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AUDCHF, Daily signal

Sell Limit 1.02780 stop 1.0365 target 1 is 1.0000 and 9965.

Sell was triggered at 1.02780 last night

Have paced a sell on GBPUSD at 1.5700, stop 1.5740 Target around 1.5600

Gone the opposite way Paulo at the moment.......

I'm long so happy for it to roll with trailing stop in place for now.....

Yes, almost got stopped on the cable entry. Not placing my stop at a round number saved me. I entered another position at 1.5725, sitting on 70 pips profit.

AUDCHF has worked well. From entry at 1.02780 and now 1.01420 , plus 139 pips in total.

The audchf was posted at day prior being triggered.

Edited by Paulo1
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AUDCHF, Daily signal

Sell Limit 1.02780 stop 1.0365 target 1 is 1.0000 and 9965.

Sell was triggered at 1.02780 last night

Have paced a sell on GBPUSD at 1.5700, stop 1.5740 Target around 1.5600

Gone the opposite way Paulo at the moment.......

I'm long so happy for it to roll with trailing stop in place for now.....

Yes, almost got stopped on the cable entry. Not placing my stop at a round number saved me. I entered another position at 1.5725, sitting on 70 pips profit.

AUDCHF has worked well. From entry at 1.02780 and now 1.01420 , plus 139 pips in total.

The audchf was posted at day prior being triggered.

I liked the AUD/CHF idea and the fact that you posted entry level well in advance. Beyond that it was the very best possible entry. This position can easily go another 450 pips.

Nevertheless the cable trade was stopped if sticking to the numbers you suggested. Also you can not sit on 70 pips profit with this trade regardless whether you got stopped the first time or not.

Edited by PCA
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Cable would have been stopped at the number I posted as it had a high of 1.57438. Even though I posted a stop level, that can change to market conditions. When i am trading, and that is sitting in front of the monitors I seldom place physical stops in the market and rather employ the use of psychological stops. I also use 100 to 200 pip emergency stops, worse case senario. Computer dies, loose internet, and so forth.

Looking a cable this week is could break higher , watching 1.5770 area, a close above that would signal an advance to around 1.5900.

I still hold the AUDCHF and plan to begin adding to my position, as with AUDUSD, AUDCAD.. Missed a nice entry selling the GBPNZD at 1.9450. I think its worth watching.

This week I am watching the DX, (dollar index), currently trading around 82.60 and support about 81.19. if this number holds the medium term up trend remains intact, and if breaks lower could see a return to 78.50 zone..

S&P 500 is approaching the high of 1422.40 area. Looking to sell near that number. should confirm a sell off in stocks and that will add to AUD weakness, however will be watching QE3 developments closely.

So will be looking AUD sells, adding to current positions.

AUDCHF add at 1.0826/1.0203 on a retrace and have sell stops at 1.01218

AUDUSD sell rallies 1.0486 area.

AUDCAD sell 1.04100 target around 9980, strong support around 1.0288/300 area.

Yen had a huge sell off last week am looking for a buy entry on USDJPY , 80.00 being key resistance..

USDCAD watching buy zone 9879 stop 9854, Trend is still down and could move to 9800.

Am cautious of trading EU , EG, Cable this week

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Looking a cable this week is could break higher

Paulo, please translate in a language i understand huh.png

Everything i am looking at is from the weekly and daily chart.

There is alot going on around the 1.5700 to 1.5800

200 sma 1.5715

100 sma 1.5750

A daily close above 1.5750/85 layer.

50% fib from 1.6300 high to 1.5267 low gives a 50% retracement to 1.5784 and that only being 16 pips from 5800, 5800 would be the key zone to watch.

Pattern is ascending triangle


Edited by Paulo1
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Looking a cable this week is could break higher

Paulo, please translate in a language i understand huh.png

Everything i am looking at is from the weekly and daily chart.

