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Selling Diesel Wholesale In Cambodia

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I've been approached by a friend who has asked if I would be interested in finding buyers for diesel fuel (50,000 metric tones and up) in Cambodia. He will supply it. I will make a commission. I have a list of questions for him. But I would be interested to know what questions the tv community would have if approached with a similar offer.

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I've been approached by a friend who has asked if I would be interested in finding buyers for diesel fuel (50,000 metric tones and up) in Cambodia. He will supply it. I will make a commission. I have a list of questions for him. But I would be interested to know what questions the tv community would have if approached with a similar offer.

One question only....where is he nicking the diesel from ?? :o

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One question only....where is he nicking the diesel from ?? :D

^^^ :D:D

OP- Provenance, QA, Permits, Taxes (formal & informal varieties :o ) & big brother AKA PTT (Cambodia).

Sure your friend can buy at good prices direct from Singapore, or smuggle it out of Malaysia, China or Russia, however, that amount of fuel will definately not hit the market in a profitable way if PTT knows about it.

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Thanks for the replies. So PTT call all the shots in Cambodia? I would expect the taxes and under the table money, but should I really expect to find a complete monopoly too?

Yes, PTT are involved in Cambodia, as to your other statement, you know nobody can comment on that point and would be dicussing some thing illegal which is against forum rules....

My best advice is, if you dont understand the rules of the game you are trying to get into...dont play....

You are taking about considerable amounts of money being involved here and am pretty sure someone has this tied up already and if you go stepping on these peoples toes, the outcome may not be so pleasant...

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50,000 Metric Tonnes is almost 60 MILLION Liters of Diesel - work out the value at Bangkok prices.

If your "friend" has access to this amount / value of Product, why would he need the help of someone like yourself (no offence intended) who obviously has no knowledge of either the Product or the Cambodian Market?

Red flags all over this deal.


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Sounds like a 419 advance fee fraud either on your self or your friend.

If it is, they will get you to waste lots of time and effort setting up the deal and then hit you for fees for permits, licenses etc. A boat full of fuel has lots of excuses for fees.

I would run away from this gift horse.

scambaiter and 419eater are good web sites covering this kind of thing

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