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Hacking My Own Gmail Account


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I've done gone and forgot my password, really!! no troll here. SO, I go through the reset procedure, get an automated mail, saying we reviewed your answers and you didn't give enough info etc.....rack brain.. re-try.......automated mail, its doing my head in. Here's the really good one, when I do a password recovery request, they flash a line up saying they have sent the reset instructions to the very account I can't access...........duh! Anyone got a work around, I would love a PM. Yes I can just trash it and make a new one, but I have the clean address thing, without having to add stupid number or underscores etc...


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Afraid that's close to impossible!

Plenty of online e-mail accounts get hacked, but this is dome pretty much always through means of key loggers, trojans, etc... Which of course needs someone to log in successful!

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I kind of figured this was the case, I have hacked a few hotmails in the past when needed, but this is for sure a lot harder, just thought I'd throw it out there as you never know what kind of evil geniuses you may find on an open forum...lol... Since I haven't changed my PC for some 6yrs now, I even have been sleuthing under the hood to see if it has be sequeastered away somewhere in a file, nope!! Google of course doesn't help, googling how to crack google mail....not bright!


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didn't you write your password or some other details when were you setting an account?

check maybe diary from 2003.

maybe there is a machine which you used before (paren't home), which stored your details for future logging.

your pass is probably the same or similar to your other passwards which you are using now or sometimes in the past.

or maybe write an email to gmail explaining the situation - I think there is a form on their web to contact them. Would be good, if you write to them from your yet another gmail account, which gives you more credibility than from another web mail.

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Here's the really good one, when I do a password recovery request, they flash a line up saying they have sent the reset instructions to the very account I can't access...........duh!

Reset instructions are sent to the alternate e-mail address you specified in the preferences. They won't specify what that e-mail is, they'll just say the reset instructions have been sent. You did specify an alternate e-mail address, just in case of this eventuality didn't you? Yes, of course you did...

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@monty that won't work, Gmail cookies are only valid 2 weeks, if you don't log in for 2 weeks you need to re-enter the password.

I wonder how you managed to forget your password? That's where I would start. I mean, do you really generate a random string and use it as pass without writing it down? If not, there can't be that many possibilities, can there? Remembering your password will be the easiest way to get back in, considering that you can't answer the security questions either. I don't think you can brute force hack the account, that's just not possible.

Do you keep backups and use Firefox or IE? If so some preferences file might have stored your Gmail password at some point...

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