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Pad To End Demonstrations At 10 Am Wednesday


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PAD cease all anti-government protests

Published on December 2, 2008

Protesters will come back if Thaksin's nominees return to power

People's Alliance for Democracy which seized the Government House and two Bangkok airports announced an end to its protests at all spot.

Within a few hours after the Constitution Court dissolved People Power Party, People's Alliance for Democracy, which had led seizures of the Government House and two Bangkok airports, declared an end to their demonstrations.

"We have won a victory and achieved our aims," media mogul and PAD founder Sondhi Limthongkul said, reading a statement to reporters.

"All protests will stop as of December 3 at 10am. We have gained our victory already. If there is something wrong, we will mobilize people and stage another protest," Sondhi told the cheering crowds.

Other PAD's co-leaders said they decided to end the protests because they won over what they called Thaksin's nominees.

The end of all protests came a few hours after the Constitution Court dissolved People Power Party, Matchima Tipatayai and Chart Thai parties early on the day.

The leaders took turn to declare victories on a stage at Suvarnabhumi Airport at about 7pm. "All people can go home now. We are the victors now.

"However we will be ready to come back if the country wants us too," they told the cheering crowds.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, PAD said they achieved the victory because the protests' objectives were already met following the Constitution Court's ruling to disband the three parties which were nominees of former PM Thaksin Shinawatra.

Another objective was to protest any attempt to amend the constitution. "Now our objectives were met, we decide to end our protest," read the statement.

PAD-led protests, which lasted 192 days, has been the longest in the Thai history.

The statement reiterated that PAD will lead protesters back if nominee of Thaksin comes back to power or there is any attempt to amend the charter to reduce power of the monarch

-The Nation

Edited by LazyYogi
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The leaders took turn to declare victories on a stage at Suvarnabhumi Airport at about 7pm. "All people can go home now. We are the victors now.

"However we will be ready to come back if the country wants us too," they told the cheering crowds.

I wouldn't hold your breath.

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"We have won a victory and achieved our aims," media mogul and PAD founder Sondhi Limthongkul said, reading a statement to reporters.

To think, if long ago, someone had forgiven Sondhi his bank debts; several years down the track Thailand would not have been freed from elected dictatorship.

The lord works in mysterious ways.

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"We have won a victory and achieved our aims," media mogul and PAD founder Sondhi Limthongkul said, reading a statement to reporters.

To think, if long ago, someone had forgiven Sondhi his bank debts; several years down the track Thailand would not have been freed from elected dictatorship.

The lord works in mysterious ways.

Well, he was forgiven all but 200 million of his debt but I guess that cut no ice with him. Rumour has it that Thaksin also gave him a very nice Swiss Cuckoo clock which has clearly been an inspiration to him :o

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why would you wait to go home....sleep another night in the airport for what...<deleted>? :o

thats what i been thinking all evening. maybe they having finals in the Inter PAD badminton tournament tonight. really though <deleted> wait for tomorrow for?

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There is an awful lot of equipment/gear/supplies etc at the airport, plus getting out safely. Remember, the real terrorists in these events have been bombing and grenading the PAD for quite awhile!

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BBC news say flights will resume at midnight - tomorrow - Dec 4.

100,000 of thousands of stranded passengers will be going home


Well done all round. Shot yourselves in the foot & scored an own goal. Great work. TiT. Land of the incompetent.

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There is an awful lot of equipment/gear/supplies etc at the airport, plus getting out safely. Remember, the real terrorists in these events have been bombing and grenading the PAD for quite awhile!

the real terrorists ha!? afaik, there was only one terrorist group within miles from the airport.

so it just ends lika that ha? what happens to the perpetrators? they just walk????

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Two airports shut down and PAD shot itself in both feet.

As estimated earlier in the week, a million jobs will be lost in the tourist industry as arrivals will be halved. There'll be a million unemployed saying bitterly "PAD lost me my job". That will translate into several million votes lost to the Democrats.

(I know that the tourist industry was going to suffer from Westerners in their recession cutting out holidays, but that won't register. It will be "PAD lost me my job" all round.)

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btw, the frustrated public has started boycotting products/services of PAD supporting organizations.

According to a thai web blog, Bangkok bank is having big withdrawals taking place recently.

Someone who wanted to close her 20mil bhat account was told she cannot withdraw more than 2mil per day.

mm, I smell trouble...lucky I don't have an account with them.

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They must sleep tonight there to wait for the fake bank notes as payment.

A police came to ask the monk near our home for the hoai number (lottery). The monk said very few people go "tam boon" now because they go with PAD, and the temple received many fake bank notes.

