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Applying For Uk Tourist Visa

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I am looking to apply for a uk tourist visa for my girlfriend from Bangkok for a holiday in february. She has a regular job (not bar work) and her boss has agreed to let her have time off to visit and keep her job for when she returns

I am basically very confused on what to do, how is best to apply and should i use a company as advestised on google for help and if so how much should i expect to pay?

If applying ourselves are the chances of rejection greatly reduced?

I look forward to your help and comments!

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I presume you have looked at this VAF 1 & Guidance Notes

Do a search on here, using 'Visit Visa', reams of info.

If you are still confused and would prefer to use an agent, ensure it is an OISC registered one, DaviesKhan is the best in my opinion.

If you apply by yourself, your chances are only reduced if you make a hash of the application, an Agent if you choose the right one, will ensure you tick all the right boxes, (they have little influence with the Embassy, no matter what they say ) something you should be able to achieve yourself.

Good luck


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an Agent if you choose the right one, will ensure you tick all the right boxes, (they have little influence with the Embassy, no matter what they say )
Correction, if I may. An agent, even a properly qualified and OISC registered one, has absolutely no influence with the embassy. Any agent who claims to have any influence, an 'inside track' or similar is lying and should be avoided.
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an Agent if you choose the right one, will ensure you tick all the right boxes, (they have little influence with the Embassy, no matter what they say )
Correction, if I may. An agent, even a properly qualified and OISC registered one, has absolutely no influence with the embassy. Any agent who claims to have any influence, an 'inside track' or similar is lying and should be avoided.

I essentially agree with you, but to say there is never even the slightest influence on even the very least of any occasions, is simply asking for just a little too much, because we all know that the British sense of fair play and the inalienable right for every British employee to be whiter than white.

Corruption or influence has never gained a foot hold in the British Empire.

Although, even though I have already said it, if they say they have influence, lose them quick.


A further however, if you want to act like a school ma'am, Ajarn Forum are looking for recruits.


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My advice would be to carefully read through the VAF 1 form and guidance to get an idea of the information and documentation that you need to provide.

Don't be worried or pressurised into buying the services of an agent, if you contact them they will try and sell their services to you, and tell you how difficult that it is. I was almost scared into paying 50,000 Baht and applying for the wrong visa for our requirements. But we decided to prepare our own application, it took just a couple of weeks and in two days we had a decision, no questions, no interviews, and staff at the VAC in Bangkok were extremely helpful.

The process is not difficult, but it does take time compiling all of the necessary documentation that you need and you do need some spare time to read about what you need to provide.

Essentially you need to demonstrate:

1. Your relationship

2. Your ability to take FULL responsibility whilst she is visiting you.

3. That she will return to Thailand after her visit

Applying online is easier as it will guide you through the questions that you need to provide answers for and you can book an appointment at the visa application centre too.



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Do read the application criteria thoroughly.

Be careful to fill in the application form carefully ... any genuine mistakes may not seem genuine to a visa officer and will be hard to explain away. Its your responsibility to see its done properly.

Make sure you fulfill the criteria and make sure you demonstrate it with documentation.

Assuming you have the money and accomodation side sown up easily (and prove it with paperwork) then its the reason to return bit that is the last obstacle. Usually its accepted here that to emphasise your relationship and how important it is to you both that she keeps a clean immigration record is the best way to approach this.

Don't ask for too long ... she works, so make it believeable. 2/3/4/5 weeks sounds enough to me for a girl in employment.

Apart from saying she isn't a bar girl you don't say what she does do. I am not being nosy .. matters not to me , but it is of some importance. If she were the chief cashier of the local branch of Bangkok Bank then her application would be viewed differently to say someone who works part time in the local mobile phone shop. If she has a lowly job (i am not being patronising) then she will be looked at closer.

Lastly make sure she knows exactly what she has written on the application form , because if she receives a phone call from the Embassy asking a few questions they have doubts about (or because they fancy trying to trip her up) then she needs to know the answers there and then. Ditto if she is called to a full interview. Questions like your occupation , birthday , parents names... things that she should know anyway really.

