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Dogs Banned From Beach?


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My friend was at Nai Harn beach the other day with his dog. He takes his dog there often and always keeps him under control. A Thai man approached him in a uniform but my friend said not a policeman and informed him that dogs had been banned from the beach after 8 am. He said a child had been bitten by a dog a few days previous and this was the reason for the ban. Anyone had any news on this? My friend has the impression this ban is for all beaches in Phuket.

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Key word CONTROL, I know in our local park many people walk their dogs very fews have leashs control of the dogs. Some of the dogs are very friendly and inact well with the surrounding, some not so well a bit and not to mention the MESS they make. So maybe the ban is a good thing, the question(??) is how well will it be enforce. My guess is it's just for Nai Harn beach, a call or best a quick visit to the Phuket Tambom Office could answer his question. Most of the folks there speak English or to be safe take the wife or a Thai friend have lunch and get your question answered. :D:o

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I believe the ones enforcing it are the security gaurds from the Meridian Resort. I cant be sure as i have been at work for 2 weeks now, but when i left, i walked there every morning and did not see the signs. Must have been put up just recently, i can understand maybe keep your dog on a leash, but no dogs? rubbish.

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2000 bht fine .The signs have been there for about a month now.It was getting out of control down there with pit bulls , doberman's, yapping poodles all running free on the beach.More dog's than people some day's.Not too many soi dog's there at the moment either.I don't mind dog's but I have seen many a Thai person frightened by these dog's.

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2000 bht fine .The signs have been there for about a month now.It was getting out of control down there with pit bulls , doberman's, yapping poodles all running free on the beach.More dog's than people some day's.Not too many soi dog's there at the moment either.I don't mind dog's but I have seen many a Thai person frightened by these dog's.

2000 baht I wonder which local official is building a new house,or wants a new car?

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So who gets the fine? The dog or the owner?

This is typical of thai justice. Bann everything because a tourist got bitten. But if a family of four gets killed on a Honda Dream, just keep it out of the papers.

My babies wouldn't hurt anyone, but if someone approaches me to say write me a ticket? :D

I never go to that beach, but I would like to see someone try to come up to me to complain.

As far as a kid getting bitten? What did the kid do to the dog? Some people just need to KEEP THERE KIDS ON A LEASH!!!




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...My babies wouldn't hurt anyone, but if someone approaches me to say write me a ticket? :o ...


Do you have any real babies? Or are your dogs some kind of substitute? I wouldn't recommend leaving those potential killers near any young child.

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My babies wouldn't hurt anyone, but if someone approaches me to say write me a ticket?

And what about say someone approaches you to say just ask directions or something like that.

This type of dog should be muzzled and always kept on a lead.

As far as a kid getting bitten? What did the kid do to the dog?

Probably nothing.I go to Nai Harn practically everyday to swim and walk.One day last year I was walking along the beach when a dog came running towards me, teeth bared and snarling.It wasn't after me but the poor thai guy cowering behind me.This dog must have been trained to attack Thai's is all I can think.The owner (farang) took about 30 secs to get down the beach and drag the dog away.Not a sorry of anything.I followed the guy and told him if his dog had touch me i would have dragged it in the sea and drowned it.He was horrified I should talk to him like that.

Don't get me wrong I like dogs but the people who treat them like their babies need to get a life

sad xxxxx

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Everyone is an Expert when it comes to a forum.

Babies is a term. :o As far as children of my own? No I do not have children, but my cousin, who lives here does, and when I am away, they stay with him, and his 22 month old.

Just because a guy from England is rock star and a pedophile (G.G.) doesn't mean all guys from England can be rock stars.

I have had plenty of Pitt's. Howyou raise them, is how they will act. As far as biting someone, they probably won't. But I can assure you that you will need a change of pants.


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Everyone is an Expert when it comes to a forum.

Babies is a term. :o As far as children of my own? No I do not have children, but my cousin, who lives here does, and when I am away, they stay with him, and his 22 month old.

Just because a guy from England is rock star and a pedophile (G.G.) doesn't mean all guys from England can be rock stars.

I have had plenty of Pitt's. Howyou raise them, is how they will act. As far as biting someone, they probably won't. But I can assure you that you will need a change of pants.


I hope I never read about you in the Phuket Gazette: "But.. but.. they were always so gentle when they were with me. I don't understand why they mauled the child to death...etc, etc"

"As far as biting someone, they probably won't. But I can assure you that you will need a change of pants."

On the one hand you say "My babies wouldn't hurt anyone". Then you say "they probably won't". And yet, you are clearly proud of the fact they will do damage to someone if they attack them. Very strange. God help your cousin's kid.

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I dont think I would shit my pants if I seen your two pitts comming after me, in the picture the look like down syndrome baby dogs, mutants of some sort.....the word 'baby' and those dogs should not be in the same sentance! im sure they are sweet as pie though...

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There is no god, stop blaming everything on him. Most people on here have seen or know my DOGS.


I didn't buy them for there ferociousness. They are really a kind and gentle breed. It is the way you raise them.

They have been here for 2 years, and played with many neighborhood children. And not one growl, not one.

Get over yourself, and go pick on the people who raise the Soi Dogs. They are the real problem.

Before you post Nung Pan baht, you should learn how TO SPELL. Speaking of down syndrome.

