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Bars And Shops Closing


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Indeed as another poster noted there were some pretty glum export figures reported today - bear in mind exports account for 70% of GDP. The figures showed an 18% drop October year on year. Early next year that will probably be 30%. That's not going to be made up by tourism, and doesn't matter how many BGs go back in the paddy fields an increase in agri won't do either.

Oddly enough the media are full of hyperbole on this, that and the other, but seem muted about this, the one, subject that should receive emphasis.

Somebody correct me- but are we not in disaster territory?

I believe that exports represent 45% of GDP and tourism is around 9%. Also, it's not a question of reducing exports being made up by another component of GDP, it's an issue of GDP shrinking overall.

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So this recession, that everyone could see coming since last March, is just a continuation of the same downhill path. (And for real companies, PADs dealings at the airport is an annoyance but not a deal-breaker or anything major in the grand of things. But I know it's nice to put equal blame on them for political reasons.)

There are other kinds of businesses than the one that you are involved in that make most of their money during tourist season and losing big money at the best time of year is quite serious to them. High season often pays to keep them open in low season.

All you can see is what applies to you. No wonder you identify so closely with with the PAD. :o

And my post was in regards to export industry. And it's neither seasonal nor suffering from tourists not arriving in the same way at all. As you should know. And the tourist-section of Thailand's economy is still minuscule compared to what the true exporters pull in.

You mean your nonsense about "real" companies are not losing money.? Plenty of Thais make money from the tourist industry and losing big money at the best time of year is quite serious to them.

As I said before, all you can see is what applies to you. No wonder you identify so closely with with the PAD. :D

I understand that your company is losing money as you lack the ability to understand what people are writing.

And your constant lie's about people isn't helping. And repeating it, mein herr, isn't going to make it true.

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So you speak German then - the perfect language for telling the Big Lie.

Actually, because many of my customers are expats, we are still doing quite well this year. However, I can not but feel badly for all of those Thais whose incomes have been ruined by the PAD and sickened by the foreigners who make up excuses for what they have done. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Indeed as another poster noted there were some pretty glum export figures reported today - bear in mind exports account for 70% of GDP. The figures showed an 18% drop October year on year. Early next year that will probably be 30%. That's not going to be made up by tourism, and doesn't matter how many BGs go back in the paddy fields an increase in agri won't do either.

Oddly enough the media are full of hyperbole on this, that and the other, but seem muted about this, the one, subject that should receive emphasis.

Somebody correct me- but are we not in disaster territory?

I believe that exports represent 45% of GDP and tourism is around 9%. Also, it's not a question of reducing exports being made up by another component of GDP, it's an issue of GDP shrinking overall.

The figure usually bandied around is 70%, where did you get 49% from?

But whatever, I agree the point is GDP is shrinking and I assume by quite a bit. Isn't that very serious.

I see official figures are now admitting to a sizable contraction. Pretty bad news for an emerging economy.

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So you speak German then - the perfect language for telling the Big Lie.

Actually, it was posted to you as a reference of telling lies over and over, as you so cleverly missed.

And sure, I speak some German, but that is because we are taught several languages in school.

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So you speak German then - the perfect language for telling the Big Lie.

...sure, I speak some German...

Never mind, you don't seem to have any problem doing it in English.

Thanks for yet another display of your typical ad hominem.

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Indeed as another poster noted there were some pretty glum export figures reported today - bear in mind exports account for 70% of GDP. The figures showed an 18% drop October year on year. Early next year that will probably be 30%. That's not going to be made up by tourism, and doesn't matter how many BGs go back in the paddy fields an increase in agri won't do either.

Oddly enough the media are full of hyperbole on this, that and the other, but seem muted about this, the one, subject that should receive emphasis.

Somebody correct me- but are we not in disaster territory?

Just curious, if exports are 70% of GDP, tourism 8% what is the balance?

stealing and scams :o

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Slightly off topic but still relevant, I think:

I went to Cambodia to see a friend this weekend who was visiting from the US. He went to Cambodia this year instead of Thailand due to the unrest here.  He had always planned on seeing Cambodia, and just thought it was probably a good time to do that.

Well, I don't have any hard numbers, but the place was packed with tourists.  I saw parties of senior citizens on bike tours, young couples, single and small groups of women, and many, many families.  At my hotel, the guests in the past have generally been businessmen (Korean, mostly) or men who seem to be there for the nightlife. THis time, there were many women and families there (a nice change of pace). I got into one conversation with a 50-something woman who changed her travel from Thailand to Cambodia and was enraptured by the place.

All this is anecdotal, but still, it leads me to beleive that tourists are finding other places to go instead of Thailand.


