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Work Permit/ Non Imm B Visa

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Ok situation is as follow:-

Non Imm B visa valid until November 24th 2008, Work Permit same. Went to Immigration last Friday to attempt to extend Non imm B for a year, was rejected as paperwork incomplete.

Today Office HR lady told me that all paperwork now complete and she would go to Labour Dept to renew my WP for a year.

Question, I always thought that WP followed validity of Non Imm B Visa or has this changed ? Surely extension of Non Imm B must be the priority followed by renewal of WP.

Seems that the Left Hand does not know what the Right hand is doing

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procedure is as follows:

Labour office will give a note stating you have applied for the WP extension. With that you go to immigration and they extend the permission to stay. Then you return to the Labour Office and get the extension of your WP.

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it's confusing between validity, extension and all those things.

first you have a three month B visa then you pick up your work permit, three month later you go out of the country to get a non-B multi and show your work permit is valid for one year to obtain it.

so yes work permit are given with a year of validity, it's not depending of the original visa otherwise everyone would have three month work permit BUT you have to show your work permit every 90 days or at every time you go out and in the country to make it match your current allowed stay.

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