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Pad Announcement 29/2008: Conditions For New Government


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Do you actually hear yourself speak or is it a dismbodied voice?

Your dislike of PAD is so severe you can even accuse them of killing their own people.

They never needed to do that, and any halfway neutral observer could see that.

And by the way your Avatar lable "fists of pad" shows :

Hands gripping forearms in a show of unity and strength.

it is an age old design, showing that 4 together can lift much more than one alone.

This is the same basic grip many people use to build 'human towers' at festivals

and not at all violent.

I already changed my avatar, but they have not been peaceful, and their logo has fists so to me their logo fits.

I hear myself speak (although technically we are posting not speaking), and tell me why is it that when these bombs go off the PAD would not allow police in to investigate for several hours? Why did the PAD during the OCT 7 clash with police try to say a man got his leg blown off, and cause a huge upset only to find out days later they were lying? there is video of said man with his leg already missing prior to the OCT clash????

And they did need to do that (bomb themselves), they needed the POOR "peaceful" PAD protestors are getting bombed, which causes an outrage, which intern causes more people to join them. And last but not least I am not neutral, I don't like Thaksin, and I don't like the PAD leaders, I think both sides leaders are scum and should be behind bars for the laws they broke, only Thaksin did not do any damage to Thailand on the international or even a local level like PAD's closer of airports (4 of them), seaports, and train service did.

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If they want to change the country then form a political party. Who are they to demand changes when they are not voted by the people? Also the bombs came from within, they bombed themselves in a pathetic attempt to gain sympathy....

Are you for real, how more pathetic can you get?

Abhisit gets higher number of endorsement votes than Pracha

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva appears to win the PM voting as more MPs endorsed him than those who endorsed Puea Pandin Party leader Pracha Promnok.

A total of 214 MPs endorsed Abhisit compared with 195 MPs who endorsed Pracha.

However, the number of MPs who endorsed MPs did not make a simple majority of 219 votes, required for winning the post. There are currently 437 MPs.

The Nation

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[sup][/sup]Many people here describe the PAD as anarchists. I prefer to call them good citizens who are devoted to their country. Why do so many think it is wrong to demand honest politicians, laws that protect citizen's rights, good government of, for and by the People, and free and honest elections?

To me, the proposals put forth by PAD are reasonable and justified, and in fact should be applied to the United States of America. Certainly corruption is as rampant in the USA as in Thailand, and the United States Bill of Rights, amendments to the Constitution, is under attack by these dishonest politicians as much as the Thai political system is. It appears that the people of Thailand are tired of the abuse and corruption and have acted.

Now, if only we in the USA could get organized enough to do the same!

Why would we need to be on the brink of a civil war, shutting down our infrastructure because of corrupt politicians, don't you read/watch news? Corrupt politicians get caught and have a trail, and go to jail..... In fact even Thaksin got convicted, and a large chunk of his assets frozen....

The correct way to deal with corruption (a politician breaking the law) is through the courts, not by breaking the law to protest a law breaker...

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Who are they to demand changes when they are not voted by the people?

The ARE the people. It's people right, and even their duty, to demand things from the government.

I'm not even going to comment on bombing themselves theory.

I agree the people have a right, in fact a duty when they don't agree with the course of the government, to peacefully protest... The protests strike awareness, and hopefully bring about change, change in the politicians, change in the next voting cycle.... Those changes happen if the majority of people believe in your cause.

BUT (and this part you won't answer because you never do :o ).... Taking over 4 airports, government buildings, shooting at TV vans, kidnapping police, savagely beating a suspected RED shirt supporter, are NOT peaceful protests. Demanding changes with the threat of repeating said actions is not making a citizens demand, it is an attempt to hold the country at ransom.

No those were not peaceful actions.

They were the actions of a small group of YOUNG people, a small part of a much larger group.

A group that had endured weeks of shootings and grenade attacks in the night.

So the YOUNGER group would likely not be well disposed to allowing

'questionable characters' near the main group. Since some of these outsiders

have proved to BE KILLERS.... not hypothetical danger, but ACTUAL danger.

I never saw the Gov. house seige as holding the country hostage, just one office building.

The airports were over the top for sure, and I wish that had never transpired, but it did.