This is why this forum is unenjoyable. Humor is out the window, and there are so many tough guys.

people need to relax. I seriously doubt you would ever find me and my DOGS on the beach we go to.

!!!a!!! :o

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Holy...."humour is out the window"? obviously with that post! I was just stating that i thought your dogs didnt looks so adorable! sorry. Im a huge dog lover so dont get me wrong, i never said they would bite anyone. Yes i could use a class in spelling. I agree with you on how they are raised, basically what the dog does will reflect its owner and how it has been treated in the past. Anyways amanda jet-sip-hok didnt wanna stir the pot.

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Anyone have popcorn?  

I don't have pit bulls, but thanks to gangstas and football players wanting to turn them into fighting machines, their mentality has been changed from what a true pit bull was bred for  ( at least that is what many breeders of pitbulls have told me that breed them for purposes other than fighting and being aggressive towards people and kids ).


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Hey SP,

That white dog looks like a pitt.

Oh, and Hey Nungpan, you are more than welcome to pet my dogs. The worst thing you would get is slober on your face.

As for being banned at the beach? They haven't done so on the beach we go to, so hopefully this too will pass.



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So who gets the fine? The dog or the owner?

This is typical of thai justice. Bann everything because a tourist got bitten. But if a family of four gets killed on a Honda Dream, just keep it out of the papers.

My babies wouldn't hurt anyone, but if someone approaches me to say write me a ticket? :D

I never go to that beach, but I would like to see someone try to come up to me to complain.

As far as a kid getting bitten? What did the kid do to the dog? Some people just need to KEEP THERE KIDS ON A LEASH!!!



I live right on the beach here in Australia and we had a problem with someone like yourself and her two "babies" which were terrorising and scaring other people and their kids on the beach early in the mornings. She had the same attitude as you which was "well what are you going to do about it?" and so after being asked politely several times by different locals to either control them or remove them and her not doing anything about them two of us got a hold of them one morning and snapped both their necks. Problem solved.

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So who gets the fine? The dog or the owner?

This is typical of thai justice. Bann everything because a tourist got bitten. But if a family of four gets killed on a Honda Dream, just keep it out of the papers.

My babies wouldn't hurt anyone, but if someone approaches me to say write me a ticket? :D

I never go to that beach, but I would like to see someone try to come up to me to complain.

As far as a kid getting bitten? What did the kid do to the dog? Some people just need to KEEP THERE KIDS ON A LEASH!!!



I live right on the beach here in Australia and we had a problem with someone like yourself and her two "babies" which were terrorising and scaring other people and their kids on the beach early in the mornings. She had the same attitude as you which was "well what are you going to do about it?" and so after being asked politely several times by different locals to either control them or remove them and her not doing anything about them two of us got a hold of them one morning and snapped both their necks. Problem solved.

What a load of crap!

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There is no god, stop blaming everything on him. Most people on here have seen or know my DOGS.


I didn't buy them for there ferociousness. They are really a kind and gentle breed. It is the way you raise them.

They have been here for 2 years, and played with many neighborhood children. And not one growl, not one.

Get over yourself, and go pick on the people who raise the Soi Dogs. They are the real problem.

Before you post Nung Pan baht, you should learn how TO SPELL. Speaking of down syndrome.

This is why this forum is unenjoyable. Humor is out the window, and there are so many tough guys.

people need to relax. I seriously doubt you would ever find me and my DOGS on the beach we go to.

!!!a!!! :D

Pan baht = 1000 baht

Neung pan baht = 1, 1000 baht.???

Maybe you should understand Thai before posting Thai.


Sanook 555 555 555

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There is no god, stop blaming everything on him. Most people on here have seen or know my DOGS.


I didn't buy them for there ferociousness. They are really a kind and gentle breed. It is the way you raise them.

They have been here for 2 years, and played with many neighborhood children. And not one growl, not one.

Get over yourself, and go pick on the people who raise the Soi Dogs. They are the real problem.

Before you post Nung Pan baht, you should learn how TO SPELL. Speaking of down syndrome.

This is why this forum is unenjoyable. Humor is out the window, and there are so many tough guys.

people need to relax. I seriously doubt you would ever find me and my DOGS on the beach we go to.

!!!a!!! :D

Pan baht = 1000 baht

Neung pan baht = 1, 1000 baht.???

Maybe you should understand Thai before posting Thai.


Sanook 555 555 555

Maybe the reason people don't like dogs on the beach

Spoils the holiday snaps!



Edited by Wellington
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Pan baht = 1000 baht

Neung pan baht = 1, 1000 baht.???

Maybe you should understand Thai before posting Thai.


Sanook 555 555 555

Hey, you're right. Nice catch.

thanks sweetie!


(slim shady song)

Look who's back

Amanda's back.

Look who's back, look who's back, look who's back.................

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about them two of us got a hold of them one morning and snapped both their necks. Problem solved.

Umm, something is wrong with that statement. if you were able to grab hold of them and kill them so easily, then it indicates that the dogs were gentle and not aggressive. If so, that makes you one seriously disturbed violent individual. If I am not mistaken, Australia does have a functioning judiciary including police and animal control agencies. A law abiding citizen would have reported the situation to the authorities not decided that he was the law.

Ok, so initial statement was most likely mularkey, but now I'm worried there may be a loonie walking about snapping dog's heads because he deems it to be acceptable. Maybe I should organize the locals to grab some torches and pitchforks and set out on a search for him, just in case. :o

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