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What Does This Mean Here? (tutting?)


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I might be inclined to "tut tut" if I was walking along and saw a previous g/f on the arm of some other guy.

Or if I saw a potential future g/f with someone else. Or if I was thinking to myself, "10 minutes earlier and that could have been me" !

Or if I saw a nice girl hanging out with someone that looks like (on a good day) he spent the night sleeping in the gutter, hasn't showered in a week, and is wearing clothes that look like cast-offs from Burmese construction workers.

But usually if I "tut tut", it's because I just had some khao pad gai and need to brush ! :o

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hmmmm another one that got past immigration!

Is there really any need to point out that weapons in prison are fabricated out of what is available and not what is 'best'

But now we have both Rambo and Ratso Rizzo on the same thread!


Please provide the statute in Thai law the prevents an EX Felon from entering the country.

And your comment about weapons in prison; are you speaking from experience or just from what you saw on the discovery channel?

Here's some "flat bladed" shanks to counter your ASSumption:



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Personally if I was given a choice, I'd choose that nasty looking thing with the serrated edge and dodgy leather tassles. Can u imagine your intestines getting caught up in those serrations on the way out??? <deleted>' thing looks like it could cut you in half. However, if it came to secreting one of these up my a*se to avoid detection during a pat-down, that skinny little round one would get the nod. Horses for courses...

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hmmmm another one that got past immigration!

Is there really any need to point out that weapons in prison are fabricated out of what is available and not what is 'best'

But now we have both Rambo and Ratso Rizzo on the same thread!


Please provide the statute in Thai law the prevents an EX Felon from entering the country.

And your comment about weapons in prison; are you speaking from experience or just from what you saw on the discovery channel?

Here's some "flat bladed" shanks to counter your ASSumption:



LOL ..

You can look at the immigration laws yourself

and why oh why would convicts in jail make something less than your "best" round shiv?

What you show us is 1) you don't read well and 2) you lack consistency

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it bothered me a lot today.

if it's #1, i can understand. And i can also understand they are dicks.

if it's #2, that's a whole different bundle of fun that will open up next time it happens :o

thanks for the reply

Let us know when & where so we can watch the beat down you are about to take.

Your lager lout attitude is fine back in pomland. Out here you are headed for the ER or the morgue.

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OMG what the hel_l is the matter with you people?


Yeah, considering the original topic was about people "tut tutting" the OP when he's out and about with his g/f.

I agree.

Should somebody "tut' at my wife or I then they they despatched by one of these.



Image not big enough but you get the point (Of my light sabre)

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Please provide the statute in Thai law the prevents an EX Felon from entering the country.

11. According to the Immigration Act of Thailand B.E. 2522 (1979), foreigners who fall into any of the following categories are prohibited to enter Thailand: (snip)

(6) Having been imprisoned by judgment of the Thai Court; or by lawful injunction or judgment of the Court of a foreign country, except for when the penalty is for a petty offence, or negligence, or is provided for as an exception by the Ministerial Regulations.

I thought I should look this up for you ... so you don't make the same mistake of announcing your status in public again :o

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How this topic EVER migrated from the O/P's original question about "tutting" to a pissing contest of semi-hinged forum posters about the choice of weapon when dealing with miscreants is beyond normal reason.

FWIW: I'd put a Bic pen (biro for you english people) into your eye, temple or carotid artery before you ever saw it comin'. .. (AND I always carry one)

Now without further adieu; back ON TOPIC:

I must agree with several other posters about either it being the "envy" factor or the "dissing" factor. That depends totally on the looks of your significant other and/or you.

I'd let it go, as you could most certainly beat the thai 'tutting' you, but as thais possess a "pack animal" mentality in a fight, sadly, you can't beat all 60+ million of 'em.

Let it go.

(edited for spelling)

Edited by tod-daniels
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thanks for all the info on knives guys, i'll need it for when i scrap/take on 20 thai guys at once cause they ''tutted'' at me :o

but apart from that, can anyone actually help with the question?

so far i think i've had jealousy, disaproval of me and my girlfriend being together and them wanting my(?) attention.

if it is because of jealousy, i can take that.

if it is because of them wanting my attention.. i never knew i had that effect on them, but if it is, i can take that too.

if it is because of pure racism, not sure i can take that. Tut tut to me under their breath, but doing it loud enough because they want me to hear/my girlfriend to hear is too far. I don't know how people on this forum can get the connotation that, when i said next time that happens i'll do something, i'll get massacred and end up in ER.

Fighting because i might have got some racism pointed my way? nah, who would fight because of that? :D

Talk them down or completely take the piss out of them? Sure. I can see me doing the second one. Plus, could be fun :D

Anyway, some more opinions on this would be helpful :D

Literally as I walked into the mall from the carpark upstairs on level 2/3 or so, walked a bit further on and i had 2 guys working in sportsworld or something tut tut as we walked past. I'm sure there could be many reasons why, but i'm also sure that there is only 1 reason why they done it, which is why i would like to hear some of your opinions :D

thanks for all the replies (that are on topic anyway :( )

Edited by Enjibenji
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Just to clear up a point....

