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Biggest **** You've Met On The Road


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It's Thailand. Right? Well it was one of those days. I had to run up to Bkk from Pattaya and the guy at the hotel desk suggested I take a mini bus. Mini bus? 300 baht?(if i remember right) Sounds good. Now make sure you are ready to go at 7:00 am Mr. aughie. No problem. So the next morning off we go. We stop at another hotel to pick up other passengers. I sit in the van and eventually the driver asks if I would sit in the hotel lobby. We sit in the lobby. Finally I ask what is up. They are not ready to leave. I was ready to leave why can't they be ready? He answered, well sir if I had other passengers I would leave without them. This I understood. I don't expect the driver to make a trip to Bkk for one person if that was not the plan. So one guy comes downstairs with a girl carrying his belongings. The luggage is taken to the van and the guy says wait his friend is on his way from upstairs. So the friend comes down too. There is talk at the hotel counter. We pile in the van and are off. Only we don't head out of town. What's up? We need to find a bank so the two guys can exchange money and pay the hotel. Why can't they exchange money at the hotel? They don't like the exchange rate. I see. This trip to Bkk is all about them. Where will we find a place to exchange money at 8:00am and what time will we finally get into Bkk now that we won't beat the traffic I wonder? Well, we drive around until a women shows up on a moped the driver gets out and heads out on the moped ahead of us looking for an exchange place. The women showing up with a moped means the driver was thinking on his feet and had a plan, right? The van came out of a soi onto Beach Road. Ok I know where I am let me out please. The copilot who was now piloting the van pulled over and let me out and I began to walk. My exit from the van went smoothly. Everything else that day was going to end up sh*t. I don't recall what time I got into Bkk. Breathing exhaust fumes in traffic is not great fun. I slept.

I got up in the early evening. For some reason I hungered for a club sandwich at Foodland so I headed out. FL was packed. There was one seat open. And there he sat leaning against one of the wooden supports which ran from the ceiling to the countertop, one of his feet was on the open stool and he was tapping his foot in that sort of extra energy way. There sat the russian. I stood for awhile checking out the situation. No one else went for the open stool. So this guy who had finished his meal and was picking his teeth with a toothpick was letting everyone know that he liked two spaces while on vacation. This FL moment was all about him. Now why I didn't walk out of FL and head down the alley across the street and sit down at one of the food stalls I am not sure. I was very hungry and I wasn't thinking clearly because I was experiencing the other Thailand for the first time. This was my second trip to the LOS. So I dived in head first at the russian's position. I joined the ranks of this topic. Only I thought I was right. The guy was taking two stools. That ain't right. Right?

I sat in the stool and was all set for a club sandwich. The guy began tapping his foot harder so I could feel it reverbing through me. I had entered his space only he was demanding two spaces. I ignored him. Yeah, I should have struck up a conversation with him and he probably would have relinquished the stool. Only how many russians can afford to vacation in Thailand? Mobsters can and maybe he didn't want to make friends with a yankqui. It's speculation the guy wouldn't have been friendly. I wasn't on the friendly route of the peacetrain at this time. I was busy being right. The waitress brought my water and I ordered my food. The tapping of his foot on the stool continued. He drained the last of his coca cola and set the glass at the edge of my placemat. Yes it gets cramped at FL during rush hours but believe me this guy had staked out a whole wallow for all to see. He went out of his way he made an exra effort to put his glass down at that spot. I gripped my water glass with my right hand and backhanded his glass with my left hand so it slid along the countertop back at him. Here it comes. Hey, hey hey, he bellowed. I turned and looked him in the eye pointed at his foot tapping on my stool and said hey, hey, hey. We locked eyes. He was a russian this sort of thing I assumed came natural to him. The way he stared me down indicated it to me. But I was game. I was ready. This guy was the persona of all previous events. He was it. He was going to beat me to a pulp but I was going to twist my water glass into his face. I would be a smeared spot on the floor and he would be ugly the rest of his life. At that time I considered it a fair exchange. I was pissed off and I was right. Right?

We locked eyes. I knew he would pound me and I assumed he knew I was game for a fight because he didn't make a move. I broke eye contact first. I kept him in my peripheral vision and I kept my hand on the water glass. My food came and I switched from the water glass to a fork. He finally got up to leave. I watched his reflection in the window as he passed behind me. Here is were he could really screw me up. He kicked my stool. I didn't respond. Just as he rounded the corner of the counter to head out onto the street, I looked over and he gave me some hand gesture. I spoke to him. I said go for it. He walked out.

Great now I have an enemy. I ate my meal and wondered how long the guy was going to steam in front of FL. Then I started to really think. What if this guy takes it out on a girl tonight? Great now I am responsible for something like that because I held onto some piece of anger all day. What a jerk aughie. Everyone crapped on each other today and somebody else will end up paying for it. If that is the case then at least I realized how I let this happen and wouldn't let it happen again. Normally I won't let myself be blamed for someone elses poor conduct but I see how this came down and how I contributed to the wreck.

