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How Is The Current Political Climate

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As the topic says, mainly whatever the PAD is up to.

The current situation with Suvarnhabumi out of service, is having a profound impact on my business.

I'm unfortunate enough to have rather biggish groups arriving over the next few days to stay at my resort. One of them is on an EVA flight which got canceled, the other group also flies EVA, scheduled to leave Heathrow on the 27th. As of the moment it looks like that flight will get canceled as well as they need the airport clear 12 hours upfront before they will let the flight take off!

A friend of mine has currently his supply chain messed up as he relies heavily on air cargo, lots of it goes on passenger flights.

So anyone else being affected?

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As the topic says, mainly whatever the PAD is up to.

The current situation with Suvarnhabumi out of service, is having a profound impact on my business.

I'm unfortunate enough to have rather biggish groups arriving over the next few days to stay at my resort. One of them is on an EVA flight which got canceled, the other group also flies EVA, scheduled to leave Heathrow on the 27th. As of the moment it looks like that flight will get canceled as well as they need the airport clear 12 hours upfront before they will let the flight take off!

A friend of mine has currently his supply chain messed up as he relies heavily on air cargo, lots of it goes on passenger flights.

So anyone else being affected?

My future wife businesses that are tourist based are doing fare.

She was doing very well this year compared to the last 5 years but as of last night business dropped to a standard level as in to a none high season level.

So far today, very low.

Tourists "moving out"

and tourist "no way in" If they wanted to.

Merry Christmas

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I think Thailand has been given the benefit of the doubt by tourists over the last couple of years. Wonderful to place to visit has offset the negative news reports constantly streaming out of the world press. However, got a feeling this event will lead to a dramatic reassessment of Thailand's attractions as a holiday destination.

When travel plans are disrupted to such an extent then it will really lead many tourists changing their future visit plans.

PAD have gone way too far this time. A lot of the Thai "elite" will reassess their support for a gun wielding mob that disrupts the businesses of everyone in the Country....Thai's and foreigners both.

Hope the Army do not get tempted. Stay on the sidelines please.

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It amazes me to see all we farang complaining about how the situation with the PAD etc is upsetting our lives.

Generally that we lose some money.

I commend the PAD. Well done to them. I am glad to see that some people have the guts to stand up to a corrupt government. The more problems they cause the quicker they will achieve their goal as something has to be done.

We complain about losing some money, not being able to jet off across the world etc. The Thai people fighting this problem are trying to improve conditions for themselves. Not having money to feed the family, educate their children and have any employment is their problem. They want a new and honest government or at least a less corrupt one. Who can honestly blame them.

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It amazes me to see all we farang complaining about how the situation with the PAD etc is upsetting our lives.

Generally that we lose some money.

I commend the PAD. Well done to them. I am glad to see that some people have the guts to stand up to a corrupt government. The more problems they cause the quicker they will achieve their goal as something has to be done.

We complain about losing some money, not being able to jet off across the world etc. The Thai people fighting this problem are trying to improve conditions for themselves. Not having money to feed the family, educate their children and have any employment is their problem. They want a new and honest government or at least a less corrupt one. Who can honestly blame them.

They are right now putting a lot of the middle class people on the brink of bankruptcy as well!

The tourism sector was reeling from the credit crunch and political unrest already, it's estimated that 1 week of airport blockade will put 30% of the tourist business in bankruptcy. And that a lot of staff on the street, who all are supporting their poor families upcountry!

Ever heard of a snowball effect?

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yes believe me I do understand many will be hurting from what is occurring and I do not

want it to happen. Unfortunately these things bring a lot of collateral damage. I also do not

condone shooting people.

My point is their objective is good. Hopefully the government will

just do the right thing and allow a new one to be elected so we can all live better lives

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Most of European tourists don't even know what is going on in Thailand. Last night they r was an interview on Belgium television (by telephone) of a man who was blocked in Suva for more than 18 hours. He was not given any information by the airport authorities. he went outside an than he taught their was a kind of strike going on.

Europeans are used to closed airports and cancelled flights due to demonstrations and strikes.

Most of tourists spend their holiday on beaches and islands they have no clue what is going on only 5k away from their holiday resort.

IMHO the current financial crisis will have a far greater effect on tourism than the present political turmoil.