As PAD issues wind their way through the courts, until they are CONVICTED,

they have as much right to tell the nations leaders what they expect of them,

as ANY Issan farmer or Phuket BnB operator.

Regardless of group or sub-group actions, PAD rank and File ARE STILL Thai people. Citizens.

All voters as far as can be seen, and just because you hate Sondhi,

doesn't give you the right to stiffle the little members voices when speaking of their government.

If this time there is a government that actual WILL listen rather than

blatantly say F.U. we don't care what you think.

There would be little need for marches and take overs.

No Thaksin puppets, no need to madly marching against them.

This comment is observational, not directly supportive.

So don't go screaming PAD yada yada yada at me.

It is possible to agree with some of a groups goals,

and not agree with motus operandi or total platoform of action.

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If they want to change the country then form a political party. Who are they to demand changes when they are not voted by the people? Also the bombs came from within, they bombed themselves in a pathetic attempt to gain sympathy....

Are you for real, how more pathetic can you get?

Abhisit gets higher number of endorsement votes than Pracha

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva appears to win the PM voting as more MPs endorsed him than those who endorsed Puea Pandin Party leader Pracha Promnok.

A total of 214 MPs endorsed Abhisit compared with 195 MPs who endorsed Pracha.

However, the number of MPs who endorsed MPs did not make a simple majority of 219 votes, required for winning the post. There are currently 437 MPs.

The Nation

What does that vote have to do with bombings? Are you saying it was the MPs :o ? I mean the two are not related...

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Who are they to demand changes when they are not voted by the people?

The ARE the people. It's people right, and even their duty, to demand things from the government.

I'm not even going to comment on bombing themselves theory.

I agree the people have a right, in fact a duty when they don't agree with the course of the government, to peacefully protest... The protests strike awareness, and hopefully bring about change, change in the politicians, change in the next voting cycle.... Those changes happen if the majority of people believe in your cause.

BUT (and this part you won't answer because you never do :o ).... Taking over 4 airports, government buildings, shooting at TV vans, kidnapping police, savagely beating a suspected RED shirt supporter, are NOT peaceful protests. Demanding changes with the threat of repeating said actions is not making a citizens demand, it is an attempt to hold the country at ransom.

No those were not peaceful actions.

They were the actions of a small group of YOUNG people, a small part of a much larger group.

A group that had endured weeks of shootings and grenade attacks in the night.

So the YOUNGER group would likely not be well disposed to allowing

'questionable characters' near the main group. Since some of these outsiders

have proved to BE KILLERS.... not hypothetical danger, but ACTUAL danger.

I never saw the Gov. house seige as holding the country hostage, just one office building.

The airports were over the top for sure, and I wish that had never transpired, but it did.

As PAD issues wind their way through the courts, until they are CONVICTED,

they have as much right to tell the nations leaders what they expect of them,

as ANY Issan farmer or Phuket BnB operator.

Regardless of group or sub-group actions, PAD rank and File ARE STILL Thai people. Citizens.

All voters as far as can be seen, and just because you hate Sondhi,

doesn't give you the right to stiffle the little members voices when speaking of their government.

If this time there is a government that actual WILL listen rather than

blatantly say F.U. we don't care what you think.

There would be little need for marches and take overs.

No Thaksin puppets, no need to madly marching against them.

This comment is observational, not directly supportive.

So don't go screaming PAD yada yada yada at me.

It is possible to agree with some of a groups goals,

and not agree with motus operandi or total platoform of action.

I am done posting on this, as well I think what the PAD first set out to do was GOOD, however their actions in recent months make them an unpeaceful law breaking group that should go to jail. Peaceful protests and overtaking government building, airports, seaport, trains are not the same thing....

If they had done peaceful protests marching along sidewalks, meeting in parks, I would be 100% in support of them as I think Thanksin is a scum bag, but they did not they choose to try and shutdown Thailands government and infastructure as a means to make their point. I will never support such actions.

As far as my right to stuffle their voices... come on Sondi was not the only one closing airports, seaports, government buildings no it took those "little members" to do it, in fact those "little members" should be jailed for their actions as well. And I am 100% in support of them having a voice, and yelling all day long about the problems they face... But I am not for allowing them to do the actions they did..... Having a voice and forcing your opinion are two different things.