Anyways, I finished my sandwich and it was time to go. The rain was coming down outside. So where was this guy? Was he waiting along the wall? It was raining so not likely. I walked out the doors of FL and went straight out into the middle of the street. He was not across the street. I turned and scanned the face and corners of the FL building. He was not to be found. I headed out onto Sukhumvit and made my way back to the hotel.

I hope the guy realized he was being a jerk also and the night ended peaceful for all.

I hope you don't hold how I handled that day against me.


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I liked the way you handled it actually , days like that make us realise that Los can be just as shitty and sometimes moreso than back home. <deleted> like that guy think they're movie stars and deserve to be told they're not.

I have a story containing 2 russians but I won't type it just yet as my Boss is coming over right now , he's another ######.

Nice one!

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The israeli guy who snapped his fingers at the older Thai waiter and yelled at him from across the restaurant, "BOY"

hahahaha thats funny.

I am always verry polite in restaurants etc... you never know what they do to your food in the kitchen .

a simple sign from the waiter is enough to poison your food :D .

and the story about the dutch guy sounds funny.

I think you should have tryed some nasi goreng ,thats what we always order in holland.its good. I think you just old grumpy man.if that the worst you saw thats nothing.

I was once walking at bkk market with a large bottle of beer.when all of the sudden this guy with his fat ass.bounced me .and my bottle broke on the floor .you dont believe what happend every body begun to shout ,HE YOU ,PICK UP ,HE YOU.

so I thaught ######you ,and made a short run for it to the next street.I saw so many idiots in thailand you wont believe.

you know what I really hate is this whiteboys that come thai with there whitegirlfriends.and really think they cool cause of that.(they think there no sextoerists).eehhh just filty .and many farangs have a attitute in thailand.like look how cool I am being in thailand.and than you have those japs leave there roomdoor open if they have barfined 2 girls.etc.. etc.. and I simply hated all hotelstaff I encountered in thailand ,exept that they make my clothes smell like flowers(walking the street with the smell of a flower) they always asking for money .the only one I give tips is the girls that clean my room etc.. the rest they can have when I bookout .###### greedy people

once I was passing the hall in my hotel,when this whiteguy

Your mind seems to resemble a bad acid trip Bro , take any Ketamine recently? :o

maybe it seems bro. Am I really crazy ?or is it my mind playing with me.

everybody says im mad though.so I quess its me .

wish me luck bro ,cause im entering a live of misary.

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Worst person i have met on the road.... Flying Bkk to Dubai with Thai International. Have a toddler who is active and loves to cause trouble,I accept some ppl want to sleep but controlling a toddler is not an easy task. But, the English woman who said" keep your half breed under control " I was shocked. My wife told the Thai staff and she got really shitty service for the rest of the flight , stupid cow.

I'm in two minds about this.Obviously use of the term "half breed" is unacceptable,although it's not a phrase I have heard outside John Wayne movies.But speaking as one who has been driven almost mad by unsupervised howling snivelling brats on long distance flights, I think we should accept the woman in question may have been provoked to say something she was rather ashamed of afterwards.On balance my sympathy is with the afflicted woman not least because the poster does seem to think it is acceptable to have his badly behaved little ankle biters screeech and howl.

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The israeli guy who snapped his fingers at the older Thai waiter and yelled at him from across the restaurant, "BOY"

hahahaha thats funny.

I am always verry polite in restaurants etc... you never know what they do to your food in the kitchen .

a simple sign from the waiter is enough to poison your food :D .

and the story about the dutch guy sounds funny.

I think you should have tryed some nasi goreng ,thats what we always order in holland.its good. I think you just old grumpy man.if that the worst you saw thats nothing.

I was once walking at bkk market with a large bottle of beer.when all of the sudden this guy with his fat ass.bounced me .and my bottle broke on the floor .you dont believe what happend every body begun to shout ,HE YOU ,PICK UP ,HE YOU.

so I thaught ######you ,and made a short run for it to the next street.I saw so many idiots in thailand you wont believe.

you know what I really hate is this whiteboys that come thai with there whitegirlfriends.and really think they cool cause of that.(they think there no sextoerists).eehhh just filty .and many farangs have a attitute in thailand.like look how cool I am being in thailand.and than you have those japs leave there roomdoor open if they have barfined 2 girls.etc.. etc.. and I simply hated all hotelstaff I encountered in thailand ,exept that they make my clothes smell like flowers(walking the street with the smell of a flower) they always asking for money .the only one I give tips is the girls that clean my room etc.. the rest they can have when I bookout .###### greedy people

once I was passing the hall in my hotel,when this whiteguy

Your mind seems to resemble a bad acid trip Bro , take any Ketamine recently? :o

maybe it seems bro. Am I really crazy ?or is it my mind playing with me.

everybody says im mad though.so I quess its me .

wish me luck bro ,cause im entering a live of misary.

G'luck Bro....