Unfortunately there is not a tick box system so your application will go before a ECO who depending on their take on it , can choose to view it favourably or not. Its that simple i'm afraid so make sure you lessen your chances of failure by checking and re-checking everything and maybe also read a few of the thousands of threads here identical to yours.

Oh and lastly assuming she is successful make sure you stick to what you originally said about timescales. Although there is no proof that overstaying what you said(not technically overstaying your visa but against the spirit of the application details) by a few weeks WILL cause problems next time , it MAY , and once she has been to the UK once she will likely want to come again.

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Dammit !! I always forget something...

Re employing an agent to do this work .. forget it . Just allot some of your time to doing it right yourself and save yourself money. They have no influence with the Embassy staff .

That is unless you are one of those people not disciplined enough to fill in an application form exactly as required and read all the copious notes that go with it. If you are then get an agent!! Otherwise you really don't need one.

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I think the issue of making it believable is correct.

Make sure she's not taking off too much time from work. 7 - 10 days annual leave is all Thais receive on top of national holidays.

She needs to have a written letter from her employers stating she has a job, what her position is and how much leave she has been allowed. Have the letter state when she s expected back to work.

Write a letter of invitation to her which she can produce with her application. word it to say that you have invited her to stay, that you are in full-time employment, what leave - if any - you are taking, the reasons you want her to visit ( meet family etc ), what you'll do etc. One page is fine.

Pay for some travel insurance for her as this looks good. Shows you are looking after her and it means she won't be a burden should she need medical assistance.

This isn't mandatory and it might not even be considered but it's an added bonus to have with the application, doesn't cost much and is a good idea anyway.

She should photocopy her tickets to show it is a return ticket. Photocopy the travel insurance.

Make sure you state that you will be paying for everything, where she'll stay and so on

Basically, throw everything you can at the application to show it's legitimate and that she'll return to Thailand. The returning bit is the clincher. Prove that beyond a reasonable doubt and she'll be OK, but generally, visas.

I have never used an agent and I personally feel you don't need one. Just be upfront and honest and provide plenty of details and be prepared to pay 4,000 Baht + for the visa fee !!!!

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I think the issue of making it believable is correct.

Make sure she's not taking off too much time from work. 7 - 10 days annual leave is all Thais receive on top of national holidays.

She needs to have a written letter from her employers stating she has a job, what her position is and how much leave she has been allowed. Have the letter state when she s expected back to work.

Write a letter of invitation to her which she can produce with her application. word it to say that you have invited her to stay, that you are in full-time employment, what leave - if any - you are taking, the reasons you want her to visit ( meet family etc ), what you'll do etc. One page is fine.

Pay for some travel insurance for her as this looks good. Shows you are looking after her and it means she won't be a burden should she need medical assistance.

This isn't mandatory and it might not even be considered but it's an added bonus to have with the application, doesn't cost much and is a good idea anyway.

She should photocopy her tickets to show it is a return ticket. Photocopy the travel insurance.

Make sure you state that you will be paying for everything, where she'll stay and so on

Basically, throw everything you can at the application to show it's legitimate and that she'll return to Thailand. The returning bit is the clincher. Prove that beyond a reasonable doubt and she'll be OK, but generally, visas.

I have never used an agent and I personally feel you don't need one. Just be upfront and honest and provide plenty of details and be prepared to pay 4,000 Baht + for the visa fee !!!!

The other thing that may or not be an issue...and I stand to be corrected, but didnt you mention in another post the GF is pregnant ?....it shouldnt be an issue, but you never know with the embassy if they find out....you understand where I am going with this, so I suggest under no circumstances mention this..

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I think the issue of making it believable is correct.
The best, indeed only way, of making it believable is to tell the truth. Far to many people, usually on the advice of dodgy agents, have made up a 'believable' story only to slip up somewhere and contradict themselves. Result; no visa.
She should photocopy her tickets to show it is a return ticket
The UK immigration authorities do not accept a return ticket as proof of an intention to return. Indeed, the British embassy's advice is to not purchase tickets until after you have the visa.
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