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When used as in social awareness, environmental awareness, etc. I've seen both ความตระหนัก and ความตระหนักรู้, but ความตระหนัก seems to be more common.

Ex. ความตระหนักในหน้าที่ของบุคคลตามวิถีทางแห่งประชาธิปไตย "awareness of one's personal duty in the democratic system"

Often used in a similar meaning to ความสำนึก "consciousness" (as in social consciousness, environmental consciousness, etc.)

Ex. ความสำนึกในหน้าที่พลเมืองของเด็กไทย "consciousness of civic duty of Thai children"

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There seem to be a few answers to this as awareness can clearly have a number of meanings. My query is for simply awareness of your immediate surroundings e.g. creating space for others to walk along the pavement or leaving a door open when somebody is directly behind you.

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Ahh... awareness of your immediate surroundings isn't often as simple as that though :D

I think in the sense you mean... sounds like you might have been a little jaded after some kind of experience - you might want to say to yourself "Don't they have a clue of what is around them" ... "They haven't got a clue" etc..

you might say like was mentioned by 5tash คนนี้ไม่รู้ตัว

But on the flip side... if you're the only one feeling like this in a street full of 1000's of people, maybe if they knew you felt like that, they might think that you must need to learn to have an awareness of how to not stress in these situations :o.

It's all relative :D

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There seem to be a few answers to this as awareness can clearly have a number of meanings. My query is for simply awareness of your immediate surroundings e.g. creating space for others to walk along the pavement or leaving a door open when somebody is directly behind you.

จิตสำนึก should be the word we use in this context.

จิตสำนึก - awareness, consciousness.

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There seem to be a few answers to this as awareness can clearly have a number of meanings. My query is for simply awareness of your immediate surroundings e.g. creating space for others to walk along the pavement or leaving a door open when somebody is directly behind you.

จิตสำนึก should be the word we use in this context.

จิตสำนึก - awareness, consciousness.

I agree with Khun Yoot.

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Just to round out the discussion and to add a Buddhist flavor to the thread, the following is one of the entries in the Dictionary of Dharma, page 58:

สัมปชัญญะ (ความรู้ตัว, สำนึกตระหนักชัดด้วยปัญญา — awareness; full


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There seem to be a few answers to this as awareness can clearly have a number of meanings. My query is for simply awareness of your immediate surroundings e.g. creating space for others to walk along the pavement or leaving a door open when somebody is directly behind you.

Would this be "consideration" rather than "awareness"?

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'awareness' = knowing that there are other people there

'consideration' = to attempt not to cause these people inconvenience


I think we all feel similar frustration when our cultural norms are broken but it could be worth pointing out that the expectations and rules for 'normal, polite behaviour' do not always cross over cultures 1:1, and it's not really fair to blame people for not observing customs they are unaware of or have not been taught is important.

As we all can see from walking around in public, Thais are not taught to hold up doors to the next person passing through it (unless it is their specific job to do so). It does happen on occasion but it is definitely a rare sight.

On the other hand, Thais are taught for example to avoid stepping over people who are sitting down or pointing at another person using their feet, something that is not necessarily part of what a Westerner would be taught. Also, Westerners tend to be used to a more brisk walking pace plus we tend to have longer legs, causing us to feel like our paths are being blocked by the unaware on occasion.

From my observations it also seems that among Thais, polite behaviour is reserved for the people you have a direct relation to (family, friends, clients, work mates, neighbours you have been introduced to), whereas as a contrast, people who you don't have a direct relation to, such as passers-by in the street, are not afforded much, if any, consideration. It can truly seem as if those people do not exist. However, as soon as you have had a formal introduction to somebody, they do seem to become aware of you in a different way.

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I think รู้ตัว is to have sensation or consciousness, ie after an accident, whilst ตระหนัก may mean to be aware of the facts, ie unprotected sex may lead to HIV.

จิตลำนึก can mean conscience which fits in well with socially\ environmentally aware\conscious.

A complete aside, but it's not worth starting a new thread, can anyone help me with-ต่อยอด ?


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A complete aside, but it's not worth starting a new thread, can anyone help me with-ต่อยอด ?


Here are several sentences from newspaper articles this year which feature the phrase "ต่อยอด". Note that both sentence use the noun form, "การต่อยอด". Please let me know if the translations reflect the intent of the Thai sentence writer:

นายสมัคร สุนทรเวช เป็นหัวหน้าพรรคพลังประชาชน และพรรคพลังประชาชนก็ถูกถือว่าเป็นการต่อยอดมาจากพรรคไทยรักไทย

Mr. Samak Suntharawet is the leader of the People’s Power Party and the People’s Power Party is regarded as being a offshoot of the Thai Rak Thai Party.

นักศึกษาที่ผ่านการอบรมในโครงการดังกล่าว เมื่อเรียนจบกลับประเทศไทยแล้วยังจะได้รับการต่อยอดเพื่อเป็นบันไดก้าวไปสู่การเป็นผู้ประกอบการธุรกิจฮาลาล

Students who have passed through training in this program when they have completed their studies and have returned to Thailand, they still receive continuance (in their educations) to reach their goals of being able to earn their livings in (preparing) Halal (food).


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I think รู้ตัว is to have sensation or consciousness, ie after an accident, whilst ตระหนัก may mean to be aware of the facts, ie unprotected sex may lead to HIV.

จิตลำนึก can mean conscience which fits in well with socially\ environmentally aware\conscious.

A complete aside, but it's not worth starting a new thread, can anyone help me with-ต่อยอด ?


It should be รู้สึกตัว if I remember right.

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I think รู้ตัว is to have sensation or consciousness, ie after an accident,

It should be รู้สึกตัว if I remember right.

Yeah, I agree that's more like รู้สึกตัว, though perhaps รู้ตัว works for short. In general, though, รู้ตัว is more like awareness of one's character traits/behavior/etc. Say so-and-so annoys the piss out of everyone, but they don't realize it -- you'd say they ไม่รู้ตัว. Or whatever fact about oneself, really, it doesn't have to be just negative things... เขาไม่รู้ตัวว่าสวย "she doesn't know she's beautiful", วิญญาณไม่รู้ตัวว่าตาย "the spirit doesn't know it has died", etc.

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There seem to be a few answers to this as awareness can clearly have a number of meanings. My query is for simply awareness of your immediate surroundings e.g. creating space for others to walk along the pavement or leaving a door open when somebody is directly behind you.

I think he's looking for the Thai word that is the opposite of obliviousness. The opposite of oblivious, I am being told, is "ow jai sigh."

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