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Just started cleaning my pool myself as the cleaner was not doing a very good job and spent more time sitting down looking at my garden ! so can someone tell me if the red is high on the test kit PH do i add soda ash to reduce this ?. I assume that if the yellow is high CL then this means there is plenty clorine in and i do not need to add anymore ?.



I'm surprised that you were not able to find the answer on the Internet. This site will tell you all you need to know:


and your question has already been addressed at depth in earlier postings on this ThaiVisa swimming pool forum - you just need to search back a bit.

If you look more closely at yo r pool test kit, you will see that on one side it has graded yellow colours. One medium yellow is marked either with "IDEAL" or "1.0". If after adding the required number of drops of the yellow liquid int the tube, the colour of the water matches this, then it is obviously ideal. If the water is paler than the ideal colour, then add more chlorine. If it is darker, don't do anything - there is too much chlorine n the pool.

Basically, the same system works for ther pH test. There is a tube with reddish colors. One will have "IDEAL" and/or 7.6 marked on it on the right colour.

Your pool shop will advise you what chemicals to use to raise and lower the pH. Remember also that those simple chemicals are up to five times more expensive when you buy them in a pool shop.

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