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I am close friend to at least five other posters on this forum. We know eachother by heart and hangaround in the days. When i post, in the forum, is it suitable that i sometimes post so only these people understand what i am talking about? I tend to leave personal conversations on skype or when i see these guys, but lately it seems like it is the proper way to put these conversations right on this open forum? A bit un-interresting for the rest of the readers if you ask me but lets follow the leaders:

mattias, you seem to have made an issue over nothing.

The op asked what posters did in their home country before moving to Thailand, sbk answered & someone else asked her what country which was not in the op, she replied that the OP knew her country of origin so she saw no need to answer that.

So, lets recap; she replied on topic & then responded to an irrelevant & unrelated question which was not in the op.

So I'll put this quesiton to you instead...Why do you think that should be conducted within pm?

Making petty issues over nothing is actually really tiresome to read & reply to so please in future read posts properly & think carefully before making a mountian out of a mole hill again.

But FYI, posting to arrange a meet up for drinks in a another persons thread IS something that should be conducted via pm.

Sorry, YOU should read this over again.

If you bring something up yourself, op or not, like for instans "my country of origin", and some posters dont know were that is, nor care about it, thats fine. But if posters say "where is that?", i think it is pretty strange to say "op know". Thats like saying "i speak only to op and if the rest of you don´t understand what i am talking about does not matter". Pretty similar to me asking koohesti How china is.

To me it belongs in pm:s, but i guess now you are 2 moderators that say otherwise?

Pls, stop this before it looks to redicilous on your behalf.

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Get over it mattias, you really are making it into something when it is in fact nothing. YOU took it off topic not me, so either get back on topic or move on. You clearly have issues about moderation & sbk in particular which shows though very obviously in your post but you have been told in the past to raise your issues about mods to admin & not wage your own petty war on this forum so I suggest you take it up with admin. I hope this is now clear.

Get over it mattias, you really are making it into something when it is in fact nothing. YOU took it off topic not me, so either get back on topic or move on. You clearly have issues about moderation & sbk in particular which shows though very obviously in your post but you have been told in the past to raise your issues about mods to admin & not wage your own petty war on this forum so I suggest you take it up with admin. I hope this is now clear.

Please PM him as to his off topics and arguments against moderation as most of us have heard this way too many times before and it doesn't belong on a post. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

I was talking to a woman who is with a man who "owns" a pub here in Lamai (it's actually in her name, of course). She told me that he was actually an electrician in the UK.

Was her name Miaw?

To be honest I can't recall. I only met her and spoke to her the one time. So many duplicate Thai nicknames, it takes a bit to put them in order, much less memorize ones I probably will never use.

Thanks to the people who have answered seriously. This was supposed to be an honest thread, but several posters seem to know only how to verbal masturbate.

As for the reasons for starting the thread, one was that the board was getting boring, and another was that I thought it might be fun to see what sort of occupations migrate here, if a trend is apparent.

To the oil and gas engineer: Currently, I am examining titles dealing with the Bakken in ND and SD and sending the breakdowns back corrected (if need be). I did this back in the early 80s and again for a year in '95 in ND (it's one of those rabbit-out-of-the-hat skills I have). It can be tedious (right now I am working through a huge mess of HBP stuff with Final Decrees up the wazoo), but there is a carrot at the end of the stick, as you know.

Oh and I also created a comprehensive database from the ND Industrial Commission's info (the subscription side) on all the spacings for all the fields that include Bakken (and some Madison) wells, horizontal wells and all wildcats. What a pig that was to do...

It's interesting how many people were/are in the computer field or something related (I guess to some degree I'd lump engineering in there too).

Oh, and as if it matters, I had no idea what nationality SBK is (I thought English, but there you go) and I don't even know which beach she lives at or what she does there. And I have never asked in a PM because I suspect that she'd not tell me.

It's interesting how many people were/are in the computer field or something related (I guess to some degree I'd lump engineering in there too).

This is a good thread buit it's making me dizzy. :o

Anyway, my job in on the Internet now but when I was in school there wasn't really an Internet so I guess I got my "retraining" in 1996.


