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Multi Layer Marketing


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My gf is interested in setting up a 'chemical suppliers' in northern Thailand to supply fertilisers etc to rubber plantations. The background doesnt matter at the moment.

My concern is that she has just told me in response to my probing her about she will go about this business, that she will "use MLM, like Amway".

From what i have read i feel this is somewhat an unethical way to go about marketing a product and dont know how it works in farming. Nor does she seem willing or able to tell me anything about it. I dont know where she has picked this up from, and without further information to reassure me that it is in fact, as she tells me, a normal way to go about business in farming suppliers in thailand, i have told her that I am not taking any further business interest in the project.

I would welcome any feed back on this subject if anyone has thoughts, knowledge or experience of this system.

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The natural gas price has dropped from 13./thousand to 6.50 over the past 6 /8 months. The fertilizers which require natural gas for their manufactor were made during the peak price time frame, thus the cheaper replacement is going to hit the market in the next few months. A sales program like this is way way to get srid of overpriced inventory. Just my personal thoughts.

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