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It amazes me to see all we farang complaining about how the situation with the PAD etc is upsetting our lives.

Generally that we lose some money.

I commend the PAD. Well done to them. I am glad to see that some people have the guts to stand up to a corrupt government. The more problems they cause the quicker they will achieve their goal as something has to be done.

We complain about losing some money, not being able to jet off across the world etc. The Thai people fighting this problem are trying to improve conditions for themselves. Not having money to feed the family, educate their children and have any employment is their problem. They want a new and honest government or at least a less corrupt one. Who can honestly blame them.

They are right now putting a lot of the middle class people on the brink of bankruptcy as well!

The tourism sector was reeling from the credit crunch and political unrest already, it's estimated that 1 week of airport blockade will put 30% of the tourist business in bankruptcy. And that a lot of staff on the street, who all are supporting their poor families upcountry!

Ever heard of a snowball effect?

I have to agree with you, however we must not forget we are guests in a third world nation,these things are upsetting and may cause some financial loss, but that was the gamble we took when we moved here, as for the thais they seem to take it in their stride and i suggest we do the same as WE can change nothing, Edited by imaneggspurt
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As the topic says, mainly whatever the PAD is up to.

The current situation with Suvarnhabumi out of service, is having a profound impact on my business.

I'm unfortunate enough to have rather biggish groups arriving over the next few days to stay at my resort. One of them is on an EVA flight which got canceled, the other group also flies EVA, scheduled to leave Heathrow on the 27th. As of the moment it looks like that flight will get canceled as well as they need the airport clear 12 hours upfront before they will let the flight take off!

A friend of mine has currently his supply chain messed up as he relies heavily on air cargo, lots of it goes on passenger flights.

So anyone else being affected?

I have got 1 man paying us a deposit hopefully Friday to my Uk bank account for 1 of our condos but don't know yet if he will now pay. Have got 1 customer leaving Bangkok today but unable to go because of airport closure but w e have told him its ok he can stay for FREE for the next few days till the idiots at the airport decide what to do he'll just pay the electric and water (wer'e to kind hahaha) Last month due maybe to economical downturn had 1 man pay deposit and then not show up?

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I think Thailand has been given the benefit of the doubt by tourists over the last couple of years. Wonderful to place to visit has offset the negative news reports constantly streaming out of the world press. However, got a feeling this event will lead to a dramatic reassessment of Thailand's attractions as a holiday destination.

When travel plans are disrupted to such an extent then it will really lead many tourists changing their future visit plans.

PAD have gone way too far this time. A lot of the Thai "elite" will reassess their support for a gun wielding mob that disrupts the businesses of everyone in the Country....Thai's and foreigners both.

Hope the Army do not get tempted. Stay on the sidelines please.

I wouldn't be too sure the French often blockade ports and airports with some complaint and a s long a s no one is killed its just seen as and inconvenience and people expect Thailand to do daft things. "Amazing Thailand" sadder still today "Incredible India" plus side is now many news channels are ignoring the Thai fiasco!!

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yes believe me I do understand many will be hurting from what is occurring and I do not

want it to happen. Unfortunately these things bring a lot of collateral damage. I also do not

condone shooting people.

My point is their objective is good. Hopefully the government will

just do the right thing and allow a new one to be elected so we can all live better lives


you mean like 12 months ago, its like a cook book, stir and repeat!

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It amazes me to see all we farang complaining about how the situation with the PAD etc is upsetting our lives.

Generally that we lose some money.

I commend the PAD. Well done to them. I am glad to see that some people have the guts to stand up to a corrupt government. The more problems they cause the quicker they will achieve their goal as something has to be done.

We complain about losing some money, not being able to jet off across the world etc. The Thai people fighting this problem are trying to improve conditions for themselves. Not having money to feed the family, educate their children and have any employment is their problem. They want a new and honest government or at least a less corrupt one. Who can honestly blame them.

I think there was a lot of sympathy and support for the PAD when they started their campaign against Thaksin's regime 2+ years ago. Many people agreed that the whole political establishment was corrupt with Mr T being the prime beneficiary. However, with recent events it seems the actions of the PAD have got out of hand. Holding up the international airport, stranding thousands of foreign tourists and businessmen and wrecking the already fragile economy even further is NOT a way to get much sympathy.

