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Crackdown On Drugs In Thai Prisons

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^ ddrb, I was thinking about helping the entire USA out of planet earth....I'm not a keen supporter of their latest product they have released upon the rest of us! :P

Neverdie, I understand your thoughts and concerns but perhaps if other countries would try to become a 'leader' rather than a 'follower' the "latest product" as you put it, would have lesser consequences for your (other) country(ies)..... :D

:o:D:D I would agree with ur statement ddrb, but unfortunately it would seem to come down to numbers...it would be very hard for a little hick island like the one i come from to dominate financially over the united states.

Having said that, things are changing, in future we may see the united states 'bending' for poor african nations??? :D:wai: Maybe the USA can start outsourcing its correctional facilities, get their prisoners and criminal presidents into thai jails....saving the US economy a fortune in upkeep??? Perhaps I should ring Obama & see what he thinks? I would imagine that if all countires in the world stopped wasting money on the vermin & no hopers in this world, there would be more money to put where it is needed. If we could cram a few thousand more into thai jails (shouldnt be a problem) & thailand was getting paid to 'house' this scum....could be a win win situation for all. As for the drugs in the jails, who really cares, good place for drugs!

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like simply refusing, they cannot make you ( despite what any police says , they cannot make anyone take a piss test

you gotta go when you gotta go. If you can't piss then they can't make you however they can hold you down and take your blood. They do this to people in the US who refuse a breathalyzer for DUI stops.

The U.S. military preference was a forced Foley catheter to obtain a urine sample for anyone refusing or saying they can't go now.

like simply refusing, they cannot make you ( despite what any police says , they cannot make anyone take a piss test

you gotta go when you gotta go. If you can't piss then they can't make you however they can hold you down and take your blood. They do this to people in the US who refuse a breathalyzer for DUI stops.

The U.S. military preference was a forced Foley catheter to obtain a urine sample for anyone refusing or saying they can't go now.

Now you can't get any fairer than that, can you?

^EARTH TO OURMANINBANGERS, earth to ourmaninbangers >>>> NEWS FLASH!

You are only a GUEST in Thailand......never think anything other than this. Do the wrong thing and they will gladly revoke your visa and you will be out on ur backside! Get use to it! Anyway, you may prefer to go back to ur homeland.....they seem to be very lovey dovey with the prisoners and wrongdoers over there....right up ur alley! :D

Thanks for the entertainment! Ur one of a kind :o

We have been gettiing on quite well- I do see your points beside the fact that I do ot subscribe to international law( and have never suffered due to this) and my personal belief that this is a free world and should be allowed to go where one chooose,

and that thailand is basicly owned by the west, so how can one be deprted from a place one owns indirectly???

( again I wrote about this and was warned by the mod's- I got some hate mail when I reminded people of how the west bombed bangkok when the locals were naughty to prove my point about how thailand is really a western colony in the worst sense)

I am not a guest and I cannot be deported, period-nor do have, nor need a visa,( this may depend on what passport I use) if choose ...this may sound strangge, it is because you are assuming something incorrectly....but that is neither here nor there

if we meet perhaps could explain why- but not over this forum- or private message if you need more convicning,

also, I have met so many people here who have been deported,

Neverdie- IT MEANS NOTHING ,ZERO one may go home and come straight back...so the point about revoking, and been deported is not a powerful weapon,it is a useless weapon

prisoners laugh at me when I tell them they will be kicked out

sitting next to mrs studefarm I heard a british prisoner actually tell her " oh, I have been kicked out before, I ill go back to UK, get a new passport and justcome straight back here"

mrs studefram told me how much she ahtes this attitude but how powerless they are to stop it, and few other things that would not go down well here

one man I know has been deported 4 times...

please Neverdie remember- this is thailand- the law means almost nothing here if you have money.. the law is enforced by the mafia ( read the UN report on what they say about thai police)

"do the wrong thing and they will glady revoke your visa..." is totally incorrect, yes, that is the way it should be done

not if you do not have nor need one, and not if you go right up the foodchain and pay the right person off...

one example- one man was arrested, caught,held, convicted, deported

thanks to our lawyer he is now back working happily- we even got his conviction overturned....

