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Network Expert Needed Urgently


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Anyone know Cisco/juniper/HP..etc... data centers BACK TO FRONT!? pref Chiang Mai, or willing to meet in Cm in next week.

please pm, if you are an expert in this field, are interested in forming a new company, and are free mid january for 2 weeks for an initial visit to the locations in Africa.

Or if you are reading this post and know of a mid sized company able to install data centers that i could contact, please PM.

Unless you have a track record of very high end data center setup please do not apply. Similarly recruitment firms - i only need to speak to the expert involved for an initial presentation abroad.

thank you

Phone: Alex 085 705 9015 (chiang mai)

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contract in Africa.

Data center for bank(s), ideally i would like to find a medium sized Thai company. Or farang expert who can win the tender, and source staff from Thailand to work in Africa. Im not relying on Thai Visa, but I have had many PM's regarding the actual networking work, unfortunately i was not aware that the contract involves more than just connecting switches etc.

why Thailand? cheap labour, and skilled staff.

I felt sure the lure of cash would interest Thai companies, but for a strange reason they are scared of Africa.


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spot on! but tried them already, thank you very much,

aware gave me some good leads

also tried: http://www.huawei.com

and http://www.d1asia.co.th

but both too big - will take weeks just to find out the right person to speak to..

Never mind, looks like a pricey UK contractor will have to be bought. :o

Edited by UKWEBPRO
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