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This kind of thread is a bit of a nonsense. A woman is a woman is a woman no matter where shes from. I've had gfs from several nations and haven't found much difference in any of them to be honest.

Right...how does the saying go?

Women: You can't live with them &.....you can't live with 'em! :o

This kind of thread is a bit of a nonsense. A woman is a woman is a woman no matter where shes from. I've had gfs from several nations and haven't found much difference in any of them to be honest.

Right...how does the saying go?

Women: You can't live with them &.....you can't live with 'em! :o

I thought it was

You can't live with 'em. You can't kill 'em.
This kind of thread is a bit of a nonsense. A woman is a woman is a woman no matter where shes from. I've had gfs from several nations and haven't found much difference in any of them to be honest.

You'd be one of those 'pawing' types joe strummer was on about then.

"A woman is a woman no matter where she's from"

I guess so if you're drunk and paying for it! :o

I found your initial post somewhat of a ramble & rather confusing, still I'm just a newbie.

The most important step, by far, is proper choice of woman. You shouldn't try to take someone and change them. You should find someone who already has the traits you like. I just think that Thai ladies are looking for a man mainly for financial support, security, material things and an exciting lifestyle, therefore they tend to seek out sad foreign men whom they can manipulate easily. When you analyse the relationships, you often find there is little in regard to similar values and interests. That's why it fails in most cases.

I'm sorry to say, but I think you are wrong, I have married 6 times, and my present wife is Thai, we have now been together for 12 good years, and I'll say you won't find better.

Is that her in your avatar Sonthaya? :D

Yes Dave that's her :D

Lucky Man :o


Well this topic seems to be heading several directions. To answer the original question. I travel all over the world and enjoy talking with whom ever. My first trip to Thailand was April 04 and was 2 months in BKK. I really enjoyed the town and the pace of life. I find Thai women, no matter what thier class, enjoyable to be with and talk with. I'm always looking forward to my next visit.

I just think that Thai ladies are looking for a man mainly for financial support, security, material things and an exciting lifestyle, therefore they tend to seek out sad foreign men whom they can manipulate easily.

Rare woman any where in the world that doesn't look to a man for financial support before love. If you get fortunate enough to find one who loves you without money, (i.e. you're an English teacher, LMFHO) she's a keeper.

Those old stories of the princess kissing the frog who turns into a Prince makes sense now that I'm on the wrong side of 50.

Rare woman any where in the world that doesn't look to a man for financial support before love. If you get fortunate enough to find one who loves you without money, (i.e. you're an English teacher, LMFHO) she's a keeper.

Those old stories of the princess kissing the frog who turns into a Prince makes sense now that I'm on the wrong side of 50.

I've been with a few educated Thai women who stuck with me even though I'm older than the hot young men they usually attract, not handsome, poor and never paid for anything but meals. Many good qualities in all of them, but love isn't enough. Trustworthyness, maturity, curiosity, ability to say something - anything - interesting that isn't related to sex, etc would be needed in order for me to take a woman seriously as a keeper.

I just think that Thai ladies are looking for a man mainly for financial support, security, material things and an exciting lifestyle, therefore they tend to seek out sad foreign men whom they can manipulate easily. When you analyse the relationships, you often find there is little in regard to similar values and interests. That's why it fails in most cases.

If we are truly looking for sad men, their nationalities won't matter. So long as they are truly sad and can be easily manipulated.

You are simply insulting thai women in general that we are nothing but gold diggers. And also those "sad foreign men" who for some reason couldn't make the relationships last.

I agree with you the couple should have something in common. Otherwise, it would need too much work. But if you are saying that Thai women want to have foreign men for money and <deleted>, I would say you hang out with the wrong people.

But if you are saying that Thai women want to have foreign men for money and <deleted>, I would say you hang out with the wrong people.

All Thai women: no.

Needs to be said, though: there appears to be a lot of it going on. Woman latches onto man, makes him feel good, marries him, bleeds him, decides she doesn't want him around, gets divorced and he's out without a penny. Oddly enough I'm talking about sunny England (where it still isn't raining :o ).

But if you are saying that Thai women want to have foreign men for money and <deleted>, I would say you hang out with the wrong people.