one ex-boyfriend of mine got onto a fight in pattaya,deported because he took the knife of the man( I think tranny) and stabbed him/her with it....... he was back a few month's later

do I like and approve of this- not really- but I hope you understand that this is how it works here

one example- one man was arrested, caught,held, convicted, deported

thanks to our lawyer he is now back working happily- we even got his conviction overturned....

one ex-boyfriend of mine got onto a fight in pattaya,deported because he took the knife of the man( I think tranny) and stabbed him/her with it....... he was back a few month's later

do I like and approve of this- not really- but I hope you understand that this is how it works here

Please excuse my ignorance, but are you saying that you are actively supporting and even encouraging convicted, deported, prisioners to re-enter the kingdom? And you are advertising the fact on a public forum?




I dont know how I could even attempt to explain your statement "so how can one be deprted from a place one owns indirectly". You seem to be suggesting that since you own something in thailand that you can't be deported...strange thought process you have. Maybe you have permanent residency here, I don't know, most foriegners need passports and visas, last time you spoke with me you were dutch??? Maybe your a dutch/thai, i don't know, dont care. My point was that someone called you a 'guest' because that person has been led to beleive that you are not a native thai. Perhaps you are here illegally, i don't know? No doubt, from what I already know of you there will be some complicated twist to the reason that you are here>>>>maybe your homeland is paying the thais to keep you out of the country?

Anyway, since you are now a thai lady (unless you are a man again) then I guess you can do whatever you like.

You seem to have a very strange perception on how things work, both inside and outside of the jail. You have a very strange percetpion on all people in Authority in thailand & the rest of the world. You seem to think that if a foriegner is deported from thailand that they can come back whenever they like....Have you not heard of the imfamous black list? You seem to think that your almighty lawer can fix EVERYTHING!

Anyway, having said all of that we have gone along way off topic again....this is about the crackdown on drugs in thai prisons....its probably a good thing if it actually happens, if it doesnt happen, i couldnt give a dam_n either because im not in a thai jail & don't plan on visiting one either. Having spent a considerable time in the country over the last 20+ years I must be doing something right to avoid going anywhere near them.

^EARTH TO OURMANINBANGERS, earth to ourmaninbangers >>>> NEWS FLASH!

You are only a GUEST in Thailand......never think anything other than this. Do the wrong thing and they will gladly revoke your visa and you will be out on ur backside! Get use to it! Anyway, you may prefer to go back to ur homeland.....they seem to be very lovey dovey with the prisoners and wrongdoers over there....right up ur alley! :D

Thanks for the entertainment! Ur one of a kind :o

We have been gettiing on quite well- I do see your points beside the fact that I do ot subscribe to international law( and have never suffered due to this) and my personal belief that this is a free world and should be allowed to go where one chooose,

and that thailand is basicly owned by the west, so how can one be deprted from a place one owns indirectly???

( again I wrote about this and was warned by the mod's- I got some hate mail when I reminded people of how the west bombed bangkok when the locals were naughty to prove my point about how thailand is really a western colony in the worst sense)

I am not a guest and I cannot be deported, period-nor do have, nor need a visa,( this may depend on what passport I use) if choose ...this may sound strangge, it is because you are assuming something incorrectly....but that is neither here nor there

if we meet perhaps could explain why- but not over this forum- or private message if you need more convicning,

also, I have met so many people here who have been deported,

Neverdie- IT MEANS NOTHING ,ZERO one may go home and come straight back...so the point about revoking, and been deported is not a powerful weapon,it is a useless weapon

prisoners laugh at me when I tell them they will be kicked out

sitting next to mrs studefarm I heard a british prisoner actually tell her " oh, I have been kicked out before, I ill go back to UK, get a new passport and justcome straight back here"

mrs studefram told me how much she ahtes this attitude but how powerless they are to stop it, and few other things that would not go down well here

one man I know has been deported 4 times...

please Neverdie remember- this is thailand- the law means almost nothing here if you have money.. the law is enforced by the mafia ( read the UN report on what they say about thai police)

"do the wrong thing and they will glady revoke your visa..." is totally incorrect, yes, that is the way it should be done

not if you do not have nor need one, and not if you go right up the foodchain and pay the right person off...

