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Thaksin Gets More Time To Fight Assets Seizure Case

sriracha john

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I hope the money eventually gets plowed in to the Thai education system (allocated by Norwegians, ha ha)

Really though, compelling poor children to miss going to school because their parents can't afford the NEW books, NEW clothes, NEW shoes, NEW everything that are required, is sad.

Some money could get allocated to helping hill tribers, some of whom have been in Thailand for generations, get citizenship. Currently, there are hundreds of thousands of people residing in Thailand who don't have citizenship, nor rights to travel, to own things, to work, because they're kept as non-citizens by the elitists in Bangkok. Not so for Chinese descent.

The current bribe amount for gaining a Thai ID card are between Bt.15,000 and Bt.200,000 which go directly to pu yai ban (village headmen). Perhaps 1/10th of 1% of Thaksin's ill-gotten money could go to paying those extortions to enable hill tribers to become regular citizens, instead of staying marginalized non-citizens under the current xenophobic policies.

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I was always wondered what the red revolution would look like
May be let's start with executions...

Now I have no doubts left.

Don't you frame me by half-quoting. The full sentense is "May be let's start with executions of all the past dictators well proven to had masterminded the mass killings of peaceful protestors 15 - 25 years ago?"

Well, judging from your uniformed mindset, you probably worshipped the Thai dictators like Sujinda who is well known to be awarded with lavish estate/guarding soldiers in Lopburi and still come out in public occasionally to give supports to the current dictatorial body.

Edited by emancipationthailand
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If he wants to fight the case, he should return to TH and do it in person :)

I doubt that know about a certain Phillipine's incident (deadly machine gun attack at the airport) which resemble Thailand? That's alone greatly hinder the possibility.

Aquino wasn't killed with a machine gun.

The differences between Aquino and Thaksin are astronomical to the point of their personalities and beliefs being polar opposites.

Very much like Thaksin stupidly comparing himself to Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Aung San Suu Kyi, Gandhi, or some other of his absurd analogies.

btw, it's spelled Philippines.

And Benino Aquino was not coming back to face jail time,

He was not a criminal, nor had tried to cause insurrection,

he had been run off for speaking his mind.

Thaksin is no Aquinio.

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I hope the money eventually gets plowed in to the Thai education system (allocated by Norwegians, ha ha)

Really though, compelling poor children to miss going to school because their parents can't afford the NEW books, NEW clothes, NEW shoes, NEW everything that are required, is sad.

Some money could get allocated to helping hill tribers, some of whom have been in Thailand for generations, get citizenship. Currently, there are hundreds of thousands of people residing in Thailand who don't have citizenship, nor rights to travel, to own things, to work, because they're kept as non-citizens by the elitists in Bangkok. Not so for Chinese descent.

The current bribe amount for gaining a Thai ID card are between Bt.15,000 and Bt.200,000 which go directly to pu yai ban (village headmen). Perhaps 1/10th of 1% of Thaksin's ill-gotten money could go to paying those extortions to enable hill tribers to become regular citizens, instead of staying marginalized non-citizens under the current xenophobic policies.

All laudable notions.

The school system here has been an exercise at Nation Building via phsycology.

At a cross roads of multiple cultures it is harder to create an homogenized culture, to be labeled, in this case, Thai.

So the schools and scouting have been used to inculcate a 'sameness' across many divergent peoples such as

Issan/Lao and Khmer, and Malay and Burmese peoples into one and what is thought to be native Thai,

and of course the large Chinese component. This as as a by product created a xenophobia against all

who wish to maintain their own indigenous culture, such as Hilltribes.

It also is part of the reason NEW Clothes and Shoes and 'Utter Sameness' and conformity of dress is demanded.

Which is so hypocritical considering the millennia of inter-breeding between ALL these cultures.

And the fact Thailand as a concept is an actuality only 80 years or so.

It is this YOUTH of the Thailand concept that has prevented

a loosening of the school inculcated 'anti-other' brain washing.

The Puyai Banns and officials in the country are ALL products of this mind altering system.

Lead to believe that 'all that won't homogenize COMPLETELY are against the country',

because they are resiting become 'Real Thais'. So must be labeled an Other Group.

Hence the difficulty for any group wishing to still maintain their indigenous culture to also join the Thai culture.