Considering how many specialists we have I think it would be interesting if we could build some kind of cooperative projects.

I for example would be very interested in learning more about practical machine engineering / robotics.

Also seems like there would be opportunities in combining forces regarding IT endeavors.

Btw, didn't notice this was a koh tps thread, normally i just jump into threads from 'new posts' .

I for example would be very interested in learning more about practical machine engineering / robotics.

Don´t bother the machine engineering. Futures engineers stay behind the desk. Make more money than the boys on site doing the job. Offcourse it varies and i should not say all machine engineer jobs is bad, but the ones that pay good is usually pretty crappy life in the longrun. Robot programing is offcourse different. Learn it well and you will get a good, well paid job. :o .

Nope i am not a lawyer. Never was, never will be.

Nowadays i call myself "life-enjoyer". :D .

Get over it mattias, you really are making it into something when it is in fact nothing. YOU took it off topic not me, so either get back on topic or move on. You clearly have issues about moderation & sbk in particular which shows though very obviously in your post but you have been told in the past to raise your issues about mods to admin & not wage your own petty war on this forum so I suggest you take it up with admin. I hope this is now clear.

Please PM him as to his off topics and arguments against moderation as most of us have heard this way too many times before and it doesn't belong on a post. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

dingdongrb, you come into the Samui forum you gotta put up with the bickering :o

I was talking to a woman who is with a man who "owns" a pub here in Lamai (it's actually in her name, of course). She told me that he was actually an electrician in the UK.

Was her name Miaw?

To be honest I can't recall. I only met her and spoke to her the one time. So many duplicate Thai nicknames, it takes a bit to put them in order, much less memorize ones I probably will never use.

The reason i ask is that I know a couple that own a bar and the husband is an electrician from the UK, that's all. Bar's name can be abbreviated to AO.

Anyway back to topic. I'm not living in Thailand so i'm still working in my profession in offshore trust and corporate management. Just had a 5 month stint in our Hong Kong office but now back in the channel islands UK. Looking to move back to Hong Kong or Singapore next year on a more permanent basis. I'm too young and don't have the financial clout to live in Thailand at the moment....plus i dont trust myself to live there and actually earn a living lol.

The reason i ask is that I know a couple that own a bar and the husband is an electrician from the UK

To bad he can not work as a electrician in Thailand.

You have to be very skilled to work as a electrician here. :o


I used to be a rocket scientist. Spent 15 years working for major space companies like Aerospatial and European Space Agency. Then moved into mobile telecoms software. Made very good money but lost it all. Now a pauper.



not an easy question to pose Mark!.........as most people are not likely to want to tell.Why? cos , most farang living in thailand are on the run from something in their lives,mostly running from themselves i'e.divorce, bankruptcy,crims on the run,down and outs on their last dollar,pound or euro.Pedo's,deviants.You dont get well healed,brain surgeons,multi millionaires here and only a few here are working for thai or foriegn firms.My apologies to all those happily married ex pats to thai ladies,i have not included you in the list.

As for me,i was taught to wipe my bum and blow my nose..........i took it from there.


Hmmmmmm,after some contemplation, like most people on this forum, a professionl Bull-Poooo---Pooo artist. :o:D:D

I for example would be very interested in learning more about practical machine engineering / robotics.

Don´t bother the machine engineering. Futures engineers stay behind the desk. Make more money than the boys on site doing the job. Offcourse it varies and i should not say all machine engineer jobs is bad, but the ones that pay good is usually pretty crappy life in the longrun. Robot programing is offcourse different. Learn it well and you will get a good, well paid job. :o .

I don't pick the things that I want to spend time learning based on career prospects, but on what I would like to know more about.

The fact that Unis are now career and industry primers is to my mind quite unfortunate.

not an easy question to pose Mark!.........as most people are not likely to want to tell.Why? cos , most farang living in thailand are on the run from something in their lives,mostly running from themselves i'e.divorce, bankruptcy,crims on the run,down and outs on their last dollar,pound or euro.Pedo's,deviants.You dont get well healed,brain surgeons,multi millionaires here and only a few here are working for thai or foriegn firms.My apologies to all those happily married ex pats to thai ladies,i have not included you in the list.