Shanks in prisons will be made from anything they can get their hands on.

I have seen toothbrush shanks

wire shanks

flat metal shanks

razor blades on tooth brushes for slicing rather than stabbing

Knuckle dusters

Prisoners have a lot of time on their hands to be inventive.

I am a current serving Prison Officer

Edited by gburns57au
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quite a few times when i'm walking with my girlfriend (shopping centre, etc), some guys will tut tut. I don't know if that is it's name, but it's the kind of sound you make with your tounge in your mouth. The kind of thing you would do if your child or a young person done something wrong, and you would do that noise and wag your finger. Or the kind of sound you would make if you wanted a cat or dog to come to you.

me and my girlfriend are 18 and 19, and the people doing it are about the same age, or not too much older, maby up to mid or late 20's.

i'm interperating it meaning 1 of 2 things.

1 - they think my girlfriend is good looking (and she really is beautiful, so this could well be the reason why).

or, 2.. they are in disaproval of my girlfriend (thai) being with me, a western boy.

it happens regularly, maby about 4 or 5 times now in my 2 months stay so far here.

when it happened today, firstly i thought of reason number 2 which got me pretty fired up. Then I asked my girlfriend if it meant what i thought, but she said it could be because reason 1.

does anyone have any experience with this? or does anyone know what it means?

(sorry if you don't understand about what noise i am talking about).

appreciate help


I'd be quite pissed off only if that tutting noise comes off from their bums and not from thier lips. :o:D:D

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quite a few times when i'm walking with my girlfriend (shopping centre, etc), some guys will tut tut. I don't know if that is it's name, but it's the kind of sound you make with your tounge in your mouth. The kind of thing you would do if your child or a young person done something wrong, and you would do that noise and wag your finger. Or the kind of sound you would make if you wanted a cat or dog to come to you.

me and my girlfriend are 18 and 19, and the people doing it are about the same age, or not too much older, maby up to mid or late 20's.

i'm interperating it meaning 1 of 2 things.

1 - they think my girlfriend is good looking (and she really is beautiful, so this could well be the reason why).

or, 2.. they are in disaproval of my girlfriend (thai) being with me, a western boy.

it happens regularly, maby about 4 or 5 times now in my 2 months stay so far here.

when it happened today, firstly i thought of reason number 2 which got me pretty fired up. Then I asked my girlfriend if it meant what i thought, but she said it could be because reason 1.

does anyone have any experience with this? or does anyone know what it means?

(sorry if you don't understand about what noise i am talking about).

appreciate help


I'd be quite pissed off only if that tutting noise comes off from their bums and not from thier lips. :o:D:D

tut tut :D

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quite a few times when i'm walking with my girlfriend (shopping centre, etc), some guys will tut tut. I don't know if that is it's name, but it's the kind of sound you make with your tounge in your mouth. The kind of thing you would do if your child or a young person done something wrong, and you would do that noise and wag your finger. Or the kind of sound you would make if you wanted a cat or dog to come to you.

me and my girlfriend are 18 and 19, and the people doing it are about the same age, or not too much older, maby up to mid or late 20's.

i'm interperating it meaning 1 of 2 things.

1 - they think my girlfriend is good looking (and she really is beautiful, so this could well be the reason why).

or, 2.. they are in disaproval of my girlfriend (thai) being with me, a western boy.

it happens regularly, maby about 4 or 5 times now in my 2 months stay so far here.

when it happened today, firstly i thought of reason number 2 which got me pretty fired up. Then I asked my girlfriend if it meant what i thought, but she said it could be because reason 1.

does anyone have any experience with this? or does anyone know what it means?

(sorry if you don't understand about what noise i am talking about).

appreciate help


I'd be quite pissed off only if that tutting noise comes off from their bums and not from thier lips. :o:D:D

tut tut :D

did you have bean for lunch? :D

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I am a current serving Prison Officer

Yes, but which knife would you rather have. If you really wanted to do some damage, that is?

Anyway, as for the OP, it's directed at your girlfriend, it's more than likely being done because she's with you (a farang) as you suspect, and i'm quite sure she knows the reason why. If you want to know exactly i think you'll have to get it out of her. Personally i've never noticed this, but i never pay much attention to what Thai blokes are doing.

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Depending on what you look like and how you dress - perhaps baby-faced with scraggly hair, poxy long shorts and no-confidence? - compared with swish looking bird, that could be it as maybe they think you're not worthy, or then again it could mean you lucky so n so. Check out their body language while they're doing it, but be aware the more you look for it, the more it will happen :D

On the knives; the serrated-edged fluted tool wins hand's down for damage and usefulness. At least if there are no convicts to poke you can cut down a tree and make a fire, gut and skin a deer etc, although I spose you could use the round one as a tent peg :o

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