like someone chucked it over your wall, and, being a good citizen, you were on your way to hand it in at the tim when the robbers struck!

The bullets..(12 off maximum) can be got by the kilo, mai mee bahn ha! (We have a shedfull of both guns and ammo, and the cops couldn't give a shit. Just be careful where and how you shoot anyone, best to spend a few baht more and buy a cheap second Chinese Pistol, to put in their hand after you pop em!)

And here we have a shining example of a responsible and safe gun owner.. :o ...based on this example I am in full agreement with the Thai goverment banning farangs from ever owning guns in Thailand.

my gun has never be fired in anger YET!

Edited by MinnieCauldwell
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LOL what utter crap!

If you hadn't had the help of the coward riddnen French, you would have lost! There were more French on Ameriacan soil against the British than Americans! When the British surrendered, it was due to the overwhelming French armed forces not the American anti clonialists. NO IDEA OF HISTORY! The French outnumbered the "Loyal" Americans by more than 2-1, go look in a REAL History book, not the kind of <deleted> history books you get in the good old US of A!

That is equally as wrong as the earlier post favoring the American side.

Washington did indeed have abotu 1/2 the troops as the French when they marched towards Yorktown. Washington left half of his army in New York to pin down Howe, then marched with a little over 2,000 Continental regulars with Rochambeua's 4,000 French regulars. However, prior to arriving in Yorktown, the were met up with over 3,000 Virginia militia and another 3,500 Continentals. Then Admiral de Grasse landed anotehr 4,500 Frenchmen, so the numbers of French to colonials was about even.

Actually, probably more important to the outcome was de Grasse's defeat of the British fleet sent to evacuate Cornwallis.

Of course, what any of this has to do with Thailand is rather open to conjecture! :o

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As had been said many times before, if you think you are too stupid to own a gun, then you probably are. Your answer is yes, you may bring a pistol or a shotgun (no rifles, unless gov't of course) into Thailand for competition purposes on an A.T.A. carnet for the competition. You cannot sell the firearm while in Thailand and must present it with the documentation to customs for varification when you leave Thailand.

You may purchase a firearm in Thailand in your own name with permission from your shooting club and the firearm must stay at the club. There are shotgun/skeet ranges and pistol ranges in every big province. If you are a businessman that routinely carries large sums of money, you can get permission from your local police chief to carry as well, or if you are simple "friends" with a high enough ranking police, you can get permission that way, like everything else in Thailand.

As for in the house, yes, you can buy one in your wifes name, teach her how to use it and keep it properly secured, away from the kids.

If you think that you are too stupid to teach her how to use it and how to keep it secured, then DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT BUYING ONE. Do like the Brit's and just get an attack cat or goldfish or whatever.

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what is the difference if your dog attacks and kills an invader or if a gun does?

He has a family and 4 kids.

4 more reasons not to have a gun in the house.

A gun in the house is a good thing if your responsible enough to manage it.

Having lived and worked in one of the most violent cities in the world and carried a concealed firearm for all those years, with all due respect you are talking through your ar*e, a gun in the house is not a good thing and most certainly not with kids around.

I just wish our colonial cousins would give their John Wayne, Rambo attitudes at rest, there is no wild west, buffalo bill etc anymore

Having a concealed weapon or weapon in the house does not make things safer, all it does is it provides a false sense of security rather put in security system, get a big dog, a base ball bat under the bed....

As to the poster who stated "The US has the gunlaw for the whole reason of (in word at least) to prevent tyranny".....you may have missed the boat on that one....you already have tyranny...GWB and the patriot act, you just dont know its happened you.

OP has disappeared, looks like more of a troll than anything.

Shot my fair share of foxes, rabbits and fence posts growing up, would not entertain having a gun in my house in Thailand, not if we don't want it turning into a mini version of the grand old gun toting US of A that the OP and his friend plan. If he gets a gun I hope it blows up in his face.

Agree with Carlb, 4 kids in the house, a very very good reason not to have a gun.

1 gun in the hand of at theif, and he leaves with your wallet, 2 guns, one in your hand, one in his, whose gonna die........ the one ready to use it coz he is on hostile territory, up on drugs and primed, NOT the house owner who's just come out of a deep slumber.

Better with the dog! Even little toy poodles yap and howl so much a theif would think twice about entering the building.

Guns are not the solution!

Gung hoo shit.

Got pissed off after reading the first page at least some people have some sanity.

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Agreed! There's been nothing said here until now about the responsibility of teaching our children at an early age about knives, fires, drinking bleach, guns, running in the street.

These UK twits are so juiced up all the time that they wouldn't know how to defend themselves. Look at the invasion the UK is suffering now.

Of course, I have little sympathy for the incredible operas singers, "Me,me, me, me..." that state, "Oh, I carried a weapon 24-7 for 30 years (and lorded it over YOU), but you shouldn't have a weapon now!"

Morons, absolute morons.

A weapon is a time-honored tool, and lest the bleary-eyes Brit poofters forget, thank your ancestors they had balls, else you'd all have red hair and be speaking Norse today.

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@bassmaster50: It's true what you say about Switzerland, but I am not sure if we are the most heavily armed country in the world, but certainly on the top, as we have mandatory military service and everyone keeps their army rifle & ammo at home.. But while we do have relatively low crime rates we have, like the US, an extremely high suicide rate with firearms. We also have quite a number of incidents involving army rifles and there is a hot debate going on about storing the weapons in the barracks or keeping them at home...