one example- one man was arrested, caught,held, convicted, deported

thanks to our lawyer he is now back working happily- we even got his conviction overturned....

one ex-boyfriend of mine got onto a fight in pattaya,deported because he took the knife of the man( I think tranny) and stabbed him/her with it....... he was back a few month's later

do I like and approve of this- not really- but I hope you understand that this is how it works here


like simply refusing, they cannot make you ( despite what any police says , they cannot make anyone take a piss test

you gotta go when you gotta go. If you can't piss then they can't make you however they can hold you down and take your blood. They do this to people in the US who refuse a breathalyzer for DUI stops.

not legaly here in in europe,thialnd. despite what police may tell you- no policeman can or ever will take my blood urine, and my top lawyer access will step in and prevent( as has happened here but not with me)

in , even if they it will be inadmissible in most courts

but I am not talking about USA...I wil not make commnet about that place

I have been told insisting you are certain religion would make this ilegal, there are so many tricks, a wholeweb site devoted to this

and taking one capsule before will nulify any and all tests, men carry these in their underpants, or have easy access to take if faced this problem

pro- drug people like me have all the info required to counter our rights to do as we choose with our body

my friends also have aprecribed medicine just in case- this also nulifys

stop believing the BS they tell you

recently japan started fingerprinting foreigners coming in- I posted up there how to counter this( it is so easy), now the Japanese foresight minisrty have admited how useless these machines are.You see, so much propaganda-

sorry- I meant pro- choice

pro not being told what to do by corrupt people who are usually arresting people because it affect their own profits

like alot of the cops here

a nag- is that what we call something we do not like to hear because it is true?

such deluded ;little people with so little to say, no expericnce

why do thy post?

Because, like me, they are probably sick to the back teeth of all the bleeding heart liberal, anti establishment sh@te that comes from your keyboard.

You want to go around saving all these druggie losers, and visit some tosser in prison bearing them gifts, then knock yourself out.

You dont need to come on here shouting from the rooftops about what a good and thoughtful person you are. I do plenty of good deeds, for people who deserve it, but I dont come on TV gobbing off about it.

As for all this advice that you give on "human rights". You can shove it where the sun dont shine. :o

She has not been boasting- she does not want to save them, she merely want's to ensure that they are treated humanely, is that wrong?

Why call someone a tosser? Are they not human too? Is everyone in a thai jail guilty and therefore a " tosser". So nobody there should have any human rights at all?

TV called an english policeman something like this a few month's ago.

He was found not guilty.

This is why there should be equal humane treatment and someone to watch over everyone.

Including the " tosser's. In your way of thinking this man would have been treated badly, denied his rights, not afforded a visit. Thanks in part to this little group this man is now free and happy.

And what would you have to say when he was found not guilty?

She was merely pointing out that she and her group have a very good insight into the way things really are because of what they do.

This is not a boast.My goodness if she wanted to do that she could fill page's.

And have you not just boasted about what you do? You have just gobbed off too!

And may I ask what you have done?

And you have been rude and made things personal.Is it so wrong to express an opinion?

Why is there a need to do this?

I think it because of what she/they say.

You hate to lose " face" simply because you know she trump's you and so resort to that male tactic of being downright rude. I am sorry, this debase's you and take's away all your credibilty.

You should look closely at what she/her group say's and stop making things so personal.

And is she not fighting for a good thing?

The funny thing is that you are all fighting or should I say, hoping for the same thing.The establishment she is against is the corrupt one.

And by the way- I think the notion of her being kicked out quite funny.

You comment about shoving things somewhere is really nasty and childish, and very telling....you may do some good thing's and for that I commend you.

But talking like a low class thug is simply not necessary on this forum.

...yes mr toad, its all abit same old, same old from bangers.....what coffee are you drinking this time? :D

Well, I'm having a nice iced mocha, and contemplating eating some hash cakes that bangers has sent on over. Bless her :D

After that I going to hug some trees, and apply to do a Social Work course. :o

...yes mr toad, its all abit same old, same old from bangers.....what coffee are you drinking this time? :D

Well, I'm having a nice iced mocha, and contemplating eating some hash cakes that bangers has sent on over. Bless her :wai:

After that I going to hug some trees, and apply to do a Social Work course. :o

Wow, looks like you have seen the light....I still cant see it, bangers has been working on me but I'm just not converting too easily (SORRY BANGERS). Somebody has upset David....I can't even see where the 'T'word was used :D . Anyway, hes right...no need to call bangers names, just because she & he is different (By the way, BANGERS admitted there is two of them, so im not acutally stating anything wrong).

