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Bangkok visa extentions / Be aware!

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Before using an agency for "visa runs" check this out:-

Posted by fester: Aug. 17 2003,17:30  


Yes, there is problems. Some 120 passports are currently siezed in Padang Besar / Sadao by Immigration investigators since last month. Most of the passports are from Bangkok visa agents. Seems that most of these agents have shut down recently.

Be careful. Travel by yourself.

Edited by fester on Aug. 17 2003,17:31

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I must admit I have used an agent in the past, when Mae sai border was closed. I posted my passport to a guy in Bangkok, he assured me it was quite legal. I paid him to courier the passport to Malaysia, I got it back within 10 days re stamped for 60 days. I am using a multiple entry none O, it can be a hassle when they close this border.  :o
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Hi there, All Y'All

My wife and I drove up to Maesai this morning for a walk accross to Burma and the nice lady in the Thai immigration Office made us Xerox every page in our passports having a Myanmar chop, write our full names and address on the copies and leave them with her office for forwarding to Immigration HQ.  

She also said that today would be the last time either of us would be permitted to do the Burma over and back -- an arrangement, she said, that would in future be available only to tourists and not to long-term visitors like us.

We must, she said, go out of Thailand and get ourselves another long-term visa.

Looks like we're for a trip to Penang next month.

Best ones -- Brian  :o

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My boyfriend went to Sadao (Malay border) yesterday to renew his visa in person.  Last month we sent our passports on a visa run through an agency.  He is now in jail.  Apparently our last visas are fake.  His court case is scheduled for Monday.  If he is allocated bail it will cost us 200,000 baht (£3,000) to get him out.  If not granted bail he remains in prison until the hearing (48 to 84 days!).

The last phone text message I received before he had his phone taken from him was at the police station "they are threatening me with anal sex.  Help."

I haven't heard from him since.  The British Consulate are trying to help but we can't find a thai/english solicitor in the area.    My nightmare has truly begun, as has his.

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Hey Brian

What kind of visa are you using? is it a non O multiple? Thats very bad news for me :o  I need you to confirm for me what hassle you had please. I am on a multiple non immigrant O from Penang. I will be most grateful for your input ???

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Can you please elaborate a little on what happened. I dont understand if you were on a multiple entry visa be it O or B why they advised you it would be the last time you could exit the country via Burma.  I mean unless Burma is now part of Thailand it is another country therefore filling the requirements that the immigration law states.

If it is true, what country is acceptable to exit and re enter Thailand from?  I am on a one year multiple B visa and usually do runs to Maesai as I live in Chiangmai.  Does this now mean that I should be booking flights to Singapore etc to do a visa run?  How is going to Penang or Singapore different from going to Burma?

Any further info on this would be much appreciated.

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Hello Catseyeland.

It is unfortunate that you sent your passports for visa. This is a scam. They use false rubber stamps and pretend that you have a new visa. Never give your passport to a third party for renewal. I have a friend who paid 2500 baht for a 30 extension in Myanmar, when he got to Bangkok airport they told him it was a fake and he paid 20,000 baht, just to get his plane!

As regards your friend in prison. Tell him to come clean, tell the truth, pay a fine 20,000-30,000 should be enough, agree to leave Thailand. Contact the British Embassy.

As regards sexual assault on your friend, ie. buggery. This is rare in Thai prison, ie. anal rape. If he can stand on his own two feet this is unlikely to happen. Thai prison is not as bad as Arab jail. There anal rape is a constant threat, and you just have to be tough.

I hope this is of some help.

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Hi there, pschef

Nope, I would say you have no problem at all. Like a dawk, I let my Multiple-O and Wifey's "follow" O run out and have been doing 30 day walks-to-Burma-and-back at Maesai. [i'm in Chiang Mai]

The Immigration lady was truly gracious, reminded me that my age and income make me a lead-pipe cinch to be permitted to retain my non-immigrat status and chided me for being so silly as to risk being turned away for lack of a visa.

She discreetly made it clear that her office was under strict instruction from HQ to report all long-staying "Tourists," to warn them to not do it any more and that it wasn't her choice or her district boss's.

Implicit in her manner and her words was that we would be kind to not cause her and her office to be embarrassed by having to be tough with folks like my wife and I.

It was a quite pleasant experience. Kinda sad -- not mean.

I'll go to Penang within the next month, get another O -- and will keep all y'all posted.

Best ones -- Brian  :o

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Hi there, All Y'All

My wife and I drove up to Maesai this morning for a walk accross to Burma and the nice lady in the Thai immigration Office made us Xerox every page in our passports having a Myanmar chop, write our full names and address on the copies and leave them with her office for forwarding to Immigration HQ.  

She also said that today would be the last time either of us would be permitted to do the Burma over and back -- an arrangement, she said, that would in future be available only to tourists and not to long-term visitors like us.

We must, she said, go out of Thailand and get ourselves another long-term visa.