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Sad to say, but my worst experience relates to three "friends" who came over to see me here.

I had a bar at the time. They were probably the friends who had had most doubts about my move. They were also the first to visit .

Anyway, I had a sleepless night before they arrived. Working the bar and then travelling to BKK to meet them off the flight. Had hired a taxi. On the way home, one of them says how much they're looking forward to staying in our house - we had 3 bedroom place at the bar. The two spare rooms were being used by family who were working there. This got their back up "how can we afford it? Didn't budget for this etc etc" Fortunately, I'd negoiated a good deal for them at a friend's guesthouse. Finally they were happy.

They spent the next week in town, visiting the bar most days and expecting free drinks. They then travelled down south. The night they were leaving, they came to the bar and asked for a loan. I was short at the time, so they asked for money out of the till. We'd banked that day, so were just keeping enough for a float. Couldn't do it. They were really p****d off.

A couple of weeks later, I popped into the gh they'd been staying at. One of them was there. "You're back early" said I, "I don't want to talk about it" is the reply. Turns out this gem of an English traveller hated Thai food, thought the Thais smelt and was appalled at the way they treated their children. Unbelievable.

Having no money and waiting for his girlfriend to send some over so he could change his flight, he'd conned a Canadian lady who lived here into letting him use her spare room. So, off they went.

30 mins later the phone goes and it's his girlfriend from the UK. The owner told her that the boyfriend had just checked out and gone to BKK with a local girl. When said individual eventually got back home, I heard he wasn't given a warm welcome. Serves him right.

With friend like these, who needs enemies?

Embarassing for me with the ex-pat community who thought everyone I knew would be like that. Fortunately, they weren't.

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The biggest tw@t I ever met whilst travelling was , at the time , a "mate" from the UK. We spent 18 months travelling through SE Asia , back in 1990-1.

There are too many incidents to recall , but I am amazed that we survived the trip, mainly due to his rudeness towards the countries or peoples that we met along our way. Here are 2 that I can recall , I have tried to black out the more painful memories.

1. In Medan , Sumatra, we were in a local Pool Hall downtown, a LOT of interest was paid to the 2 young westerners in this fairly seedy establishment.

Whilst my mate was lining up a shot at least 60 people were watching the game from about 3 inches away , he asked them to move back , most did, except the largest, hardest looking one. In a flash of genius he decided the best way to get the Gorilla to move was to saunter along side him and fart , full force, into the Monsters face( he was sitting down at the time). I escaped a beating, my friend did not.

2. In a run-down music shop in Ho-chi Minh city I was a bit surprised to be frisked on the way out, on return to the hotel I realised that my friend, who had left the shop before me had nicked about 10 cassettes and various computer games, he was surprised that the local police had accompanied me into the room. I am allowed back to Vietnam , he is not.

3.In Penang , about midnight near the top of Lebuh Chulia , by the fountain where the Tri-shaw drivers sleep, he decided to "borrow" a tri-shaw, I went back to the GH. Apparently I missed one of the best ever Tri-shaw races, he lost , and was beaten.

5. In a cr@ppy hotel in Soi 19 Suk , he noticed the cute statuettes of the Rama Dynasty , he re-arranged them into positions that gave the impression that they were kissing each other and other nefarious activities.

The watching security guard was NOT amused.He was beaten.

6. He did a runner from a baht bus in Pattaya without paying the fare, ended up in a 20 minute chase through the bars of Soi5,6 and 7. He was beaten.

7.. Memory blocking starts to come into force... :D

Ok number 6 was me.... :o

Edited by chonabot
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2 <deleted> in planes,

One who slapped his missus and then wouldnt let her up to go to the loo, The crew waited till he fell asleep (he was pissed) and assisted her out of the window seat over him, took her to Business class and wouldnt let him see her when he finally awoke.....Police were waiting

Young bloke, lit up a smoke while the plane was on the taxiway, Told everyone on the plane how much he knew about Thailand, the people behind him got moved because he wouldnt leave the daughter alone (verbally) He fell alseep with his nuts hanging out of his shorts, Landing in Perth he started abusing ###### out of my mate, we were across the other side of the plane.....Police were waiting

But the biggest T**t was a young Aussie guy...

I always get a window seat as I am claustrophobic and can leave the blind up, the sun was shining in the window and these three guys complained about it, Fair call I thought so I held the in flight magazine up so I could still see out but give them some shade. I went around later and apologised to them and explained the reason I needed the blind up......

Turns out one of the three guys was the son of the owner of my regular bar in Pattaya.....They turned up at the bar and one of the guys, not the owners son started carrying on how if I hadnt of apologised he would have beat me up and all that crap. This happened everytime we saw him at the bar.....within a week he was telling everyone about Thailand and how much he knew about the place, Even told some residents what they should be doing to live there, oh yeah it was his first ever trip... He was eventually barred from the bar, The only time I have seen anyone barred from there. I dont think he ever went back to Thailand.

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