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Samak Had A Cooking Show


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thus should we expect Abhisit to be disqualified shortly?

Don't be silly, dave. You know full well that the courts (and the people behind the courts, pulling the strings) were so desperate to get rid of him (and the PPP) that they got him on this pathetic little indiscretion (which some posters on this forum appear to believe was as bad as genocide), so he had to go. Hurrah for the courts! That'll show the world how mature Thailand is.

As for Abhisit, he looks like a deer caught in the headlights. Best of luck to him - lets hope he can (i) resist all the offers he will be getting shortly to increase his net worth, and (ii) stick to his democrat principles. It'll be tough for him.

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Samak was paid by the media-company for presenting a cooking-&-politics show, while at the same time being PM of a government cracking-down on the media, a perceived conflict-of-interest, which he compounded by lying to the court about having received the payments.

If Abhisit were to start broadcasting, on a paid basis, I would expect him to face similar problems.

Fortunately he is likely to be rather too busy, with his new duties as PM, to wish to go moon-lighting. :o

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Dave, can you show me where serving in the military is mandatory for holding public office?

Exactly, and further to the point, if you attend military roll call and you receive an exemption (can be any number of things such as; the year's quota is allready filled, furthering your education, physical disability etc.), you have no obligation for military service in Thailand.

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