Looks like we're for a trip to Penang next month.

Best ones -- Brian  :D

Not too sure if this can be true, over to you George? If you have a multiple entry Non O how can they refuse to let us renew it? ??? Thats the last time you can cross borders, I think Burma will be pissed about that? :o

Actually if you study that posting, it dosnt add, why need to go and get a long time visa outside. Surely you will have the same problem next time you do a visa run, it contradicts its self? I am right yes or no ???

Sorry now we see the full story :cool:

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Well, APEC is coming so they are going nuts. The local immigration officials have got shit from Bangkok HQ for beeing naughty boys. The country police chief threatens to dismiss or transfer them.... Oh boy.

My guess is that visa runs with a Non-Immigrant visa with two or more entries/multiples would not be a problem at all in the future.

But I believe that they will be real tuff about entering with 30 days stamps (no visa) repeatadly over a long period.

After APEC all will be "same same" again... :o

It's time to become legal! Just my 0.02 Baht.

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2 years ago whilst in thailand for 1 year on a non-imm. multiple entry visa ( because my wife is thai ) i used the services of an agency on samui to obtain the 90 day visa run exit/entry stamps. they kept the passport for a few days and sent it to the malay border.the agency was recommended by the local immigration office and also by many expats there.the fees were reasonable and the passport was returned on time all present and correct. we left the country 90 days later via don meuang, no problems.

my worry now after reading about the crackdowns etc. re. these agents and the border officials is that when we return to thailand in december for another stay, the entry exit stamps from last year will be picked up either on entry or later in the year with all the attendant problems although the stamps look exactly the same as the other malay border crossing stamps obtained that year in the correct way.

what chance of that happening??? or does the fact that i had already left the country, and that that visa is now out of date give me a clean sheet.

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Hi all,

I just did my Visa Run at Mae Sai yesterday (aug-29) and I thought I would offer up my experience.

A little Background first. I have Been living in Chiang Mai for just over 1 1/2 years. I moved here on short notice and didn't apply for a long term visa in advance, so I have been on the 30 day plan. My First three visa runs were at Mae Sai, the day before I was to do my fourth run Burma closed the boarder wiith Thailand. I had heard about "Traveless" Visa services before so I did some research and found one one that seemes reasonable. I used them for over a year without a problem. When I brought my passport to them this time they informed me they where out of that business and that I would have to goto Mae Sai myself.

Now I had little doubt the stamps on my Visa were real .. It is the fact that i was present that makes the whole thing illegal.

So up to Mae Sai I went. I walked into the Immigration office in time to hear the end of a conversation in which a farang man said "Next time maybe I won't come back to Thailand" I forgot to thank him for being a total Dick right before It was my turn.

Anyway, The woman behind the counter took my passport and started entering data into the computer .. she rattled some stuff  to a man in thai .. he asked me in english "how long will you be staying in Thailand?" I said "30 days, Then I have to leave again right?" (I was smiling and polite the whole time even if it reads sarcastic) then he said .. "Yes, but after that how long?." to which I said " I don't know Maybe I will come Back here Maybe I won't" He said Ok and gave me back my Passport. After we left the Office My girlfriend told me that the woman had said to the Man "ask him how long he is staying, If it is more than 30 days tell him he should do it the right way". They didn't put any kind of marking on my passport that would prevent me from coming back.

I crossed the Border with out incident, 15 minutes later I came Back through immigration, Filled out the paper work, and handed my passport over to the man. He spent about 5 or more minutes (seemed like forever) writing stuff down and then he handed me pack my passport with a new stamp and I left. Again I check for markings and again I found nothing.

I should note that my Traveless stamps were from Chiang Saen and Chiang Khong, So I didn't run into the problem of too many trips to Ma Sai that some people have.

Hope this help someone.


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Hi all,

I just did my Visa Run at Mae Sai yesterday (aug-29) and I thought I would offer up my experience .....

..... Hope this help someone.


Thanks Scott.

Must say, given that the Kingdom's wires and transponders and proxy servers have ears, you're quite a bit braver than me about posting the traveless chop stuff here. Chiang Mai's Namkhong Travel has been my friend-in-deed in that area of my life and, except for its last trip, which was to Malaysia, my passport's travels have been to similar places to those you've mentioned.

Now, though, I'm going to take the advice of the sweet Immigration Department lady and get me another Non-Imm. No excuse for having let the last one lapse. Just laziness and relaxed mai pen rai complacency.

I came here for a three-week holiday almost six years ago and although I have been out of Thailand for an aggregate eighteen months or so since then, my regular and constant Mae Sai and other chops go back that long -- and my total Thailand comings and goings about 40 years -- so I've had a pretty good run.