Edited by MyphuketLife
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If PAD don't get their way then watch out Thailand:



Is Sondhi's PAD now a brainwashed political cult?

The Nation

So the prophet said it over the weekend: "If by dying the country will improve, let death visit us today. It's better than being alive otherwise".

These Davidian-like words were from no other than the supreme prophet, Sondhi Limthongkul, leader of the self-styled anti-Thaksin and anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy Today the PAD movement resembles a political cult. Sondhi himself was a former cheerleader of Thaksin Shinawatra but is now a repentant man on a mission to eradicate Thaksin and his proxy from power. This gives him an almost messianic aura and mission. And there are rituals PAD supporters have gone through over the past two years, in order to prepare them for their "final battle". Never mind if the expression "final battle" has been used many times by PAD leadership - like some born-again Christians who await the Judgement Day, the date can always be re-set to fit the expired deadline.After months of mutual brainwashing, and with the majority of Thai mainstream media nurturing and uncritically psupporting them, these people no longer dwell in rationality, law and responsibility. By now, the PAD has grown into a self-righteous semi-fascist monster propelled by its own intolerant political cult willing to ruin Thailand in order to achieve its elusive political "salvation".

Edited by clausewitz
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Do you actually hear yourself speak or is it a dismbodied voice?

Your dislike of PAD is so severe you can even accuse them of killing their own people.

They never needed to do that, and any halfway neutral observer could see that.

And by the way your Avatar lable "fists of pad" shows :

Hands gripping forearms in a show of unity and strength.

it is an age old design, showing that 4 together can lift much more than one alone.

This is the same basic grip many people use to build 'human towers' at festivals

and not at all violent.

I already changed my avatar, but they have not been peaceful, and their logo has fists so to me their logo fits.

I hear myself speak (although technically we are posting not speaking), and tell me why is it that when these bombs go off the PAD would not allow police in to investigate for several hours? Why did the PAD during the OCT 7 clash with police try to say a man got his leg blown off, and cause a huge upset only to find out days later they were lying? there is video of said man with his leg already missing prior to the OCT clash????

And they did need to do that (bomb themselves), they needed the POOR "peaceful" PAD protestors are getting bombed, which causes an outrage, which intern causes more people to join them. And last but not least I am not neutral, I don't like Thaksin, and I don't like the PAD leaders, I think both sides leaders are scum and should be behind bars for the laws they broke, only Thaksin did not do any damage to Thailand on the international or even a local level like PAD's closer of airports (4 of them), seaports, and train service did.

They didn't trust the police on site not to either whitewash it or find or plant false evidence.

They did let DIFFERENT police in later.

Kunying Porntip, national forensics expert and team would have been ushered in immediately.

She is trustworthy.

I saw the footage of the man without a leg, I have seen first hand a similar injury,

to the point of trying to staunch the bleeding arteries... this looked 100% real.

He is NOT the man disinformation campaigns tried to imply was legless before.

It didn't cause more to join them, it did get more around the country angry.

With Sae Dang training and encourageing to do this grenade attack,

they need not do it themselves. You notice Sae Dang is totally silent now.

You imagine Thaksin is not causing damage right now?

You don't think the Temasek deal didn't cause international and national damage.

And hows about the never to be recouped loan to Myanmar, used to by Shin Corp products.

Any time someone grabs something it is a making a fist.

Opposable thumbs make this a give. But it doesn't make it violent.

A small minority of PAD used violence, that doesn't make it an inherently violent organization.

The Red Shirts UDD DAAD used more violence against pPAD by far,

but that also doesn't mean that MOST DAAD/ UDD members are violent either.

You really need to see shades of GRAY, not black and white.... TIT, nothing is B & W here.

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I just love the constructive criticism you can muster up...

I just love how some people fail to see how anti-democratic, racist, violent, murderous and Nazi-like the PAD really are.

I'd compare them to sheep, but that would be putting them a little bit too high on the evolutionary scale.

Then it should be easy for you to point it out from their own words above.

I just love the constructive criticism you can muster up...

We are waiting for people like you to come out and defend it.

you have had countless months sticking up for this closet fascist idiot and now he is openly behaving as the true fascist idiot he is, the silence of the sheep is defening!

