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Research For My Novel


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Hi everyone! My name is Elin and I'm a writer from Stockholm, Sweden.

I'm currently working on a novel that partly takes place in Huahin in the years 2001 - 2007. I visited myself in 2006 and might be going back pretty soon, but what I'm really interested in is what it was like in the years before.

I originally posted this in the Huahin/Cha-am forum, but I'm posting it here aswell since it's not only Huahin I am interested in (probably a lot of what happened in the rest of Thailand can apply on Huahin and vice versa).

What I'm looking for is someone who might have information on any of these subjects:

- Organized crime in Thailand.

- The so called "yaba epidemic" and the "war on drugs" in 2002-2003 (and forward).

- Corruption within the Thai police and law system.

- Thai Drug business in general.

I have already done a lot of research on the matter, so mainly I'm interested in 'witness stories' or even just rumours from Thais and expats living in Thailand, but links to webpages and articles are also apprieciated.

If anyone knows how or where or from who I could learn more about this, I would be extremely thankful if you would either reply in this topic, send me a PM . Any information could be useful.

Best wishes


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You might try a one on one interview with any of the drug loards in Thailand or even Burma, for real Thailand experiences. Rumor has it a likely canidate may be living on the border of Thailand/Cambodia in a casino. The police corruption witness may be harder to find. A good start may be to buy some Yabaa in the Maisai area, head south in your auto or maybe even on bus, and the policeman who busts you can give great insight into the system. If these suggestions are unsuccessful, try to interview at one of the prisons with the dealers/users who you will find there. If you want rumors just sit back and watch, and the comments should start coming in when everyone wakes up.

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You might try a one on one interview with any of the drug loards in Thailand or even Burma, for real Thailand experiences. Rumor has it a likely canidate may be living on the border of Thailand/Cambodia in a casino. The police corruption witness may be harder to find. A good start may be to buy some Yabaa in the Maisai area, head south in your auto or maybe even on bus, and the policeman who busts you can give great insight into the system. If these suggestions are unsuccessful, try to interview at one of the prisons with the dealers/users who you will find there. If you want rumors just sit back and watch, and the comments should start coming in when everyone wakes up.

Ok, I just did exacly what you said and now I'm jail. fuc_k. Can you please bail me out? Or at least come visit me?

PS. Bring a donut. DS.

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You might try a one on one interview with any of the drug loards in Thailand or even Burma, for real Thailand experiences. Rumor has it a likely canidate may be living on the border of Thailand/Cambodia in a casino. The police corruption witness may be harder to find. A good start may be to buy some Yabaa in the Maisai area, head south in your auto or maybe even on bus, and the policeman who busts you can give great insight into the system. If these suggestions are unsuccessful, try to interview at one of the prisons with the dealers/users who you will find there. If you want rumors just sit back and watch, and the comments should start coming in when everyone wakes up.

You can stick that answer where the sun is not shining,good for you Elinn tell the <deleted>.

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You seem kind of testy this beautiful morning but the day will get better for you, I am sure. Hope your merry attitude does not affect your research and forthcoming book. I will setting on the edge of my lounge chair waiting for the first copy, which I hope you can personally sign and post to me (pre-paid). I will not attend your book promotion bash as I am doing research on getting my school age children to use the vast amount of written/published/firsthand info avaliable to them, if they will get off of their kiesters,research and get firsthand experience. They still have a hill to climb due to their being young and immature but they and other people who tend to be lazy will hopefully grow up eventually and make a real contribution to the world. If not they could apply to various government groups who have contributed volumes on the subject you seem to have a intrest in. If I had info to the location of a good donut shop I may consider sending same via post, as to bail, this may be a excellant time to contact a publishing company as you can show grassroots infiltration of people who may help you on your book, thus ask for a million baht advance.

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Oh, and I forgot to say: if you're a sarcastic loser without anything better to do than write non-serious posts here - please do not bother.


If that advice was heeded by all, there would be about 7 posts a day in general topics. :D

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Oh, and I forgot to say: if you're a sarcastic loser without anything better to do than write non-serious posts here - please do not bother.


elinn, welcome to TV and please don't listen to anyone who tries to get you to believe the random jerk who answers your questions in such a nasty way is not the norm here, as well, it is par for the course. It is rare that you find answers to straightforward questions being straightforward themselves.

So with that I wish you good luck!

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You are asking for rumor and innuendo ..... this isn't the place for it. Read the papers. visit and ask questions etc (if you are willing to take those risks) but never ever ever


open 2 topics on the same thing!

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Oh, and I forgot to say: if you're a sarcastic loser without anything better to do than write non-serious posts here - please do not bother.


If that advice was heeded by all, there would be about 7 posts a day in general topics. :D

and absolutely none of them made by you!

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slapout, jdinasia, Dp25: Wow, that is really interesting how you can judge both me and my project just like that, without knowing anything about either. When did I ever say that I was writing ABOUT Thailand? You obviously don't know a lot about how writers work. Just assuming that I haven't been reading papers and all the material on the subject that is on the internet is just stupid, and the advice "go there, talk to people" - well, come on. Everyone isn't lucky enough to always have the money to go to Thailand whenever they feel like it. I was asking for stories from people who actually was there a couple of years ago, I think I made that clear.

