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The house I live in outside of Ratchaburi has dirty water. I am concern about our clothes being washed in it and been looking around to see if they make a filter just for a washing machine. Anyone every hear of it? Any advice would be helpful.

The house I live in outside of Ratchaburi has dirty water. I am concern about our clothes being washed in it and been looking around to see if they make a filter just for a washing machine. Anyone every hear of it? Any advice would be helpful.

First, it would be wise to check with your washing machine supplier to see if such a filter exists. Failing that I would guess that you could get a water filter to put between the water input and your machine.

How about one for your shower while you are at it?


My machine has a small plastic filter at both ends of water input hoses to filter out any sand or small particles.

It wouldn't help if the water was just a dirty colour but does filter out particles which is good for the machine and pump in there.

It is a very simple plastic cap with small holes that slots into the end of the hose. I would imagine any shop selling machine parts would have something.

My machine has a small plastic filter at both ends of water input hoses to filter out any sand or small particles.

It wouldn't help if the water was just a dirty colour but does filter out particles which is good for the machine and pump in there.

It is a very simple plastic cap with small holes that slots into the end of the hose. I would imagine any shop selling machine parts would have something.

Between the water supply and the washing machine , instal a filter with dual containers , one with paper followed by one with charcoal , both with replaceble elements , these are obtainable at any large store such as Tesco/lotus . They usually come with all the fitments , but check by opening the box to be sure , do not trust the sales clerk who often knows little about the actual product .

What is the charcoal used for?

The paper takes out the bits and pieces , the charcoal 'purifies' the water to a certain degree , you want to wear poluted clothes ? Which you are doing at this present time , do you know or are you aware what water polutants can do or inflict on your body ? Well my friend , just take a little of your precious time and 'Google ' it , you will be amazed , water polutants kill a large number of people in SE asia , just running water through 9 layers of an Indian style Sari can remove most harmfull polutants , but few of the people this effects are unaware of this fact due to a lack of the neccessary education , or because NOBODY LISTENS , you know what i mean "I know , I know " Yeah , Yeah , Know shit about shinola , but it is all about face , sooner die than admit lack of knowledge .

The house I live in outside of Ratchaburi has dirty water. I am concern about our clothes being washed in it and been looking around to see if they make a filter just for a washing machine. Anyone every hear of it? Any advice would be helpful.

I have never heard of or seen a filter made specificly for a washing machine.

You should be able to find a filter that you can put on the water inlet to the washing machine. You don't need one that supposedly makes it pure enough to drink.

You also might consider a filter that can be installed at the water inlet to the house. These do not require a new filter element when dirty all you have to do is back flush (reverse the water flow through filter) the filter occasionaly to clean it.

The house I live in outside of Ratchaburi has dirty water. I am concern about our clothes being washed in it and been looking around to see if they make a filter just for a washing machine. Anyone every hear of it? Any advice would be helpful.

I have never heard of or seen a filter made specificly for a washing machine.

You should be able to find a filter that you can put on the water inlet to the washing machine. You don't need one that supposedly makes it pure enough to drink.

You also might consider a filter that can be installed at the water inlet to the house. These do not require a new filter element when dirty all you have to do is back flush (reverse the water flow through filter) the filter occasionaly to clean it.

This is what I suggested in the first place but the OP thinks I was taking the piss and then says this is not what he is looking for. Perhaps he could be a bit more specific then and tell us what he is looking for then, and assuming he can do that then perhaps he can go to his nearest plumbing / home hardware store and buy it.

I don't think the Electrolux, LG, Samsung, Whirlpool's of the world make a specific filter option for water conditions in places like here. Could be wrong.

My machine has a small plastic filter at both ends of water input hoses to filter out any sand or small particles.

It wouldn't help if the water was just a dirty colour but does filter out particles which is good for the machine and pump in there.

It is a very simple plastic cap with small holes that slots into the end of the hose. I would imagine any shop selling machine parts would have something.

Between the water supply and the washing machine , instal a filter with dual containers , one with paper followed by one with charcoal , both with replaceble elements , these are obtainable at any large store such as Tesco/lotus . They usually come with all the fitments , but check by opening the box to be sure , do not trust the sales clerk who often knows little about the actual product .

You have to make sure any filter you buy has the capcity to filter the volume/flowrate of water supply to the washing machine.

A washing machnine needs quite a high flowrate and volume of water....If you try and buy the filters from Tesco's which are intended to filter drinking water from the tap these will not provide the flowrate of water to fill a washing machine, it will take forever to fill up.

so you really need to look at the specs of the filter you will be buying to see what the through put of water the filter will give you

The house I live in outside of Ratchaburi has dirty water. I am concern about our clothes being washed in it and been looking around to see if they make a filter just for a washing machine. Anyone every hear of it? Any advice would be helpful.

I thought I might actually try to answer your question instead of posting a flip comment just to up my post count.

I had the same problem before we built our home. Even when the water looked clear is was murky when you filled up a large container.

The answer, unfortunately, is no. I looked high & low. I even drove to Khon Kaen (3 hours 1 way) to visit Interwater Co. They are a water treatment business run by the university. They are very helpful & the owner/manager speaks English. (Chalermchai Vongnarkpetch - mobile # 081 974 7767)

As far as I can tell no simple in line type filter is available. The only simple solution I could find was to build a sand & stone filter (cost about 3000 BT) or purchase a freestanding filter, cost between 7000 & 15000 BT, & plumb into your incoming water supply line before it enters the house. We were living in a rented house, so I did not want to make any permanent installation & the owner was not interested as he thought the water was just fine. I thought about the freestanding filter, but did not want to deal with installation then removal when we vacated the rental.

Our temporary solution, albeit a large pain in the tuckus, was to use a folded up towel, placed in a collander, to "filter" the incomming water. I took a clothes hanger & formed a frame so that the collander was suspended from the upper rim of the tub, but below the incoming water. Naturally, this has to be removed just before the tub starts to agitate or the dirty towel & collander just dumps into your "clean" water. Hence the large pain in the tuckus. The towel will need to be rinsed/flushed out every load or 2.

While building the house we installed a complete filtration system. We installed an in line charcoal filter, then a 1000 lt tank, then a softener filter/cartridge. This "clean" water goes to the complete house. After the softener we installed a 3 stage reverse osmosis filter with a UV filter. The UV filter kills bacteria & this water line runs only to our kitchen sink through a small, separate faucet. We now have potable drinking water at the sink & no need to buy water. The capacity of the Reverse Osmosis & UV filter is 50 gallons per day & includes a separate storage tank. Interwater came to our home & installed the complete system. From what I can tell, we have cleaner water than the local hospital.

A friend asked me if this system was cost effective. It may not be cost effective, but now I have white shirts again, white sheets, drinking water at the sink, clean ice cubes and softened water for washing & bathing.

Another plus was that before we moved into out house, I had about 4 solid bowel movements a year. Now it is a regular occurrence (I know...to much information).

Feel free to PM me for contact info if you wish to discuss this in more detail.

Best regards, Tagaa


Why is the water dirty ? Is it from a well, reddish and comes and goes depending on the amount of rain?

If so you may have iron bacteria and need to " Shock " the well like you would do for a pool .

Get the same chemical, pour it in, run all the taps until you smell chlorine , let it sit for 24 hours not using water and then let it run until there is no more smell.

Do not use this water for drinking, including animals.

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