Tell me then why so many Thai women want a farang, cos of their good looks & caring/ sensitive natures... ROFLOA

He.ll they know that farangs are only after one thing and that's sex & they use that knowledge to their advantage. Money for sex, it's a simple as that.

I'm sorry to say, but I think you are wrong, I have married 6 times, and my present wife is Thai, we have now been together for 12 good years, and I'll say you won't find better.

And in which bar did you find your seventh wife then? Just curious, I might know her.

Joe , that's not nice :o

Hope one day you're brave enough to say that to someones face.

Could you show us a photo of your battered visage when that happens Joe.

Is that you Joe? Is that you in the Photo?


Tell me then why so many Thai women want a farang, cos of their good looks & caring/ sensitive natures... ROFLOA

He.ll they know that farangs are only after one thing and that's sex & they use that knowledge to their advantage. Money for sex, it's a simple as that.

Fortunately, all foreign men are not quite of a <deleted> like yourself. So tell me then why did your wife marry you in the first place? Because of your good look and caring and sensitive natures? Now.... ROTFLMAO (as in Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Arse Off - take a note, pal). Bloody h3ll. You can be funny at times.

I won't deny there are a lot of sad cases out there. But to assume we all are after money in exchage for sex? Jesus Christ... I can't believe some people can be this dumb, stupid and ignorant.

If two people get along and are in love, I don't give a <deleted> about their nationalities. Have you ever heard of Opposite Attraction, by the way?

Good God.. I'm so blessed to have met many sane, nice and intelligent people from all continents. They are not like you, pal. They are definitely not.

Tell me then why so many Thai women want a farang, cos of their good looks & caring/ sensitive natures... ROFLOA

He.ll they know that farangs are only after one thing and that's sex & they use that knowledge to their advantage. Money for sex, it's a simple as that.

Fortunately, all foreign men are not quite of a <deleted> like yourself. So tell me then why did your wife marry you in the first place? Because of your good look and caring and sensitive natures? Now.... ROTFLMAO (as in Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Arse Off - take a note, pal). Bloody h3ll. You can be funny at times.

I won't deny there are a lot of sad cases out there. But to assume we all are after money in exchage for sex? Jesus Christ... I can't believe some people can be this dumb, stupid and ignorant.

If two people get along and are in love, I don't give a <deleted> about their nationalities. Have you ever heard of Opposite Attraction, by the way?

Good God.. I'm so blessed to have met many sane, nice and intelligent people from all continents. They are not like you, pal. They are definitely not.

Why do u think he's that bad or wrong?He's partly right,as i m sure that he doesnt look at all thai girls like that.Offcourse he has a reason,and you are getting too sensitive.He said in general.You also say in general.Not all thai girls are like that,but most of them.You have to accept that.You are one thai girl who doesn't look at the things like he does.But It doesn't mean that if he opposes your point of view,he must not be a nice or intelligent guy.I don't know him but I feel that he has a reason for what he says. :o


I will not have a go at you, sas, as I can see you are being nice. But I will continue with this bloody uneducated buffoon so long as he is still around. Now, I've just been told who he was. He is not any smarter than last time, if I may.

Of course, not all Thai girls are after money (I won't even say that most of us are). And not all foreign men are loaded. But I'm sorry, in my circles, every one of them, my Thai girl friends have never been after anyone's money. We've worked our <deleted> off to earn our own money. Not in sex industry, Strummer. (I need to add this as he seems to be unable to think about anything beyond the bars)

There are good and bad people everywhere, for goodness' sake. If one married the wrong person, regardless of his/her nationality, who to blame now? The whole nation?

This is about to turn into yet another bargirl thread. I'll try to stop now. I so wish this tosser was close to me so that I could knock some sense into his head.

I will not have a go at you, sas, as I can see you are being nice. But I will continue with this bloody uneducated buffoon so long as he is still around. Now, I've just been told who he was. He is not any smarter than last time, if I may.

Of course, not all Thai girls are after money (I won't even say that most of us are). And not all foreign men are loaded. But I'm sorry, in my circles, every one of them, my Thai girl friends have never been after anyone's money. We've worked our <deleted> off to earn our own money. Not in sex industry, Strummer. (I need to add this as he seems to be unable to think about anything beyond the bars)

There are good and bad people everywhere, for goodness' sake. If one married the wrong person, regardless of his/her nationality, who to blame now? The whole nation?

