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The Airport Is Going To Be A Right Mess


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First of all..............my condolences to anybody stuck here at the moment.

Politics aside.............some bright spark announced to the world that the airport "may" be open by saturday at 6pm.

Now lets see........................thousands of people "camped" out for days allready,using the facilities available to them.

What about all the sensitive computer operating systems that you can be sure WILL be played around with, by who knows who.

The point i've been getting to is, it doesn't take rocket science to work out that swampy is going to be closed for a while yet.

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It's the opening all over again. Whoopee! But, yes, I agree, the computers for check in will have been tampered with, and I've no doubt many other infractions will have been perpetrated. Perhaps storming it and demolishing it wouldn't be such a bad idea. And then the gravy train can go round and round again.

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Irrespective of what state the place is actually in you can bet your bottom dollar King Power's claimed losses will make the US/UK bank bailouts seem like peanuts.

But anyway first things first but not necessarily in that order. They have to get the protesters out before they can talk about reopening.

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I would just like to thank PAD for allowing me an extended stay without charge :o

I was due back to the UK on Monday but in view of the uncertainty I have cancelled that flight and, under Gulf Air's free offer, rescheduled for the following week.

I would add that as they have now made their point they can p!ss off back to their families.

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I would just like to thank PAD for allowing me an extended stay without charge :o

I was due back to the UK on Monday but in view of the uncertainty I have cancelled that flight and, under Gulf Air's free offer, rescheduled for the following week.

I would add that as they have now made their point they can p!ss off back to their families.

I just want to know what happened to that guy in ya avatar ?

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I would just like to thank PAD for allowing me an extended stay without charge :o

I was due back to the UK on Monday but in view of the uncertainty I have cancelled that flight and, under Gulf Air's free offer, rescheduled for the following week.

I would add that as they have now made their point they can p!ss off back to their families.

I just want to know what happened to that guy in ya avatar ?

Dont laugh...................he's the commander of the police teargas dispersal unit!!!!!!!!!!

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I just want to know what happened to that guy in ya avatar ?

Dont laugh...................he's the commander of the police teargas dispersal unit!!!!!!!!!!




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Perhaps storming it and demolishing it wouldn't be such a bad idea. And then the gravy train can go round and round again.

maybe that's why protesters were allowed into the airport - doesn't mater about the tourists and the country image, cushty contracts would bring much more pocket money.

difficult to see any other rational explanation for what happened within the last few days

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I agree that just clearing them out is only the beginning. My little airline to get me from Buriram to Swampy, PB Air is not even going to think about when they can fly.

A more serious thing is that even when the airport re-opens, the additional passengers stranded means that tickets are not going to be easy to come by for a few weeks at best and that means a lot of cancellations and re-booking holidays to somewhere, anywhere else !

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britmavericPosted Today, 2008-11-28 19:06:41 Lack of toilet facilities in Swampy - going to mean the loos will be royally fked. Feel sorry for the poor lads/ladies that have to sort that out.

Given they can actually locate some toilets there!

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