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Buy Gold Now!

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For me, it's tomato plants, olives and home brew wine.

tomato and olive wine ? thats going to be interesting :o

www.goldtraders.or.th has me thinking I should take an expedition to Yaowarat and convert all my excess THB except for the months expenses to baht bars.

stumonster why Yaowarat ??

just the place I believe would have 1 baht bars available - not sure if all the shops around have baht bars

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Just wanted to say that I returned from the west and carried on a bunch of bullion in the form of Canadian Maple coins, and did not have any issues what so ever with them. Each time I went through security they wanted to see what they were, but once I showed them they were satisfied. One guy even commented, "nice", to which I replied, "thanks". And that was that. All coins had a face value, so that might have helped, not sure.


Has anyone here tried to sell a maple leaf 1 oz or other western hallmarked bullion in thai gold shops? Are they in fact recognized by dealers demonstrated by decent offers or are dealers discounting them because they are not thai?

Someone a few posts back mentioned large imports of gold into Thailand...40% of GDP was it??? Any idea if the baht is backed by bullion? I read somewhere Thailand had avoided the current meltdown because they stayed out of the CDS/MBS markets. I'm trying to understand the baht strength compared to our $CDN.

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Just wanted to say that I returned from the west and carried on a bunch of bullion in the form of Canadian Maple coins, and did not have any issues what so ever with them. Each time I went through security they wanted to see what they were, but once I showed them they were satisfied. One guy even commented, "nice", to which I replied, "thanks". And that was that. All coins had a face value, so that might have helped, not sure.


Congrats I was curious about that too.

Without getting too personal can you say what a bunch is?

More than 10 coins?


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Happy New Year!!

Just a quick check reading some news.

Still the same. Thaksin still bothering everyone, TV still full with ads.

Not in Thailand at the moment, taking care of my grandmother (92 years old) who suffered a heart attack a few months ago.

So we all moved in to a bigger house and make sure her final months/years are spend around family and in comfort.

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Happy New Year!!

Just a quick check reading some news.

Still the same. Thaksin still bothering everyone, TV still full with ads.

Not in Thailand at the moment, taking care of my grandmother (92 years old) who suffered a heart attack a few months ago.

So we all moved in to a bigger house and make sure her final months/years are spend around family and in comfort.

Cool & nice of yo folks to take care of your elders.

If you use Firefox there is a nice add on that takes care of ad's :)

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Is it time to go to the gold shops and buy what you can?

A remarkably perspicacious comment in December 2008 Khun Jean. Hope you bought and wish I had seen the posting and acted on it. Come to think of it a falang gold retailer semi-retired in Hua Hin told me it was a good tome to buy 15 months ago and I sat on my hands. Drat!

Lao Pao got it wrong re gold, but no brickbats, cash would have been a good place to be too, so long as you put your money back into equities or bonds during late spring or early summer.

I rate Gold as still a good investment, but probably a strong hold rather than a strong buy. If the recovery falters it should go further through buying by financial speculators. If the recovery strengthens there may well be strong retail demand from India and other developing economies.

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