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Gen. Anupong suggests House dissolution

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Terrorists wins then...

If this is confirmed, I will never invest one more baht in this country...

They just confirmed officially their status of 3rd world, banana republic country.

Sad day indeed.

Did you hear the fat lady sing... Neither did I and this has miles and miles to run.

There will be frantic work behind the scenes to remove this General and now there will be massive public support for his removal.

Remember they were the ones who put in place an electoral system of courts and checks and balances

to ensure that TRT/PPP never got a whiff of power again. How well they did with that!

PAD lovers. Did the good general not mention that PAD can stand in these elections? I think if you check the charter they can.

Its also a masterstroke on his part to screw the season even more. Three months of campaining and shootings, then two or three weekends of bar closures in high season. Masterstroke, by this rate we will all be on the bones of our asses by xmas.

Very quiet from the reds still.... too quiet mark my words.

PAD is no party and can't stand in elections.

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I must say that I have respect for the general. He doesn't want a coup and unlike both the government, PAD, UDD, and whatever else is out there, he is at least trying to find a solution to the problem.

I would hope is parliament is dissolved and Somchai steps down, that PAD will follow the lead and disperse as well. It's hard to tell with either side though. PPP's only goal so far has not been in the public's interest, but rather their own by continually wanting to save Thaksin's ass as well the 111 banned politicans. Never once have they had the country's best interest in mind.

And if they win again? Groundhog day.

As someone else has written already, they'll cross that bridge when they get there. At least the man is trying, unlike all the other parties involed in this mess.


PPP possibly thought if they gave the PMs job to a southerner, Somchai is from Nakhon Sri Thammerat. Then the people would be happy. What need's to happen is for the Toxins to come home and do the time. A truely free election would help with no vote buying, but you can't have everything.

PPP possibly thought if they gave the PMs job to a southerner, Somchai is from Nakhon Sri Thammerat. Then the people would be happy. What need's to happen is for the Toxins to come home and do the time. A truely free election would help with no vote buying, but you can't have everything.

Well said.

Terrorists wins then...

If this is confirmed, I will never invest one more baht in this country...

They just confirmed officially their status of 3rd world, banana republic country.

Sad day indeed.

Did you hear the fat lady sing... Neither did I and this has miles and miles to run.

There will be frantic work behind the scenes to remove this General and now there will be massive public support for his removal.

Remember they were the ones who put in place an electoral system of courts and checks and balances

to ensure that TRT/PPP never got a whiff of power again. How well they did with that!

PAD lovers. Did the good general not mention that PAD can stand in these elections? I think if you check the charter they can.

Its also a masterstroke on his part to screw the season even more. Three months of campaining and shootings, then two or three weekends of bar closures in high season. Masterstroke, by this rate we will all be on the bones of our asses by xmas.

Very quiet from the reds still.... too quiet mark my words.

Gramps ... do you really believe anything you type?

PPP possibly thought if they gave the PMs job to a southerner, Somchai is from Nakhon Sri Thammerat. Then the people would be happy. What need's to happen is for the Toxins to come home and do the time. A truely free election would help with no vote buying, but you can't have everything.

Not only do his time but give the money he stole back to the nation.

Terrorists wins then...

If this is confirmed, I will never invest one more baht in this country...

They just confirmed officially their status of 3rd world, banana republic country.

Sad day indeed.

No problem many others will invest some more Baht when the corruption is reduced and the land gets a democratic elected government.

I never posted on this forum before but have been reading it for a few month already.

You are by far the most biased and extremist pro pad poster around.

While there can be a relatively normal debate with some other pro pad posters; there is absolutely no chance of having a discussion that makes any sense with you, I consider you as a lost cause, and that's why I won't even lose my time trying to answer your post.

No hard feelings though and goodbye.

Terrorists wins then...

If this is confirmed, I will never invest one more baht in this country...

They just confirmed officially their status of 3rd world, banana republic country.

Sad day indeed.

So we may assume from this statement that you are neither IN Thailand or have any close ties to Thailand?


Please see this new topic about Gen. Anupong's call for the dissolution of parliament:




And that has /what/ to do with the airport topic?

I assume it's now okay again to have a wider debate about the situation?

