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It's Almost Christmas Time


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Please go to http://members.cscoms.com/~mglatz/ and then click on the first yellow boxes (Help us acquire Internet access for our village school) or go to http://www.michelonia.com directly.

If only 10% of the registered 14,764 members donated a little each or joined Michelonia, then I would have enough to outfit the school with the rest of the needed equipment such as switch etc. and enough to purchase the access to the Internet through a two way Satellite connection at $238 a month (through ipStar). This would be a unlimited connection at 256kbps down and 64kbps up.

There are no phones within 20 km of this location other than cellualr services.

You can also go to http://www.free-press-release.com/news/200...1100833068.html to see the last press release concerning the project.

Now that would make for a good Christmas story.

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Please go to http://members.cscoms.com/~mglatz/ and then click on the first yellow boxes (Help us acquire Internet access for our village school) or go to http://www.michelonia.com directly.

If only 10% of the registered 14,764 members donated a little each or joined Michelonia, then I would have enough to outfit the school with the rest of the needed equipment such as switch etc. and enough to purchase the access to the Internet through a two way Satellite connection at $238 a month (through ipStar). This would be a unlimited connection at 256kbps down and 64kbps up.

There are no phones within 20 km of this location other than cellualr services.

You can also go to http://www.free-press-release.com/news/200...1100833068.html to see the last press release concerning the project.

Now that would make for a good Christmas story.


Is this SCAM still running?????????????

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Please go to http://members.cscoms.com/~mglatz/ and then click on the first yellow boxes (Help us acquire Internet access for our village school) or go to http://www.michelonia.com directly.

If only 10% of the registered 14,764 members donated a little each or joined Michelonia, then I would have enough to outfit the school with the rest of the needed equipment such as switch etc. and enough to purchase the access to the Internet through a two way Satellite connection at $238 a month (through ipStar). This would be a unlimited connection at 256kbps down and 64kbps up.

There are no phones within 20 km of this location other than cellualr services.

You can also go to http://www.free-press-release.com/news/200...1100833068.html to see the last press release concerning the project.

Now that would make for a good Christmas story.

Can you please post the name of the school, and its location and contact information?... I looked over your website, but didn't see any such info. I'm interested in following up directly to ascertain how I can possibly help.

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Is this SCAM still running?????????????

My Dear European, This is a not a scam! You are welcome to come here visit and see for yourself what has been done and then you can come again and check after the money has been raised and the connection established.

If it is a scam I will give to you double of what I collected, but, if you come here and find it is not a scam, then you will match what I collect within let us say the next 6 months.


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Wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to get internet through a GSM/GPRS phone?
Actually no cause we are talking about 13 computers and the bandwith is just not enough plus the fact that it would costs a pretty penny to do so.
Can you please post the name of the school, and its location and contact information?... I looked over your website, but didn't see any such info. I'm interested in following up directly to ascertain how I can possibly help.

Dear Ajarn, Just sent my wife out into the village for the correct spelling and name of the school, Headmaster and his cellular number, so that you can call him directly. Mind you his English is weak if non-existant. I will email you or PM you with the information today. Hope you can help.

I refuse to give up and so far have been able to only come with 2 Pentium computers with original Windows Xp for them.

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Wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to get internet through a GSM/GPRS phone?

It is for a couple of schools in the North without other options. In fact, I just visited one yesterday. The speed sucks, but is no worse than my lox dial-up most of the time, it seems. The system can't handle too many shared connections though, so its practical use with a medium-sized class isn't practical currently (I own stock in acompany, Alvarion, involved in practical and cheap solutions to this exact issue- currently in use in a few western countries).

The Thai teaching English in one school uses it to find teaching ideas and materials she can print out for classroom use. This school is just now reaching the stage where students are learning about email and limited to only sending mail to each other. This is fine for them for now, and it helps them and the teacher get more familiar and comfortable with this new technology. The main thing the Thai teachers have expressed fears about are in kids seeing the sex sites. The Thai government is promoting mostly Thai language websites, even publishing lists of 'appropriate' websites for Thai students. Not much government support for using 'foreign' websites.