There is alot going on around the 1.5700 to 1.5800

200 sma 1.5715

100 sma 1.5750

A daily close above 1.5750/85 layer.

50% fib from 1.6300 high to 1.5267 low gives a 50% retracement to 1.5784 and that only being 16 pips from 5800, 5800 would be the key zone to watch.

Pattern is ascending triangle

Edited by Paulo1
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Looking a cable this week is could break higher

Paulo, please translate in a language i understand huh.png

Everything i am looking at is from the weekly and daily chart.

There is alot going on around the 1.5700 to 1.5800

200 sma 1.5715

100 sma 1.5750

A daily close above 1.5750/85 layer.

50% fib from 1.6300 high to 1.5267 low gives a 50% retracement to 1.5784 and that only being 16 pips from 5800, 5800 would be the key zone to watch.

Edited by Paulo1
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Sorry about the multiple same posts, No idea how that happened.

translation of

Looking a cable this week is could break higher

still missing.

I can not give you a buy/sell signal because presently there isn't one.

What is your opinion on looking to sell US Bonds at present.?

http://www.amazon.co...rds=john Murphy

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Sorry about the multiple same posts, No idea how that happened.

translation of

Looking a cable this week is could break higher

still missing.

1. I can not give you a buy/sell signal because presently there isn't one.

2. What is your opinion on looking to sell US Bonds at present.?

1. i don't want a buy/sell signal. al i want is a translation of the above sentence into either English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or Arabic. please take your pick!

2. a zillion US bonds exist which differ from each other like a cockroach and an elephant. you have to be more specific.

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Quiet market yesterday, ,nothing unexpected.

EURUSD not confirmed as a trade yet, however looking for long entry..

Buy limit zone, 1.300/ 1.2323 stop 1.2283

5min signal chart , Buy on a close above 1.2350, just closed above as i was typing and am long at 1.2353 stop 1.2339

Interesting doc attached.

Germany backs Draghi bond plan against Bundesbank.pdf

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Its a secret language, you will have to read between the lines . Bit like texting.

looks more like secret bullshit to me.

You will find bullshit in anything if you look hard enough, including yourself.

To the spelling error. Read the whole sentence on context, surely you are smart enough to figure it out , or just bored and nit picking. Like trading, you need to look at the whole picture.

"Looking a cable this week is could break higher , watching 1.5770 area, a close above that would signal an advance to around 1.5900".

Looking at cable this week it could break higher , watching 1.5770 area, a close above that would signal an advance to around 1.5900.

GBPUSD (cable) just broke the 2 day highs at 5716, 1hr chart.

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Quiet market yesterday, ,nothing unexpected.

EURUSD not confirmed as a trade yet, however looking for long entry..

Buy limit zone, 1.300/ 1.2323 stop 1.2283

5min signal chart , Buy on a close above 1.2350, just closed above as i was typing and am long at 1.2353 stop 1.2339

Interesting doc attached.

long at 1.2353 stop 1.2339 , stop moved to 2359,

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Cable would have been stopped at the number I posted as it had a high of 1.57438. Even though I posted a stop level, that can change to market conditions. When i am trading, and that is sitting in front of the monitors I seldom place physical stops in the market and rather employ the use of psychological stops. I also use 100 to 200 pip emergency stops, worse case senario. Computer dies, loose internet, and so forth.

Looking a cable this week is could break higher , watching 1.5770 area, a close above that would signal an advance to around 1.5900.

I still hold the AUDCHF and plan to begin adding to my position, as with AUDUSD, AUDCAD.. Missed a nice entry selling the GBPNZD at 1.9450. I think its worth watching.

This week I am watching the DX, (dollar index), currently trading around 82.60 and support about 81.19. if this number holds the medium term up trend remains intact, and if breaks lower could see a return to 78.50 zone..

S&P 500 is approaching the high of 1422.40 area. Looking to sell near that number. should confirm a sell off in stocks and that will add to AUD weakness, however will be watching QE3 developments closely.

