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Supposed To Be Returning On The 12th, What To Do?


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I am trying not be alarmist but I am supposed to be returning to Thailand with my baby after being away for 6 months. My Thai husband was eagerly expecting us on the 12th, Toronto-Hong Kong-BKK. Now, I just don't know what to do.... . I'm not only worried about the potential for violence but how will I know where to tell him to pick us up, our luggage will probably get lost and it has all of my baby's things in it. I'm worried people will be pushing and shoving at the airport no matter in BKK or U-Tapao or even Phuket... . Our baby will be so tired regardless from all the travel time and then if I can't find a hotel room or a taxi etc.

What would you do?

Edited by janetplanet
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It's tough travelling with little ones at any time, but I wouldn't wish it on anyone during the first week or two of the airports getting back to normal (whenever that will be).

From the looks of it, the 2nd will be a telling point. If not then, the 5th. If neither... then when?

I'm hoping to be out of here shortly after your planned arrival and I have high hopes that the bare necessities for travel will be in place. I've read (on this forum) about the predicted timelines of what restarting an International airport 'might' take... but I can only hope they are wrong.

<< how will I know where to tell him to pick us up...

Take a mobile phone?

<< What would you do?

With a little baby, I'd wait it out. I'd wait at least a week or two after the airports are back on line.

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It is a no brainer. Just wait until things are back to normal. If you have to travel for some reason, then make sure you have mobile.

When will things be 'back to normal'? I guess sometime next week or next year? My husband will be travelling up from Suratthani to BKK to pick us up. Will I be able to assure him that we will be landing in BKK (transiting from Hong Kong)before I leave Canada on the 12th or will there still be a chance the flight could be re-routed to U-Tapao or even Phuket? That would be awful if I had to call him from Hong Kong to say the flight was landing in Phuket instead after he had just travelled 800km! I'm talking about the 13th here...am I overreacting?

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Janet, these are all questions no one can answer for you. Like the 1000's of other stranded travellers you will just have to either 1) cancel until things do go back to normal 2) head out as planned & hope for the best with possible massive delays, hanging around, rerouting & hassle 3) get your travel agent to reroute you via another asian country & take the train, like fly to singapore & take the train etc.

Panicking wont help as there is nothing you or anyone else can do about the situation as it stands.

IMO if things were the same in a week I would be looking at rerouting to Singapore then taking the sleeper train. Your husband could travel down to meet you at the border with Malaysia & do the rest of the train ride together but would hold off making that descision until closer your departure date.

But also think abotu this; Have you got a really urgent reason to come back on that date? i.e do you have to get back for work/medical reasons etc or could you hold off for another week until things are more stable & organised?

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What would you do?

You have to paddle your own canoe on this one Janet.

But I will tell you what we did:

The wife was travelling ahead of me with our boy, flight got changed to Utupao and initial reports outta there are chaotic, Eva are supposedly using an immigration process in Bangkok and then transferring to Rayong, but people are circumventing this process and going straight to Rayong, increasing the chaos, they are not set up for large scale immigration.

Reports are saying it is wall to wall travellers and some are drunk and there is little organisation, these reports are from TV members, I haven't confirmed them, but people I know in Rayong are saying there are long queues.

You will have done a long trip on your own, how tired are you going to be, whilst going into an unknown situation.

It is your choice, but we reluctantly cancelled.

Good Luck on whatever you choose


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I still haven't decided but have started packing our bags:).

I would suggest that this is the correct position, but follow the news, unless the situation deteriorates, my guess with the information as it stands, you will be OK.

Good Luck


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I still haven't decided but have started packing our bags:).

I would suggest that this is the correct position, but follow the news, unless the situation deteriorates, my guess with the information as it stands, you will be OK.

Good Luck


My travel agent (Canada) tells me Air Canada cannot confirm my flight until 3 days before departure. Do you think it's pretty much 100% that if we are supposed to land at Subarvanhumi (spell.) that it will be there not somewhere else? Landing the 13th via Hong Kong.

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Janet, my work often takes me to the airport and I will be there again tomorrow to pick up one of my children who is flying in alone. By all reports from my colleagues there today 6 Dec, arrivals are working fairly well although departures are still a bit messy as schedules are still a bit unclear for some airlines. It sounds like things should almost be back to normal in the next few days. I wouldn't worry at all.

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Janet, my work often takes me to the airport and I will be there again tomorrow to pick up one of my children who is flying in alone. By all reports from my colleagues there today 6 Dec, arrivals are working fairly well although departures are still a bit messy as schedules are still a bit unclear for some airlines. It sounds like things should almost be back to normal in the next few days. I wouldn't worry at all.

I'm glad I kept bugging my travel agent since the airport closed and re-opened. My connecting flight from Hong Kong to BKK on Thai Airways has in fact been cancelled. All evening flights are cancelled. So, hopefully Thai Airways is going to pay for our hotel room in HK for one night. In some ways it is a blessing in disguise because we can take a little break from the long journey from Toronto but I don't want to have to pay for the hotel!

Now, anyone have suggestions of how to relax a 1 year old on an international flight?

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