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Need All Help I Can Get>>>pls!

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Hi there....i have a really big problem!! hpoefully someone is able and willing to help me.

I spend 84 days in remand in koh samui prison because i had an argue with a thai-woman while i was drunk and finally slapped her. after 84 days i've been formally charged by the judge at koh samui court. i pleaded guilty and he sentenced me for a 10.000baht fine. then they brought me to IDC center in BKK, where i spend 7 days, waiting to be deported back to germany. i asked the immigration if i could come back to thailand because of my wife...they said: no problem.........

in august this year i went back to BKK...no problem....i stayed first on a normal tourist-visa (30days), after 27days i made a visa-run to kota bharu and got a non immigrant B visa...no problem....i started working for a european company in Bkk after i successfully recievd my work-permitt. i rent an appartment in bkk, have my wife, my job and all my belongings in bkk...

on monday, Dec.20th i had to do another vis-run...again to kota bharu to renew me non immi B. they told me there that i was blacklisted now because they made a update in there computer and now i'm on the list and have to leave the country.

i had no choice and i left to malaysia, where i stay right now.

can someone advice me what to do??? i'm soon running out of money because all my cash is in Bkk.

PLEASE< SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thx Andy

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...well i'm really sorry that this happened but this women was a "barlady" and she wanted to steal money from me. i not punched her, i just slapped her. all this was not so bad as it sounds....she provoced me and finally she wanted a lot of money from me to remain silent. i didn't gave her money and she went to the police...

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...well i'm really sorry that this happened but this women was a "barlady" and she wanted to steal money from me. i not punched her, i just slapped her. all this was not so bad as it sounds....she provoced me and finally she wanted a lot of money from me to remain silent. i didn't gave her money and she went to the police...

Firstly, you should never hit a woman. And if she try to provoke you, you should have walked away and gone to another bar - you're an IDIOT !!

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Sorry, can't help you I'm afraid and I'm not going to pass judgement on what you did either.

Anyone know if ALL deportees are blacklisted and denied re-entry back into Thailand?

It seems a pointless exercise to deport someone back to their own country only to have them return to Thailand again immediately or in the near future. :o

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Your bad deeds came back to haunt you man.

I think the obvious thing now will be to tell your wife to contact a Thai lawyer who will check if there is anything at all that can be done and transfer you some money.

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A drunken farang (German) slapping a Thai 'woman'..... now begging for help, and at a time like this...

The mind boggles...

The silence is deafening... and I for one hope the silence remains, on this Topic.

Talk about judge, jury & executioner..... :o

Give the bloke a break - ever had a few too many and done things you regret Ravisher? Do you know the FULL story in this case??

As for the silence being deafening.... you jumped on the poor bloke less than 20 minutes after he posted!! Give those that feel for the guy a chance to respond before you make derogatory comments about the lack of responses.

Andy - ~G~ is right - get hold of a lawyer here in Bangkok and find out what your options are. If you need assistance in this let me know. I am here in Bangkok and am happy to make some phone calls on your behalf.

Good luck mate.


Edited by triplegee
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A drunken farang (German) slapping a Thai 'woman'..... now begging for help, and at a time like this...

The mind boggles...

The silence is deafening... and I for one hope the silence remains, on this Topic.

Talk about judge, jury & executioner..... :D

Give the bloke a break - ever had a few too many and done things you regret Ravisher? Do you know the FULL story in this case??

As for the silence being deafening.... you jumped on the poor bloke less than 20 minutes after he posted!! Give those that feel for the guy a chance to respond before you make derogatory comments about the lack of responses.

Andy - ~G~ is right - get hold of a lawyer here in Bangkok and find out what your options are. If you need assistance in this let me know. I am here in Bangkok and am happy to make some phone calls on your behalf.

Good luck mate.


Have to admit- slapping a thai woman or any woman isn't the brightest thing in the world. However what is done is done now- should have settled with the lady because now its cost you far more than a little dosh. Best recourse is to get a lawyer and see if they can assist you re-entry, but blacklisted normally means life. :o

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...well i'm really sorry that this happened but this women was a "barlady" and she wanted to steal money from me. i not punched her, i just slapped her. all this was not so bad as it sounds....she provoced me and finally she wanted a lot of money from me to remain silent. i didn't gave her money and she went to the police...

