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Drugs- Is It Prevalent

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I have read with some interest for a long time on this site and others about the use of Drugs in Thailand.

I know from years ago you had to watch your luggage in case some one planted drugs in your case or not.

IS THIS STILL A PROBLEM. Do I have to worry???

And what happens to me if I am caught smoking a joint???


Don't do drugs in Thailand (and if you are talking about smoking a joint ... well it seems more likely that drugs wouldn't be planted on you)

Don't do drugs in Thailand (and if you are talking about smoking a joint ... well it seems more likely that drugs wouldn't be planted on you)

You see I meditate a lot and I like to smoke a joint before I start meditating. I am going to Thailand and I don't want to get into trouble. So what is the right way of smoking a joint with out offending anyone out there??

About drugs being planted, I watched a movie called Bangkok Hilton and this is what got me wondering

Don't do drugs in Thailand (and if you are talking about smoking a joint ... well it seems more likely that drugs wouldn't be planted on you)

You see I meditate a lot and I like to smoke a joint before I start meditating. I am going to Thailand and I don't want to get into trouble. So what is the right way of smoking a joint with out offending anyone out there??

About drugs being planted, I watched a movie called Bangkok Hilton and this is what got me wondering

Marijuana is illegal. (period, full stop!) Doing drugs here may land you in jail and then deported.

The right way for you to smoke a joint is to do it somewhere other than Thailand.


The "not addictive" and "not harming anyone" arguments won't carry any weight if you get caught.. Best just to not touch the stuff.

Don't do drugs in Thailand (and if you are talking about smoking a joint ... well it seems more likely that drugs wouldn't be planted on you)

You see I meditate a lot and I like to smoke a joint before I start meditating. I am going to Thailand and I don't want to get into trouble. So what is the right way of smoking a joint with out offending anyone out there??

About drugs being planted, I watched a movie called Bangkok Hilton and this is what got me wondering

Obviously you're not talking about spiritual Buddhist meditation...that never requires getting started with drugs.

Like...man...you're really deep.

IS THIS STILL A PROBLEM. Do I have to worry???

And what happens to me if I am caught smoking a joint???

Maybe you should goto Amsterdam instead, sounds like more your kinda place :o

Don't do drugs in Thailand (and if you are talking about smoking a joint ... well it seems more likely that drugs wouldn't be planted on you)

You see I meditate a lot and I like to smoke a joint before I start meditating. I am going to Thailand and I don't want to get into trouble. So what is the right way of smoking a joint with out offending anyone out there??

About drugs being planted, I watched a movie called Bangkok Hilton and this is what got me wondering

Obviously you're not talking about spiritual Buddhist meditation...that never requires getting started with drugs.

Like...man...you're really deep.

Drugs and alcohol are specifically avoided by true Buddhists. I think the teachings of the Buddha warn you off them.

To the OP. The chances of getting drugs planted on you or in your baggage are inversely proportional to the quality of the people you associate with in Thailand. Whilst it is unlikely a drug user will waste some of his stash planting some on you drug suppliers (pushers) have a complete different agenda and often work with the police for mutual benefits.

Best M.O. (as said already) is don't do drugs in Thailand but bottom line is that it is up to you (as they say).


in order to comply with thai visa rules i must state the following: i neither condone nor advocate illegal activity of any sort.

Now to answer your question with out preaching, passing judgement or talking thru my ass, the answer is yes, they are very common, especially weed.

it is always somewhat dangerous to procure anything in a heavy tourist area, especially if you are approached by a tout, but supply is available.

consumpttion should be circumspect, walking down the beach with a joint in your hand is pure stupidity, smoking in your bungalow on a realtivley deserted area is generally fine.

As for offending anyone, i would think you would be hard pressed to find anyone who gave a sh*t unless you were a complete jerk about it.

let the righteous ire begin.

Don't do drugs in Thailand (and if you are talking about smoking a joint ... well it seems more likely that drugs wouldn't be planted on you)

You see I meditate a lot and I like to smoke a joint before I start meditating. I am going to Thailand and I don't want to get into trouble. So what is the right way of smoking a joint with out offending anyone out there??

About drugs being planted, I watched a movie called Bangkok Hilton and this is what got me wondering

Marijuana is illegal. (period, full stop!) Doing drugs here may land you in jail and then deported.

The right way for you to smoke a joint is to do it somewhere other than Thailand.

first they have have to catch you doing it-I think it would be far more easy to catch a lady selling herself- and how often has that happened?

unless you are really unlucky the chance of this is apx zero

they then have to manage to arrest ,charge, convict you, etc, if they deport, it still easy to come back- despite what anyone may wish to think

this is thailand.

Show some cash and most things will stop.

You are very safe in whatever you do here.

And I advocate exercising your freewill ( somehting frowned upon here)and doing as you please so long as it does not hurt others.

Like taking any recreation things you may choose.

Thing like pot were legal here until thailand being the proud indepentant country that it is ,obeyed an order from Unlce sam and made these things illegal. A total complete waste of time/energy/money .

Enjoy and do not let the sheep put you off-

they follow any stupid/unworkable/failed/pointless laws when they could be using their obviously successful ecomony reveres in far betters way

like spending .. how much..trying to block anything about a certain person(s)! You gotta love ,em for that. Really well appointed use of moneys there.