I'm sure there are some non-mental / non-bored and bitter people in this forum, but they really don't seem to be so many and I'm too busy to have time to deal with giving me a hard time when asking for help. To everyone with serious answers: Thanks. Rest: Get a life. I'm out.

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You might try a one on one interview with any of the drug loards in Thailand or even Burma, for real Thailand experiences. Rumor has it a likely canidate may be living on the border of Thailand/Cambodia in a casino. The police corruption witness may be harder to find. A good start may be to buy some Yabaa in the Maisai area, head south in your auto or maybe even on bus, and the policeman who busts you can give great insight into the system. If these suggestions are unsuccessful, try to interview at one of the prisons with the dealers/users who you will find there. If you want rumors just sit back and watch, and the comments should start coming in when everyone wakes up.

You can stick that answer where the sun is not shining,good for you Elinn tell the <deleted>.

Actually - slapouts comment was probably the most informed made on the subject so far - I'm not privvy to everything underhand in Thailand, but the casino connection is something I know about because my father-in-law has had to deal with members of that family on an official level on several occassions - so I can tell readers: it is the top of the pyrimid from [Thai] organised crime/narcotics business point of view.

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slapout, jdinasia, Dp25: Wow, that is really interesting how you can judge both me and my project just like that, without knowing anything about either. When did I ever say that I was writing ABOUT Thailand? You obviously don't know a lot about how writers work. Just assuming that I haven't been reading papers and all the material on the subject that is on the internet is just stupid, and the advice "go there, talk to people" - well, come on. Everyone isn't lucky enough to always have the money to go to Thailand whenever they feel like it. I was asking for stories from people who actually was there a couple of years ago, I think I made that clear.

I'm sure there are some non-mental / non-bored and bitter people in this forum, but they really don't seem to be so many and I'm too busy to have time to deal with giving me a hard time when asking for help. To everyone with serious answers: Thanks. Rest: Get a life. I'm out.

PM me, I know some people in Chiangmai who may and I say may be able to help.

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If you ignore the sarcasm slapout did actually make one fairly valid suggestion - visit the prisons. No shortage of farangs in there for drug offences. I'm sure they'd be grateful for the visits and wouldn't mind telling you their side of the story, especially if you brought them a few essentials. Not sure how easy to access the Thai inmates though.

On the other hand, as DP25 said, are you sure that a couple of visits enables you to write a novel set in Thailand?

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Yes, I'm with the DP and JDasia dude on this one.

This book sounds like a surface-level crime novel, only that it's set in Thailand.

But crucially will it have that special 'wow this is something else factor' or just another pretender to the writers hall of fame, which I regret to say there are a fair few from Thailand in there. :o

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slapout, jdinasia, Dp25: Wow, that is really interesting how you can judge both me and my project just like that, without knowing anything about either. When did I ever say that I was writing ABOUT Thailand?
I'm currently working on a novel that partly takes place in Huahin in the years 2001 - 2007

You obviously don't know a lot about how writers work. Just assuming that I haven't been reading papers and all the material on the subject that is on the internet is just stupid, and the advice "go there, talk to people" - well, come on. Everyone isn't lucky enough to always have the money to go to Thailand whenever they feel like it. I was asking for stories from people who actually was there a couple of years ago, I think I made that clear.

I'm sure there are some non-mental / non-bored and bitter people in this forum, but they really don't seem to be so many and I'm too busy to have time to deal with giving me a hard time when asking for help. To everyone with serious answers: Thanks. Rest: Get a life. I'm out.

But you are asking for rumor and innuendo .. we just don't do that here (or at least are not supposed to!) I do believe you also said you were planning on coming back.

(and yes I lived in HH in 2003/2004)

But face it ... a month in Thailand and scouring the internet isn't gonna make for a great novel :o

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National geographic channel did a report on the yaba epidemic, you may look that up. I was surprised to see most users are not kids, but working class poor, trying to work longer hours. Here's a link

Interviewing taxi drivers (some of the most prevalent users) would be a good place to start.

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I'm out.

WoW! 7 posts and she said she's out. .. That's gotta be a new T/V record for the least number of posts made before a poster throws up their hands runs away screaming. Evidently the Swedish Visa Forum is a lot more soft spoken and respectful towards new members.

To answer your inane question; why would we think you were writing a book about thailand. Hmmm, lemme give that some thought. ..

First; you posted on the THAI visa forum not the "insert another pissant developing third world country's name here" forum.

Second; you asked specifically about the THAI war on drugs.

Third; you asked about organized crime in THAILAND not anywhere else

Fourth; you asked about corruption with the THAI police and law system.

And lastly you asked about the THAI drug business in general.

I am with you on this one and abso-tively, posi-lutely have no idea how the readers of T/V thought your forthcoming book might, by some wild stretch of the imagination, be about, of all places, thailand.

Sadly you are correct in your assertion that everyone can't just put their lives on hold and fly across the world to research their current idea for a possible book. (What no advance money on this book deal?)