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Slightly off topic but still relevant, I think:

I went to Cambodia to see a friend this weekend who was visiting from the US. He went to Cambodia this year instead of Thailand due to the unrest here. He had always planned on seeing Cambodia, and just thought it was probably a good time to do that.

Well, I don't have any hard numbers, but the place was packed with tourists. I saw parties of senior citizens on bike tours, young couples, single and small groups of women, and many, many families. At my hotel, the guests in the past have generally been businessmen (Korean, mostly) or men who seem to be there for the nightlife. THis time, there were many women and families there (a nice change of pace). I got into one conversation with a 50-something woman who changed her travel from Thailand to Cambodia and was enraptured by the place.

All this is anecdotal, but still, it leads me to beleive that tourists are finding other places to go instead of Thailand.

It's a very interesting tale. Maybe Thailand is all played out - they are sick of us, we are sick of them.

Plus it's not that cheap anymore. Part of the allure for me was living cheaply, but now some stuff is actually cheaper in the UK. No fun, no bargains, and the tat at the market is still the same tat they had 5 years ago, anything but The Land of Smiles.

Part of my gripe about the UK was that I just couldn't enjoy simple things, it's getting that way here too. The kids are getting more and more manic and noisy. I was by a pool today, some boys must have been raising 100 decibels or more, and that kicked of pack of dogs, and well that freaked that bit of relaxation good and proper.

If Cambodia can get it's act together (bonobos posting suggests it can) I think Thailand is in big trouble full stop.

And those bars that have already closed won't be opening again.

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So you speak German then - the perfect language for telling the Big Lie.

...sure, I speak some German...

Never mind, you don't seem to have any problem doing it in English.

Thanks for yet another display of your typical ad hominem.

Yet another example of ad hominem tu quoque. :o

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As of this week the Sheraton Hotel in Pattaya is down to 25% occupancy whilst the Tropicano on 2nd road is down to 10% occupancy, the only plus news was the Hard Rock Cafe which has 60% occupancy. And yes there are a number of bars/restaurants closed down.

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From the new Govermments own Horse's mouth...well Khun Korns's so perhaps not a horse's.

"The government expects 2.5 million fewer tourists this quarter and next because of the airport blockade, and a loss of 100 billion baht in visitor revenue."

Great news when a reccession was already looming and nutters hold the country to ransom when an EC decision was about to deal the correct hand.

And the Padites spin on this is....

Corruption is corruption whether ฿฿฿ being ripped off ala Thaksin or a brought and paid judicary turning a blind eye to civil disorder. The credibility of the whole Thai governance is a scab that the average thai should demand to be lanced.

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I was in one ot the Major International Hospitals in Bangkok yesterday, and was speaking with some of the staff from the International department. They didn't give me the exact figures, but said the amount of Medical Tourists has plummeted, and this is supposed to be the busiest time of the year, and it is now very, very quiet.

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I was in one ot the Major International Hospitals in Bangkok yesterday, and was speaking with some of the staff from the International department. They didn't give me the exact figures, but said the amount of Medical Tourists has plummeted, and this is supposed to be the busiest time of the year, and it is now very, very quiet.

i was having lunch in the lower suk area yesterday and the "rescue" boys were out soliciting donations in lieu of the lower than anticipated amount of farangs they get to cart off to the hospital on a regular basis.

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F1fanatic,only bigots,and the self righteous would see "thailand and its apalling reputation" in this way and there are thousands of them out there and they make me sick with their hypocracy.

Me too!

Can't hear it no more!

I wouldn't like to live in their paranoid projections.... of doom 'n gloom, ah' well if they feel fit and well in it, they are welcome to hel_l! :o

Edited by Samuian
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Asian meltdown. Thailand next?


I've quoted the main gist below.

'The strong yen has savaged the competitiveness of Japanese goods such as cars and electronics at a critical moment. A record-breaking fall in industrial output figures for November showed that the country’s huge manufacturing economy is collapsing far more rapidly and painfully than even the bleakest market forecasts believed possible. The 8.1 per cent month-on-month slide — a dramatic collapse from the 3.1 per cent decline logged in October, stunned many economists. Richard Jerram, of Macquarie Securities, said that the pace of collapse had almost gone beyond the point of sensible analysis.'

Same for Thailand?

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F1fanatic,only bigots,and the self righteous would see "thailand and its apalling reputation" in this way and there are thousands of them out there and they make me sick with their hypocracy.

Me too!

Can't hear it no more!

I wouldn't like to live in their paranoid projections.... of doom 'n gloom, ah' well if they feel fit and well in it, they are welcome to hel_l! :o

I miss your point. You think Thailand doesn't have the reputation of a sex (pat) tourist paradise? What world are you living in?!