If a topic is only about the airport or travel situation then there does exist a spanking Suvarnabhumi sub-forum on this site.

It's obvious isn't it?

If the Government dissolves, Premier resigns, no reason for PAD to continue protests and occupations.... simple!

i guess Winnie the Kwai pointing out, in an ironic manner, some previous attempt to delete anything what is may strong reletated to the PAD or the current political situation but didn't describe what current going on at the airport building. the have been a lot of post deleted in the Airport topic with the reason "Off Topic". not easy to define what is "off topic" and i have the feeling sometimes it is used as a lame excuse.

and i guess Winnie maybe got his own posts deleted as well, with the "off topic" reason given. but now Winnie spots an other such "off topic" post and expressed his confusion about it.

It's obvious isn't it? simple TVforum mechanics.



Without taking sides. The General is playing musical chairs in combination to a fine Chess game.

Very astute. Very, very smart. Read betwwen the lines instead of taking sides, you'll learn more.

Think......and start creating backup plans to living in a place that is sure...to get way too interesting.

We have the privilage of seeing the most interesting chapter in Thai history starting.

Not good, not entirely bad, It is what is is.


Terrorists wins then...

If this is confirmed, I will never invest one more baht in this country...

They just confirmed officially their status of 3rd world, banana republic country.

Sad day indeed.

Through the exit and turn left, thanks for coming, bye bye then.

Lucky Thailand still has a strong leader in Thaksin waiting in the wings. A leader whose popularity just increased 10 fold with this blancmanges appearance on Thai TV.

Are you saying that you would prefer Thaksin to come back and lead? Is it then correct to label you pro-Thaksin?

Well he should come back not pass go, and go straight to jail. :o

Lucky Thailand still has a strong leader in Thaksin waiting in the wings. A leader whose popularity just increased 10 fold with this blancmanges appearance on Thai TV.

Are you saying that you would prefer Thaksin to come back and lead? Is it then correct to label you pro-Thaksin?

Well he should come back not pass go, and go straight to jail. :o

:D He has been duly convicted in a court of law for abuse of power and sentenced to 2 years!


It was widely expected that Somchai was returning to announce an SoE and oredeer the army to clear the airport. What Anupong has done is blindside Somchai on this. He can still go for an SoE but he will look unreasonable in the face of a solution that will avoid bloodshed. If Somchai does go for SoE it remains easy for Anupong to not move the troops as the government will look unreasonable in going for confrontation. The reaction of the PAD will also have an effect on how this plays out but if they accept the Anupong plan in principle the government will find it hard not to call an election.

This has been a very clever and careful paly by the bureaucracy and business sectors.

Lucky Thailand still has a strong leader in Thaksin waiting in the wings. A leader whose popularity just increased 10 fold with this blancmanges appearance on Thai TV.

Are you saying that you would prefer Thaksin to come back and lead? Is it then correct to label you pro-Thaksin?

Well he should come back not pass go, and go straight to jail. :o

:D He has been duly convicted in a court of law for abuse of power and sentenced to 2 years!

Give it a rest.

Don't forget who appointed that court of law and why they appointed that court of law and how ineffective that court of law is in the face of an armed mob at an airport. Sorry to spell it out, but you appear to have missed it so often in your 1000000000000000000 posts supporting PAD :D

Ok Then JD, are the PAD going to stand?

Should they?

You and they will find that its easier to sit on the sidelines and snipe constantly than get involved positively and try and achieve anything, anything at all good or bad!

Lets here it for the PAD party, anybody second that? Who is going to be assistant PM to Sondhi, treasury etc. What policies? More clapping, more bleating, more wild goose chases?

Lets see what the public really think of PAD V Thaksin with all his criminal convictions, all his flaws, his high handedness he would wipe the floor with them.

Thats why PAD want the Goveernment to resign first. Then they will riot until the Courts Ban anybody from office for life that may beat them or their chosen ones in an election.

Believe me, PAD have no intention of a fair election taking place. None whatsoever.

:o He has been duly convicted in a court of law for abuse of power and sentenced to 2 years!