This is about to turn into yet another bargirl thread. I'll try to stop now. I so wish this tosser was close to me so that I could knock some sense into his head.

LC, joe strummer is a troll...just take a look at his other posts.plse don't get pissed off at that scrote, he is not worth it. :o


He probably chose that nickname to give himself credibility. A more accurate one, like self_abuser, would have given the game away to quickly. Happily his posts seem to have done that anyway, albeit at a slower pace.

There was only one Joe Strummer, thankfully more articulate and knowledgeable than this (insert favourite term here).

I will not have a go at you, sas, as I can see you are being nice. But I will continue with this bloody uneducated buffoon so long as he is still around. Now, I've just been told who he was. He is not any smarter than last time, if I may.

Of course, not all Thai girls are after money (I won't even say that most of us are). And not all foreign men are loaded. But I'm sorry, in my circles, every one of them, my Thai girl friends have never been after anyone's money. We've worked our <deleted> off to earn our own money. Not in sex industry, Strummer. (I need to add this as he seems to be unable to think about anything beyond the bars)

There are good and bad people everywhere, for goodness' sake. If one married the wrong person, regardless of his/her nationality, who to blame now? The whole nation?

This is about to turn into yet another bargirl thread. I'll try to stop now. I so wish this tosser was close to me so that I could knock some sense into his head.

I'm fron the US and when i went to thailand my money went far but use that same money in the US and you can't buy a pack of gum. You are right some people are not after money, but money is a necessity and in some country's it goes far. Some girls may see this as the Farang has alot of money even though in reality he may not have a pot to piss in back in his home country.

Its sad there are men out there that think like this, (I been reading your past answers to this man that has ruffled your feathers) Funny thing is he comes to thailand to find someone to love then he gets upset because it dosen't work out??

In the end who is he going to blame then?


C'mon guys, this isn't really going anywhere good now is it?

From my point of view, the only other Thai girl I enjoy spending time with other than my wife is my daughter.

All because I love and respect my daughter as much as I love and respect my wife.


Very refreshing to hear in this board. The casual observer might come to the conclusion that we're all a bunch of sex-starved layabouts who only go to Thailand to get laid.

Thanks for helping proving otherwise. :D


"In my job I get to spend time talking to a lot of Thai girls, regular girls not bar girls, and the thread was written with them in mind."

I would really be interested in finding out what your job is. I have been trying to meet a nice Thai girl that is not a BG.

I just think that Thai ladies are looking for a man mainly for financial support, security, material things and an exciting lifestyle, therefore they tend to seek out sad foreign men whom they can manipulate easily. When you analyse the relationships, you often find there is little in regard to similar values and interests. That's why it fails in most cases.

All I can tell you is about my own 'experiences' in Life. My first two wives were English. With the first one, I had a very well paying job in the Bahamas. That job lasted 3 years. When I returned to England things were not so good financially. She became a real nagging bitch, missing her 'lifestyle' in the Bahamas. I left after 3 months of continuous nagging.

With the second one, aslo English I had another good job again in the Bahamas on a different island. It was like an action replay. After 3 years we returned to England... the lifestyle was over... sex dropped down to about once in every 10 days or two weeks. Three months later I left.

With the third, also English, I adopted her two children and signed half 'my' house over to her to make sure she felt 'secure'. When the kids left school 12 years later, sex virtually stopped altogether... she had some ''mental block'' she said. I left again.

My forth wife was Greek. I have a very good job here in Greece, but after 3 marriages, I am still not wealthy, just comfortable. Because of my position, she imagined I was going to buy a house here, furniture, etc etc etc. After 5 years she realised that 'her dreams' were not going to materialize... Guess what? She fcuked one of my staff and new I could never accept that. I sent her back to her mother.

So Joe, don't rant about 'Thai' women looking for a man mainly for financial support, security, material things and an exciting lifestyle. At least, NOT TO ME! And don't tell me about 'analysing' why they went wrong... Believe me, I know. :o

Joe is a troll...why do you give him time?

I will not have a go at you, sas, as I can see you are being nice. But I will continue with this bloody uneducated buffoon so long as he is still around. Now, I've just been told who he was. He is not any smarter than last time, if I may.