DAVID08, You say

Is everyone in a thai jail guilty and therefore a " tosser"
. I would say, "Yes.....the majority of people in a thai jail are guilty.....been found guilty....thats why they are in the jail". I am imagining that there is also a portion of people that are in a thai jail awaiting their day in court, so technically they are not GUILTY yet.....but how bout Mr Hoods, he hasnt had his day in court, yet hes looking pretty guilty with drugs tapped to his body. The cops don't normally go around arresting innocent people DO THEY? (I bet ive done it now, opened up a can of worms).

Anyway, most people here have only passed comments one way or the other about the crackdown on drugs in thai jails.....bangers needs to create a new topic to a post....something about helping prisoners in thailand....BE A GOOD IDEA BANGERS, then she can talk about all these issues to her hearts content, as can those that join her & it will be ON TOPIC.

Bangers do a new post about one of your jail visits in Bangkok & educate us OR you can continue to post off topic, up to you, up to the mods.

one example- one man was arrested, caught,held, convicted, deported

thanks to our lawyer he is now back working happily- we even got his conviction overturned....

one ex-boyfriend of mine got onto a fight in pattaya,deported because he took the knife of the man( I think tranny) and stabbed him/her with it....... he was back a few month's later

do I like and approve of this- not really- but I hope you understand that this is how it works here

Please excuse my ignorance, but are you saying that you are actively supporting and even encouraging convicted, deported, prisioners to re-enter the kingdom? And you are advertising the fact on a public forum?


no sir, and thank for the asking of the clarification, oh, my mistake, I wrote that do I like this... I mean I do NOT like this ( people being able to pay their way back in)

I am totally against

one man was wrongly accused and wrongly convicted - we helped as we saw this was wrong-his case was dealt with correctly- we would not help a man guilty of somethng

unless it was for an offense that we do not think a person should go to jail for ( like being a junkie)

I think most law's should be respected and followed

but I do not follow, nor respect most of the law's surrounding the personal choice and use of certain drugs for one's own personal use

I hope this explains

no sir, and thank for the asking of the clarification, oh, my mistake, I wrote that do I like this... I mean I do NOT like this ( people being able to pay their way back in)

I am totally against

one man was wrongly accused and wrongly convicted - we helped as we saw this was wrong-his case was dealt with correctly- we would not help a man guilty of somethng

unless it was for an offense that we do not think a person should go to jail for ( like being a junkie)

I think most law's should be respected and followed

but I do not follow, nor respect most of the law's surrounding the personal choice and use of certain drugs for one's own personal use

I hope this explains

Many thanks for the clarification.


...yes mr toad, its all abit same old, same old from bangers.....what coffee are you drinking this time? :D

Well, I'm having a nice iced mocha, and contemplating eating some hash cakes that bangers has sent on over. Bless her :D

After that I going to hug some trees, and apply to do a Social Work course. :o

do you want to know a funny story, my mother hug's tree!

She was in UK about 15 years ago and the train in london had a terible crash and many people were killed, and hurt, my mother however was in the section of the train that did not roll down the embankment hill and thus she incurred no damage's to her body.

She insist's the tree's saved her because she use's re-cyeable tampons! See how mad we all are!!!

I sincerely aplogise if it look like I was the boasting, this is very bad, merely I wish to show how plugged in I am and hence why I have these opinion's.

I have seen first hand, been witness to, due to my work's

what sort of social work do you wish to do? It is good thing and very rewarding

...yes mr toad, its all abit same old, same old from bangers.....what coffee are you drinking this time? :D

Well, I'm having a nice iced mocha, and contemplating eating some hash cakes that bangers has sent on over. Bless her :jerk:

After that I going to hug some trees, and apply to do a Social Work course. :o

do you want to know a funny story, my mother hug's tree!

