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Farangs Who Despise Other Farangs

Ulysses G.

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Apologists for the PAD will always find a reason to question reports on Thailand in the Western press, some through bizarre conspiracy theories, some through ignorance and denial and some because they cannot bear to hear the truth...

The farang defenders of the PAD leadership and mob are an odd lot. Quite why they have thrown in their lot with this gruesome bunch of fascists is hard to understand...

I'm starting to wonder if many of the Thai Visa PADophiles are heavily involved with drugs as another member insisted. As far as I can see, killing thousands of heroin and Meth dealers to solve Thailand's drug problem is Thaksins greatest sin and why they keep insisting that he is, "more evil than Hitler". The thing is that since his campaign the drug culture in Thailand has faded into the woodwork. His strongman methods seem to have worked.

For all of his faults, he has made things better for foreigners by vastly improving the visa system and making it much easier to get work permits and to start a business. These things were very difficult before he was in power. Now they are almost routine. The guy is a business man, not a bogeyman.

PAD wants to go back to the way things were in the past including getting rid of all of us farangs and doing away with our businesses so that Thai's with little business acumen or talent can control everything once more.

Every day on Thai Visa I see these PADophiles making excuses for PAD, twisting the truth and justifying their actions and I have to wonder why. Do they really hate their own kind so much?

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Couldnt give a toss about PAD or Thaksin, frankly. They're all as sad and corrupt as each other.

But, Ulysses, your argument does tend to be a bit discredited when you make unbacked up claims like "PAD want to get rid of all us farangs and doing away with our businesses etc etc".

A little bit over-dramatic, don't you think?

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until his demise thaksin was successful and rich. not the nicest guy in the world , but a very good asian businessman.

many foreigners who choose to reside in thailand are neither successful nor rich.

they harbour resentment against many things , success in others being one of them.

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But, Ulysses, your argument does tend to be a bit discredited when you make unbacked up claims like "PAD want to get rid of all us farangs and doing away with our businesses etc etc".

A little bit over-dramatic, don't you think?

This is what the Thai business people that I know have been telling me and they have been correct about most of this so far.

PAD want to go back to the old ways and they blame us for enriching poor people who don't "deserve" the vote and don't deserve to improve their station in life.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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PADoephiles are in a sexual servant haze, they have to defend a mob taking over as they cannot bare the thought of having their comfortable , easy-sexed lives turned upside down .

I do agree that ThaksinCo was more foreign friendly, remember the FBA revisions that almost went through after the coup but were stopped by the election of the PPP ?

I fear PAD is akin to the Nazi movement ca mid 1930's and we westerners the despised Jews .

I have to remark that when I read of white westerners referring to themselves as " Farang" I cannot help but think they have no clue as to the true depths of Thai xenophobic bigotry - or are trying very, very hard not to care- sort of how blacks in Harlem, NY call themselves "Nigger", perhaps in an effort to nullify the centuries of American racism endured.

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But, Ulysses, your argument does tend to be a bit discredited when you make unbacked up claims like "PAD want to get rid of all us farangs and doing away with our businesses etc etc".

A little bit over-dramatic, don't you think?

This is what the Thai business people that I know have been telling me and they have been correct about most of this so far.

PAD want to go back to the old ways and they blame us for enriching poor people who don't "deserve" the vote and don't deserve to improve their station in life.

Oh right. So you heard it from people who heard it from people. Well, I'm glad we've verified an amazingly reliable source.

Jeez, talk about credibility being notched down a peg or two . . .

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PADoephiles are in a sexual servant haze, they have to defend a mob taking over as they cannot bare the thought of having their comfortable , easy-sexed lives turned upside down .

I do agree that ThaksinCo was more foreign friendly, remember the FBA revisions that almost went through after the coup but were stopped by the election of the PPP ?

I fear PAD is akin to the Nazi movement ca mid 1930's and we westerners the despised Jews .

I have to remark that when I read of white westerners referring to themselves as " Farang" I cannot help but think they have no clue as to the true depths of Thai xenophobic bigotry - or are trying very, very hard not to care- sort of how blacks in Harlem, NY call themselves "Nigger", perhaps in an effort to nullify the centuries of American racism endured.

Ahhhhhh . talking of credibility gaps. When thaivisa sees a post from the HorseDoctor which ISNT imbued with bitterness about a failed existence in Thailand, I will eat my hat.

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Apologists for the PAD will always find a reason to question reports on Thailand in the Western press, some through bizarre conspiracy theories, some through ignorance and denial and some because they cannot bear to hear the truth...

The farang defenders of the PAD leadership and mob are an odd lot. Quite why they have thrown in their lot with this gruesome bunch of fascists is hard to understand...

I'm starting to wonder if many of the Thai Visa PADophiles are heavily involved with drugs as another member insisted. As far as I can see, killing thousands of heroin and Meth dealers to solve Thailand's drug problem is Thaksins greatest sin and why they keep insisting that he is, "more evil than Hitler". The thing is that since his campaign the drug culture in Thailand has faded into the woodwork. His strongman methods seem to have worked.

For all of his faults, he has made things better for foreigners by vastly improving the visa system and making it much easier to get work permits and to start a business. These things were very difficult before he was in power. Now they are almost routine. The guy is a business man, not a bogeyman.

PAD wants to go back to the way things were in the past including getting rid of all of us farangs and doing away with our businesses so that Thai's with little business acumen or talent can control everything once more.

Every day on Thai Visa I see these PADophiles making excuses for PAD, twisting the truth and justifying their actions and I have to wonder why. Do they really hate their own kind so much?

Would you have thought the same if a US president or a UK Primeinister had done all the things Thaksin did (Fraud Murder) i dont think so.
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I can't help but agree with Bendix here.

Not only do your statements contain no credibility but they are very inflammatory and lean heavily towards trolling. I am inclined to close this thread merely on that fact alone.

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Would you have thought the same if a US president or a UK Primeinister had done all the things Thaksin did (Fraud Murder) i dont think so.

the western governments are more than capable of such things , but they tend to do them to other nations.

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