As for me,i was taught to wipe my bum and blow my nose..........i took it from there.

people wouldn't be living here becuase it is tropical parradise maybe trying to make a better life for them selves in 30 degrea heat sunshine and women.


maybe there are alot of people running but i get sick of people steriotyping me. Maybe not you but people in general assuming i am from a naughty back ground just becuase i have been here a while. so not i am bored of the same question. " what do i do out here" now i just lie and tell them what they want to here ." i am a arms dealer. normally shuts them up.

truth is i am on the run form a man dress like a chicken who is a masscote for some low league basket ball team. apparenty i insaulted him by calling his monther a turkey



...learning more about practical machine engineering / robotics.

I believe that the Japanese have already created, but not perfected, what we might recognize as a "robot bar girl." Just put a coin in the slot?


I'm too young and don't have the financial clout to live in Thailand at the moment....plus i dont trust myself to live there and actually earn a living lol.

You'd be surprised how little it takes to click over here. But that assumes you can avoid the money-sucking sword-swallowers. And yes, this is very much a place that tweaks the lotus eater in us all.

BigC, if you are miffed at being lumped in with undesirables, (no one singled you out, by the way) you could easily contribute constructively by posting what it is you do, or, per my original question, what it is you did before you came here or what you were trained to do. Seriously, "sword fighter" doesn't cut it.

If that isn't possible, why not give the field you are in? Or are you doing something you ought not to be?

More to the point, if anyone is concerned that revealing what they do will disturb their real lives, don't post anything.

...learning more about practical machine engineering / robotics.

I believe that the Japanese have already created, but not perfected, what we might recognize as a "robot bar girl." Just put a coin in the slot?


I'm too young and don't have the financial clout to live in Thailand at the moment....plus i dont trust myself to live there and actually earn a living lol.

You'd be surprised how little it takes to click over here. But that assumes you can avoid the money-sucking sword-swallowers. And yes, this is very much a place that tweaks the lotus eater in us all.

BigC, if you are miffed at being lumped in with undesirables, (no one singled you out, by the way) you could easily contribute constructively by posting what it is you do, or, per my original question, what it is you did before you came here or what you were trained to do. Seriously, "sword fighter" doesn't cut it.

If that isn't possible, why not give the field you are in? Or are you doing something you ought not to be?

More to the point, if anyone is concerned that revealing what they do will disturb their real lives, don't post anything.

Mark, you buckin' for a moderator job? :o



Two of my friends lived in samui for 4 years, DJ'ing in Bauhaus, Fusion, Green Mango amongst other places...one went on to buy a bar and marry his thai gf. However both are back here in the UK where I live now as they just werent earning enough...ok maybe enough to live on but in the long run they wouldnt have anything saved and at 26 and 29 i think they made the right decision to come back and earn better money. I think his wife is enjoying it here and they are looking to return to thailand at some point.

...learning more about practical machine engineering / robotics.

I believe that the Japanese have already created, but not perfected, what we might recognize as a "robot bar girl." Just put a coin in the slot?

Err and your point is what?

...learning more about practical machine engineering / robotics.

I believe that the Japanese have already created, but not perfected, what we might recognize as a "robot bar girl." Just put a coin in the slot?


I'm too young and don't have the financial clout to live in Thailand at the moment....plus i dont trust myself to live there and actually earn a living lol.

You'd be surprised how little it takes to click over here. But that assumes you can avoid the money-sucking sword-swallowers. And yes, this is very much a place that tweaks the lotus eater in us all.

BigC, if you are miffed at being lumped in with undesirables, (no one singled you out, by the way) you could easily contribute constructively by posting what it is you do, or, per my original question, what it is you did before you came here or what you were trained to do. Seriously, "sword fighter" doesn't cut it.

If that isn't possible, why not give the field you are in? Or are you doing something you ought not to be?

More to the point, if anyone is concerned that revealing what they do will disturb their real lives, don't post anything.

so who made u captain of this ship. i think you are someone i would like to talk face to face with.

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