PAD has no money to continue.

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There is an awful lot of equipment/gear/supplies etc at the airport, plus getting out safely. Remember, the real terrorists in these events have been bombing and grenading the PAD for quite awhile!

There is a belief that PAD were responsible for the grenades and bombs for the purposes off sympathy and publicity

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What victory?

The courts sentenced the PPP, as they would have done anyway. The same mob are still in charge.

Someone must have told him to end the madness. About bloody time. Stay away from the airport next time.


That was my immediate thought.

PAD have been told to leave by their masters.... or die.

The Court decision was written down years ago and the muppets on the bench had no say in it.

Talk about Thaksin having puppets! Strewth.

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"We have won a victory and achieved our aims," media mogul and PAD founder Sondhi Limthongkul said, reading a statement to reporters.

So lemme see if I got this straight ....

Conspiratorial acts of anarchy which at the very least have severely impacted, and at most could bankrupt, major segments of the national economy (namely trade & tourism) are considered a "victory" by one of the major political parties.

The thoughts of what might be considered a "loss" or "failure" by these people are downright scary.

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As estimated earlier in the week, a million jobs will be lost in the tourist industry as arrivals will be halved. There'll be a million unemployed saying bitterly "PAD lost me my job". That will translate into several million votes lost to the Democrats.

(I know that the tourist industry was going to suffer from Westerners in their recession cutting out holidays, but that won't register. It will be "PAD lost me my job" all round.)

You must trust me now that some experts will say people losing job is not caused by PAD. They only had a peaceful :D protest. Khun Thaksin is the one who causes all these. :o:D

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What victory?

The courts sentenced the PPP, as they would have done anyway. The same mob are still in charge.

Someone must have told him to end the madness. About bloody time. Stay away from the airport next time.


That was my immediate thought.

PAD have been told to leave by their masters.... or die. Remember, these are "educated" rich fascists and its their money and businesses that are going to take the hit.

They lost a lot with the last coup, they will be luck to have enough money left after this one to wage against Phi Phi Island.

The Court decision was written down years ago and the muppets on the bench had no say in it.

Talk about Thaksin having puppets! Strewth.

Any news on where Human Rights Groups are now ranking PADland?

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Double standards: one group gets punished and a court ruling about the airport can be ignored with impunity.

Try this anywhere else and you will get to meet a SWAT team. In some places, life ammo might be used.

So the law is being followed, as long as it suits some groups.

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Remember, the real terrorists in these events have been bombing and grenading the PAD for quite awhile!

Because of those terrorists, PAD has returned the Government House without conditions. No one wants to do anything, both Army and Police, so citizens have to be terrorists to shoot "peaceful :o " protestors.

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Double standards: one group gets punished and a court ruling about the airport can be ignored with impunity.

Try this anywhere else and you will get to meet a SWAT team. In some places, life ammo might be used.

So the law is being followed, as long as it suits some groups.

mm, pretty much the sh*tiest hel_llhole in Asia after NorthKorea.

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Remember, the real terrorists in these events have been bombing and grenading the PAD for quite awhile!

Because of those terrorists, PAD has returned the Government House without conditions. No one wants to do anything, both Army and Police, so citizens have to be terrorists to shoot "peaceful :D " protestors.

Interesting comment, Koo.

Please be clear, are you openly agreeing here, that the people who were shooting & throwing hand-grenades at the PAD, were in fact the government-supporters ? And that you approve of these tactics ?? :o

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Lots of cynical posts here. I'm so pleased that it's over but I've been saddened by the posts and comments I've seen made on TV by farangs who don't understand the Thai people, or what they're fighting for. I don't understand the situation fully myself but I give the Thai people credit for being reasonably intelligent people who have a cause to fight for rightly or wrongly. Comments like "4th world country" and "cockamamy stupid protest" are typical of the farang who is so small minded that they can't see beyond their own selfishness. May there be no more trouble. Thailand is a wonderful place and I'm so pleased that I have been fortunate enough to retire here. To the farangs who have been inconvenienced, I'm so sorry for you, but if you don't want to return because you feel that the Thai people are a bunch of 4th world idiots, well, that's OK with me.

My thai wife joins me in asking you: If you cannot appreciate the cynicism here, don't care to comment. All farangs here are not stupid or just trying to pretend to know what they don't know. Actually, some of the farangs like me haven't even commented about the conspiracy theory that is gossiped around inner circles in Bangkok only because we don't want to break the law of the land. And for your info, "the thai people" are not fighting. they're taking their money out of bangkok bank.

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