That's a fact. For the nay sayers, when Thaksin bought and stacked the courts in his favor in 2001, Thaksin didn't have a problem with the favorable results which allowed his the PM instead of a jail-bird. He must respect the courts decision this time as well. Karma.


My wife was watching and moved to Chanel 31 (PAD) and the spokesman on the stage said PAD disagrees with the Generals suggestion, and will not stop.

So, PLEASE all you PAD supporters in the know, please let us all know what they really want????

I personnaly hope they told the truth, because, I think this General has a little more power than they do.

Terrorists wins then...

If this is confirmed, I will never invest one more baht in this country...

They just confirmed officially their status of 3rd world, banana republic country.

Sad day indeed.

No problem many others will invest some more Baht when the corruption is reduced and the land gets a democratic elected government.

the problem is there is no security of stability. who will gamble with an investment there.

a violent mob of thugs, street gangsters and religious fanatics is able to tear down a government they don't like and it is likley that it will happend again. first the coup 2006, than the election 2007 and now the restart again because a minority is not happy with the election result and battles on the streets.

and second given the very strange political aganda behind this violent street mob, there is no welcome to foreign investment or economical progress. only ill fated ideas and concepts from them.

PAD announced that they will keep fighting until their totalitaristic "new politics" regime is in power.

and anyone who disagree with the PAD scum have to face armed assaults, like we could see it on the Taxi radio station on Vibhavadi road. that have nothing to do with democrazy.

I must say that I have respect for the general. He doesn't want a coup and unlike both the government, PAD, UDD, and whatever else is out there, he is at least trying to find a solution to the problem.

I would hope is parliament is dissolved and Somchai steps down, that PAD will follow the lead and disperse as well. It's hard to tell with either side though. PPP's only goal so far has not been in the public's interest, but rather their own by continually wanting to save Thaksin's ass as well the 111 banned politicans. Never once have they had the country's best interest in mind.

Lets also remember this was a security committee that included Anupong as a senior member.

Plus other cabinet post levels. The guy in the yellow tie, (for kings birthday) is cabinet I think or burocracy.

It was said several times they the committee recommends this .

So it isn't just the military alone suggestion.

No problem many others will invest some more Baht when the corruption is reduced and the land gets a democratic elected government.

Remind me again how that will differ from what we have now ??


grandpops, PPP know nothing about fair elections either, I think its safe to say one is the pot, and one is the kettle, and yes you got it, they are both black......

I suppose that if you keep on demanding re-elections you will eventually ------------------------------get a result that you are happy with .

Exactly! Spouse told me Anupong is a big friend of Taksin, and even went all the way to London for a catch up on old times and all that :o Now gameplan is: military reluctantly step in, dissolve house, call new elections, and guess who's set up to win ... again. So step forward Peua Pan Din aka Taksin's cousin and on and on it goes.


I agree that the military are being very clever here BUT what concerns me is that if the PAD are not broken now then who ever gets elected in the future can bring these fanatics back out onto the streets and back to square one. Its a never ending scenario

And lets not lose the point that PAD actions have nothing to do with democracy its for personal self interest by their leaders and thats it.

My wife was watching and moved to Chanel 31 (PAD) and the spokesman on the stage said PAD disagrees with the Generals suggestion, and will not stop.

So, PLEASE all you PAD supporters in the know, please let us all know what they really want????

I personnaly hope they told the truth, because, I think this General has a little more power than they do.

You'll be lucky. I am waiting to see if they are going to answer my questions about PAD standing as a party.

The guy is a megalomaniac and wants different things at different times of the day.

I'll wait with you for some positive views from PAD but its not going to happen. I bet you they all start along the lines "The PAD don't want power" "The PAD want something better for the country etc.

Lets hold breath now. :o

Lucky Thailand still has a strong leader in Thaksin waiting in the wings. A leader whose popularity just increased 10 fold with this blancmanges appearance on Thai TV.

Are you saying that you would prefer Thaksin to come back and lead? Is it then correct to label you pro-Thaksin?

Well he should come back not pass go, and go straight to jail. :o

:D He has been duly convicted in a court of law for abuse of power and sentenced to 2 years!

Give it a rest.