That is why someone smarter than the people who use the internet invented Google. (you might be familiar with it, then again, maybe not).

Good luck, keep us posted, we're waiting with bated breath.

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Yes, I'm with the DP and JDasia dude on this one.

This book sounds like a surface-level crime novel, only that it's set in Thailand.

But crucially will it have that special 'wow this is something else factor' or just another pretender to the writers hall of fame, which I regret to say there are a fair few from Thailand in there. :o

Actually, no - it's definetly not a crime novel. I'm originally a poet, so that's not really my thing. But yes, it is set in Thailand and when I set a background scene I want it to be proper, like anyone would. That's what research is about, being well read so that you don't make too many mistakes on facts. The story is supposed to be realistic. If I was to write a novel that took place in my hometown Stockholm, I would probably do research anyway. That's just me.

So, I think I'm done defending my ideas that everyone seems so eager to put down without knowing anything about them. If you think that the whole thing seems so stupid that just don't bother posting a reply.

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Realism lies in those fantastic details that are too farfetched to be made up, those are also the very same details that tend to give away who supplied the information.

There are plenty of books on people who ended up in thai prisons and how they got there.

there are also plenty of blogs written by people living in thailand, including hua hin that may give some of those sprinklings of the extraordinary that happen every day.

Make it up, seriously, who cares?

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Some people here should really work on their attitude... I'm not really interesting in hearing whether people think it seems so be a good novel or not.

pumpuiman: Thanks for the link (I've seen the programme and it's great) and the advice, that's what I'm looking for!

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There's a reason that most Good authors, when writing about a real place etc; write about what they know. Hunting down rumor and innuendo .... ugh.

Have you considered writing a novel about Stockholm? Just think, all you would have to do is walk outside! Talk to neighbors, sit back and watch things etc etc.....

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Errm, interesting. I'd say that every writer has they're own way of working. And I'm getting tired of having to defend my way of working and my ideas. SO WILL YOU PLEASE STOP TAKING OUT YOUR BITTERNESS OR WHATEVER IT IS ON ME AND STOP POSTING HERE WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING INTELLIGENT TO SAY. Thank you.

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You are asking for rumor and innuendo ..... this isn't the place for it. Read the papers. visit and ask questions etc (if you are willing to take those risks) but never ever ever


open 2 topics on the same thing!

Get To BED! How many times have you been told? 6 o'clock is BEDTIME! I won't tell you again!

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slapout, jdinasia, Dp25: Wow, that is really interesting how you can judge both me and my project just like that, without knowing anything about either. When did I ever say that I was writing ABOUT Thailand? You obviously don't know a lot about how writers work. Just assuming that I haven't been reading papers and all the material on the subject that is on the internet is just stupid, and the advice "go there, talk to people" - well, come on. Everyone isn't lucky enough to always have the money to go to Thailand whenever they feel like it. I was asking for stories from people who actually was there a couple of years ago, I think I made that clear.

I'm sure there are some non-mental / non-bored and bitter people in this forum, but they really don't seem to be so many and I'm too busy to have time to deal with giving me a hard time when asking for help. To everyone with serious answers: Thanks. Rest: Get a life. I'm out.

Honestly, you will get absolutely no help at all here, these people are so full of themselves they will burst..try looking at some alternative forums, PM me and I willpoint you in the correct direction, if I post the websites here, I get banned AGAIN!, drop me a PM!

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slapout, jdinasia, Dp25: Wow, that is really interesting how you can judge both me and my project just like that, without knowing anything about either. When did I ever say that I was writing ABOUT Thailand? You obviously don't know a lot about how writers work. Just assuming that I haven't been reading papers and all the material on the subject that is on the internet is just stupid, and the advice "go there, talk to people" - well, come on. Everyone isn't lucky enough to always have the money to go to Thailand whenever they feel like it. I was asking for stories from people who actually was there a couple of years ago, I think I made that clear.

I'm sure there are some non-mental / non-bored and bitter people in this forum, but they really don't seem to be so many and I'm too busy to have time to deal with giving me a hard time when asking for help. To everyone with serious answers: Thanks. Rest: Get a life. I'm out.

Honestly, you will get absolutely no help at all here, these people are so full of themselves they will burst..try looking at some alternative forums, PM me and I willpoint you in the correct direction, if I post the websites here, I get banned AGAIN!, drop me a PM!

Hmmmm actually just saying you were banned before gets you banned again.

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Take a trip / do some research on the Klorng Toei slum and open the door to the inner Bkk manufacturing / distribution base of yaa baa / meth xxxxx type stuff.

Use the search function on the internet to find many articles, some good, most <deleted>, on the rise of drugs, crime and above else the real meaning of the police in Thailand, especially in the 1950's - 1980's.


JD - give the poor lad a break. I am sure you have some useful opinion about where to start running down Thai gangsta's and politician police mafia! :D

A question for OP though? I don't really understand what is so fascinating about drugs in Thailand? FA to see really. They seem more prevalent on the streets of most large cities in the western world. Best place to see free and liberal drug use, IMO, is on the streets of PP, the war torn countries of Africa or Amsterdam.


Soundman. :o (where's the high smilie?)

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