So will be looking AUD sells, adding to current positions.

AUDCHF add at 1.0826/1.0203 on a retrace and have sell stops at 1.01218

AUDUSD sell rallies 1.0486 area.

AUDCAD sell 1.04100 target around 9980, strong support around 1.0288/300 area.

Yen had a huge sell off last week am looking for a buy entry on USDJPY , 80.00 being key resistance..

USDCAD watching buy zone 9879 stop 9854, Trend is still down and could move to 9800.

Am cautious of trading EU , EG, Cable this week

AUDCHF add at 1.0826/1.0203 on a retrace and have sell stops at 1.01218. Enrtry was triggered at 1.0826.

AUDUSD sell rallies 1.0486 area. Entries triggered at 1.0514, 1.0500, 1.04882, am also holding from 1.0573

AUDCAD sell 1.04100 target around 9980, strong support around 1.0288/300 area. Still pending and watching 1.0383 zone.

USDCAD watching buy zone 9879 stop 9854, Trend is still down and could move to 9800. Entry was on the daily close at 9887,, have more buy limits at 9869 / 9851. Stops are 9820 down to 9793. these could be changed pending price action.

Yen had a huge sell off last week am looking for a buy entry on USDJPY , 80.00 being key resistance.. No trade yet. consolidating at present between 79.12/66

Have EU and Cable longs running at present.. EU trade was posted prior move from a 5 min signal there was a 2hr window to get the same entry.

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Stop bickering guys.



Moving on.

Any insight into what effect the outcome(s) of today's bail hearing for the Red Shirts will have on the afternoon session at the SET?

No Idea. If i traded it I would still have no idea. SET tracks the DOW pretty closely from memory.

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Stop bickering guys.



Moving on.

Any insight into what effect the outcome(s) of today's bail hearing for the Red Shirts will have on the afternoon session at the SET?

The SET is largely delinked from Thai politics- it went up during the red shirt/rioting /deaths of last year for example. The SET, like all global stock markets had a good rally in the last 3 weeks, but it's likely heading down now given renewed EU worries. I jumped in beginning of august and made 7% trading stocks during the rally, but am now cashed out again. The key to making money on the SET these days is to follow EU news, when you see significant positive news wait for a 2-3 consecutive day jump in US/EU markets then buy in SET in oversold stocks.

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Looking a cable this week is could break higher

Paulo, please translate in a language i understand huh.png

Everything i am looking at is from the weekly and daily chart.

There is alot going on around the 1.5700 to 1.5800

200 sma 1.5715

100 sma 1.5750

A daily close above 1.5750/85 layer.

50% fib from 1.6300 high to 1.5267 low gives a 50% retracement to 1.5784 and that only being 16 pips from 5800, 5800 would be the key zone to watch.

Pattern is ascending triangle

I have longs running from a several lower prices, however if you just followed the above analysis, the break of 5800 was the key and a safer place to trade from. I took this trade after the break and retrace to 5775 for entries.

Chart attached.

The AUDUSD move nice , then the FOMC statement reversed the pair to 1.0516,, stopped on the 1.04882 at 1.0463. Am hold more shorts from higher and will see how it all develops, Looks like QE3 is here. The weekly chart signal is still intact and this could provide a nive sell zone.

In regards to the AUD positions I am taking profits on part of the position, However, in saying that i am prepared to let the trend develop. Its never going to go straight up or down. As long as you get yourself in a no loose situation and are trading the markets money thats got to be a good position, albeit if you give some profit back.

EU still hold long from 1.2353 5min entry posted here.

GOLD made a significant break from 3 months of consolidation.




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Personally, I have never heard of the GBPUSD pair being referred to as "cable". That was Naam's point of contention, so if you are going to speak in tongues and/or use traders slang, please let the rest of us know. If not, then you posts are of not much help.

Somebody else with an axe to grind........

For your information and your esteemed colleague Naam the GBP/USD pair has always been known as Cable because when first traded as a Currency pair the only communication available was by "Cable" across the Atlantic........