She was in UK about 15 years ago and the train in london had a terible crash and many people were killed, and hurt, my mother however was in the section of the train that did not roll down the embankment hill and thus she incurred no damage's to her body.

She insist's the tree's saved her because she use's re-cyeable tampons! See how mad we all are!!!

I sincerely aplogise if it look like I was the boasting, this is very bad, merely I wish to show how plugged in I am and hence why I have these opinion's.

I have seen first hand, been witness to, due to my work's

what sort of social work do you wish to do? It is good thing and very rewarding

Lets see you get out of this one Mr Toad...........

FF :D:wai::P

...yes mr toad, its all abit same old, same old from bangers.....what coffee are you drinking this time? :D

Well, I'm having a nice iced mocha, and contemplating eating some hash cakes that bangers has sent on over. Bless her :D

After that I going to hug some trees, and apply to do a Social Work course. :o

do you want to know a funny story, my mother hug's tree!

She was in UK about 15 years ago and the train in london had a terible crash and many people were killed, and hurt, my mother however was in the section of the train that did not roll down the embankment hill and thus she incurred no damage's to her body.

She insist's the tree's saved her because she use's re-cyeable tampons! See how mad we all are!!!

I sincerely aplogise if it look like I was the boasting, this is very bad, merely I wish to show how plugged in I am and hence why I have these opinion's.

I have seen first hand, been witness to, due to my work's

what sort of social work do you wish to do? It is good thing and very rewarding

Thanks Bangers, I'm feeling uplifted at this point.

I've bought my turtle neck, cordroy trousers and jacket with patches. I am now smoking roll ups, and feeling in touch with the trees. I'm pretty much sure that my conversion is almost complete.

...yes mr toad, its all abit same old, same old from bangers.....what coffee are you drinking this time? :D

Well, I'm having a nice iced mocha, and contemplating eating some hash cakes that bangers has sent on over. Bless her :D

After that I going to hug some trees, and apply to do a Social Work course. :o

do you want to know a funny story, my mother hug's tree!

She was in UK about 15 years ago and the train in london had a terible crash and many people were killed, and hurt, my mother however was in the section of the train that did not roll down the embankment hill and thus she incurred no damage's to her body.

She insist's the tree's saved her because she use's re-cyeable tampons! See how mad we all are!!!

I sincerely aplogise if it look like I was the boasting, this is very bad, merely I wish to show how plugged in I am and hence why I have these opinion's.

I have seen first hand, been witness to, due to my work's

what sort of social work do you wish to do? It is good thing and very rewarding

Thanks Bangers, I'm feeling uplifted at this point.

I've bought my turtle neck, cordroy trousers and jacket with patches. I am now smoking roll ups, and feeling in touch with the trees. I'm pretty much sure that my conversion is almost complete.


be careful of those rollup's as I am the innfromed that the filter process is not so good.And nicotine is one of the worst. Do you heard of serendipity, well, you were talking about your wanting to do something and guess what...?in this week's edition of BK no 270- january 9th page 6, there is a whole page devoted to this...!

One of my favorite quote for you all, I hope you like

" when God look's down and see's a person

that commit's an act of kindness

that he or she did not have to do, nor received any reward,thanks or credit

He say's " for that act alone did it make it worthwhile for me to create this world"

lovely, is it not?


...yes mr toad, its all abit same old, same old from bangers.....what coffee are you drinking this time? :D

Well, I'm having a nice iced mocha, and contemplating eating some hash cakes that bangers has sent on over. Bless her :wai:

After that I going to hug some trees, and apply to do a Social Work course. :o

do you want to know a funny story, my mother hug's tree!

She was in UK about 15 years ago and the train in london had a terible crash and many people were killed, and hurt, my mother however was in the section of the train that did not roll down the embankment hill and thus she incurred no damage's to her body.

She insist's the tree's saved her because she use's re-cyeable tampons! See how mad we all are!!!

I sincerely aplogise if it look like I was the boasting, this is very bad, merely I wish to show how plugged in I am and hence why I have these opinion's.

I have seen first hand, been witness to, due to my work's

what sort of social work do you wish to do? It is good thing and very rewarding

Thanks Bangers, I'm feeling uplifted at this point.