One of the biggest problems I've seen over the last ten years or so of there being computers and internet in Thai schools (I was an Educator in Thailand for 16 years) is the waste and poor planning that goes on... Corruption and Incompetence... Schools with no electricity getting 100 computers.... 'Set' computer computer prices for schools at 50% above standard retail...Every Government university getting a (then) 7 million baht computer lab w satellite receiver, but with no training included. Ours was used to watch Thai soaps on the teacher's monitor, while the 42 computer stations just sat there covered in plastic for a year....

Probably 80% of the schools I visit (about 25 per year) don't fully use their computers because nobody knows what to do, or they're afraid to use them for fear if it breaking on their watch (very common fear!) ..Or they only allow staff to use the computers given for educational use...

I'd like to know what this school plans to do with these computers and their expensive internet connection.... This is a lot of money. Without a concrete and workable plan, they'd be better off putting their resources and money to work somplace else where the educational benefits would be more tangible- like simply more pencils and notebooks, or more supplies for teachers. Computer learning is not all it was dreamed to be. The internet is a wonderful thing and an incredibly useful and valuable learning/research tool. But, without proper training and support, you'll either just be creating more online game players, or see these machines wasting away from non-use....

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For anyone that wants to deal directly with the school here is the information:

Watkanlapruk School

Landookmai, (East Mung)

Kamphaeng Phet

Headmaster: Gittisak Promburin

Cellular: 01 9716064

I am available as a go between although my Thai is poor to say the least, as I have to use my wife as a translator.

I'd like to know what this school plans to do with these computers and their expensive internet connection.... This is a lot of money. Without a concrete and workable plan

I am hoping they will follow my advise and other than educating the local kids in the use of the computers and the Internet, will set up a summer camp program for the region, to be taught by one of their equivalent of the compouters science teacher and the local Buddhist Abbott, who is a prior teacher and well versed in computers.

With this summer camp, their internet access can be paid for by the revenues derived for the enire year. The kids would study at the school and stay at the Wat for their camp, all for a yet unspecified sum. But to get to that stage they need to have enough to pay for the Internet for the first year at 9,500 Baht per month times 12 month. That is about $2876 for the year. No value added tax cause they are a school. Not a great sum if a couple of hundred people help out.

Games are not allowed onto the systems at the school. The machines I donated were modified by having the floppy drives removed for that very reason.

Again, my Thai is poor but I understand that they do have a plan.

Feel free to visit, I always can provide a tour. Fele free to bring people that are non believers like the Euro Peen with you.

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Maybe you and the Headmaster should re-examine priorities?

Sure we could use less monies to send the girls to charm school prior to them going to Pattaya to support their families as many of these girls end up doing. Or we can buy the boys farm equipment, so they can continue to be slaves to the cycle of borrowing monies so that they can plant the rice and buy the expensive pest control and then again borrow to be able to plant again.

If $3,000 will allow at least 10 of these kids to break out of the mold that their forefathers have been in for years then we have accomplished something.

Again consider that after the first year they have to be selfsuffcient through the summer camps and other work or project that they can generate through learning the use of the computers and internet.

Priorites are OK! As for method, everyone is doing the best they can with what little we have, therefore I am asking for help for these kids.

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Look - if you want a kid to get used to a computer, and have the interest to learn - for goodness sake let them play games. Even if only after hours.

Actually i have to agree, as a kid it was my (un)healthy interest in computer games that fueled my desire to become an IT Professional.

Use what ever holds their interest to keep them keen, eager and interested in computers. I'm sure you can find lots of educational software in the form of games, stuff that will teach them how to use a mouse, typeing games to help them get used to a keyboard. Some word games and puzzles to help them learn english.

Whilst a good solid internet connection is worth while, the overall cost your suggesting is far beyond the means of the school, For a fraction of that money you could buy, legal, legit, copies of a tonne of educational software, a modem and a phone line (to satisfy some basic internet access) I admire what your doing, but in my opinion three thousand US is a touch extravagant spent on internet connection for a small school

Just me 2bahts worth

oh, and Merry Christmas :o

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Look - if you want a kid to get used to a computer, and have the interest to learn - for goodness sake let them play games. Even if only after hours.