Now I would suggest that both you guys have very little financial experience not to know that......

Frankly you guys should be applauding someone who constantly lists trades for all to use if required rather than picking fault. If Paulo doesn't return than I dont blame him and I will be massively pished off with you pair........

Edited by Chivas
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Personally, I have never heard of the GBPUSD pair being referred to as "cable". That was Naam's point of contention, so if you are going to speak in tongues and/or use traders slang, please let the rest of us know. If not, then you posts are of not much help.

Somebody else with an axe to grind........

For your information and your esteemed colleague Naam the GBP/USD pair has always been known as Cable because when first traded as a Currency pair the only communication available was by "Cable" across the Atlantic........

Now I would suggest that both you guys have very little financial experience not to know that......

Frankly you guys should be applauding someone who constantly lists trades for all to use if required rather than picking fault. If Paulo doesn't return than I dont blame him and I will be massively pished off with you pair........

No axe to grind, just making a point. Now your response does have a bit of spite to it. Is it because you feel you know more about the industry than anyone else or perhaps you're just older than dirt and get cranky without your nap. See how that works.

As to your second point, I put as much faith in a "free" signalling service on a public website in Thailand as I do in the man in the moon. Rely on Pablos advice at your own risk. I know I don't.

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On another note, if Pablo is posting these signals for the benefit of the TV community, is it appropriate for you and he to make condescending remarks regarding questions the community might have or need additional explanation? Not everyone is older than dirt and go back to the days of the telegraph after all.


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Personally, I have never heard of the GBPUSD pair being referred to as "cable". That was Naam's point of contention, so if you are going to speak in tongues and/or use traders slang, please let the rest of us know. If not, then you posts are of not much help.

Somebody else with an axe to grind........

For your information and your esteemed colleague Naam the GBP/USD pair has always been known as Cable because when first traded as a Currency pair the only communication available was by "Cable" across the Atlantic........

Now I would suggest that both you guys have very little financial experience not to know that......

Frankly you guys should be applauding someone who constantly lists trades for all to use if required rather than picking fault. If Paulo doesn't return than I dont blame him and I will be massively pished off with you pair........

No axe to grind, just making a point. Now your response does have a bit of spite to it. Is it because you feel you know more about the industry than anyone else or perhaps you're just older than dirt and get cranky without your nap. See how that works.

As to your second point, I put as much faith in a "free" signalling service on a public website in Thailand as I do in the man in the moon. Rely on Pablos advice at your own risk. I know I don't.

Dont let the door catch your backside on the way out........Bye.

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Somebody else with an axe to grind........

For your information and your esteemed colleague Naam the GBP/USD pair has always been known as Cable because when first traded as a Currency pair the only communication available was by "Cable" across the Atlantic........

Now I would suggest that both you guys have very little financial experience not to know that......

Frankly you guys should be applauding someone who constantly lists trades for all to use if required rather than picking fault. If Paulo doesn't return than I dont blame him and I will be massively pished off with you pair........

the axe to grind was self-explanatory

"Looking a cable this week is could break higher"

and talking about financial experience i am convinced that i have more of it in my left pinky finger than a bunch of poor daytraders who pull cables.


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Somebody else with an axe to grind........

For your information and your esteemed colleague Naam the GBP/USD pair has always been known as Cable because when first traded as a Currency pair the only communication available was by "Cable" across the Atlantic........

Now I would suggest that both you guys have very little financial experience not to know that......

Frankly you guys should be applauding someone who constantly lists trades for all to use if required rather than picking fault. If Paulo doesn't return than I dont blame him and I will be massively pished off with you pair........

the axe to grind was self-explanatory

"Looking a cable this week is could break higher"

and talking about financial experience i am convinced that i have more of it in my left pinky finger than a bunch of poor daytraders who pull cables.


Likewise the door normally opens left to right,,,,,,

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