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The Thaksinator...


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I'll be back...

Thaksin's interview with Arabian Business magazine, in which he now states his intention to not only return to Thailand but return as PM, also claims Thaksin said that "...the UK would 'feel sorrow' for revoking his visa".

Could this mean that if he does return as PM (he's angling for popular acclaim and a royal pardon) UK expats could feel the heat? Even if he doesn't manage the greatest come-back since that pork pie I ate yesterday ( :o ), might his political allies in power make life difficult?

Article: http://www.arabianbusiness.com/539193-ex-t...-hits-out-at-uk

Interview to be published in full on Thursday (online) and next Sunday (in print).

Edited by phaethon
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I heard and read this, too. I have no idea what he's thinking. It sounds scary. I wouldn't be that concerned with his veiled threat against the UK (and it's citizenry?) just yet. I'm more concerned with what this means in terms of reality. Is he just going to fly into the country, and set-up shop somewhere? The subsequent response would be...., I can't imagine. There would have to be a complete disintegration of any established....., whatever. However, if his return does fail, his political allies in power seem to have their hands full at the moment. Could they make things difficult for UK expats? They seem to have had no difficulty shooting themselves in the foot before. The entire political situation here is unsettling for any expat.

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:o maybe he meant to say that he'll send back home all those farang freaks that civilised countries (EU, US etc..) were only to happy to see their back, when emigrated to Thailand. As in to say, you cancelled my visa? validated the military coup? ok, I'll ship back all your rejects & deviants, those who supported my enemies (PAD). Void their visa and make them persona non grata. Serves you right!
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Well, Thaksin has never been been someone to admitt defeat, but I am inclined to think on this point that he would in any event take any oppurtunity he could to express "sour grapes".

As for him responding in any way that makes things tough for UK expats in Thailand - well, if he felt he needed to do that, I think that in its self says a lot. The guy in my opinion will never be PM again. Thats not to say he is beyond been an influential force. he has enourmous financial reserves and as we well know, dictatorship or democracy - they are all influenced by money.

A Royal pardon? Extremly unlikely. Its a well known and very public point on both sides of the media fence that His Majesty and Thaksin were not close - indeed, the Generals would not oust any PM without taking into consideration His Majestys' position. It was not missed on the international media when Thaksin was ousted, that all the military on the street were wearing Royal yellow arm bands - a blantent statment if ever there was one.

I would think a Royal pardon is extremly unlikely.

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the ravings of a desperate man...

The stinging criticism contracted his earlier statement that he chose to live in exile in UK because it was a "democratically mature" country.

Another irony was his choice of Dubai - which like Thailand is under constitutional monarchy - as a staging ground to preach democracy and attack a democratic model like UK.

"England must understand better, but unfortunately they are now busy with their own problems - so they forgot about democratic values," Thaksin said during an interview in Dubai.

He didn't mention the two-year jail term he is supposed to serve after the Supreme Court last month found him guilty of violating conflicts of interests laws.


I think the only Brits that need to worry in Thailand are those that, like him, have escaped here from prison sentences back home.

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