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Stort-term Apartment?


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Can someone recommend someplace to stay in Pattaya for a few months after the first of the year. SOme of the serviced apartments I've seen were a little too pricey. I am looking for something under 21k baht per month. I don't need anything all that fancy as this will only be temporary until I find something permanent. I will be working and will need an internet connection.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

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You will be arriving in "high season" which will make it a little more difficult than usual, but if you grab a hotel for a few days, I am sure that you could walk into any of the many condo buildings and find a willing renter for that amount of money. If the owner cannot provide maid services, then the building more than likely would be happy to oblidge you.

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For that money there are many options - such as Yensabai Condo (studio apartment) and so on.

There is an agency on the corner of Yensabai Condo <Rooms to Rent> or similar name. He flies the Austrian flag at times, claims to be Honorary Consul - at least to me.

Otherwise try some of the agencies such as Northern Thai Realty on Sai Sawng - they found me a place when I arived in about year 2000. I have moved on a cpouple of times since, but they saved me a lot of time when I moved from Phuket. Fees paid by landlord, so it ain't costin' nufffink.

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Nova Park does look pretty nice and I've never heard a bad word about them. I've also just heard about Soliel de Siam on Soi Bukao and Pattaya Bay Resort.

I won't actually get to Pattaya until late March so I won't have to pay the high season rates.

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