Actually i have to agree, as a kid it was my (un)healthy interest in computer games that fueled my desire to become an IT Professional.

Absolutely right !! I must have been one of the first people in the u.k to own a personal computer in the u.k - a nascom 2 machine ordered from the u.s, which came in kit form. This was when Bill Gates was a little geek working out of a tiny office. The thing that held my interest was games, even if it was naughts and crosses. You'll find that it's the game players that are the most knowledgable, because games require the most up-to-date hardware and programming techniques. Oh yes, i became a programmer in later life and made a shit load of money !!

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Maybe you and the Headmaster should re-examine priorities?

Sure we could use less monies to send the girls to charm school prior to them going to Pattaya to support their families as many of these girls end up doing. Or we can buy the boys farm equipment, so they can continue to be slaves to the cycle of borrowing monies so that they can plant the rice and buy the expensive pest control and then again borrow to be able to plant again.

You are being unnecessarily facetious and, having fixated on one idea, have closed your mind both to the full implications of what you are proposing - and to other possibilities.

By attempting to raise US$ 3,000.- this year and spending it on something as transient as Internet time you are committing yourself or whoever comes after you to raise that same sum of money every year henceforth to maintain this “benefit” to which you will introduce these children.

Consider first of all the disappointment and possible repercussions on the children if, after one year, you are no longer able to continue to pay for the Internet access. You will have been responsible for opening a door to them then slamming it closed.

I strongly suggest that if you are able to raise a lump sum like this you get together with the Headmaster and look for some way to invest it for the permanent benefit of the children – even something as mundane as purchasing a few hundred square wa of land near the school and turning it into a vegetable garden which the children can tend to. They would learn valuable skills and at the same time benefit from growing their own food to supplement what is almost certainly the pretty poor diet they presently enjoy. Numerous studies have proven that proper nutrition is a significant factor in developing growing children in many areas, not least in the ability to concentrate and therefore learn better.

Whilst I am certainly not suggesting that they should not be given ideas above their “station” in life you must surely realise that the majority of these children, from a remote village in Kampaengpetch, are destined to be farmers etc.. The chances of even one of them becoming a Computer Programmer and earning “s##tloads of money” is extremely remote – far better to apply the funds to something that will benefit every one of them and perhaps improve their chances in their future careers.

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Maybe you and the Headmaster should re-examine priorities?

Sure we could use less monies to send the girls to charm school prior to them going to Pattaya to support their families as many of these girls end up doing. Or we can buy the boys farm equipment, so they can continue to be slaves to the cycle of borrowing monies so that they can plant the rice and buy the expensive pest control and then again borrow to be able to plant again.

You are being unnecessarily facetious and, having fixated on one idea, have closed your mind both to the full implications of what you are proposing - and to other possibilities.

By attempting to raise US$ 3,000.- this year and spending it on something as transient as Internet time you are committing yourself or whoever comes after you to raise that same sum of money every year henceforth to maintain this “benefit” to which you will introduce these children.

Consider first of all the disappointment and possible repercussions on the children if, after one year, you are no longer able to continue to pay for the Internet access. You will have been responsible for opening a door to them then slamming it closed.

I strongly suggest that if you are able to raise a lump sum like this you get together with the Headmaster and look for some way to invest it for the permanent benefit of the children – even something as mundane as purchasing a few hundred square wa of land near the school and turning it into a vegetable garden which the children can tend to. They would learn valuable skills and at the same time benefit from growing their own food to supplement what is almost certainly the pretty poor diet they presently enjoy. Numerous studies have proven that proper nutrition is a significant factor in developing growing children in many areas, not least in the ability to concentrate and therefore learn better.

Whilst I am certainly not suggesting that they should not be given ideas above their “station” in life you must surely realise that the majority of these children, from a remote village in Kampaengpetch, are destined to be farmers etc.. The chances of even one of them becoming a Computer Programmer and earning “s##tloads of money” is extremely remote – far better to apply the funds to something that will benefit every one of them and perhaps improve their chances in their future careers.

Don't be so negative ! The guy is trying to do something worthwhile. Just because most will end up as farmers, doesn't mean they shouldn't experience other things.

Mouse, Keep going, mate !!

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