And who are the PAD? Sondhi is there because Thaksin was better at the meglomaniac role than he was...and promptly messed-up his super "clean" Manager Media group. Chamlong....who knows what Thaksin's former best mate stands for? Preventing the listing of ThaiBev on the SET?....that's really strategic thinking isn't it!! The divergent views of the PAD is, in my opinion, why they havn't formed an official political party and prepare to fight for what they believe in (when they work it out themselves) in an election. They would lose.

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And who are the PAD? Sondhi is there because Thaksin was better at the meglomaniac role than he was...and promptly messed-up his super "clean" Manager Media group. Chamlong....who knows what Thaksin's former best mate stands for? Preventing the listing of ThaiBev on the SET?....that's really strategic thinking isn't it!! The divergent views of the PAD is, in my opinion, why they havn't formed an official political party and prepare to fight for what they believe in (when they work it out themselves) in an election. They would lose.

Are you saying the country needs a revolution? :D

Careful, these days you'll be locked up for terrorism and never be seen again :o

No I am lucky. I don't work in tourism so my life is totally unaffected.

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To go back to the original topic:

November was terrific, I had to turn away quite a few people because my resort was full up. The best November I have ever Ihad, with a large difference.

Bookings for December and further down the road are still coming in, and I didn't have any cancellations yet.

Tourism is heavily affected by the turmoil for sure though, and it wouldn't surprise me if in a few weeks I will be twiddling my thumbs and waiting for customers.

Edited by keestha
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It amazes me to see all we farang complaining about how the situation with the PAD etc is upsetting our lives.

Generally that we lose some money.

I commend the PAD. Well done to them. I am glad to see that some people have the guts to stand up to a corrupt government. The more problems they cause the quicker they will achieve their goal as something has to be done.

We complain about losing some money, not being able to jet off across the world etc. The Thai people fighting this problem are trying to improve conditions for themselves. Not having money to feed the family, educate their children and have any employment is their problem. They want a new and honest government or at least a less corrupt one. Who can honestly blame them.

My life has not been at all disrupted and actually in a small way I am profiting from this if the protests are partially responsible for the Baht's decline. However I do not applaud the PAD. Many many business and tourists do not care about the political landscape of Thailand they care about profit and stability. These businesses, focused on the bottom line are the lifeblood of millions of Thai people. And Millions of Thai people will be adversely affected by the actions of a militant and extreme minority. Do you not think every country has dissenting opinions that would love to shut down the airports and rant on the airwaves all day and night? Thailand needs to restore order for the common good. Progress means making small sacrifices and sometimes putting up with things you don't agree with and hoping for gradual change. The PAD muscling in change is little different than Stalin, Hitler and the worst dictators the world has known. When you cut off all dialogue and demand your way or the highway order is lost and totalitarianism is born. You may say it hasn't gotten there yet and I agree but the seeds have been planted.

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Not a problem for me but then my game is the internet and not subject to the fickleness of foreign tourists. If this causes the baht to go sinking then I'll be in clover with the exchange rate difference.

I think that tourism is a dying game out here in LOS, we won't see a return to the 'great unwashed' hordes of the previous few years if the way the world/financial crisis keeps going.

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As the topic says, mainly whatever the PAD is up to.

The current situation with Suvarnhabumi out of service, is having a profound impact on my business.

I'm unfortunate enough to have rather biggish groups arriving over the next few days to stay at my resort. One of them is on an EVA flight which got canceled, the other group also flies EVA, scheduled to leave Heathrow on the 27th. As of the moment it looks like that flight will get canceled as well as they need the airport clear 12 hours upfront before they will let the flight take off!

A friend of mine has currently his supply chain messed up as he relies heavily on air cargo, lots of it goes on passenger flights.

So anyone else being affected?

Sorry to tell you but you are not the only one I guess I don't have a resort a have a smaller

place I had some bookings which all have been cancelled. I also reley on air cargo for my other

business. I just lost an order of about 200k because I could not get my parts on time to finish

my product :o

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I export products for one of my businesses and it will certainly be affected with all the package sat at the airport. I suspect in the next few weeks i will have quite a few unhappy customers when their products are not arriving on time.

I used to advertise that we are located in Thailand (thus being able to offer lower prices than our US competitors)...i think that detail may soon be excluded from any promotional text.

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