Thats freewill/thought/choice straight out the window there, nice example of what... no longer a 3rd world country

See what I mean,With such a confused state- things favour you

best wishes, enjoy


apparently 'ourmaninbangers' hasn't been in Thailand long.... or has been in Thailand so long that he's forgotten what happens to n00b's involved in drugs.

but from that post he can sure help some people out! Amazingly addled and more than slightly incoherent!


Friend of me (years ago) was busted by the police during full moon party (on his way to).

He carried one joint, police found it.

He was offered to pay 10.00 THB on the spot.

He did not have that amount with him.

Went to jail.

He spend one week in jail, but the total amount of THB to bribe himself out was 95000 THB.

Expensive room for a week stay, and there was not even aircon.......

Yes free will, but be prepared to pay the price.


From the forum rules:

By using this service you agree;

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is ...... in violation of any law.

Something to bear in mind before advocating people break the law.

apparently 'ourmaninbangers' hasn't been in Thailand long.... or has been in Thailand so long that he's forgotten what happens to n00b's involved in drugs.

but from that post he can sure help some people out! Amazingly addled and more than slightly incoherent!


over 30 years in and out, next comment please?

My family before me- in those day even the grandparents used to enjoy cetain things, and guess what, none went to jail...

and so sorry, english is not my language, is that a problem? can you speak mine?

but I think I may make alot of sense than most.... even with your blinkered outlook, you understod me, no?

80% of my friends smoke-

( many do other- things I think they should take if they choose but I refrain) now , let me see, accoding to your logic, I should know lots who are in, to wet to jail....opps sorry Sir NONE, ZERO, I live in the real world,

the world that exists whether you like it or not,

the one which is,nt relfected in police staticis, or the opinions of the "hang,em high, the funny 1 in 20 stupidity, bunch who patheticly ,believe that if you break the law you will automaticly go to jail, ruin you live, and how all must obey all laws even if they are stupid/unenforable/pintless, etc,etc

...nobody went to jail. None, zero,- next remark please?

So, exactly who are all these people I have forgotten about? I have known none. I simply have not met any... next remark?

One man with coccaine( quite abit, like 5 grams,which I frown upon)- paid. Next remark? No jail.prison, arrest. Trip to station.

What are you going to say next?

Because so far you are not doing so well here are you?

Do you know why that is? Have a guess.

Both your arguemnts straight out of the window- where they belong.

I have been here in and out long time, I know lots of people none of whom have seen inside of a prison. And I doubt ever will.

And if you honestly think that most people who smoke,take drugs, do many of the so called "crimes"( such as the ladys) will get in any trouble you are simply not living in reality.

Or that sending these people to jail will in any way serve society

next remark please..

Yes, I think I do help some people, I urge them to think for themselves, look at realty, and to stop following the sheep and their stupid laws

you make fun of me,

but I,ve just shown your arguemnts to be totally incorrect in my case,all my friends too, and in the whole of my exgtensive expericnce- you wrongly assumed,( the signature of the non-thinker) that I was,nt here long time, and/or had forgotten people who you seem to suggest I must have know have been in trouble- both wrong.

-who would you listen to?

Just say NO! Meditate on that.

just say "no" was another totally failed programe, like many from the USA, a bastion of senible drug policy

a brainchild of the regans and drug use actaully went up in USA- gotta love that one..

did it work? mmm.. do not think so do you..?

did it stop the evil big men making millions, funding terrorisim, wasting so many of socitys much needed governments moneys by sending ( according to some people logic- I have,nt met any,but of coures they exist) personal users to jail...

do you know how much these evil people love the sheep like you who keep these unworkable laws in place... you are all poster boys for them

I am sure you all mean well.

WEv all need a new approach, can you not see, this one is not, and can not ever work

the mob loved prohibition for the same reason

that other samrt USA move, put many of the mafia top family in the extrem rich mode, oopp,s, just like the kennedys to! did we want that?

and the sheep are stil not learning from this...

we are taljking about a need, no law will, can, has, ever stopped it... a need recognised by maslow, intead of thse failed laws, we need to address the whole deabte

I have read with some interest for a long time on this site and others about the use of Drugs in Thailand.

I know from years ago you had to watch your luggage in case some one planted drugs in your case or not.

IS THIS STILL A PROBLEM. Do I have to worry???

And what happens to me if I am caught smoking a joint???

You have `not` been reading this board for some time, otherwise you wouldn't have to ask what happens if you are caught.

And no you don't have to worry about someone planting drugs in your case ( or did you mean suitcase?)

I just checked out your profile and it adds up to the thought that I think you are a either a troll, or under the influence already, let us know what other mistakes you are prepared to make, if the `dope fun` dies down in this topic...



Take it easy. It was sort of a joke. Intended more for the meditation remark which, to me anyway, was the OP's way of showing the post was not totally sincere. I agree with a lot of what you say, but you should try not to take this shit too personal.

Oh Yeh, the Phillies win the world series!!! Meditate on that!

You see I meditate a lot and I like to smoke a joint before I start meditating. I am going to Thailand and I don't want to get into trouble. So what is the right way of smoking a joint with out offending anyone out there??

Yeah, right. Since you're asking how to break the law, and it's a trollish subject anyway... topic closed.

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