Of course, not all Thai girls are after money (I won't even say that most of us are). And not all foreign men are loaded. But I'm sorry, in my circles, every one of them, my Thai girl friends have never been after anyone's money. We've worked our <deleted> off to earn our own money. Not in sex industry, Strummer. (I need to add this as he seems to be unable to think about anything beyond the bars)

There are good and bad people everywhere, for goodness' sake. If one married the wrong person, regardless of his/her nationality, who to blame now? The whole nation?

This is about to turn into yet another bargirl thread. I'll try to stop now. I so wish this tosser was close to me so that I could knock some sense into his head.

Yes,I do agree that usually thai girls(not BGs) are not after money.As they are all hard working.Usually they are after a true love and a nice guy whom with they can have a family full of warmth.I can see that why TGs are after farangs as money is not that big factor,but they assume that every farang will be more honest and loving than Thai guys.But this is right just for educated girls. :o


Thai girls after money ?

Girls all over the world will size you up for the living standard they are looking for.

Many Thai girls do need to help support the family, so in that sense they use Farang men to satisfy that need. After that, most in my opinion are looking for a loving honest relationship and to be a housewife.

Yes there are many exceptions. The overly ambitious Gogo Dancer, a well educated career woman; but most Thai women are like any other woman in the world IMHO.

Thanks for telling me Strummer is a troll. I was about to bite on that outrageous insult back a few pages ....... "maybe I know her "


Oh yeah .... almost forgot. I do like talking to Thai girls. Fun loving, straightforward and many a little bit on the sad side I find.


Now for those of us with Thai wives/girlfriends the topics not solid but for those who are single (or take a walk on the wild side) do you or not enjoy spending time with a Thai girl?

I'm actually all but married to a Thai but I'm never dissapointed spending a few lazy hours with a Thai girl as often as possible.

Do you find their persona, their way of looking at life refreshing/invigorating?

The childishness, that French term for living for life, the lack of boring, typically Australian fixaion with all that is mundane, oh just the way that they make you forget all the crap that exists in your world as it is today.

Me. I love 'em.

Makes me feel like I'm part of the real world not the day to day crap that surrounds me every time I wake up.

How about you?

poolcleaner...you are my man!

i like spending time with thai gals all the time.....yes i am a whorist :o

i am not ashamed to go to pattaya lucifer disco, shag my new sexy gal, next day afternoon a short time at soi 6, followed by a blowjob with a katoey, before heading to dinner with my girlfriend and another shag.

baby i love it :D this is the real world :D

I will not have a go at you, sas, as I can see you are being nice. But I will continue with this bloody uneducated buffoon so long as he is still around. Now, I've just been told who he was. He is not any smarter than last time, if I may.

Of course, not all Thai girls are after money (I won't even say that most of us are). And not all foreign men are loaded. But I'm sorry, in my circles, every one of them, my Thai girl friends have never been after anyone's money. We've worked our <deleted> off to earn our own money. Not in sex industry, Strummer. (I need to add this as he seems to be unable to think about anything beyond the bars)

There are good and bad people everywhere, for goodness' sake. If one married the wrong person, regardless of his/her nationality, who to blame now? The whole nation?

This is about to turn into yet another bargirl thread. I'll try to stop now. I so wish this tosser was close to me so that I could knock some sense into his head.

Yes,I do agree that usually thai girls(not BGs) are not after money.As they are all hard working.Usually they are after a true love and a nice guy whom with they can have a family full of warmth.I can see that why TGs are after farangs as money is not that big factor,but they assume that every farang will be more honest and loving than Thai guys.But this is right just for educated girls. :D

are you kidding me...you must live in disneyland :o

I'm sorry to say, but I think you are wrong, I have married 6 times, and my present wife is Thai, we have now been together for 12 good years, and I'll say you won't find better.

And in which bar did you find your seventh wife then? Just curious, I might know her.

Joe , that's not nice :o

Hope one day you're brave enough to say that to someones face.

Could you show us a photo of your battered visage when that happens Joe.

Is that you Joe? Is that you in the Photo?


I'm availabe to meet up over the Xmas period, PM me & we'll sort something out.

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