I would like to see somebody in power come out and say, if the PAD ever disrupt the country like they did last time, they will shoot every last one of them. That would be more sensible and democratic than what Herr Sondhi is on about.

If Thaksin ever wanted a mandate to come back, these cretins are going to give him it.

I'm not here to defend them, I don't agree with them. They might be considered a tool. A tool that will never hold power or will be the enemy if they do.

What you two, and so many others, seemingly fail to comprehend that writing posts (that was preceding mine in the thread and I was referring too) like 'sieg heil' is both childish and non-constructive.

I cannot understand why you two cannot understand that only be reasonable, cerebral, debate can others grasp what the bad point is and hopefully it will be shown clear from the offenders own words.

But the preceding posters, and to some degree you two, trample on like schoolyard bullies and declare your opinions right and put labels on the opponents. It doesn't matter if you are right, it still make you look like jerks. Mkay?

Be grownups - counter them with logic.

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A small minority of PAD used violence, that doesn't make it an inherently violent organization.

You really need to see shades of GRAY, not black and white.... TIT, nothing is B & W here.

Nothing is black and white anywhere....

To me overtaking 4 airports one of them a major international hub is part of the non-peaceful actions. and correct me if I am wrong but PAD leaders and followers (a majority not a minority fraction of PAD) were at swampy? making the PAD as a whole un-peaceful

Edited by MyphuketLife
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^And its the government's prerogative not to do as they demand.

But most if not all of PAD demands are consitutional duties of the government, the govt would answer those demands simply by following it's prescribed duties. It doesn't have the right to ignore them (and PAD's demands by extention).

Taking over 4 airports, government buildings, shooting at TV vans, kidnapping police, savagely beating a suspected RED shirt supporter, are NOT peaceful protests. Demanding changes with the threat of repeating said actions is not making a citizens demand, it is an attempt to hold the country at ransom.

Sporadic acts of violence you mention were commited by PAD guards, they have certainly overreacted on those occasions but it is also a fact they were provoked to act.

Taking over the govt house and airports are acts of civil disobedience, not violence. Were they justified? In my view - absolutely.

The govt was acting against the constitution, at least against the spirit of the constution (any edition, I might add), the govt itself was undermining the rule of law, and it's citizen's duty to oppose such governments.

Taking over airports might look like an overkill to you but not to the government iselft. The govt simply ceded them to the protesters, retreated to Chaing Mai and went on with business as usual. If not for the court's speedy reaction the airports might still be blocked and the govt would still be sitting up North without any intent to comply with its consitutional duties. It simply didn't give a <deleted> about lost airports.

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I am done posting on this


Okay now i am not done, thanks for such great insight, and compelling aurguments to change my view point!!!! Is that how you got to 21K posts by just replying with icons :o ...?

Since when did you think I was interested in changing the views of some just-signed-up, obviously insincere poster? It's a waste of time... which is why you garnered no more effort than an easily-posted smiley. But anyway, good to know you're done now.

Edited by sriracha john
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If PAD don't get their way then watch out Thailand:



Is Sondhi's PAD now a brainwashed political cult?

The Nation

So the prophet said it over the weekend: "If by dying the country will improve, let death visit us today. It's better than being alive otherwise".

These Davidian-like words were from no other than the supreme prophet, Sondhi Limthongkul, leader of the self-styled anti-Thaksin and anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy Today the PAD movement resembles a political cult. Sondhi himself was a former cheerleader of Thaksin Shinawatra but is now a repentant man on a mission to eradicate Thaksin and his proxy from power. This gives him an almost messianic aura and mission. And there are rituals PAD supporters have gone through over the past two years, in order to prepare them for their "final battle". Never mind if the expression "final battle" has been used many times by PAD leadership - like some born-again Christians who await the Judgement Day, the date can always be re-set to fit the expired deadline.After months of mutual brainwashing, and with the majority of Thai mainstream media nurturing and uncritically psupporting them, these people no longer dwell in rationality, law and responsibility. By now, the PAD has grown into a self-righteous semi-fascist monster propelled by its own intolerant political cult willing to ruin Thailand in order to achieve its elusive political "salvation".

If this was a general rallying his troups before battle for YOUR side this would be considered, good.

