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Pregnancy Test Options?


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have a girlfriend here in cambodia whom is possibly pregnant - has been throwing up for over a week and changed eating habits, tired, etc etc.

her period is only now about 3 days overdue but am panicking as I leave for australia to spend christmas in 8 days.

did one of those home pregancy urine tests but it said negative however everyone is saying she is definately pregnant - also had echograph but was told maybe its too early to see anything(cambodian doctor and maybe not very good).

is this possible that its too early for both these methods and if so anybody know of a test I can have done pronto that I do not have to wait a few weeks for and get a definitive answer now? - thanks

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Well it sounds like you are going to want a termination if she is pregnant. Otherwise, why would you be panicing rather than filled with joy at becoming a father.

Keep redoing the tests at home. If it turns out you choose not to have the child, then the question is where can you get a doctor to do the termination. Here in Thailand they will NOT do one just because you do not want the child. I don't know about Cambodia.

If the girl wants to keep it and you do not, that will be your biggest problem I would guess.

Good luck and be gentle with her.

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Most if not all pregnancy tests check the HCG level in the blood or urine. In the earliest stages of pregnancy the level of HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin)will double every two to three days.

If your girlfriend is pregnant then her HCG level will change quite considerable even in the 8 days that you have left. So keep trying the test and if you have a choice get the most sensitive one available.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas

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Thanks guys

Paulfr - the reason I am not jumping with joy is because I do not know if she is pregnant or not. This is something I want as does my girlfriend. I'm just a little concerned whether its real or whether its phsychosematic given the results I have at hand. Also the reason I am panicking is that if it is real I am a novice and do not know whether I should cancel my trip or not - is it possible these two tests would show negative if only pregnant a short time? still no period and still vomiting.

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Thanks guys

Paulfr - the reason I am not jumping with joy is because I do not know if she is pregnant or not. This is something I want as does my girlfriend. I'm just a little concerned whether its real or whether its phsychosematic given the results I have at hand. Also the reason I am panicking is that if it is real I am a novice and do not know whether I should cancel my trip or not - is it possible these two tests would show negative if only pregnant a short time? still no period and still vomiting.

I don't think these home pregnancy tests are 100% - you need to go to the doctor to be sure. Also, if she is has a sickness that makes her sick, it could also be the cause for her late period - sickness and stress can cause this.

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3 days late may be too early for urine tests to work- if it is still negative just before you leave she is (almost) certainly not pregnant.

Good luck either way!

Sonogram will; not show this early. Urine tests may also take a bit of time but should be positive by 2 weeks after missed period. A blood test for HCG is more sensitive earlier. Try:

Bayon Hospital (on Norodom near Monivong Bridge)

BioMed Lab (downtown somewhere, forget exactly)

Laboratory at National Institute of Public Health in Tuol Kork

Medical Clinic at the Cambodiana & SOS can definetly do it but both will be more expensive than the above

Where did you buy the test kits? In Cambodia medical supplies & drugs often counterfeit or fail to receive proper storage temperature. Pharmacie de La Gare only place really reliable. If you bought elsewhere, you might try getting a kit from them first before seeking blood test.

Good luck

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