What SHOULD be celebrated as and incredible range of diversity of cultures within Thailand,

and marketed internationally, is instead demonized for nationalistic reasons.

And as with any nationalist project ANYONE not us is

a ) Not as good as us.

b ) A danger to the community.

c ) Need to be marginalized for being different.

d ) A target for repression or profit taking

Most hilltribe people would be glad to become Thai citizens, as long as

they are not forced to abandon their centuries of family culture.

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I was always wondered what the red revolution would look like
May be let's start with executions...

Now I have no doubts left.

Don't you frame me by half-quoting. The full sentense is "May be let's start with executions of all the past dictators well proven to had masterminded the mass killings of peaceful protestors 15 - 25 years ago?"

Well, judging from your uniformed mindset, you probably worshipped the Thai dictators like Sujinda who is well known to be awarded with lavish estate/guarding soldiers in Lopburi and still come out in public occasionally to give supports to the current dictatorial body.

Using the word TRIALS versus EXECUTIONS, would have been more to the point and less absurd.

The big difference is most all of these PAST deposed dictators either

a ) quietly slid to the back ground and remained there relatively silently.

b ) a few never returned from exile.

Thaksin on the other hand, has circled Thailand like a hungry hawk looking for mice,

fomenting street violence, and dissent, and insurrection. He did NOT, as he promised,

quietly go away and quit politics. So he has put himself in a completely different class of

deposed despots or maybe proto-despot in his case. He was working towards that level of control,

but was sent off the field before he consolidated his megalomaniac dream scenario.

Sujinda 'awarded a lavish estate', I doubt that, he had it already.

he was told to go there and shut up, or we take it from you,

and Sujinda agreed, so he could finish his life cushilly in LOS.

No doubt he DOES need serious guards because some of his victim's relatives

might still want to get him for past deeds. Like Elephants people have long memories too.

I doubt you can find a farang who EVER "worshipped" Sujinda at any time.

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More of what is coming:
I'll gather for a harsh retaliation against Junta's intelligences/PRs/media networks.

I guess there will be sense of humor removal program, too.

Well noting how harsh Thaksin's retaliations to anyone daring to speak against him were when In Office,

it's pretty chilling to imagine what he would do to those who actively took him down.

It's also pretty chilling that you are ready to go to that party and help out.

So, got your witch hunt clothes all picked out? Torches and pitch fork at the ready?

I really think that those running the trial are taking all this into consideration;

not letting him have his pile back to use against them later must be high on the agenda.

Fortunately for them, there seems likely to be a preponderance of good evidence showing

Thaksin did get much of his "unusual wealth" via policy corruption and hiding of assets.

He seemed to be too arrogant to bother with hiding the paper trail neurotically...

As show by his attitude on the Rachada' land case. Seems the thought of silencing them

with money, lawyers, or 'other means' was thought enough disincentive to going after his interests.

Seems a mis-judgement of his ongoing power. He seems to do that a lot.

Basic question:

If Thaksin did NOT lay claim to this money while in office as PM...

as he was not SUPPOSED to be the owner,

why is he fighting so hard to get it back for himself????

If he was not the real controlling interest in this money,

and didn't send it off shore illegally to hide it,

then what rights does he NOW have to CLAIM it?

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I wish there was at least one Customs officer at the airport who did his job - when Pojaman left, a week or so after her husband was tossed out by the coup d'etat. Actually, I believe she returned and split several times during those weeks, each time with a bunch of overstuffed suitcases.

Imagine what goodies might have been in those dozens of extra large suitcases that the Mrs and her kids took out of Thailand.

That doesn't count the dozens of large suitcases that Mr. T himself took out of Thailand, on his last trip, just before the coup, but at least then, he was still caretaker PM, so not subject to inspections (in other words, he was allowed to break the law, in a Nixonian sort of way). Yet, after the coup, he was not caretaker PM, so his family should have had no special privileges - to circumvent customs inspection. Of course there's zero possibility that Customs officials will be prosecuted for dereliction of their duties.

Edited by brahmburgers
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I wish there was at least one Customs officer at the airport who did his job - when Pojaman left, a week or so after her husband was tossed out by the coup d'etat. Actually, I believe she returned and split several times during those weeks, each time with a bunch of overstuffed suitcases.