Firstly, you should never hit a woman. And if she try to provoke you, you should have walked away and gone to another bar - you're an IDIOT !!

u should watch ur language,there are laws here in Thailand that can bring u into prison for insulting somebody,i remember a few years ago same shit happened to me,a barlady drunk as a skunk started arguing at the end she wanted to hit me w ith a bottle over the head,and that all for beeing cheap charly and not buying her lady drink,after 6hours monkeyhouse and a bill of 6000baht i was free to go,hope something like that will not happen to u,happy new year

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Hey Andy:

Call up the International Law Office in Phuket and ask for Sam Fauma. Er spricht Deutsch. Das ist gut fur dich. Alternatively have your wife call the same office and speak to the Thai fellow (he speaks very little English) who offers free 30-min. consultations in person or over the phone. This guy (the thai fellow) can move mountains for you -- he is a very sharp guy and has some huge contacts.

This suggestion in no way invalidates or negates the other valuable suggestions given thus far by others in this thread.

Use them all.

Anyone can make a costly mistake and suffer hugely. I'm with you, pal. Hang in there!

Post here if this is helping you.

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Anyone can make a costly mistake and suffer hugely.  I'm with you,  pal.  Hang in there! 

Respect for most of you guys who replied,my first impresion was that the guy was an arse, but the guy has been big enough to ask for help so I hope he and his wife are re-united soon.

Although if my mia knew I had been out sharin' a few beers with a bar girl I am not too sure she'd be too impressed.

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thank you for the advice you guys gave me. i was quite shocked by some replies to my question. anyway, i really appreciate your help. i contacted the INT Law Office on Phuket and these guys try to help me.

What can the company i work for do to help me??

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thank you for the advice you guys gave me. i was quite shocked by some replies to my question. anyway, i really appreciate your help. i contacted the INT Law Office on Phuket and these guys try to help me.

What can the company i work for do to help me??

Maybe they could prepare a letter showing how you have a legit job, pay taxes and are a good employee. :o

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ummm i am sorry that you have gotten youself into a bit of trouble but the facts are the facts. you hit a woman (no matter her life style) do it in your country and im sure you'd have gotten more time than you did already. they have offered good advice to you in order to get back into thailand. sorry thu i cant help but hope they say no way to letting you back into Thailand. This is the exact reason why alot of good people here are having problems with their visa ect......and why the rules are changing. Good luck getting back here. and yes i would have jumped the gun faster than the others in condeming you and your behavior.

do the crime do the time.

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Anyone know if ALL deportees are blacklisted and denied re-entry back into Thailand?

It seems a pointless exercise to deport someone back to their own country only to have them return to Thailand again immediately or in the near future. :o

The answer is ALL.

I believe you can appeal to the MFA but would not hold out much hope of success.

If you arrive without a visa you will be send straight back.

All immigration checkpoints have access to the Black List.

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Nice to see your humane side shining through Ravisher, tosser, if you think the guy is an idiot, moron, womaniser, whatever, thats fine, but keep it to yourself until after he has tried to redeem himself. problem with ppl like you is you never think of the glass house when you start throwing stones, perfect that your life has been.... :o:D:D

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Even with such a great person as Ravisher helping and being nice i can not do it. He hit a woman. no matter her job her education.. does not matter. the facts are the facts. you can not hit a woman for any reason. he could have just pushed her away and walked. he could have turned around and run even being drunk is not a good excuse. yes there is a way to get him off the black list as im sure many of you know. but i notice not one person saying the obvious of how this is done. this man has gotten himself into trouble and now he is paying the price. would you help him if he was in your country and had just slapped your sister? i do not think anyone would. good luck once again.

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Even with such a great person as Ravisher helping and being nice i can not do it. He hit a woman. no matter her job her education.. does not matter. the facts are the facts. you can not hit a woman for any reason. he could have just pushed her away and walked. he could have turned around and run even being drunk is not a good excuse. yes there is a way to get him off the black list as im sure many of you know. but i notice not one person saying the obvious of how this is done. this man has gotten himself into trouble and now he is paying the price. would you help him if he was in your country and had just slapped your sister? i do not think anyone would. good luck once again.

nokmdk, i totally agree with you ! Also, we have not heard the woman's side, and we have only heard his side, which is bad enough ! There must have been other witnesses at the bar, which the police would have spoken too - i doubt you would get black-listed for a slap. Andy, you were drunk and i suggest your recollection of events was distorted.

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The lesson for the rest of us, is to ensure you adequately compensate the women so that she withdraws the charges. Regardless of the right or wrong of the situation, looking at the bigger picture would mean a payment of 10,000-20,000 baht and humble appology to the women means you keep a clean slate.

Principals of going through the Thai legal system mean a deportation and blacklist. The women would incidentally get nothing from a prosecution(so she would be keen to withdraw), particularly if you appeal to her better nature and allow her a face saving way out with her friends along the line of "that horrible farang hit me sure, but I get compensation and I not want his children to grow up without a father so I withdrew the charges" - she gets the good karma as well as the cash, but you stand to lose your home, access to wife, kids etc. Remember this is Thailand and it happens all the time. Money talks in this country and never forget it.