Don't forget who appointed that court of law and why they appointed that court of law and how ineffective that court of law is in the face of an armed mob at an airport. Sorry to spell it out, but you appear to have missed it so often in your 1000000000000000000 posts supporting PAD :D

Huh? Thaksin himself said he had faith in the court that convicted him ... just before they convicted him! The courts do not have a case in front of them regarding the Airport do they? I was very disappointed but not surprised to see your posts hoping that the PAD does not leave the airport peacefully, but that is enough to show where you stand. Strongly for blood in the streets! and that is a shameful place to be!

Remember Thaksin is a convicted criminal that before the conviction said he had faith in the courts .. he should simply come back and do his time.

Cougar I am sure that when the government resigns that the PAD will vacate the airport.



grandpops, PPP know nothing about fair elections either, I think its safe to say one is the pot, and one is the kettle, and yes you got it, they are both black......

You are right there. What I am saying though is that PPP partake in the elections and PAD don't. They just snipe and try to overturn them. The only hand PAD would have in an election is to try and get PPP thrown out of it! I reiterate, if PPP could have stood as TRT in the last election they would have won it hands down.

Democracy entails having to accept some things and some people you don't like. I hated Thaksin as PM and most of his policies, but he was elected. I was quite hopeful when he was ousted that a Democrat Government could be elected and things take a more concilliatory turn. Didn't happen though.

Can't please all the people all the time and we cannot expect to be delighted with every move or indeed every Government.

Still waiting for JD and co for the Should they Stand. Think Cougar 52 is waiting as well.

Come on, dont be shy Should PAD stand and what policies should they stand on!

This means forming opinion rather than sniping and knocking and splurging propaganda:D

Please see this new topic about Gen. Anupong's call for the dissolution of parliament:




And that has /what/ to do with the airport topic?

I assume it's now okay again to have a wider debate about the situation?

If a topic is only about the airport or travel situation then there does exist a spanking Suvarnabhumi sub-forum on this site.

It's obvious isn't it?

If the Government dissolves, Premier resigns, no reason for PAD to continue protests and occupations.... simple!

i guess Winnie the Kwai pointing out, in an ironic manner, some previous attempt to delete anything what is may strong reletated to the PAD or the current political situation but didn't describe what current going on at the airport building. the have been a lot of post deleted in the Airport topic with the reason "Off Topic". not easy to define what is "off topic" and i have the feeling sometimes it is used as a lame excuse.

and i guess Winnie maybe got his own posts deleted as well, with the "off topic" reason given. but now Winnie spots an other such "off topic" post and expressed his confusion about it.

It's obvious isn't it? simple TVforum mechanics.

Yes, I was rather put out that my, I thought, considered post on the whole situation was deleted with the 'off topic's' some pages on, whilst there were many many other hysterical posts, having nothing at all to do with the airport closure, being allowed to remain. :o

The amicable solution is to elect a new government? As if there any question as to which side the army is on. This country is helpless.

Why is it hard to see that the Army in staying neutral is preventing escalation? Neutral ---

It is not the Army's job to deal with political messes though they often have in their past! I think Thai people should be proud of how the military has reacted in this crisis. Instead of making a power grab (which is what the PAD wanted) the military seems to be forcing a diplomatic resolution to the problems here. The current government has no credibility anywhere and the PAD is not a political party. The Democrats have stayed out of the fray almost entirely but they could step in at this point to ensure that the government is dissolved and do so with honor, by resigning en masse.

(Since the Roman Empire , using the military as a police force in your own country has seemed to be a bad idea in countries that were not military dictatorships.)

What planet are you on? Neutral is suggesting that the current gov hold new elections because of a few thousand trouble makers?

If only that was all it took to hold new elections in the US... :o

I remember protesters, who we're not blackmailing the elected leaders mind you, being roughed up and jailed in NYC when the RNC came to town. If the only way the Thai army has chosen to deal with a small group of people blackmailing the government is to ask for new elections, then they are clearly on the side of the blackmailers. Do you think they would be asking for new elections if THEIR people were in control or parliament?


Can't please all the people all the time and we cannot expect to be delighted with every move or indeed every Government.

Agree, and removing the lowest socio-economic group/s from the democratic process does not seem to be the answer either.

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