But because this is not an official army it is now labled a cult. It also would seem what they were up against,

has an equal measure of cult status, and a greater measure of violent propensity.

One mans brainwashing, is anothe rmans bucking up and encouragement in the face of possible death,

or dismemberment in a disjointed dialog for IDEAS and reduction of corruption.

The more corrupt are always the ones to use more aggressive violence in their cause.

Since BEING corrupt by it's nature means ignoring basic human proprieties for personal profit.

Lets NOW observe how the Cult In Red deals with loss of face... square face and rounded snouts in the trough....

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I am done posting on this


Okay now i am not done, thanks for such great insight, and compelling aurguments to change my view point!!!! Is that how you got to 21K posts by just replying with icons :o ...?

Since when did you think I was interested in changing the views of some just-signed-up, obviously insincere poster? It's a waste of time... which is why you garnered no more effort than an easily-posted smiley. But anyway, good to know you're done now.

and what, ohh wise one, makes me insincere? I sincerely believe the PAD actions were/are wrong. I sincerely believe your post was worthless.

I sincerly believe the point of the FORUM is to have an open discussion on topics/events in thailand is it not? Anyway I doubt you will bring any points to the discussion just sarcasm....

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I'm new on the forum. I read this post and find it very scary - these guys from the PAD are nazi's! They would not be allowed to exist in any other society. I hope that the new Democrat PM locks them up.

Uh, what?

In countries much freeing than this they most surely would be allowed to exist. isn't that the foundation of democracy and freedom of speech - allowing the loudmouth morons to proclaim what they want too and accepting that they have the right to?

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I'm new on the forum. I read this post and find it very scary - these guys from the PAD are nazi's! They would not be allowed to exist in any other society. I hope that the new Democrat PM locks them up.

Uh, what?

In countries much freeing than this they most surely would be allowed to exist. isn't that the foundation of democracy and freedom of speech - allowing the loudmouth morons to proclaim what they want too and accepting that they have the right to?

No sedition, no yelling fire in a crowded theater.

Otherwise you're on your own.

Sadly I see more Nazi parallels with

Thaksin 'democracy bent towards total authoritarian' bent and his Red (Brown) Shirt mobs.

It's so easy to throw that word around, and seemingly so hard to UNDERSTAND it.

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Actually, you should be allowed to yell fire in a theater. You are however responsible for the outcome of your actions. If it was illegal to yell fire in a theater it would be so to do it clearly ironically from the stage itself. As has been said, there can never be any impose restrictions or it isn't a freedom of speech. The judge citing the line has been quoted way above his importance in the legal sense.

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Actually, you should be allowed to yell fire in a theater. You are however responsible for the outcome of your actions. If it was illegal to yell fire in a theater it would be so to do it clearly ironically from the stage itself. As has been said, there can never be any impose restrictions or it isn't a freedom of speech. The judge citing the line has been quoted way above his importance in the legal sense.

I believe the proper response is:

"The show must stop now,

please calmly, but quickly exit the theater for the moment."

Thank you for your understanding at this time.

The Thaksin era has ended,

please calmly, but quickly return to your homes

and await further developments. Leave your T-shirts in the lobby.

Thank you for your understanding at this time.

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There is quote from somewhere that springs to mind:

Just keep watching and read between the lines.

Even if they keep moving the lines,

the truth is still in there somewhere, warped as it likely is.

Its the PAD that keep moving the lines. They and their supporters have become a fanatical bunch of fascists. Now that there is a democratic PM, surely they should climb back under their stones - its one of their own afterall.

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There is quote from somewhere that springs to mind:

Just keep watching and read between the lines.

Even if they keep moving the lines,

the truth is still in there somewhere, warped as it likely is.

Its the PAD that keep moving the lines. They and their supporters have become a fanatical bunch of fascists. Now that there is a democratic PM, surely they should climb back under their stones - its one of their own afterall.

Oh, and Thaksin's minions never lied to us?

BOTH sides move the lines to their benefit when they can.

Demeaning your philosophical opponents is the first step

toward dehumanizing them, and then it's a quick jump off

into violence against them in the name of your ideology.

and that is civil war's basis.

You easily lable the rank and file PAD members as some sort

of sub-human weapon of political anarchy. I really doubt that.