I've bought my turtle neck, cordroy trousers and jacket with patches. I am now smoking roll ups, and feeling in touch with the trees. I'm pretty much sure that my conversion is almost complete.


be careful of those rollup's as I am the innfromed that the filter process is not so good.And nicotine is one of the worst. Do you heard of serendipity, well, you were talking about your wanting to do something and guess what...?in this week's edition of BK no 270- january 9th page 6, there is a whole page devoted to this...!

One of my favorite quote for you all, I hope you like

" when God look's down and see's a person

that commit's an act of kindness

that he or she did not have to do, nor received any reward,thanks or credit

He say's " for that act alone did it make it worthwhile for me to create this world"

lovely, is it not?


A couple of quotes for you :P

"The Charity That Hastens To Proclaim Its Good Deeds, Ceases To Be Charity, And Is Only Pride And Ostentation"

"Ignorance Is The Night Of The Mind, But A Night Without Moon And Star"

"If The Cap Fits, Wear It" :D


be careful of those rollup's as I am the innfromed that the filter process is not so good.And nicotine is one of the worst. Do you heard of serendipity, well, you were talking about your wanting to do something and guess what...?in this week's edition of BK no 270- january 9th page 6, there is a whole page devoted to this...!

One of my favorite quote for you all, I hope you like

" when God look's down and see's a person

that commit's an act of kindness

that he or she did not have to do, nor received any reward,thanks or credit

He say's " for that act alone did it make it worthwhile for me to create this world"lovely, is it not?


:o I'm nearly there, I feel that Social work is now my calling. Can't wait to get started.

Yeah, great isn't it. I love that book.

Thanks Bangers you have inspired me.

...yes mr toad, its all abit same old, same old from bangers.....what coffee are you drinking this time? :D

Well, I'm having a nice iced mocha, and contemplating eating some hash cakes that bangers has sent on over. Bless her :wai:

After that I going to hug some trees, and apply to do a Social Work course. :o

do you want to know a funny story, my mother hug's tree!

She was in UK about 15 years ago and the train in london had a terible crash and many people were killed, and hurt, my mother however was in the section of the train that did not roll down the embankment hill and thus she incurred no damage's to her body.

She insist's the tree's saved her because she use's re-cyeable tampons! See how mad we all are!!!

I sincerely aplogise if it look like I was the boasting, this is very bad, merely I wish to show how plugged in I am and hence why I have these opinion's.

I have seen first hand, been witness to, due to my work's

what sort of social work do you wish to do? It is good thing and very rewarding

Thanks Bangers, I'm feeling uplifted at this point.

I've bought my turtle neck, cordroy trousers and jacket with patches. I am now smoking roll ups, and feeling in touch with the trees. I'm pretty much sure that my conversion is almost complete.


be careful of those rollup's as I am the innfromed that the filter process is not so good.And nicotine is one of the worst. Do you heard of serendipity, well, you were talking about your wanting to do something and guess what...?in this week's edition of BK no 270- january 9th page 6, there is a whole page devoted to this...!

One of my favorite quote for you all, I hope you like

" when God look's down and see's a person

that commit's an act of kindness

that he or she did not have to do, nor received any reward,thanks or credit

He say's " for that act alone did it make it worthwhile for me to create this world"

lovely, is it not?


A couple of quotes for you :P

"The Charity That Hastens To Proclaim Its Good Deeds, Ceases To Be Charity, And Is Only Pride And Ostentation"

"Ignorance Is The Night Of The Mind, But A Night Without Moon And Star"

"If The Cap Fits, Wear It" :D

listen guy's- if it look like I was the boasting then I AM REALLY REALLY SORRY

I have mentioned very little of what I /we do ( but maybe I should not say that as it sound's like I am boasting) and I promise you my purpose was to show that I do know the thing or two about what goes on in jail,s , courts, etc

again, this bad, truly sorry if this impression I give


I dont know how I could even attempt to explain your statement "so how can one be deprted from a place one owns indirectly". You seem to be suggesting that since you own something in thailand that you can't be deported...strange thought process you have. Maybe you have permanent residency here, I don't know, most foriegners need passports and visas, last time you spoke with me you were dutch??? Maybe your a dutch/thai, i don't know, dont care. My point was that someone called you a 'guest' because that person has been led to beleive that you are not a native thai. Perhaps you are here illegally, i don't know? No doubt, from what I already know of you there will be some complicated twist to the reason that you are here>>>>maybe your homeland is paying the thais to keep you out of the country?