Best ones -- Brian  :o

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I my self have lived in this country for the last 3 years, and i come from a quite powerful thai family. I can't even help my staff member who has gone in to jail for a fake stamp. Trying to get two stories that match is impossible. If you get taken at the southern borders of thailand you will be in a lot of trouble. You can't bribe your way out, the bail will be set at a minimum 250,000 baht to which you still we have to go to court and will be deported from the country. this is just the thai goverment inforcing the law, to which they will take it all the way. If you can't afford to pay the bail you will be in jail for at least 20 days, then you will go to court. If anyone has a visa stamp with B008 around the border you have a fake stamp. The best thing is to loose your passport or get it wet so they can't read it. If you loose your passport make sure it is not where many people are losing them, as it will look a bit suspicious. If you want to speak to me email me on [email protected]

Good luck

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I did a false run about 2 years ago, when Mea Sai border was closed. the guy in BKK told me he was legitimate, I must say I was a bit suspicious. Since that time I had a new 1 year non O from Penang, but last time I crossed to Burma I had the same feeling???? The guy took ages to process me, as in the past it was quite easy.

The moral of this story is, be careful who you trust with your passport.

I am still a bit worried  even I have a new Visa, I still have that old visa run stamp? I will never speak his name, but he reckons to be  legitimate. Anyone wants to know send me a private message, don't be caught in the act. :o

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Scott i am assured by long term frangs that the travel agent just north of Darets is 100% reliable in obtaining visas. I do believe that there will continue to be problems with immigration until after the APEC summit in BKK


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Scott i am assured by long term frangs that the travel agent just north of Darets is 100% reliable in obtaining visas. I do believe that there will continue to be problems with immigration until after the APEC summit in BKK


Your post's supercilliousness demonstrates a EURO-peon's fantasized superiority -- but not much else. [Once-great] British?

I have made around 500 visits to Thailand during the past 40 years and have kept a house here for an aggregate twelve years or so, the past almost six years, continuously. Which probably qualifies me by any scale of reference as a foreigner [by any other name] of quite  "long term" standing. For whatever that is worth.

The Chiang Mai "travel agent just north of Darets" that your "authority:" -- "long term [Foreigners];" assures you is "100% reliable in obtaining visas," is quite clearly Company name removed.

Company name removed is the agency I have long dealt with and the one which recently sent to the Malaysian border every one of the scores of passports, at Two Thousand Baht per passport, it accepted last month from its trusting customers and [Effectively] contracted to send north to either Myanmar or Laos.

Every one of the passports came back with an Entry Stamp bearing the Agent-Identifying Number B008 which a previous poster has stated is a fraudulent stamp.

I claim no special knowledge and most certainly offer no "assurances" from any authority, real or delusional -- but have seen many passports from Company name removed, the "travel agent located just north of Darets" -- and every one bears that, allegedly fraudulent, stamp.

Further, I will be visiting the "travel agent located just north of Darets" today and if necessary again tomorrow and until I have talked with the owner and have obtained that person's explanation of the situation vis-a-vis these allegedly fraudulent "chops" -- and will post the information here as and when I have it to hand.

Best ones -- Brian  :cool:

Post edited, reason: Name of alleged travel agency removed, please see our

TOS (Terms of service and forum rules).


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Re all the comments on visa renewals....has anyone been to Poipet ( Cambodia) recently. I wonder if Brian's experiences at the Burma border are repeated there??  I have been doing the 1 monthly run for 6/7 months with no problem ...but what now.
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Yep that's the agency I used and they were great for over a year. In fact you are the one who informed me of them after Burma closed things off last May. But with them leaving the Business I think it is time for me to be legit again. It was only pure laziness that kept me from doing my own runs after the border re-opened .. this was the "kick in the ass" I needed. Plus now that I have decided to Stay and take a shot at having my own Business I would Rather not take any risks.


It seems we were using the Same Travel Agent .. Yet I have no entries with B008, I do have a B08 but that was from a trip I made myself. All the rest of my stamps have a different Numbers (No repeats).  I wonder if thats why you passport was photocopied (mine wasn't).The Gentelman who mentioned getting your passport "washed" might have the right idea, atleast that method wouldn't require a police report. Although I would call my Embassy first and act as if it already happened to find out what is required for a replacement.

Some final Thoughts for anyone still reading - It seems that all the farang crossing over at Mae Sai were dressed like beggers. I realize Thailand is Hot but you do have to visit Immigrations twice and you don't want to be the one the officer decides is "one smelly unclean farang too much".

Also There is no Point in Yelling or Complaining to these people, They do not have the authority to change policy. They do however have the authority to make things worse for you (or for the guy waiting in line behing you). So be polite and if you still feel like complaining do it to your peers.

Sorry to sound so preachy.


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Brian didn't not have any visa at all. Whilst security remains an issue, casual border walks will never be a feature of ' runs ' The Thai Authorities are looking for compliant stayers, and want proper visa's. Mai pen rai in this regard is over.

I repeat ...casual wanders on foot across borders, particularly those wanders that become regular are asking for trouble.

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