But Switzerland is not the US, so if you compare countries with similar socio-economic backgrounds, take the US, Canada and Germany for example, you can clearly show that the more weapons you have in an average household, the more crimes occur with firearms, the more suicides you have with firearms (everything else is much, much more likely to fail and thus save a life) and the more school shootings etc you have...

Shooting a burglar destroys your family, and doesn't protect it.

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The culture is already here. Thailand has 11 times more murders with firearms than the USA. The only places with a worse murder rate by firearms than Thailand are South Africa and Colombia.

And your source of this info ?

I would agree with you on South African and Columbia, but Thailand has 11 times the murder rate than the US...believe you are talking out you posterior, I remember watching a documentary years ago, which stated since the assination of JKF, there have been 1 million murders in the US, granted they are not all by firearms..


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Agreed! There's been nothing said here until now about the responsibility of teaching our children at an early age about knives, fires, drinking bleach, guns, running in the street.

These UK twits are so juiced up all the time that they wouldn't know how to defend themselves. Look at the invasion the UK is suffering now.

Of course, I have little sympathy for the incredible operas singers, "Me,me, me, me..." that state, "Oh, I carried a weapon 24-7 for 30 years (and lorded it over YOU), but you shouldn't have a weapon now!"

Morons, absolute morons.

A weapon is a time-honored tool, and lest the bleary-eyes Brit poofters forget, thank your ancestors they had balls, else you'd all have red hair and be speaking Norse today.

Another set of really well thought out, insightful, well argued, rational comments by one of our Rambo, John Wayne wanna be colonial cousins,with an expert knowlege of history and current events.. :o:D .

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Scenario: The Farang and his Thai wife are awoken by an intruder.


Step 1: Release the hounds and attack goose. Turn on PC.

Intruder is not put off ? Go to step 2.

Step 2: PC should now be ready. Play MP3 recordings of guns being cocked.

Intruder still there and now outside your bedroom ? Go to step 3.

Step 3: Grab the paintball gun and color him from head to groin.

The intruder is determined/high as a kite and still there ?

Your wife should now have the safe cracked, located the ammo and loaded the gun.

Step 4: Pray she's a good shot.


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Some of these ideas are pretty ridiculous. A paintball is a toy. I have been hit with them. They sting a little but so what. They will not stop a criminal or anyone intent on harming or robbing you. If the burglar has a real gun and you shoot him with a paintball, you will be dead. Once again I personally would not keep a gun in Thailand as it is just too much hassle. But that is my own decision and plus I live in a populated area with not much crime. Perhaps if I lived in a secluded area I might reconsider. I have had guns and kids in the house most of my life. I taught my kids to respect guns and never touch them and they were always locked. Much safer than having a rottweiler running around loose.

As for the British defeating America, it would never have happened. The French helped but the fact was the Colonials were fighting for their homes and families while Brits were fighting for their pay and the king. So in the end Americans would have won regardless. As for French helping Americans, my first ancestor in America was a German Hessian mercenary fighting for the British, so apparently they needed the Germans to help them. The fact is the Americans won, the British lost, so get over it.

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LOL what utter crap!

If you hadn't had the help of the coward riddnen French, you would have lost! There were more French on Ameriacan soil against the British than Americans! When the British surrendered, it was due to the overwhelming French armed forces not the American anti clonialists. NO IDEA OF HISTORY! The French outnumbered the "Loyal" Americans by more than 2-1, go look in a REAL History book, not the kind of <deleted> history books you get in the good old US of A!

That is equally as wrong as the earlier post favoring the American side.

Washington did indeed have abotu 1/2 the troops as the French when they marched towards Yorktown. Washington left half of his army in New York to pin down Howe, then marched with a little over 2,000 Continental regulars with Rochambeua's 4,000 French regulars. However, prior to arriving in Yorktown, the were met up with over 3,000 Virginia militia and another 3,500 Continentals. Then Admiral de Grasse landed anotehr 4,500 Frenchmen, so the numbers of French to colonials was about even.

Actually, probably more important to the outcome was de Grasse's defeat of the British fleet sent to evacuate Cornwallis.

Of course, what any of this has to do with Thailand is rather open to conjecture! :o

It has great relevance to Thailand actually, had the American/French not won the war of independance, the Americans would esentially still be ruled by the British.

If America didn't exist, then it could never have participated (however late) in the 2nd World War, and Thailand would now be a Japanese colony! LOL

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Well, now that we've solved the gun issue, anyone want to start a thread on the value of land mines in border demarcation?

Naaaah, I was thinking more in terms of an easy to move rocket shield around the house.....I have been told it is an absolute must have ! :o

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my friend who lives in thailand had many attempted break-in in the middle of the night. he spoke to a police officer and was quoted a price to purchase a handgun, the handgun, a glock he was selling was about three or four times the retail price in the USA. he has a family in thailand and four kids and was concerned. he asked me to check on line for him to see if anyone knows the procedure, or if it is even possible. thank you for any information and i will forward it to him.

Guns are not the answer to any crime problem either here or in the USA. They create more crime than they solve. Full stop. Guns don't kill people, guns and people do.

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