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would you help him if he was in your country and had just slapped your sister? i do not think anyone would. good luck once again.

Depends on what my sister has done. Unfortunately, people, particularly also here in Thailand, think too much in black and white and always come to the conclusion that blood is thicker than water. It is, however, always the individual that counts and so good but also bad people can be found in ANY category. "Therefore, don't slap my sister no matter what she does" is simply said just another generalisation. What a pity that people tend to be biased rather than being fair.

Nevertheless, 10.000 Baht and deportation for a simple slap seem to be absolutely out of proportion. Usually it is common here that the problem is settled among the opponents under guidance of the police and the agressor usually just has to make up for the damage (paying the medical bill). Under these circumstances it appears like there is either much more to this story or actually injustice has occured.

In the first mentioned case the individual who did wrong should just accept responsibilty for the doing and do better from now on but if the latter is the case seeking support by an attorney is advisable.

Interesting, however, how quickly people tend to slip into conclusions without having the full picture or because of prejudiced thinking.

Just my 2 satang.

Richard :o

P.S.: Kudos to Ravisher. His statement and apology really required balls that many just don't have.

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would you help him if he was in your country and had just slapped your sister? i do not think anyone would. good luck once again.

Depends on what my sister has done. Unfortunately, people, particularly also here in Thailand, think too much in black and white and always come to the conclusion that blood is thicker than water. Interesting, however, how quickly people tend to slip into conclusions without having the full picture or because of prejudiced thinking.....

Just my 2 satang.

Richard :o

P.S.: Kudos to Ravisher. His statement and apology really required balls that many just don't have.

Yep. And typically "Rav's" posts indicate some pretty deep (heavy) thinking.

And for me, no clue. Don't have both sides of this "story". What's hers? But on his side, tough one, and he has already acknowleged he made a mistake (albeit, a big one). Hope he can get his "stuff" together and I would say "drunk" or not, he would never to "that" again.

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[quote=Ravisher,2004-12-30 00:19:35]
[quote=andy_bkk,2004-12-28 17:05:04]thank you for the advice you guys gave me. i was quite shocked by some replies to my question. anyway, i really appreciate your help. i contacted the INT Law Office on Phuket and these guys try to help me. 
What can the company i work for do to help me??
When we are wrong we are wrong. And 'I' was wrong in this case by jumping the gun and jumping to conclusions. I had this immediate 'visual' of a tiny Thai woman getting slapped in the face by a large, drunken, German man. And given Thailands present situation, my emotions overcame my logic. Although, it is still not a pretty picture. 

Andy sent me a PM and his tone was very polite, unlike my response to his initial Topic. I would like to state here in this forum that I was wrong and although I cannot presonally help him, would encourage those that can, to do so. 

We all make mistakes and I now feel that I made a mistake in this case.
Good Luck Andy.

Hello Andy-bkk,

We have been studying your case of being blacklisted in Thailand. From the point of view of interpreting Thai Immigration Blacklist Law we would like to take a closer look at the case and perhaps we can help you overcome this unpleasant situation. We would appreciate it if you would contact us for further discussion.

We also know that you have turned to a law firm in Phuket. If you still want to consult with us about this matter, please inform us.

Thank you,

Thai lawyer

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Hello Andy-bkk,

We have been studying your case of being blacklisted in Thailand. From the point of view of interpreting Thai Immigration Blacklist Law we would like to take a closer look at the case and perhaps we can help you overcome this unpleasant situation. We would appreciate it if you would contact us for further discussion.

We also know that you have turned to a law firm in Phuket. If you still want to consult with us about this matter, please inform us.

Thank you,

Thai lawyer

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Firstly, you should never hit a woman. And if she try to provoke you, you should have walked away and gone to another bar - you're an IDIOT !!

Not replying to anyone in particular Mr Zovox, but I know why I do not spent much of my time on this board, a sad bunch of judgemental people here.

Some of you are trully bad examples of human beings.

Have a nice 2548 though :o

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Firstly, you should never hit a woman. And if she try to provoke you, you should have walked away and gone to another bar - you're an IDIOT !!

Not replying to anyone in particular Mr Zovox, but I know why I do not spent much of my time on this board, a sad bunch of judgemental people here.

Some of you are trully bad examples of human beings.

Have a nice 2548 though :o

Did I read that right????? >>>"a sad bunch of judgemental people here.

Some of you are trully bad examples of human beings."

How judgemental is that?

The fastest way to become senior member???

Edited by thalenoi
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