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More Ecomomic Gloom

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Like I said, those heavily leveraged will suffer. Good. Serves the greedy gits right.

Those in untenable fatty jobs producing nothing will suffer. Good. Serves the useless shits right.

Those spending more than they earn will suffer. Good. Som nam na.

But those who have been frugal and lived within our means, who save before buying, who do due diligence before investing etc . we'll be fine, thank you very much. In fact, we'll be better than fine. We'll reap the benefits of others' mistakes.


How about creditors? Will they suffer...? What if they are very big creditors like China & Japan? It would be a nice world if those meant to suffer were the only ones suffering. Unfortunately it is not ebony & ivory.... Suffering might cause anger & then retaliation. Who knows....but good luck in thinking your fine & your world is somehow detached from this one.


Edited by flying
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As this thread is all about GLOOM, and if you have some spare time up your sleeve, you might like to search through this site which is guaranteed to add to your pessimism.

Ah, yes.


I check it out everday.

I think the charts, and youtube videos are chosen well.

I think some of the writings are done well also.

It's a good site. I've learned from it.

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