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Where Can I Find A Plunger In Bangkok?

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Just moved, and managed to clog both toilets in the same day. I do use a lot of paper, thats why. But it has never happened with western toilets. Anyway, where can I find a plunger in Bangkok? Or maybe some chemical stuff that resolves the paper..? Any method that fixes the problem is appreciated.

Have tried with the "bumhose", unscrewed the top and put the hose down the toilet and put the water on, didnt help. Tried with a plastic clothes hangar, didnt help. Tried to pour water from high above the toilet, didnt help. So its a nasty one..:/


Your local hardware emporium should be able to help, print the picture on this page to help in getting what you want http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plunger

Asian bogs clog very easily, best to learn to use the bum-squirter and just dry off with paper :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

I had to use a hatchet once. It worked, though.

In place of a plunger or the bum squirter :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


try, (with rubber gloves or wash hands thouroughly afterwards),

taking out all the paper etc. you can see and putting it in a plastic bag for disposal,

then if your bathroom is one of the usual thai ones with tiled floor and a little water stopper at the entrance, doing this shouldnt be a problem:

get a medium/large sized bucket filled with water (one of those scoops will not be enough) and pour confidently closer to the back of the exit hole, if it doesnt unblock straight away leave the bowl full until it does.

dont be afraid to get a little dirty, you can always have a shower afterwards.

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