Anyway, since you are now a thai lady (unless you are a man again) then I guess you can do whatever you like.

You seem to have a very strange perception on how things work, both inside and outside of the jail. You have a very strange percetpion on all people in Authority in thailand & the rest of the world. You seem to think that if a foriegner is deported from thailand that they can come back whenever they like....Have you not heard of the imfamous black list? You seem to think that your almighty lawer can fix EVERYTHING!

Anyway, having said all of that we have gone along way off topic again....this is about the crackdown on drugs in thai prisons....its probably a good thing if it actually happens, if it doesnt happen, i couldnt give a dam_n either because im not in a thai jail & don't plan on visiting one either. Having spent a considerable time in the country over the last 20+ years I must be doing something right to avoid going anywhere near them.

neverdie, the blacklist does/nt work at all

I have been told how easy it is to get off, get new passport, change name


I dont know how I could even attempt to explain your statement "so how can one be deprted from a place one owns indirectly". You seem to be suggesting that since you own something in thailand that you can't be deported...strange thought process you have. Maybe you have permanent residency here, I don't know, most foriegners need passports and visas, last time you spoke with me you were dutch??? Maybe your a dutch/thai, i don't know, dont care. My point was that someone called you a 'guest' because that person has been led to beleive that you are not a native thai. Perhaps you are here illegally, i don't know? No doubt, from what I already know of you there will be some complicated twist to the reason that you are here>>>>maybe your homeland is paying the thais to keep you out of the country?

Anyway, since you are now a thai lady (unless you are a man again) then I guess you can do whatever you like.

You seem to have a very strange perception on how things work, both inside and outside of the jail. You have a very strange percetpion on all people in Authority in thailand & the rest of the world. You seem to think that if a foriegner is deported from thailand that they can come back whenever they like....Have you not heard of the imfamous black list? You seem to think that your almighty lawer can fix EVERYTHING!

Anyway, having said all of that we have gone along way off topic again....this is about the crackdown on drugs in thai prisons....its probably a good thing if it actually happens, if it doesnt happen, i couldnt give a dam_n either because im not in a thai jail & don't plan on visiting one either. Having spent a considerable time in the country over the last 20+ years I must be doing something right to avoid going anywhere near them.

sorry Neverdie i do go on little sometimes I know...sorry about one of my little aside's, although nothing to do with why it may not be feasible ( I hope correct word) to deport me

I am one of those who believe that thailand is basically a western colony, always has been in modern tmes, and used in bad way

people have moaned at me before about this, and I think I was not allowed to reply and warned accordingly, anyway, as usual I disgress

I was a little off track ( as the usual!) , so, my logic which I am sure many will disagree with- is apart from any other reasons, how can one get kicked out of one's own place?

the sad thing is that most white western foreigner's actually have more power and right's than a local, n a away it is hard to explain

the lawyer we do use is a very good sincere man- wish he could fix my weird way's!

maybe my perception is strange, but at least it is researched based and I/we are actively involved

I am almost the personal friend of some embassy persons responsible for their nationals in jail- now I am scarerd of sounding like I do the boast

so, this is not a boast, it is knowing and seeing, that lead's me to say these thing's

the blacklist, I honestly tell you this, unless your photo is up on every wall; and you are under a 24 hour surveillance, that list is powerless, meaningless

it stop's nobody who is having the know how and cash to pay

as I said, I have bumped into people I have visited here, who should never be allowed back in

now I respect you, why do you think please my perception is strange about jail's here? what do you agree/disagree with?

and of people in authority here?

A crackdown is great, but only if it work's and it simply will and can not work here under these circumstance's

So, will it be impossible for me to persuade you to help us with some prison visit's?

how about someone like that poor burmese christian who had dignity and such a goodperson

I am sure you would be willing to visit someone like him would you not?

Sadly, there are many poor soul's who simply should not be in a jail here, most are local's

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