Imagine what goodies might have been in those dozens of extra large suitcases that the Mrs and her kids took out of Thailand.

That doesn't count the dozens of large suitcases that Mr. T himself took out of Thailand, on his last trip, just before the coup, but at least then, he was still caretaker PM, so not subject to inspections (in other words, he was allowed to break the law, in a Nixonian sort of way). Yet, after the coup, he was not caretaker PM, so his family should have had no special privileges - to circumvent customs inspection. Of course there's zero possibility that Customs officials will be prosecuted for dereliction of their duties.

Other than being super hi-so

and so rich no one would stop him for fear

he WOULD get the job back and bury them.

And the pastery box for the boss was wedding cake size....

No doubt one of his oft used perks in office was; no searches in or out.

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Aide of Thaksin's Divorced Wife Testifies in Shin Corp Share Case

The personal secretary to Pojaman Damapong, former wife of fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, told the court that the Revenue Department's demand for the payment of unpaid tax from the Shin Corp share sales was a misunderstanding in the calculation of the tax.

Testifying before the Supreme Court's division for cases against political post holders, Kanjanapa Honghern, personal secretary of Pojaman Damapong, former wife of ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra, insisted the share transaction of Shin Corporation to Ample Rich Company, owned by their children, Panthongtae and Pinthongtha, was in accordance with the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Kanjanapa says the sale price was the same as the price of the shares on the stock market and there was no share concealment.

She added that the family's mistake which resulted in the Revenue Department's demand for the settlement of unpaid tax plus fine was caused by their unawareness that they had to include the shares they acquired indirectly in the tax calculation.

The charges stem from the Attorney-General's complaint asking the Supreme Court's division for cases against political post holders to confiscate 76 billion baht in cash and assets of Thaksin and his family that were acquired when they sold off their Shin Corp shares to Singapore's Temasek Holdings.

The Attorney-General alleged that the increased wealth of the Shinawatra family was dubiously amassed while Thaksin was in office.

The court's hearing for 55 witnesses of the defence and 52 witnesses of the prosecution will conclude on October 27 and November 19 respectively.


-- Tan Network 2009-07-23

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So that's it? The supposedly "firm" date of July 16th has been moved again? Come on Thailand! The state's case against Thaksin is provable in so many ways, please stop delaying and take it already!!!

I agree with posters above that it should be used for education. Now if only there was a way that it could be used to reform the education system to promote independent, critical thought...

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Exactly. They will be hearing witnesses all summer and into the October

and then another patch through to November.

And this will of course dovetail with any potential election

and keep Thaksin on tenterhooks for several months.

When he is under pressure his rationality in decision making depreciates noticeably.

This may make for an interesting fall.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well now we find out how sharp she is:

Does she know anything, or is she a figure head?

Can she hide what she knows effectively, or again, just a prop.

Play dumb and cute and say little. Or slip up and let the cast free.

Is she and active part of the over arching clan deals, or window dressing in the front office?

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Thaksin's Sister Testifies at Asset Seizure Trial

A sister of the fugitive and ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra gave her testimony at the section for criminal cases for persons in political positions of the Supreme Court, regarding the seizure of 76 billion baht in assets of the former premier.

In the ongoing trial of the confiscation of 76 billion baht worth of assets belonging to the former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his immediate family members, Thaksin's younger sister, Yingluk Shinawatra said she purchased two million units of shares from Thaksin in 2001, as he was preparing to enter politics.

She admitted that they didn't inform the Securities and Exchange Commission of the transaction as she thought it was a small transaction and it did not require notification.

During the trial, Yingluk broke into tears when asked about her relationship with Thaksin.

She said Thaksin was like a father to her as he paid for her education after their mother passed away.

Yingluk said Thaksin was a good brother who always took care of her family.

The court also summoned a representative from ICT Morgan, an independent financial consultant, to testify regarding his advisory role in the selling of Shin Corp shares to Temasek Holdings.

The Attorney-General's Office submitted a request to the court to seize assets valued at 76 billion baht belonging to Thaksin's family, as well as interests generated from the assets, in a bid to put them into the nation's treasury. The assets in question were believed to be acquired with conflicts of interest.


-- Tan Network 2009-08-07

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