Thailand has got far more to offer - it doesn't have to rely on a sleazy reputation. It's so beautiful it can survive without it. The other asian countries will benefit as families and other tourists who are repelled by the reputation go elsewhere!

By the way, I resent your comment re hypocrisy, I pride myself on never, ever being anything close!

Edited by F1fanatic
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Landlady of our local pub told me last night (about 1-00 in the morning ..nice session) that the brewery is cutting the price of a pint of Fosters by 20 pence from next week.

This is on top of our wonderfull Prime Ministers 2.5 % reduction on VAT recently..(6 pence..off)

so all in all gone down by 26 p...... :D ...........

if thats a depression..... :D:o cant complain...

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In the Bangkok Post was a piece yesterday that Vietnam was getting 64 billion dollars in foreign investment this year which is up from 20 billion last year. Now that should be a warning to Thailand but apparently not!

I was in the Philippines last week looking at a business there. I was told that the law on foreign investment had changed that week. If I employ 10 Philippino staff I will get permanent residential status, can own land as well.

I like it here and my business is doing very well despite the gloom but.............................

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In the Bangkok Post was a piece yesterday that Vietnam was getting 64 billion dollars in foreign investment this year which is up from 20 billion last year. Now that should be a warning to Thailand but apparently not!

I was in the Philippines last week looking at a business there. I was told that the law on foreign investment had changed that week. If I employ 10 Philippino staff I will get permanent residential status, can own land as well.

I like it here and my business is doing very well despite the gloom but.............................

This is a telling posting. It might be tempting to see recent events as the reason for Thailand's recent decline. As we know one very big part is the state of the world economy. Nevertheless, for 5 years or more Thailand seems to have turned against the farangs, just take the 'visa' situation as an example. You are left with the impression that we are not wanted save as 5 star tourists who come meekly to financial slaughter.

But. I went to Khao San Rd yesterday and I must say it was bustling. the shops and stalls had some terrific new gear, cheaply priced. So maybe people at grass roots are already adapting. It reminded me why Thailand is so great. It was also affordable and that's going to be very important over the next couple of years.

People will put up with budget class service, dodgy taps, the occasional rat, and even the odd blockade just as long as they feel they have had good value for money and a good time overall. Thailand as a 5* destination- come off it? who wants it anyway?

Mine was the only English accent as far as I could tell. I think that underlines the point about affordability- (vis a vis, exchange rate)

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Do people still drink Fosters??. :D Or are they the new age Paul Hogan :o

Yeah ...Kau jai....bit of a sad git..........used to get funny looks when I ordered it up in the Sharkys Bar in Sutherland,Sydney but over 'ere its permit-able....On a cold night however ..like tonight coz its FFFFF...FF.Freezing..I might just be convinced to have a pint or 3 of Old Boot........


Boot Warmer

ABV 5.2%

Boot Warmer is a dark, full-bodied winter ale full of rich flavours, brewed from the finest East Anglian ale malt, with a delicate combination of crystal and chocolate malts producing the rich, dark and exceptionally smooth beer.

Available to buy from Monday 1st December 2008 to Friday 23rd January 2009.

not bad......and its 26 p a pint cheaper..... :D

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meanwhile still on the subject of RIP OFF [/size]Beer prices

getting more realistic coz.........

99 Pence aPint........about 50Bt....yes

THE price of a pint of beer was slashed to just 99p yesterday by pub chain JD W.........guess

G King IPA now costs nearly two thirds less than the average £2.75 price of a pint.

Bottled San Miguel will also sell for under a quid at the firm’s 713 boozers.

Other lager, wine and spirit prices were also cut and meals will be available from £2.99. (150 Bt) :D

Beer last cost less than £1 a pint 20 years ago.

Chief executive JH said “People enjoy going to the pub. But we appreciate the economic downturn means they now have to be more careful with their money.

“Our new food and drink prices will allow people to enjoy a visit to a W pub without it costing them too much. :D

“Unlike most sales that start in January, our offers won’t end within days but will run indefinitely.”

Ws move comes as pubs are battered by the credit crunch.

Beer sales have hit their lowest level for 40 years and drinkers prefer to buy mega-cheap booze from supermarkets.

so where can I buy a pint for less that 49 bt...? :o

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If the flang dollars slow down a lot more business will go. Has anyone ever tryed to figure how much money is sent into Thailand each month to take care of Girlfriends and wifes/

Dont know, but I read once that overseas Phillipine workers send home equvialent of 1/3 the GDP.

Then again, thais and overseas (real) work?

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quote ..... where can I buy a pint for less that 49 bt.

in any mom and pop store with a table and stools ( concrete or wooden ) outside , in ANY town or village in thailand

no silly licencing laws ... if its open they will sell you booze.

enjoy your 40 baht yi ( large ) leo , chang , singha etc .


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