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  • 8 months later...

I just thought I would update this post with my own experience at the Kasemrad Sriburin Hospital in Chiang Rai, yesterday the 10th August. I had searched TV for details of a Chiropodist in the CR area and decided to give the Sriburin a try while we were out shopping, just to see if one was available. We arrived at 13.30 and my Wife was informed at the reception that yes we have a Chiropodist but he/she has gone home now, would I like to see the emergency Doctor who knows about foot problem? My ingrowing toenail was getting a bit painful so I said yes, just a chat and he can have a look and maybe book an appointment with the Chiropodist. In I go, the Doctor had a look and prodded my toe to see if it hurt, which it did and said I can help you with that. How I asked. Well I can cut the bit of toenail that is hurting you off. I agreed and off we go into the operating area and after being given a local anaesthetic in my toe the offending bit of nail was cut out and two Nurses bandage me up, on my way home at 14.15. The Doctor said that is going to hurt tonight when the anaesthetic wears off so take paracetamol if you need to, but the pain I had before must have been worse as I had the best nights sleep for a long time. Also found a use for some old, but not used cherry flavoured condoms, great for keeping the dressing on your big toe dry in the shower.

Hope this helps someone,


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