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Pad Rejects Call For Peace


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Two interesting items in The Nation:


PAD rejects call for peace

The People's Alliance for Democracy has rejected a call for peace talks on the grounds that the current approach to forge reconciliation is inappropriate, its co-leader Pipop Thongchai said Tuesday.

"Negotiations are not a way of the turmoil because righteousness is irreconcilable to political evils," Pipop said.

He said the PAD will not participate in the academic conference organised by King Prajadhipok's Institute to jump start the talks on reconciliation.

If the PAD sees that negotiations can overcome the turmoil, then it would have been talking to rogue politicians a long time ago, he said.

The PAD remains firm on its dual objectives - opposing the rewrite of the 2007 Constitution and forcing the collapse of the government in order to bring about "new politics', he said.

He urged the academics to review their call for reconciliation by arguing that the political rifts will not end if the government were to allow to get away for inflicting violence and bloodshed on protesters.

PAD rejects call for peace

and second:

PAD calls on Army to deploy soldiers to protect protesters

The People's Alliance for Democracy Friday called on the Army deploy military police to protect its PAD supporters from attacks by its opponents.

Chamlong Srimuang, a PAD co-leader, said the PAD only wants three or four military police to be deployed at each road checkpoint of the PAD to help keep security for the demonstrators.

He said the PAD was willing to pay for the special allowance of the soldiers and take care of their foods.

"But if the Army does not help us, it'll be fine. We'll be able to take care of ourselves," Chamlong said.

PAD calls on Army to deploy soldiers to protect protesters

Sort of a mixed message here. 1. We're not prepared to talk and don't want peace until we get what we want, ie, new politics with an elitist based parliament and 2, please protect us in case the majority of people finally get fed up with us disrupting traffic, disrupting business and tourism and start to take things into their own hands. If you don't protect us then we'll protect ourselves using whatever means we can.

Ummmm, perhaps they're more concerned that the paid-for protesters won't be so enthusiastic if there should be a confrontation. Cheaper to pay the army than have to raise the payments to those it is busing in each day.

The PAD just can't seem to get passed the point of trying to have troops deployed on the streets, which would no doubt just infuriate the opposing sides. First MPs at the roadblocks and then what? tanks? humvees? machine gun nests? claymores?

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