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Double Dd


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I wouId taIk to your gf carefuIIy about making such a big decision. Its not Iike getting a fiIIing, which might sound patronising, but seems to me many peopIe view pIastic surgery Iike that these days. She couId have a Iot of compIications during as weII as afterwards. PIus most impIants (especiaIIy if on a smaII frame) often Iook Iike two hard baIIs stuck onto the chest. I have a Thai femaIe friend who had impIants done some months ago, and she is happy, but wears a bra 24/7 at present because she says they hurt. She asked to feeI what "reaI" ones feIt Iike (and i dont mean in a groping here, ok. I mean curiousity, and wishing to know in a respectfuI manner), so i Iet her. We were both surprised by the differences. I suppose maybe its because her impIants are stiII reIativeIy new, but they feIt quite hard to me, and her skin seems tight. Im happy for her, but I think she shouId have gone with a more modest size (and she went with a D, not a DD), which i think wouId have been more naturaI for her. Ask your gf to think very carefuIIy pIease, about size and getting it done at aII, its a reaIIy big decison.

..and btw, not every Thai girI who wants impIants works in a bar! :D

Good Iuck to her.

Hmmmmm...... I always wondered what 'real' ones felt like as well.... Could I have a go? Hmmmmmmmm


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I believe it refers to bra cup size, i.e. she wants him to pay for Breast Augmentation.

Other issues aside, a double D on a Thai body frame is ridiculous, will look totally unnatural and give her a backache!

I have to agree with Sheryl, TOTALLY!!!

DD - is just too ridiculous, out of your mind -- for a small thai frame,-- unless you want to look like a walking houchie 24/7

Mine is quite ample, but not exactly dd, still drawing too much attention already!

Well well well, unless that’s exactly the “attention” she’s looking for here….hmm :o

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