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How Pad Was Able To Shut Down The Airports So Easily


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The Thai's don't take a beating and being baton charged lying down like the westerners tend to do, there would be x10 the response and violence from angry thais.


No 1: Korean, No 2 : Japanese. Then you have "western" activists. Thai ? :o !

Korea is hard, everyone can check on youtube 'police brutality korea', or 'riot police korea'. than you see how a killer riot police machinery looks like.

in thailand PAD drama queens,

they should not blame the police so much. it's mostly lack of experience and practice on the side of police. not like in the civilised europe. every weekend you have football games, where the riot police can exercise. in thailand not. how often they had used that tear gas grenades before, i doubt that the turn out was intentionally.

and the PAD propaganda Leader with their sacrifice for the nation rethorik don't help to ease the situation.

from the airport, i saw a mother with her maybe 5 year old kid. the mother showed their swim goggles and told to the camera that they have no fear. hello, it's called, gas namdha, but it's not about only tears in your eyes. i am pretty sure, such misleading instruction, arm yourself with swim goggles came from the PAD stage. PAD leaders with no scruples to risk a couple of casualties amoungst their house wife battalion -. brainwashed by ASTV , and not recognise that they are just the human shield for a para military mob. the dead became martyr and propaganda images and the leader heros.

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I would say the Taksin's police buddies let them; now watch what happens to the PAD leaders. From that the new party formed a long time ago by the PPP will be strong, and for sure, they will bring back the zero tolerance in drug crime, obviously this will get rid of the scum drug pushers and clean up the streets again.

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Doesn't matter, denying the protesters access to the airports was a dismal failure on the part of the government. A true embarrassment to say the very least.

The fact that the protests at the airport were so incredibly well managed and that no damage was done shows just the opposite about the PAD.

The Gov't should have simply put enough people around them to deny them access to the interior and then moved them to one of the ramp areas. Let them maintain the protest there w/o totally disrupting services. I think 2000 police in riot gear and a good negotiator would have been able to move them to the 2nd or 3rd floor area outside. Then negotiate to allow them to bring in portable toilets etc.

The Pad announced that they were about to move on Suvarnabhumi. They also said when they were abandoning government house and reinforcing the airport protests.

So the police cleared the roads and let them in , just as they gave free access to all the food and supplies that they needed?


The police and military need specialist training in riot/terrorist/crowd/incident control and who better than the Israelis or Brits. Loss of face though!

Yes the Brits had plenty practice in India when they machinegunned a stadium full of men,woman and childeren.

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Serious question about terrorism/assasination - what happened to that guy they caught with a car full of explosives in an attempt to assasinate the then PM Thaksin? Amazing how things like this are forgotten in Thailand. Also the PAD supporter who was blown up rrecently in what was generally believed to be a car bomb (there were traces of C4 and other explosives in his car). Just what do the Thai poice need before they take an investigation to its logical conclusion?

:o Could you please find a link to either of those events? (Wait .. the first one was the ISOC aide right? nothing ever showed that to be an assassination attempt. But help me out with a C4 attack?

The latest reference to the incident I have seen in the international press was in the (probably completely banned) International publication article yesterday, but it doesn't mention C4, which I saw in another recent Thai press report after the forensics had looked at it. He was a PAD guard and army officer.

Your comment about the ISOC aide was helpful as I Wikipedia'd it and found this below, and again I wonder, if such high-up, serious lawlessness as driving around Bangkok with a huge bomb in the car can go unprosecuted (I don't say unpunished because we don't know if he was guilty or not, and that's more my point) it is no wonder others in Thailand think they too will not be called to account. I have removed the names just to be on the safe side.

ISOC Deputy Director X was sacked from his position after Lieutenant Y, his driver, was found driving a car containing 67 kilograms of explosives around the residence of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. X denied all involvement, noting that "If I was behind it, I would not have missed."[8][9] Metropolitan Police Bureau commissioner Lt-General Wiroj Jantharangsee noted that the explosives in the car were completely assembled, equipped with a remote unit sensor and ready to be detonated, and would have a blast radius of around one kilometre.[

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sure I would have cut the power and water off on those nuts first hour

And HOW exactly would you have done this? As well with the labor units on their side.



colour may vary

for water, photos here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Stole-Water-Meter-t176379.html

because of security reasons it wasn't done, no panic and so on and hygiene too.

your "labor units" (Somsuck?) on the PAD mob side or not, have nothing to do with it. so no hero points to collect.

That was the best

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sure I would have cut the power and water off on those nuts first hour

And HOW exactly would you have done this? As well with the labor units on their side.



colour may vary

for water, photos here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Stole-Water-Meter-t176379.html

because of security reasons it wasn't done, no panic and so on and hygiene too.

your "labor units" (Somsuck?) on the PAD mob side or not, have nothing to do with it. so no hero points to collect.

That was the best

I agree nothing more than terrorists the whole thing was ridiculous can you imagine Heathrow, LAX or any major airport in a "civilized" country being taken over like they owned it? Every time I see the headline PAD allows I have to laugh. So anytime something goes against what a group believes in then it's ok to take over the airport, is that the norm now? Would the group PETA get the same treatment as PAD when they decide to take over the airport until people stop wearing fur?

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After arriving at what then was called "Ben Gurion" airport in Tel Aviv, I went outside to the parking lot and took out my camera to get a picture of the new, modern, impressive terminal. Before I could get the camera up to my eye to shoot, a plain-clothes security person, darted out of no where, and grabbed the camera from my hand, instructing me that no pictures were allowed of the air terminal.

I suggest airport security be trained by the Israelis. No more airport take-overs, I guarantee it! :o

Actually Israeli security staff patrol the perimeter of Suwannaphum when the El-Al flights land and take off. I know because they stopped and questioned me.

When I said "You're Israeli, they said they were 'Thai Airport Police'"


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PAD had already taken over Phuket airport and Hat Yai airport. These could be seen as trial runs. Regardless of what people think happened, it's clear that Suvarnaphumi airport is very, very vulnerable. The access was way too easy and the number of security personnel way too low for such a large airport. I hope the group that overran Mumbai aren't watching video clips of things here because it could be next. Get a few of those Southern boys to participate and we could have a real mess.

Also, remember they threatened to take over the ports as well.

Foreign gov'ts are perfectly correct to issue advisories and to put some very real pressure on the gov't. Airlines are also right to be very concerned.

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