They are simply people rallying around a cause they believing in.

Even if YOU don't believe in what they do.

The Dems and PAD had some parallel aims, but they are two different entities,

even if one person has been in both camps. I think the Dems are getting demonized,

for PAD's actions, tarred with the same brush,

and conveniently ignored when the say PAD is doing wrong.


Enough of the PPP / TRT coalition members saw the writing on the wall to bail on Thaksin

no matter WHAT financial incentives were involved. It's a done deal.

Whining on about it does nothing. They have done it " The Thai Way" .

So why not chill out.

Edited by animatic
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...... I think the Dems are getting demonized,

for PAD's actions, tarred with the same brush,

and conveniently ignored when the say PAD is doing wrong........

"and conveniently ignored when the say PAD is doing wrong."

Are there many (any?) instances of this - say in the last 6 months?

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If PAD don't get their way then watch out Thailand:



Is Sondhi's PAD now a brainwashed political cult?

The Nation

So the prophet said it over the weekend: "If by dying the country will improve, let death visit us today. It's better than being alive otherwise".

These Davidian-like words were from no other than the supreme prophet, Sondhi Limthongkul, leader of the self-styled anti-Thaksin and anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy Today the PAD movement resembles a political cult. Sondhi himself was a former cheerleader of Thaksin Shinawatra but is now a repentant man on a mission to eradicate Thaksin and his proxy from power. This gives him an almost messianic aura and mission. And there are rituals PAD supporters have gone through over the past two years, in order to prepare them for their "final battle". Never mind if the expression "final battle" has been used many times by PAD leadership - like some born-again Christians who await the Judgement Day, the date can always be re-set to fit the expired deadline.After months of mutual brainwashing, and with the majority of Thai mainstream media nurturing and uncritically psupporting them, these people no longer dwell in rationality, law and responsibility. By now, the PAD has grown into a self-righteous semi-fascist monster propelled by its own intolerant political cult willing to ruin Thailand in order to achieve its elusive political "salvation".

If this was a general rallying his troups before battle for YOUR side this would be considered, good.

But because this is not an official army it is now labled a cult. It also would seem what they were up against,

has an equal measure of cult status, and a greater measure of violent propensity.

One mans brainwashing, is anothe rmans bucking up and encouragement in the face of possible death,

or dismemberment in a disjointed dialog for IDEAS and reduction of corruption.

The more corrupt are always the ones to use more aggressive violence in their cause.

Since BEING corrupt by it's nature means ignoring basic human proprieties for personal profit.

Lets NOW observe how the Cult In Red deals with loss of face... square face and rounded snouts in the trough....


& this is the very point that many of us have been making again, and again, and again. We do not support illegal, corrupt, violent, anti-social, murdurous or un-democratic activity on either, or any, side.

The PAD hardcore - you, Plus, H2O, SJ, etc do, again, and again, and again, and again, as long as it's your side who can seemingly do no wrong. Your rose-tinted spectacles are most amazing...

You: PAD spending weeks damaging public property is OK. DAAD throwing a few bricks, today is not. Me: both are wrong.

You: PAD guards shooting at, beating, killing... is understandable. DAAD killing a PAD member is wrong. Me: both are wrong.

You: PAD lawbreaking is OK. Thaksin lawbreaking is not OK. Me: both are wrong.

You: PAD buddying with Newin is OK. PPP buddying with him is evil. Me: he's an awful man that should be kicked out of politics.

You: PAD raging hate is just rallying the troops. DAAD doing the same is murdurous intent. Me: both are equally wrong.

You: PAD blocking the government from sitting for weeks is OK. DAAD outside government for one day is 'red animals': Me: PAD was far worse because they broke the law non-stop for weeks on end, designed by the leaders.

You: PAD kidnapping policeman and beating / murdering others at the airport, well he was a government informant / spy. Me: you are insane.

To be fair you're full of stamina whereas I, and I'd suggest many others, just can't be bothered to hear your one-sided rants any longer. Bye bye, you have now been added to my 'never reply to these crazy posters list' along with JDinAsia, Samuiman and Highdiver. Bring back ThaiGoon, at least he was mildly amusing from time to time and willing to have a flexible debate, the boy had potential...

Edited by Jai Dee
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