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Fast Growing Trees


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Does anyone have any suggestions on some fast growing trees that i can plant in CR to offer shield from neighbors houses. Trees would be planted on outside of my wall but fairly near wall so don't want anything whose roots would cause wall problems. Have thought of banana and bamboo but understand might be root problems? Any advice appreciated along with thai names of trees if possible.

Thank you.

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When you say "outside of my wall" - do you mean on the adjoining property to yours?

Anyhow, I had the same question about 8 years ago, and a young American guy suggested I plant acacia. There are several types of acacia available (I don't know the Thai name for acacia), but the type I planted are amazing. They started out as sprigs, no wider than my thumb, and about a meter tall. Each year they grow vigorously, so now, they're becoming stately giants - taller than a 5-story apartment - with trunks 18 inches wide. It suits my situation ideally, but it may not suit yours - I'd have to see your lay of the land.

Bananas are sloppy growers, very wet, and grow mold when they fall on the ground - which they do often. My Thai neighbors ask me to trim mine back - which I do - for those reasons. They're good for quick shade and they have a coolness (temperature) about them, so they may be suited for your situation.

Bamboo are a dry plant, very robust, and nothing grows well under them. Very different from banana.

There are lombardy pines available in nurseries. I personally don't like them because they remind me of old-world europe (maybe that's my hang-up). But they grow upright and bushy. There's another tree that grows similarly upright and tall - it's leaves look like macadamias' - but I don't know their name. They grow on the south side of the approach to Wiang Inn hotel.

I've had good luck with scotch-type pines. They can be topped to bush out, though I limb mine, so they grow tall. Avocados grow very well in C.Rai climate - so you just need to plant some seed - spaced at least several feet apart, and trim the tops if you want them to spread out and give an evergreen leafy barrier. In good growing soil, they'll grown a meter or two each year - easily.

I have a quick growing bush with lovely small blue flowers that smell like swiss chocolate. Anyone can contact me direct for some free cuttings. They root easily, and grow to at least 3 meters tall, by 3 meters wide - evergreen.

that's my ramble for now, BB

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When you say "outside of my wall" - do you mean on the adjoining property to yours?

Anyhow, I had the same question about 8 years ago, and a young American guy suggested I plant acacia. There are several types of acacia available (I don't know the Thai name for acacia), but the type I planted are amazing. They started out as sprigs, no wider than my thumb, and about a meter tall. Each year they grow vigorously, so now, they're becoming stately giants - taller than a 5-story apartment - with trunks 18 inches wide. It suits my situation ideally, but it may not suit yours - I'd have to see your lay of the land.

Bananas are sloppy growers, very wet, and grow mold when they fall on the ground - which they do often. My Thai neighbors ask me to trim mine back - which I do - for those reasons. They're good for quick shade and they have a coolness (temperature) about them, so they may be suited for your situation.

Bamboo are a dry plant, very robust, and nothing grows well under them. Very different from banana.

There are lombardy pines available in nurseries. I personally don't like them because they remind me of old-world europe (maybe that's my hang-up). But they grow upright and bushy. There's another tree that grows similarly upright and tall - it's leaves look like macadamias' - but I don't know their name. They grow on the south side of the approach to Wiang Inn hotel.

I've had good luck with scotch-type pines. They can be topped to bush out, though I limb mine, so they grow tall. Avocados grow very well in C.Rai climate - so you just need to plant some seed - spaced at least several feet apart, and trim the tops if you want them to spread out and give an evergreen leafy barrier. In good growing soil, they'll grown a meter or two each year - easily.

I have a quick growing bush with lovely small blue flowers that smell like swiss chocolate. Anyone can contact me direct for some free cuttings. They root easily, and grow to at least 3 meters tall, by 3 meters wide - evergreen.

that's my ramble for now, BB

thanks for all the info/advice....sounds to me like either acacia or avocado might be just what i want....yes outside the wall is on adjoining strip of vacant property......i doubt the owner would object but if he did i guess i would just have them removed....

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Du Cop [du cob? ] is a fast growing tree suitable for north Thai. It grows out at about the same speed as up. You need to allow at least 6 yards between trees.It will grow anywhere with little attention. The tree has a black berry thats good to eat if you can beat the birds.

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