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New 007 Movie


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So who's going to review it and what's the plot? Multislaking so no time to Google :o Kind of like saying a Csmopolitan is better than a Harvey Wallbanger but nobody takes the time to list the ingredients.

Edited by Swanky
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Ive just seen the new james bond movie and i was not that impressed, the main problem was they left too many unanswered questions from the last one that needed answers. some good action but the story is terrible, imho

I saw it last week, I thought it was a bit of an anti-climax, after all the build up I preferred the 1st one! :o

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There was no closure on this one. That means there will be a sequel.

This whole Greene Planet thing was not worrked out at all. It was a bit too obvious too soon what the most valuable commodity in the world was.

I tried to turn off my brain while watching this. Could not do it.

My princess and I went to see this last Saturday night as an alternative to Tropic Thunder, because that one started too late.

I thought Daniel Craig fine as a 007. Did not see Casino Royale. It's useless to want old Seano back. Brosnan was also very suitable as a Bond.

That Peter Greene guy looked like he was continually on mushrooms with those hugely dilated pupils.

Watched 'The Godfather' on DVD (got the full box set) at home Sunday. She loved it. She actually said about 1/3 of the way through, 'I need to see this a second time'.

So true...

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i think some people miss the point of these movies. this is the start of bond, how he came to be the heartless womaniser.

Also i quite like the fact that are no gadgets. as much as i used to enjoy the whole slapstick element of bond movies with all the gadgets and comic book villains etc, i much prefer the gritty realism that craig brings to the part. at last we have a bond that looks like he can fight and doea take a few smacks nd looks like he has taken them, as oppossed to moore et al who comes outof fights without a hair out of place.

we need to the thanks the Bourne films for making bond wake up and get more realistic.

as for QOS i agree that the story is a little sketchy with not enough info given however i think craig plays bond very well

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Watched 'The Godfather' on DVD (got the full box set) at home Sunday. She loved it. She actually said about 1/3 of the way through, 'I need to see this a second time'.

So true...

because she did not understand it me thinks :o

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i think some people miss the point of these movies. this is the start of bond, how he came to be the heartless womaniser.

Also i quite like the fact that are no gadgets. as much as i used to enjoy the whole slapstick element of bond movies with all the gadgets and comic book villains etc, i much prefer the gritty realism that craig brings to the part. at last we have a bond that looks like he can fight and doea take a few smacks nd looks like he has taken them, as oppossed to moore et al who comes outof fights without a hair out of place.

we need to the thanks the Bourne films for making bond wake up and get more realistic.

as for QOS i agree that the story is a little sketchy with not enough info given however i think craig plays bond very well

Craig is very very good, if a bit raw but I believe his character will grow (as planned) in forthcoming movies. Much better than Brosnan but I prefer my Bond a little meaner, less polite :o

For the poster who hasn't seen Casino Royale, tough to follow this one without doing so. Overall, gave this one a 3.5 out of 5 because with the former, it raised the mark in my opinion and with this one our expectations were heightened in lieu of CR.

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I can't remember any memorable scenes. Some car chases, some fights, bond who was intentionally made to look like shit for half the movie, sex with a plain looking chick that dies five min later. Did he even get to screw the hot girl? I don't think so, if he did, it was totally forgetable.

The story was crap - water shortages in Bolivia, not exactly the hot spot. Overall they could have made it with Steven Seagull no one would even notice.

And this time Bond even let the bartender to describe his martini. Actually I think Craig is a generic beer drinker and memorising martini ingridients is a real intellectual challenge for him. Hence "no gadgets" by most people's standards - taking pictures with a mobile phone is the most he could do but that doesn't count as a "gadget".

I wish they did another parkour chase, like in Casino, that scene defintely stood out.

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Daniel Craig is much closer to Flemming's Bond than anyone except perhaps Connery. He's a tough, cold yet charismatic character, who believably has a licence to kill.

I personally thought Casino Royale was excellent, for those that dont know QoS picks up 30 minutes after Casino ends, and as many have picked up on, this is intended to be the second in a trilogy which introduces a new story line, bringing back a modern version of SPECTRE.

SPOILERS below for Casino Royale.

As we know Vespa diesand this explains Bond's lack of one liners and relative lack of bedroom action.

I do think the script could have been better but the action was fantastic (the first car chase, running over roof tops stood out for me). I never expect a Bond movie to be realistic or to provide anything more than sheer entertainment (its a Bond movie after all and not Schindler's List) and I think it achieved this goal well.

For me, the worst part of this film was the theme music. Worst.Bond.Theme.Tune.Ever. They had intended to get Amy Winehouse to do the job, but they changed their minds when Amy should have gone to rehab but she said no, no, no.

The next one is supposed to have more gadgets. I think they are trying to reintroduce the traditional bond elements in a new more modern believable way, hence why he drinks a Vodka Martini shaken no stirred. Remember Casino Royale is where Bond first got his OO7 title and licence to kill. In effect, he has just become Bond.

DC has mentioned in interviews that he is lobbying hard to get Q and Moneypenny back into the franchise.

My review: 7 / 10 great action packed sequences make for a good night out at the movies, but dont go looking for it to win any Oscars.

Edited by quiksilva
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I can't remember any memorable scenes. Some car chases, some fights, bond who was intentionally made to look like shit for half the movie, sex with a plain looking chick that dies five min later. Did he even get to screw the hot girl? I don't think so, if he did, it was totally forgetable.

The story was crap - water shortages in Bolivia, not exactly the hot spot. Overall they could have made it with Steven Seagull no one would even notice.

And this time Bond even let the bartender to describe his martini. Actually I think Craig is a generic beer drinker and memorising martini ingridients is a real intellectual challenge for him. Hence "no gadgets" by most people's standards - taking pictures with a mobile phone is the most he could do but that doesn't count as a "gadget".

I wish they did another parkour chase, like in Casino, that scene defintely stood out.

You don't get it do you mate. This picture was meant to show Bond at his lowest of lows, depressed and heavy drinking, it's most definately not a Roger Moore - Remington Steel copy (thank God!), its the very beginning of Bond.

The Bolivian Story is weak I agree but the water thing is just the tip of the iceberg :o so to speak in forthcoming sequals. They already said that in the next one the return of Q and gadgets will happen and we will start to see Bond evolve into a more refined killing machine.

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I see your point, but I went to see a James Bond movie, what I saw instead was some kind of melodramatic prequel to the real thing.

They could have started with his early childhood just as well.

Generally, I fail to see the need to "develop" his character after several decades and god knows how many films.

Bring up Bourne 4 and even Mission Impossible for an action spy movie instead.

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I see your point, but I went to see a James Bond movie, what I saw instead was some kind of melodramatic prequel to the real thing.

They could have started with his early childhood just as well.

Generally, I fail to see the need to "develop" his character after several decades and god knows how many films.

Bring up Bourne 4 and even Mission Impossible for an action spy movie instead.

haha ok, but to continue on from Brosnan, we would need someone in his 60's and seeing as Connery said never ever ever again, I prefer them starting a new as opposed to digging up a Michael Cain or similar :o

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